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Nicki Minaj VS The World with Cameltoe Picture of the DAy

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The best way to divert people’s attention from financing your brother’s defence against child rape – is to post a picture of your pussy exploding out of a pair of one size too small panties…because I guess they didn’t have the XXL she requires since the ass implants she invested in for her career…

I remember a time when Nicki Minaj was a fat Lady Gaga…dressed like a clown and shit….before she decided to go the sex route…and now…this is what she’s come to…an attention seeking, like hog…reminding her fans she’s here…

And I guess anything she does for attention that isn’t her annoying rapping is a good thing….

Posted in:Nicki Minaj|SFW




Selena Gomez in a Bikini of the Day

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I always confuse Selena Gomez and Kylie Jenner. They are both doughy characters who use waist training belts to morph their fat into an hourglass-like figure…they are both doughy faced characters who look like they’ve had slabs of mean stapled to their faces before their make-up artists airbrush them into a contour that makes it look like it’s part of their face…they are pretty much the fucking same….

One is a mexican Disney star exploited by their parents, the other a white girl turned ethnically obscure…I guess identity crisis’ are what the family is all about…you know when your dad has tits..and your mom is a money grubber demon…it’s hard to grow up with a soul..

Well, this one, Selena, the “popstar” one who will pretend she has talent and a purpose beyond being Bieber’s girlfriend put up a bikini pic…to show just how broken down her Chemotherapy body is….we call this the lupus steroid autoimmune bloat…

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Gemma Ward for Old Times in Vogue Australia of the Day


Gemma Ward was a massive model a few years ago…I’m thinking 5 years ago..and then she virtually disappeared…until today…today is her big coming out party…but not in a homo at your high school way, in more of a “hey look, I’m old but still hot”…

She is probably best known for being Australian, for having sex with Heath Ledger, for being in the movie The Strangers in doll face…because all models want to act to seemingly have more purpose…or maybe she’s not known at all, and I guess she doesn’t need to be, because she’s made millions off her look and sometimes that’s all the stamp of approval you need in this pre-instagram, doesn’t care about likes because she’s done it without social media…world…

Well she’s back..she’s also a mom…which ruins everything, mainly her vagina, but models are pretty slutty, so that was probably already ruined long ago..

Here she is for Vogue Australa..

Posted in:Gemma Ward|SFW




College Kids are Idiots of the Day

This is a great video that I saw on WWTDD , a site written by someone who seems to be equally frustrated with the state of the world as me…

We’ve been hearing all this politically correct nonsense, people like me are called bigots, or misogynists, or cyber bullies….as the world gets softer and softer.

People forget that survival of the fittest is the human condition, and trying to alter that in an overly accepting, easily offended world….a world where the same person will say Mexican Food is racist, boycot Mexican Restaurants…then 5 minutes later say Support the illegals in their new life…then a week later when alone with their friends…crack some Mexican joke…even though jokes are bad….

We are in this world of “holier than thou”…write nice things, fight for the rights of everyone, but in doing that inclusion, you’re actually segregating people….by compartmentalizing them…not to mention you’re a fucking hypocrite…because when not making a facebook post, you’re just as racist as you are genetically programmed to be..

This world of “you can’t fail a kid”…or “you can’t award someone first place”…is just an idea of utopia that has gone totally off the rails and out of hand…

To the point where a filmmaker like this guy, can go to Yale…one of the most presitigious schools and convince 50 people to sign an petition against the First Ammendment…

This is the future….

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Rapist of the Day


This is the most insane rape story I’ve heard in a while, even more insane than the rape culture activist who keeps insisting she is raped everyday without even having sex, you know the girl in the women’s study class at the college who think you’ve raped her at the bar because you bumped into her walking through, or the girl who thinks you raped her at the grocery store because you cut her in line, or the girl who thinks you raped her after having sex with her while you were both drunk, and she insisted on coming over and having sex, and never said no to you, but had regrets…and decided that that is rape….

