I'll Make You Famous…




Salma Hayek’s Swimsuit Selfie of the Day

I have a very hate/hate relationship with social media and I have since its inception, back when real entrepreneurs were launching their platforms to build out communities, before having them sold off to FOX, to destroy the platform and allow the evil doers to bring in FB, pretending their AI ROBOT ZUCK was the visionary, when it is clear that it was a tracking and mind controlling tool….

I’m not going to pretend I know the origin story of Facebook, I’ll just say that there’s power in running the social media platforms, by pushing stories to people their software understands at their core….tracking, manipulation, etc….

I am a firm believer of throwing the computer in the river, with the phone…because we are experiencing the EVIL of social media….

But when I see billionaire Salma Hayek who is a Hollywood Sweetheart, falling into the trap of feeling the need to post swimsuit selfies in her 50s, after a real successful career, you have to wonder what the fuck we’re involved in here…

Everyone has been reduced to clickbait garbage…

There was a time when a Salma Hayek bikini pic was premium, the paparazzi would sell it for hundreds of thousands of dollars and she’d pretend to be shy or her privacy invaded, yet here she is CURATING that shit to stay relevant…

Rich celebs reduced to thirsty girls holding on, and it’s not even because she’s old and expired, people dont’ even realize she’s old and expired, they are too distracted in their egotistical self involved lives….it’s brainwashing motherfuckers….which I guess is what her tits have done to all of us…the modern day pocket watch hypnosis…HER TITS…HUGE…OLD…but HUGE..

Posted in:Salma Hayek




Asshole Behind Thong Thursday of the Day

Asshole behind thongs is another reminder that the marketing machine has society by the balls.

I am not a thong hater, I like the look of an ass hanging out of a thong, no matter how small or big it is, because it’s some slutty and skimpy shit, especially to an old fuck like me, who remembers when thongs were only in the Playboy mags or on sluts who liked to fuck…if you got a thong…you won the fucking roulette machine of sex…

Then it went mainstream, by putting the fullback panty to shame by calling it a granny panty, then NO ONE would be seen in fullback granny panties, imagine their peers noticing the pantyline, they’d SHAME you…can’t be shamed…allowing the THONG business to make billions of dollars.

They use that same logic on pretty much everything….most recently masks and vaccines…that aren’t vaccines and that don’t work…everyone lining up for this shit despite all the HORRIBLE stories of what the shot has done to people…despite scientists saying that masks don’t work yet leaving my house I saw at least 75% of people in masks…this shit is nuts, and the people who got duped are SO passionate to believe, at the point where they are repeating things that they must know don’t make sense…yet here we are….

I am sure eventually people will wake up, it’ll be FAR too late to turn things back…as so many idiots have their vaxxed tattoos and repeat the simplistic storylines they are being told…because it’s easy….

I see the end of the world in front of us, I have little confidence that people will be able to protest or prevent it, every year more and more restrictive, more and more people complicit and guilted into not listening to their instincts thanks to the pressure of other idiots….

Luckily, I also see assholes behind thong, which remind me of the flaws in the heavily marketed panty, that like the vaccine, no one seems to mind, but unlike the vaccine, we get to see asshole, not premature death from heart attacks in young people that are treating this shit like the ice bucket challenge…

We’re fucked…but I like looking at assholes, it’s the gateway to the soul, especially on people who have lost their fucking soul..


Posted in:Asshole Behind Thong




Rita Ora Sweaty Tits of the Day

Rita Ora is in the Sauna doing her detox from getting deep dicked by dirty cock in hollywood all these years, I mean they need pussy to stick their dick in, and pussy is willing to get in on it, because staying in that exclusive club is more important now than ever, you know with the whole end of the world happening.



Where is it that she got? A record deal with a satanic record label to hoard her as they pushed Rihanna, paid her off and allowed her to solidify her place in pop culture, by going to 12 events a day to keep everyone a fucking talking about her, because the media is bored and need things to talk about…

She has never been about making music, or being an “artist”….she’s been tits at events building an audience thanks to tits…prove me wrong…cuz I do this shit all day and still have never heard any of her hit songs.


