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Archive for the Bikini Category




His Name is Gareth Southgate and this is His Vagina of the Day

This is some big shot Football Manager I’ve never heard of and the vagina he fucks and who he may possibly be married to in a bikini. His name is Gareth Southgate and I’ve never heard of him because people who kick a ball around like a bunch of pansies who can’t throw punches to get what they fuckin want and it all seems like a serious waste of fucking time, not that I do anything better, but running back and forth seems a lot like a hamster in a fucking wheel…and the only real question I have is why this guy didn’t use his money to bring a nicer lookin’ body to Barbados, leaving this one at home to take care of the kids, where she belongs.

Posted in:Bikini|Football|Gareth Southgate|Soccer|wife




Katie Price Does a Fashion Show of the Day

Katie Price is out whoring something. Whether it’s a new product line, her tits, her vagina, herself, it really doesn’t matter, because whatever it is, it works and she makes more money than me, looks better in a bikini than me and is in the process of getting a divorce from the poofter she married, because I guess life with a homosexual is fun when it comes down to shopping, getting their hair did and talking about boys, but not when it comes to getting your gaping whore pussy eaten out.

Posted in:Bikini|Jordan|Katie Price




Shauna Sand in Some More Bikini Pics of the Day

I am pretty sure I see Shauna Sand’s asshole in that picture but I am not sure. If it is her asshole we should get excited because assholes are amazing and asshole slips are pretty fuckin’ rare since you have to be on all fours and in a thong to make that shit happen…

Either way she’s keepin’ it real with her plastic shoes and a male prostitute who not only eats her crusty cunt, but also carries purses and gives massages. Enjoy.

Posted in:Bikini|Shuana Sand




Commuters in their Bathing Suits of the Day

Some stunt was coordinated over a week ago where people went to work in their bikinis, I realize that I am slow on this shit, but I don’t really stay on top of promotional stunts or weird internet stunts in cities I don’t live in, but I guess I should, because seeing everyday girls in their bikinis, in the middle of the city, is pretty fucking great, especially since I am the kind of guy who is all strippered out, and appreciate seeing real life girls who aren’t paid to get naked, half naked, it’s a lot more erotic, and here’s the video while I re-hydrate.

Posted in:Bikini|Public




Gabriel “Gabby” Agbonlahor’s Ugly Girlfriend on the Beach of the Day

This is some “footballer” and by “footballer” I mean pro soccer player in Europe, I just like to pretend I know what’s going on, using big words to sound worldly because it impresses the ladies. Even though I know the white and black ball is called a fucking soccer ball and not a fucking football. I also know the black and white player named Gabriel Agbonlahor’s may have white features, but likes to keep his taste in women Nigerian as fuck, because this pig in a bikini is what he’s fucking, when he could be getting with much better lookin’ soccer groupie whores like his other budies, because these asshoels are considered to be famous over there and everyone knows famous guys can land some pretty prime girls, especially when their list of standards don’t have one line item that reads “White”.

Yeah – I edited him out of the pictures, but you can google the shit to see what he looks like.

So I guess without him in the pictures this is just some bitch in a green bikini.

After the Cameron Diaz pics, I guess green bikinis are in this season.

Maybe I should get one and try to join in one of the charity car washes the high school kids organize by my house.

I am always willing to get wet for charitable causes.

Especially when it involves hanging with teenage girls.

I should probably edit that last line out.

It may be a “red flag” for the FBI.

It may ruin my fuckin’ master plan.

Oh well.

Posted in:Bikini|Gabriel "Gabby" Agbonlahor




Cameron Diaz in her Green Bikini of the Day

Cameron Diaz is amazing.

Not only was her grandfather a dirty cuban cigar roller who snuck into the country to teach the locals how to roll dirty cuban cigars because the American government was trying to choke Cuba out as hard as they could to make the shit into some kind of State, but her tall and lean body coupled with her hefty bank account, and her ability to jerk off a dick while fisting herself makes her top grade pussy.