Basically, this Saudi millionaire was acquitted of rape charge after claiming he tripped and fell on a girl…

The good old “Trip and fell and stuck my dick in a pussy” excuse….that is just totally fucking absurd.

I’ve tried that on justifying an induced miscarriage years ago when I knocked up my girlfriend..and no one believed me…I’ve even said it to explain some of the poor choices I’ve made in sex….and no one believed me…

They were like “why did you fuck that obese pig”…and I was like “I had a boner and I tripped and she’s so fat and wet, it just sucked me in…have you ever seen Ghostbusters, no not the chick one, the original with slimer, yeah…that pig slimed me and I couldn’t get out of her trap”…

No one believed me…while the courts believe this sick fuck Saudi rich fuck, Ehsan Abdulaziz, who was 46, hanging in a club, with an 18 year old and her friend at his 2000 dollar table….where he got the girls drunk, brought them home, fucked one of them…willingly apparently…where he fed them more vodka, the 24-year-old woman to another room to have sex.

When the 18-year-old awoke the next morning, she told the court Abdulaziz was on top of her and raping her.

This is where it gets insane….Abdulaziz said he accidentally fell on the 18-year-old woman after she seduced him. He said she pulled him toward her and placed his hand between her legs. He claimed he was only trying to offer her something to wear or a taxi ride home.

What a nice guy….

But then is DNA was found inside the 18-year-old girl and he claims he could have had semen on his hands after having sex with her 24-year-old friend.

“I’m fragile,” he said. “I fell down but nothing ever happened, between me and this girl nothing ever happened.”

Then he changed his story to…

“On this occasion he said after he had sex with the complainant’s friend his penis was still erect and he had semen on his hands when he went into the living room,”

Moral of the Story -> don’t be a gold digger at the club, attaching yourself to old creepy guys with tables because they feed you booze…there is no reason for an 18 year old to congregate with a 46 year old, or for her to go home with him…that’s just poor planning.

Doesn’t mean she deserved to be raped, but if you let a pedophile babysit your kid, you have to expect some level of creepy to happen..

What is amazing is that he didn’t get charged….that the court bought his story:

“I tripped and my dick fell in her pussy”…

What the fuck…


Posted in:SFW|stepNEWS




Bella THorne Does Instagram of the Day


Bella Thorne posted the above picture on her social media…because she’s naughty….

Or maybe because she’s like the other divorced mothers in their 40s who spent 20 years devoted to their families that now that they are free have found their sexuality, their sex appeal and all they had to do was pretend they were 17 year olds on instagram and at castings to really go viral….

It turns out that no man will ask for your birth certificate to see you were born in 1972…when you’re speaking directly to his boner…filling out his fantasies…

Bella Thorne is the new Lohan, complete with leech sisters riding her coat tails, parents who moved the family to LA to get the child earning…and fingers crossed, when it all collapses…there will be nudity, because as far as I’m concerned, she’s already got all the right poses down….




Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Lindsay Lohan in the Sauna VS Jennifer Lawrence of the Day

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Yesterday – I posted these amazing pictures of dream girl, the one who got away, my everything, Lindsay Lohan…by the amazing Ellen Von Unwerth for some magazine about Tofu….

Today, I post Lindsay Lohan in the Sauna because this bitch is fire, despite what Jennifer Lawrence is saying about her..which in case you didn’t know is:

“I’m a puker. I don’t stop working .?.?. until eventually my body’s just like, ‘If we don’t make her barf or pass out, she won’t stop…I get, like, Lindsay Lohan-grade exhaustion, but without any drugs or alcohol.”