Posted in:Rita Ora




Elsa Hosk Titty Rub of the Day

I realize that I hate social media because it’s one giant ad, from the same fucking brands, that all these idiots promote for money, because people like money, it makes them feel less pathetic, more purposeful in their self produced smut…and the brands love it because all the minions who lost their souls to the algorithm fucking run with it, pull out their credit cards and buy shit….you see these people if you leave the house…they are all the fucking same..

Now, I don’t really want to single out Elsa Hosk on this, mainly because she’s one of the hottest out there, I mean she just had a kid and still looks amazing, hardly blown out at all, and her tits bigger than ever…

For those who don’t know, she’s a Swedish pro female BBALL player who decided to model, got naked, got cast by VS and won at life…but as a Swedish girl, she’s probably not as brainwashed as her American counterparts because her country didn’t do lockdowns and focused on quarantining the sick, you know LOGIC….probably a culture based on logic, based on their national IMPORT…IKEA…alone…

I am just saying that we’re all fucking trash, but amongst the trash, there is better trash, and that’s Elsa Hosk.


Posted in:Elsa Hosk




Zoey Deutch Nipples of the Day

Caroline in the City’s daughter….who you probably refer to as Marty McFly’s mom’s daughter, because you didn’t watch shitty early 90s sitcoms about a cartoonist in the city based on that CATHY comic that I used to read in a simpler time of “show me the Sunday Funnies”…

Her name is Zoey Deutch and she’s got a budding acting career of her own no thanks to her mom or being raised in the industry by rich people who are dialled into the industry, that’s racist..

You can’t just assume some rich industry girl is only getting work in a very secretive and elite perverted industry….that’d be like saying black people are good at basketball, or that jewish people are good at accounting, or that mexican people are good at making tacos…RACIST…or maybe it would be like saying girls are good at getting cummed in, I mean they are designed for it…but I guess that’s less racist and more scientific…

Either way, connected, entitled, spoiled, given a career by the people who like to celebrate their own or not….in the last few weeks, she’s decided that her nipples are stars that need to be shown to the fans, because this is the second time she’s in a tank top with hard nipples, casually pretending this isn’t about the nipples, because everyone is a pervert, exhibitionist or consumer of the exhibitionist work.

I will be the last person to say that acting requires talent….but I will say that sometimes you see some good movies and she was in one called Buffaloed….so I am not a Zoey Deutch hater…how could I be…have you seen the tits?


Posted in:Zoey Deutch




Titty Drop Thursday of the Day

Titty Drop is probably the best reminder that people are zombie drones…

I know that when it comes to slutty half naked posing, it’s hard to see it as a bad thing, if anything we need to celebrate that people are more like clones of each other than ever….

They are buying the same products they are marketed to by, they are trying to achieve the same self indulgence that they see the Kardashian have, there is a critical mass and that critical mass is all they fucking need…

Soulless, no more spirit or connection to themselves, just trying to get the likes and follows and money they want…by being categorized into a box, labeled a group, no longer the individual….but when it comes to having tits and thinking “I need to titty drop these to matter”…is the good that comes from everyone being a follower fuck…but there is a lot of bullshit happening thanks to the brain-washing AI that they’ve fucked with people to turn them into these evil monsters anyone who still has a brain can see through..

BUT TITTY DROPS…are the best kind of drops..


Posted in:Titty Drop




Ireland Baldwin Topless of the Day

Silly hipster prison tattoo human sketchbook of silliness that is Ireland Baldwin is starting to find her place in the world and I endorse it….

I’ll tell you why I’ll endorse it, not that my endorsement matters, no one gives a fuck about my opinion and I actually feel like an idiot when trying to write this bullshit site that will never be taken seriously, since it’s a fucking joke…but still…

I endorse Ireland Baldwin, in part because she’s topless and has huge tits, wearing her ironic and annoying “bra sucks’ hat, because I fucking hate when people make stupid statements like that, as if it is a political movement, instead of just not wearing a fucking bra…we don’t need to know you think bras suck, we don’t need 1000s of women wearing bras suck shirts…we already know they don’t wear bras…how fucking dumb do we need to be…that we need to label this shit…or that girls think it’s a statement…like those middle aged MOM “wine o’clock” themed bullshit…

