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Archive for the SFW Category




Jennifer Lien from Star Trek Voyager Arrested for Exposing Herself to Kids of the DAy

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I don’t watch Star Trek, I’ve actually always hated the shit, and in times when there was only one TV in the house and person I lived with would insist on watching Star Trek, I would fantasize about killing them, because I’m crazy, but not as crazy as Jennifer Lien, who was some character on Star Trek Voyager, a show I’ve obviously never seen, but that was a cash grab in the franchise…

Who I guess lives in Tennessee and who is a very friendly nudist neighbor that her bible thumping neightbors don’t appreciate…because they don’t like fun…or naked…

Here’s the story….

Lien has been charged with two misdemeanor counts of indecent exposure in an incident that happened on Aug. 31 in Harriman, Tenn.

A neighbor of Lien’s made a complaint to police after Lien began a tirade due to a crying child, and during her tirade, exposed her breasts and buttocks. The neighbor stated that she had three children in the yard while this was happening.

According to a Roane County Sheriff’s Office report, when police appeared on Sept. 3 with a warrant, Lien was not wearing clothes and resisted arrest.

“The offender stated she wasn’t going any f–king where and we needed to leave her alone,” reads the police report by responding officer Billy Walker.

Lien also threatened to have the officers shot and killed, says the police report. She was transported to the patrol car and taken to the Roane County Jail, and is scheduled to appear in court on Dec. 7.

Where’s the video…it sounds like she’d be amazing in bed, the kind of woman who thinks she’s possessed by demons and the only exercism is through her twat with your dick….

Here are some GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH pics of her…

Posted in:Jennifer Lien|SFW




Drunk Girl Photobombs News….of the Day

Here’s a bit of a double standard…when a man photobombs the news and says “fuck her right in the pussy”…or in one case, where the news person pressed charges against the guy for kissing her, while the social justice warriors went nuts, calling the men sexual predators, harassing women, not letting people do their job…

While a drunk girl does it and everyone giggles, look how silly and funny she is, drawing attention to herself, with her big personality, brightening up our days….

Now I agree that drunk girls make everything better, and that any dude who says “Fuck her right in the pussy”…is the absolute worse kind of human…

I’m just saying, girls get away with murder, yet still complain about slut shaming, body shaming, and equity in pay…

Is it because there’s an actual issue, or is it, as my married would suggest that girls are never happy and always willing to voice their opinion, while men just shut up and want to kill the bitch…

Or would that be me making gender stereotypes because we’re not allowed to have an opinion on how women operate and how men operate anymore..

Fucking assholes everywhere…except in my bed…where I want it…because most girls I fuck are full of shit, shit I’m not into having on my dick….

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Jessica Alba Runs an Ad Campaign on Fallon of the Day

Jimmy Fallon Spat on Jessica Alba…

Which was probably the highlight of her bit on his show…where they just plug the fuck out of her company, over and over, that I assume she barely works at…

All while wearing fuck me boots, showing off her mom legs…looking hot enough…as Fallon laughs at his own jokes…

This is part of what’s wrong with America…a huge part of what’s wrong with America…

Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Bella Thorne in a Bikini for Flaunt of the Day

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Bella Thorne turns 18 in a few weeks…and I guess her hippie family, the kind who would name their kids Bella, who only had commercial sex with this one, despite trying with all of then, is probably scrambling to maximize the next 2 -3 weeks…

They know that this is a critical time in every 17 year old’s life and career, but they also know that the hipster Thorne sister went off and did hipster nude shoots, and that really amounted to zero, so maybe the slutty route, or the scandalous route would be bad for the career they have planned for her, and being safe and subtle in their underage marketing is the way to go..

IT’s like get her in a bikini, but don’t have her publicly tonguing black in their 30s like her friend Kylie…

Because so many times before all that buzz in the final weeks of 17 converted huge numbers, only to end the day after their birthday…just ask Taylor Momsen ,Jojo and even Lohan….there’s this period of obsessive America loving what they can’t have, and not caring when they can have it, even though it’s pretty obvious this one wouldn’t go for you if she was legal..and that your relationship with her is just fantasy and thus weird…you’re weird…seriously making me uncomfortable…but that could just be my wife’s underwear I’m wearing due to laundry…just call me Caitlin..and here’s Bella, looking tall, thin and lovely in Flaunt…

Here’s a bonus – LEG shot….

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Here’s more of her with KYLIE

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Gigi Hadid in a Bikini for Fashion of the Day


Gigi Hadid wore a bikini at some fashion show, and really wasn’t all that hot, at least not nearly as hot as she’s marketed to be, because I guess when doing a fashion show, the paparazzi aren’t really able to photoshop you or light you properly, even when your covered in make-up to make you look you’re best, you still look pretty silly faced and average, but good thing her dad has all kinds of money, money he can spend tricking the retard world into thinking she’s something she’s definitely not…some iconic, fashion babe….when really she’s just a rich kid, in a bikini, with her regular rich kid body…that looks like all 20 year olds I know…

Nothing special….but still celebrated…because money can buy you everything, even fans and jobs…

I guess that’s a way better gift because it feeds everyone in the Family’s ego…when the Horse he bought her at her 12 birthday just fed it’s fucking self…