Sure, she looks like the kind of girl who may be a little too cute and down with the boys, who wants to watch sports despite sports being porn for closet case fags and shits with the door open while scratching her razor burnt cunt because as one of the boys she knows we like our pussy bald, but maybe that was just her in a role in a movie, I am pretty shitty at differentiating reality and bullshit that is celebrity and hollywood, and that’s why I prefer talking about myself.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any beach stories about me and a girl in a green bikini, I also only have Cuban prostitute stories, because Cuba is the cheapest place to travel in Canada and they would bore you, despite being 18 and hairy and willing to spend the week with you for 50 dollars, especially since Cameron Diaz is one of those Cuban prostitutes who only lets other celebrities inside her, so I’ll just leave it at that, because really, anyone who reads shit on the internet, is no one I want to get to know.

Posted in:Bikini|Cameron Diaz




Shauna Sand in her Bikini of the Day

I don’t even know what to say about these. I really don’t. I mean I’ve done this Shauna Sand post, over and fuckin’ over again, only today she’s on the beach with her boy-toy who she is engaged to, in a bikini, with her stupid plastic shoes that match her stupid plastic titties and that have more soul and longevity than her very dead and rotting vagina, because this is what she does and I really can’t hate on it, she’s done way better than all the washed up whores I know, who are sucking dick in gutters if they aren’t dead, so if anything this bitch is a modern day hero and a fine example of how plastic surgery can turn you into a cartoon character.

Here are those pics

Posted in:Bikini|Shauna Sand




Some Exclusive Rihanna Pics a Week Late of the Day

I have been in situations where I’ve been sitting in the park and some young student in summer school comes out to tan in her bikini while reading her text book. I have seen her breast fall out of her bikini top like she was at the fuckin’ beach and not at a fuckin’ public park in the middle of the day and I wanted so bad to take a fuckin’ picture, but was too scared of getting busted. The other day I saw a bitch balancing a book on her head while walking in some kind of posture testing stunt or something, but I was too scared to take a picture and getting busted. I’ve seen couples fucking, from their fire escape windows and I’ve been too scared to take pictures, I guess what I am trying to say is that I fucking suck at documenting my life, even the hotter situations I’d like to reference at a later date for masturbation purposes, because I am a fuckin’ pussy.

But this person who was tanning behind Rihanna at some resort in Hawaii wasn’t a pussy, he say Rihanna and took a fuckin’ picture like a real fuckin’ man, where as all I woulda done is tried to rape her with my buddies, not a hateful rape, a sensual rape just to show her how much I fuckin’ love her while my friends restrain her, not because I believe in rape, but because I believe in tough love and it’s fuckin’ obvious she wouldn’t let me up in that willingly.

These are from a week ago, you’ve probably seen them, but I am posting them anyway.

To see the rest of the pictures – Follow this Link

Posted in:Bikini|Exclusive|Rihanna




Pam Anderson and her Pink Bikini Remember of the Day

If you’re wondering why Pam Anderson is wearing a pink bikini on memorial day, it is in memory of her pink vagina, that has over the years got greyer, thicker skinned, callused and diseased.

You know, remembering a time she was more desirable, a sex symbol and a woman other women aspired to be like because they knew their boyfriends and husbands were jerking off to her. Someone who helped build the fuckin’ breast implant industry.

Something I think deserves a fuckin’ parade and day off for.

Here are the pics.

Posted in:Bikini|Pamela Anderson




The Reason You Should Be a Successful Film Producer of the Day

If you ever had doubts about you capabilities of getting a woman. You know because you have a small dick, or because to date no girls have really given you much attention, you need to brush your loser shoulders off and figure out a way to make money. I’m not telling you anything you didn’t already know, but pussy likes cash, they claim it is instinctive because of some survival about bringing a baby into the world, but I think it’s got more to do with hot bitches being lazy and used to getting everything they want and unfortunately the things they want cost money, because they feel like they are celebrities or at least deserve a celebrity lifestyle, so that’s why this big studio exec, and I mean big in his jean size, who’s made his fortune off making a ton of huge movies, has a bitch who is substantially better lookin than his fat, bald, jewish ass, I mean sure she may be with him for his great sense of humor, but I’m going with that she isn’t.

So get off the computer and figure out your hustle, while I stay on the computer, cuz I don’t need a fuckin’ hustle, I’m comfortable in my serious unhappiness and very lazy, unless it comes down to showing the kid in the wheelchair how good my quick my tap dancing feet are to make me feel better about myself…..

Posted in:Bikini|Georgina Chapman|Harvey Weinstein