ANYWAY, I endorse her because she is rich and famous by birth, thanks to her parents and I fucking love celebrity kids and their weird ass lives…she tried doing the whole social media model thing, doing beachy shoots and failed….all while her COUSIN became the definition of why social media is fucking disgusting…the greed, the lack of vision, the cheesy, the low standards of quality, the informercials, the transactional nature of all content…you get what I am saying…

So Ireland wanted it, failed, went to rehab, became a lesbian, probably realized none of this shit matters, and now does toplessness…all while probably caring more than she should, proven by uploading the shit, because the first move in not caring is not uploading shit and participating in the shitty manipulative game….but she’s one step closer to spread pussy pics and I’m ready for that…as she scrambles to find her place as a low level naked instagram model because I guess it’s the only angle that works.


Posted in:Ireland Baldwin




Camila Cabello See Through Pants of the Day

Cinderella Dressed in Yella…look at this fucking pig in a thong you dumb fellow…

I don’t know if that’s the actual lyrics of the song, but I don’t know that the Cuban Bay of Pigs initiative that we all know who was behind that, is Camila Cabello’s new nickname, cuz she’s a Cuban…the size of a trucking bay…and is clearly a fucking pig.

I realize that is fat shaming…I also realize we’re in an obese culture of lazy fucking retards with the intelligence of a 7 year old, who don’t even know what they are signing up to on any front, because they are too busy having a diabetic sugar crash to tap into their brains….too fat and too dumb to figure it the fuck out…

Point being, society is fat, so fat has been normalized because they want you fat, while they pretend that they want you healthy, when they just want you addicted to their pills and following their lead…

So people will say shit like she’s so empowered, so brave, so strong….instead of saying SHE IS SO FUCKING FAT…they’ll even think she’s skinny, cuz they know fat or they are fatter…

We need STANDARDS, there are BASELINES that are needed….that line in the sand…

Yes, she is cast as a Cinderella in some new propaganda movie to teach the kids to forget about Prince Charming and choose their own personal, self absorbed, greedy and disgusting narcissism ….this is our world…


Posted in:Camila Cabello




Sarah Hyland See Through Pants of the Day

Sarah Hyland creeps me the fuck out..

She is posing on the beach with what looks like a giant, even though people don’t. believe that giants exist or ever existed, and maybe they don’t….maybe this is a normal sized woman with some hot tits because Sarah Hyland is some underdeveloped, genetically fucked up, primordial dwarfism looking weirdness….

She has had multiple organ transplants..yet has still managed to survive and thrive…I mean we’re in a deadly pandemic and girl’s by the beach chilling…despite being immuno compromise by definition of having organ transplants….because you have to take anti-organ rejection meds daily so she doesn’t die..

So a bitch in a global pandemic, is at the beach, with sheer pants on….why? Because she’s ABC/DISNEY owned and they are their own breed of puppet designed to entertain you while you’re government forces you in your house to stream their nonsense bullshit for profit….

All this to say, the friend’s tits are the star of the show, Sarah Hyland, who the friend is using for clout, is just embarassing and looking like a cheesy corny cyst…


Posted in:Sarah Hyland




Tanline Thursday of the Day

As winter approaches and these impending lockdowns are upon us because all the politicians are either brainwashed, programmed, bought, AI ROBOTS, no longer human…or being controlled through the 5G cuz they got the vaccine to get those nanoparticles up in their brains….but that’s just conspiracies…even though conspiracies have been fact 6 or less months after they come out…you fools..

But yeah, as winter approaches, vaccine passports get more aggressive, everyone becomes vaccine dependent to survive if they don’t die, while the unvaccinated end up in camps or killed off by variants that they’ve created…because the government fucking LOVES these lockdowns, in Canada, our fearless soulless groomed and evil leader who was a gym teacher or a drama teacher…has already warned us of what is coming…LOCKDOWNS FOREVER…LOCKDOWNS FOR THE CLIMATE….LOCKDOWNS….

So tanlines may or may not really be a thing, since no one will be allowed outside, and girls will have to create secret cells, like the underground railroad to get to their spray tanner….I mean they’ll need it for their social media….I mean assuming they don’t have a filter for that…since NOTHING we see on screens is fucking real…

That doesn’t mean tanlines are the hottest natural highlighter of the good parts…

It just means…tanlines as we know them may be under attack…


Posted in:Tanlines