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Archive for the SFW Category




Kendall Jenner Shaving Her Legs Like Her Dad for Fashion Week of the Day

Kendall Jenner, I assume this is Kendall Jenner, but it could be her father, posted a video of her shaving her legs, because I guess she though tit was funny, to show the world her dad shaving his legs, because dad’s don’t shave their legs, unless it is for sensationalizing a serious situation like Transgender for his personal gain, all while being spun into being a hero or a martyr by the same people who created Kim Kardashian as a victim and pop culture Icon from a porn career..

They have a good team behind them…

Unless this is Kendall Jenner, in which case: Fashion week…Fashion week….Fashion week…

Here she is in high waisted jeans…with Steven Tyler…because she’s a Top Model…thanks to the same people who turned Kim Kadashian into a fashion and pop culture icon….they can spin pretty much everything..




Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Taylor Swift’s Fire Alarm Scare of the Day

Apparently there’s a fire alarm going off in the background at this Taylor Swift concert, where Taylor Swift decided to show the world and her fans just how terrified she is…

The highlight of the video, probably know her red lips that look silly, but instead her mom or friend yelling at her to get dressed to which she says she’s in a robe and covered….meaning that despite being a safe, boring, over exposed while not being exposed at all bitch, she’s actually got genitals….

But I guess we kind of already knew that, thanks to the whole fucking every dude to get material for her shitty, commercial, very successful, pretty much top of the charts, besides Beiber because we have no taste as a people, but she just pretends it’s love, and not filling herself up to cum to get through life….

Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Ellen Page VS Ted Cruz on Gay of the Day

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Ellen Page would be far more interesting if she had big silly tits and instead of being some over paid, hipster who isn’t even interesting, but was the star of Juno…..She has done very little in her career besides being an angry lesbian vigilante, because that way she feels like she has purpose in her quest for equality, when really I just want to see her getting her face ridden by a bull dyke…

If she was a big titty instagram model, trying to express her stance to politicians, for whatever reason, it would be seen as cute so that we could say, oh she’s just a big titty instagram model, pretending to have a stance, because it’s better than admitting she’s just an instagram model…

I guess what I am saying is everything is better if it is an instagram model…

That said, she’s a fucking freedom fighter, I don’t really know anything about her or what her cause for LGBT rights is, she’s a lesbian so I guess that’s her plight, she knows better than me, so she’s an expert…

For some reason Ted Cruz, dominates her in this conversation,….maybe because he’s a politician and has an answer for everything, especially gay rights….because republicans hate gay people….

Maybe because she’s and actor and things went off script, or maybe she’s an actor and an ego and thinks she deserves to do more with her voice than just eat babes out….or maybe she’s just not as prepared as she should be….either way, whatever your stance is, love or hate lesbians, while lesbians all hate me… and before today had no idea who Ted Cruz was, I just assumed he was Penelope Cruz’s husband, or Tom Cruise’s gay porn parody, I am not siding with him or anyone…

I think it’s funny when actors, who aren’t even that famous, try to champion issues, because theoretically, they are capable of it, but instead, end up looking like idiots, because they are actors and that’s what actors are…idiots…

I never found her that hot…and I don’t know why I am posting this…

Posted in:Ellen Page|SFW




Miley Cyrus Eats With her Inbred Mouth Open of the Day


Miley is not really inbred, she’s just cut from the white trash cloth, of Achy Breaky Billy Ray, who was probably inbred, as his name would statistically suggest, I mean I think less than 5% of people naked Billy Ray are not inbred….while her mom was just some stripper or cocktail waitress who through a series of smart decisions, like not aborting that one hit wonder’s kid right before he was super famous, has created a financially secure, life of luxury..

That said, Miley, who isn’t really hot, but she’s fit and likes showing her tits, is probably not authentic in her hipster tumblr bullshit, but who still seems to have more of a point to her existence than her counterparts, who play it safe for marketability, while this one posts pics of her in bath smoking weed….


There was a time this would have been considered “scandal”…now it’s just “Why isn’t her pussy spread”….and I’m not talking about that cat…


Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Susan Sarandon is a Weirdo at Burning Man of the Day

Drug addict or advocate Susan Sarandon and her big Rocky Horror Picture Show titties was at burning man even though she’s 1000 fucking years old…and it’s never too late to revisit your youth as some kind of hippie, especially not at Burning Man, the most commercial event for rich people to find themselves…

So privileged, rich person on some spiritual journey, thanks to being empty spiritually because they are rich, digging into the depths of their soul for meaning, because they are more accustomed to being vaginally, because that’s how they got rich and famous in the first place…it’s all they know…

She was there to build the Totem of Confessions for Timothy Leary, the LSD pioneer champion, who I guess she used to get high with, because as an actor bills are paid, money is in the bank and you have a lot of time to try to find purpose..

