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I am – Heidi Klum Reliving The Past of the Day

I always like watching middle-aged women trying to relive their youth. I was walking down the street the other day and saw some annoying mother with her two tween daughters wearing the same fucking outfit. They all had tights, UGGS, cellphones with decorative bullshit on them and were all drinking an iced coffee drink from […]




I am – Heidi Klum is a Cat of the Day

Heidi Klum is pretty hot considering all the damage she’s put herself through, like all the kids and the huge black penis but that doesn’t really phase me, because the girls I know are a hell of a lot more damaged and look a hell of a lot worse than she does, even when she’s […]




I am – Heidi Klum’s Baby Daddy isn’t Really Her Baby Daddy of the Day

I got this email today reporting the Heidi Klum’s baby doesn’t belong to the man she says it belongs to. I figured I’d report it because I got nothing better to do. It could be fact, it could be fiction but who really cares, Heidi is damaged goods now with enough interracial kids to start […]




I am – Heidi Klum's Baby Daddy isn't Really Her Baby Daddy of the Day

I got this email today reporting the Heidi Klum’s baby doesn’t belong to the man she says it belongs to. I figured I’d report it because I got nothing better to do. It could be fact, it could be fiction but who really cares, Heidi is damaged goods now with enough interracial kids to start […]




I am – Heidi Klum has Jungle Fever of the Day

Not only does bitch having babies for the black man, but she also hires them to carry her umberella. Either she is re-living the slave era where the daughter of a plantation owner falls in love and gets knocked up by one of the cotton pickers and runs off with him and his singing brothers […]




I am – Heidi Klum Does All The Work While Seal Watches of the Day

Seal was photographed watching Heidi Klum, who is already knocked up with his second baby, load the stroller in the car. I guess dude’s got the biggest fucking dick or something because he’s already knocked her up 2 times in the last year and he’s making her work her pregnant ass of while taking care […]




I am – Heidi Klum’s Poor Box of the Day

One of my loyal readers and possible mentor, if bitch had something to offer/guide me with, sent me in an article she wrote on her pussy. It’s fucking vile and I figured I would post it to Heidi Klum pics, because she represents someone who probably had one of the hottest boxes around, before becoming […]




I am – Heidi Klum's Poor Box of the Day

One of my loyal readers and possible mentor, if bitch had something to offer/guide me with, sent me in an article she wrote on her pussy. It’s fucking vile and I figured I would post it to Heidi Klum pics, because she represents someone who probably had one of the hottest boxes around, before becoming […]




I am – Heidi Klum Pregnancy Weight of the Day

Last night, I went on my evening stroll to the local park, where I try to scare old ladies into giving me their money, young girls into giving me their pussies, young dudes into giving me their weed and other molesting creeps to share industry secrets. On this stroll in the park, I saw a […]




I am – Heidi Klum’s Uterus of the Day

So these are pics of Heidi Klum post pregancy and she looks bangin’ compared to that fat slob of a woman Carnie Wilson. I’d link it, but it’s 2 posts down, and if you can’t scroll down 2 posts, you don’t deserve to my help. What you do deserve is to be reminded that Heidi […]