What….why the fuck would this nude selfie bitch use Lindsay Lohan as an adjective. You know someone like Jennifer Lawrence who may be at the peak of her career, may fade out as soon as a replacement comes in. Her franchise is done, people still love her and cast her, she’s an award winner and get in key movies, but anyone with a brain knows that acting requires no talent, anyone can do it, and when the marketing behind her stops, or she gets lost somewhere deep inside Amy Schumer’s anus….we’ll all forget she exists and her tits exist…but Lohan…Lohan is forever…she’s memorable, she’s existed, she’s a personality, and in my opinion more interesting that Jennifer Lawrence will be…but then again, Jennifer Lawrence did have those nude pics scandals and looked amazing, so maybe I should turn my back on Lohan like she did to me…and support a new overpaid bitch…but I just can’t…my heart is in Lohan..but unfortunately my penis isn’t…while she’s suffering from exhuastion..

I guess what I’m saying is that people need to lighten the fuck up, Lohan did publicly shame herself, she created the drug addict reputation, she because un-hireable, so what the fuck is her problem…yes Lohan, you are a fucking drunk, you blamed in on exhaustion, and just because she’s clean in Europe working on herself, doesn’t mean it didn’t fucking happen….

She should probably pay Jennifer Lawrence for the shout out, it’s the biggest thing Lohan has done all year…

What it comes down to – is that this is the lamest spoiled brat beef ever…and I should kill myself for writing about it…what has my life become…

Here’s Jennifer Lawrence, the new Lohan Lohan Never Was…and Her Tits over the last few days probably talking about Amy Schumer – her only friend who is an outsider liker her…but who will probably eat her up whole the second she’s done leveraging the friendship…

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Hulk Hogan Confuses Cheryl Cole for HIV Positive Sister of the Day


So some dude trolled Hulk Hogan in a barely creative way.

He took a picture of Cheryl Cole, who I think I wrote about yesterday as being a UK Popstar who married a footballer who is now host of X Factor and who is still hot as fuck…and who I assume no one really cares about…but weirdos like me who have stupid sites about the shit..

He said “can i get a retweet for my HIV positive sister”…

He got the retweet and word of wisdom from Hulk Hogan, because I guess running in Florida with strippers, dude knows a thing or two about STDs…

I guess the reason it’s barely a troll is because no one uses twitter, and because Hulk Hogan is Florida trash, why would he know what a host in the UK looks like…

Still a decent LOL..that I bet gets dude a book deal, that’s how twitter works, now if only people would answer my tweets…

Posted in:Hulk Hogan|SFW




Free Willy Star Danielle Harris in a Bikini of the Day


Danielle Harris is the star of Free Willy….I know based on these pics of her fat ass you’re asking “was she the whale”…and the answer is no, it was 1991 and she was 14, so she was probably the girl your underage fetishizing ass jerked off to…

She is actually not known for Free Willy, the movie you jerked off to her as a 14 year old in…she is known for being in every Halloween since Halloween 4 in 1988….and as you know horror, like sci/fi has insane fans, because you are one…and they probably go to Comicons and Horror Cons and Slasher Film cons to get her autography to stick to their wall with the semen they’ve jerked out of them to her pics…

Posted in:Danielle Harris|SFW




Kelly Brook’s 2016 Calendar Because She’s Old of the Day


Kelly Brook is not quite amazing…she’s old, just look at her hands…and fat, just look at her tits, but like most fat girls with fat tits, you can see past the fat, especially since her 40 year old ass tries to thin down the month before a shoot, before going back to eating, as these fat girls do.

There’s a study that says you lose the weight where you last gained it first, and this Kelly Brook character who hasn’t quite made it in Hollywood as she wanted, but who was become a millionaire through titty modeling the last 2 decades, always retains her tits, meaning at 18 she was probably something special.

But according to pro Irish Rugby players I met who used to pass her around, she’s always been a porker…

This is her calendar shoot, I guess people in the UK are still old school chimney sweeper types who haven’t quite adopted the internet or technology and still operate like the middle ages…all dying of the plague and shit…Or maybe the British in their cold, conservative ways, are just bad a gifting so they give you some jellies or a Calendar….because these UK girls love producing Calendars…but no American I know has had a Calendar since smart phones….

Posted in:Kelly Brook|SFW