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Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW




Halston Sage in a Tight Dress Eating Pizza of the Day

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I assumed that Halston Sage was Jailbait…from Nickelodeon or Disney or some other garbage people jerk off to because their wife doesn’t let them watch porn…

But she was born in 1993, making her 22, which is 2 years too old for this pervert…who jerks off to 20 year olds who are in my bed…

But she’s got a tight body…and sometimes, in a world of obese people…that’s enough…

I guess the good thing about 20 year olds, at least based on my experience of having sex with them, is that they all have big round asses, even when they are skinny. in what we can assume is caused by hormones in the food, the benefit of commercialization of food production…

Right…..keep eating that Pizza…it makes what would have been bodiless girls from the 80s…rock a good waist to hip ratio…while making other girls who would have been athletic in the 89s look like Kylie Jenner…

So weird.


Posted in:Halston Sage|SFW




Kate Upton Big Tits of the Day

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As America gets fatter and fatter, plus sized is all the rage…and who better to celebrate being Plus Sized than Kate Upton, who is clearly Plus Sized, so Plus Sized she’s even bigger than most plus sized models, only she books jobs and works as a regular sized model, which makes no sense, but I guess it’s just the professional version of “Secret Internet Fatty”…with a team of experts made to make her look skinny and to pass her off as a bikini model….and not a new wave bikini model…where they are all plus sized…but a traditional bikini model…and people fucking love her, give her work and make her viral..it’s weird…so weird…but I come from a school of thought that the fat girl is only good at 3 am when drunk…

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If you don’t like that…here’s the other Kate Upton, Rich Girl only famous for her tits…Charlotte Mckinney, Who doesn’t deserve a post of her own, but we likes to piggy back on Kate Upton…because I guess Kate Upton is too big to piggy back on anyone…they’d break….

She’s in a Sports Bra…trying to tame / suffocate / draw attention to them tits..

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Posted in:Kate Upton|SFW




The Kylie Jenner Butt Shot of the Day

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Photographer Brendan Forbes shot Kylie Jenner…unfortunately not in the face, or with an elephant gun required to take out her garbage family, because I guess there was a window where he could go for humanity and element these idiots, or instead, take the money they paid him to shoot them, and have one big shoot with the most talked about girl, who really isn’t to blame for all the press, she’s just been packaged and sold off by her parents, the people who under normal circumstances have the sole responsibility of caring for her, but were too caught up in their lives to care…forcing the babysitter, TYGA to come in and offer a home for her…and be the dad she always wanted…but her dad was too busy…being a woman…dealing with normal women problems like hair and make-up…

The good news is that Photographer Brendan Forbes takes good pics…like this one of Miley’s ass for her new app…that we can assume will eventually become a porn site…because that’s just the way the world is going these days…

Because if you can’t be a vigilante killing off evil for humanity, you might as well get butt shots!

I am a fan of this picture.

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Haley Joel Osment, the Original Bruce Jenner, Tits of the Day


I have an ongoing joke, with myself, because no one listens to me, and I talk to myself, that Haley Joel Osment, the star from The Sixth Sense, who I think was even Oscar Nominated, has gone on to become a woman, like Bruce Jenner, without all the marketing around it, because he was clever enough to realize no one cared about an awkward teenage boy, and but everyone cares about teenage girls, revealing himself as his “sister”…whatever the fuck her name is…who has gone onto have a solid career…and tits…really solid tits…

It’s really a funny joke, to me..for myself..because no one listen to me and I talk to myself…

So you just won’t get it…

Posted in:Haley Joel Osment|SFW




Izabel Goulart’s Slow Motion Dive Erotica of the Day

I remember there was a time, probably a year ago, maybe less…where the same people who while glued to their phones, checking their status updates and instagram likes, while creating words like “Bae” and hashtags like #goals, while referring to friends as their Squad….and talking about their eyebrows “Fleek”…while doing some stupid dance routine..that all the drones, fully absorbed in hip hop pop music, no better than the Backstreet boys of the 90s, N’Sync of the 2000s, and New Kids on the Block of the 80s…had a term called “THIRST TRAPPING”…which I guess meant the girl was thirsty and not an out in the desert and I need to jump in the ocean kind or in this case a pool kind of way…but in a “I want attention, let me bait you with slutty pics, and trap you”…kind of way….that has basically fueled instagram, one degree from being a porn site, because porn is what fuels the world…

That said, there is no way this slow motion dive brought to you by Izabel Goulart, an older, Brazilian, Victoria’s Secret model with an insane body thanks to working out every fucking day…she’s got nothing else to do while waiting for Victoria’s Secret fashion shows to walk…it’s all she knows and it’s made her rich…and she’s going to milk it…

What I was saying, before I was rudely interrupted by myself, is, there is no way this was done strictly to say “check out my dive”…it’s more “look at my long luxurious and amazing body…and don’t forget the ass..my god my ass….it’s so round from those squats..and my legs…oh god my legs, no wonder I get paid, when really all I want is dudes to jerk off to me and like my pics because I had no dad growing up”…kind of thing…

Posted in:Izabel Goulart|SFW