I guess Vanessa Hudgens was bored when Montreal shooting her new movie, mainly because she never called me to hang out, and everyone know’s I am a whole lot of fuckin’ fun, especially when I dirty dance like I was Patrick Swayze, post terminal cancer, not when he was still virile, because these nude/topless/sexy pics of her have hit the internet.
I guess it is possible that this isn’t her, but I like to think that it is, because it makes my life work feel a little more relevant, not to mention if you were dating a faggot like she was, and not realize he’s gay, like she doesn’t, you’d start pullin’ all the stops to try to turn the motherfucker on, since being a chick who gets rejected for sex fucks with your self esteem a lot and makes you do things like this.
I am not too sure what the deal is with her nipples, but I blame scientific cross-breeding that went on in her mother’s womb, sometimes it just doesn’t work out and weird shit come out of it.
This isn’t the first time she’s had pics like this surface, it won’t be the last, she’s moving away from her Disney image and stripping in her next movie, and I guess this is all part of communicating that to the public, because you know behind every leaked celeb picture is a team of lawyers, agents, managers, advisors, PR people, making sure it goes down flawlessly. This kind of thing doesn’t just happen, it is all part of a bigger cause/machine and you are an idiot if you think otherwise.

Posted in:Nude|Vanessa Hudgens