Either way, she ended up dumping his ashes at the event which seemed fitting, as did her being there despite being 1000 years old, because really what else is an old busty hippie supposed to do with herself….in the tail end of her life…after seeking spiritual enlightenment probably every other way, from life coaches, to therapists, to Buddhists, to whatever…

Either way, the whole thing is weird…but not as weird as still wanting to have sex with her all these years later…


Posted in:SFW|Susan Sarandon




Bar Refaeli for GQ Germany of the Day

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It’s a Jewish Holiday on MOnday, at least that’s what I’ve been told by people who are Jewish, and I figured what better way to celebrate Jewish holidays than to post some massive Jewish tits, some of the best Jewish Tits, or at least the hottest Jewish Tits, who were liberated in the state of Israel when she hit puberty, after the land was taken by the Palestenians..S

She’s a nice mix of all kinds of different Jewish people, from all over the place, making this celebrity fucker who is getting married in a couple of weeks, still doing media..photoshoots, and showing off them tits.

I just find the whole thing ironic, that these pics are for GQ Germany, only because without Germany and their war on the Jewish people, there would be no Israel for her to call home, so in a very dark and weird way, she owes her existence and her home to Germany, dark…

But not that dark, just tanned, because she spends her life in a bikini…here are the pics…

Posted in:Bar Refaeli|SFW




Lara Stone for Vogue UK of the Day

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Lara Stone is the enemy of the site, but she’s also recently divorced from the guy she married from TV, some Comedian, who I guess lost his relevance and turned on her, disallowing her to pose for the magazines, like some kind of psycho fat guy, as all fat guys become, when they get a hot model girl they know are just with them for their money, because when growing up fat, while being equally funny, if not funnier and the success of their comedy is a testament to that, no model bitches wanted his dick…but the fame and fortune…brings thirsty pussy ready to eat your wallet if it’s fat enough..

So dudes who worry about not having a porn dick, you don’t need one, that’s for poor dudes who want hot pussy…if you’re rich, girls will fuck you, anyway you like…but when you break up, they’ll run to the media to try to piss you off…being slutty.

Posted in:Lara Stone|SFW




The Tits from Blurred Lines Dressed Like a Stripper for Target of the Day


I wonder at what point in the choosing of this outfit…that the Tits from the Blurred Lines video, who also goes by Rat Cow, decided this was an appropriate outfit for a Target event at fashion week, where she is attending events as the bottom feeder, which is appropriate cuz of her bird face because birds love feeders, they sell them at Target…trying to stay relevant.

It’s like “Look at me, look at my tits, look at me….”…she’s done so much fucking to get to this point in her career, she can’t let it sink to the bottom of the fame whore ocean..

So I guess she’ll dress like a cheesy porn slut in a stripper outfit for her feature dance back in 1995…because that’s her spirit animal and the level of talent she best relates to…

Trashy. Fuck this hooker.


Posted in:Emrata|SFW




Sienna MIller for Vogue UK of the Day

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I used to jerk off to Sienna Miller.

She was in every movie naked, sometiems with bush, all while having a 5 /10 level of talent…

But I still used to jerk off to Sienna Miller…

So that makes me feel like we have some unspoken bond, that we will carry through our lives forever…only she doesn’t know I exist and if I was to ever meet her while either she or I was busking in a Subway station in London…and I told her about this bond…I would probably be arrested…

Either way, she still exists.

Posted in:SFW|Sienna Miller




Gigi Hadid Butt Shot of the Day

Gigi Hadid

Gigi Hadid has no ass…but she is the most important model of our generation, or of her generation, or of modern times, because her dad bought it for her…

None of this really matters, I’m in my 40s and she’s not part of my generation, and looking back on my generation, or really my entire existence, every year has an it girl and most fade into obscurity after their year is up…I mean sure they are still around, and have rich husbands and money from her trust fund…where they can laugh about her modeling scam at their dinner parties while summering in yachts…

So I guess this does matter to Gigi, it’s all she ever wanted, instead of getting an education and making a difference in the world, she just felt she should show off her non existent ass instead…it’s more rewarding…and a better use of her dad’s hustle…



Posted in:Gigi Hadid|SFW