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Archive for the SFW Category




Sofia Vergara’s Peggy Bundy of the DAy


Sofia Vergara brought her old Botox face to Jimmy Kimmel, where she continued to fool the world into thinking she’s a comedic actress, because she is a comedic actress, on one of TV, yes TV, it is still around’s most prized show I call…Sofia Vergara’s tits and accents while Sarah Hyland learns how to slut…but to America it is Modern Family…

I mean I guess comedic acting, which apparently requires little to no talent, just tits, if the role is written for you, thanks to using those tits on one of the producers, making it seem like a lottery win…

In her 20a, when you’d expect tits like this to really be at their best, she was half naked and hosting cheesy latin shows after she escaped Colombia due to either being rich from drug and/or coffee money….or as a refugee…the kind of migrant you’d want to take in and take advantage of…even if she came with a kid in tow…because she’s just that good…

I guess what I am getting at is that sometimes tits carry a girl into their old age, sometimes using those tits as a bikini clad host of cheesy shit in the 90s as a vehicle to get to this superstar celebrity status as an actress..because acting requires very little talent, just access…and access can come by giving accsss to a motherfucker to your pussy to cum…it’s what I call raw talent…since no one uses condoms..

Either way, she’s keeping the sex appeal alive, fit and with botoz…and she’s on Kimmel…with that voice…that she plays up aggressive as I’ve never met a Colombian who sounds quite like this cartoony, fetish version of a Colombian…she knows how to seduce…

Here she is on Married with Children…

Here she is on people flirting with her husband

Posted in:SFW|Sofia Vergara




Ashley Tisdale’s FitsPo Looking her Best of the Day

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I am old, so I don’t really know any of the new Disney stars, I just don’t care, since I don’t own a TV, have never owned a TV, and most importantly don’t have kids or babysit kids that force me to watch the shit…

I am also not in a horrible marriage, well I am in a horrible marriage, but I am not in a horrible marriage where I have to resort to jerking off to 20 year old chicks on badly scripted shows…

I am in a horrible marriage where I fuck 20 year old chicks behind my wife’s back…in what some would call evil, heartless, disgusting, but that I consider amazing…it is really what keeps me going…

That said, Tisdale, is one of the Disney girls from the past who was over-exposed, but not in a good way like her counterpart Vanessa Hudgens, but over-exposed by a strong PR Team when instagram didn’t exist, and I never quite got it…

Sure she had a fit body, but that face threw everything off. She knew it too, and even tried to fix it…and that made things even worse and more desperate, but her team tried to trick her, as she was money maker, to think she was hot…they even won her awards based on being hot…to feed the delusions…but through it all…she had a hot body…a body she probably realized was all she had going for her…because she poses faceless…

Turns out, as long as Ashley Tisdale hides her face, she’s good.


Posted in:Ashley Tisdale|SFW




Amber Rose in Black Face of the Day

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I don’t know if Amber Rose is a white girl with a tan, or a black girl who is light skinned, or some other ethnicity, because she’s one of those over filtered, over made-up, stripper looking bitches who fucks rappers and isn’t really someone anyone pays attention to enough to bother knowing her ethnic background…because all she really is is Gold Digger…

Well, she posted a picture of her in blackface and the real issue is that if girl posts a pic of her in blackface and a wig, people notice and not to call her out for
being a racist or to question her race, but to just post it, and all she had to do for that was fuck rappers…like a hooker…groupie…until one knocked her up…

It’s just so ridiculous…and here I am participating in this nonsense…for no reason…I could be doing so much more…like sucking my own nipple..because like Amber Rose, I am an independent woman so long as my rich man pays me child support and alimony…

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Posted in:Amber Rose|SFW




Lily Allen Weird Ass Flash of the Day


If you’re wondering what Lily Allen has been doing since her “miscarriage” many years ago, that turned into breeding…and falling off, only to get fat, and then I guess come back, even though she’s been fat since before the kinds and unwanted pregnancies…..

I am not sure what this is about, but assume it is her showing off that she’s not in the midst of a miscarriage right now, as her panties aren’t blood soaked and in the corner and named Steven after the man he could have been..

That said, people hate miscarriage jokes.

Posted in:Lily Allen|SFW




Willa Holland May Be Sitting on a Face of the Day


Willa Holland is Steven Spielberg’s God Daughter, who got into acting because she’s Steven Spielberg’s God Daughter….her stepfather, and you know we like stepdaughters, is Brian de Palma, making me assume her mom was some kind of aspiring actress before they were called instagram models..

Well, in being an “artist”…as everyone with no soul aspires to be…because “art”…is substance…she’s become a photographer and posts her “art” photography…but I guess that wasn’t controversial enough..so she posted a pic she took riding some dude’s face…

Now – I don’t know if this is WIlla Holland, they are saying it was uploaded to her instagram then deleted, and there is a nerd debate going on about it, because her fans are nerds into comic book shit, and/or the OC…

It would make sense for a self portrait in an art college…and uploading it to instagram loving it, only to realize the backlash from friends, family and management, and or designed to generate buzz to promote a new project she’s involved in…then deleting it…just makes sense to me..

I am not a forsenic, celebrity nudity nerd…so I have no idea…if this is Willa Holland or not, but these pics are from her instagram, less interesting, but still good enough, because #art.

Posted in:SFW|Willa Holland




Kylie Jenner’s Intense Outfit Rubs her Lips on Tyga of the Day

I guess when your family whores you out from a young age, showing the world everything you can doesn’t really phase you..in fact, it’s encouraged…

Once surrounded by cameras and paparazzi long enough, it gets to the point that you’re just used to it, so you figure just keep doing whatever it is you’re doing, and do it slutty enough to get people to notice your 35 year old porn star looking face, even though you’re just 18, because Kim is pushing 40 and there’s limited things for the family to exploit, until the third generation of garbage come to age, you know when they are old enough to jerk off to, because they come from a long line of whores…

Ultimately, we keep watching and exposing yourself for attention isn’t that big of a deal when you get paid as much as these idiots do, it’s like “all these people give us money and we don’t even need to fuck them”…allowing Kylie to fuck 30 year old rappers instead…living the dream..

Here are her tits in an outfit..

Here she is following a dumpy ass troll..

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Krysten Ritter in a Bikini of the Day

I still don’t know who Krysten Ritter is…I’ve posted on her, I’ve probably seen movies or TV shows she’s in, I remember John Ritter…and he’s been dead forever, so I still have no idea who she is, beyond an actor that people seem to be into, with a solid fan base, but I couldn’t tell you anything about her, from what she’s been in, to where she’s from, to who she’s fucked, to whether I’ve seen her naked or not..

I mean I could google her, or even check the site archives, but I feel zero motivation to do that, I’ll just assume she’s relevant, when looking at her must be 30 year old ass in a bikini bottom…because useless, known, relevant, or uneventful, the bikini bottom makes everyone worth looking at…even if you don’t remember them 5 minutes from now…like Krysten Ritter..


Posted in:Krysten Ritter|SFW




Ashley Benson in a Bikini Top of the Day


Ashley Benson when cropped from the tits up, is pretty hot…

I think this is the general theme of Instagram…

Post your good angle, crop your good section, delete the dumpy pile of overweight shit that you can’t manage to filter out, no matter how hard you tried before going with the crop..

Instagram is a bigger lie than the push-up bra tits you bring home from the bar, only to discover A-Cups…

It’s like these trolls actually make themselves hot, not to say Benson is a troll, but she could be, I don’t know what is real or what to believe anymore…

Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Candice Swanepoel Falls for Givenchy of the DAy

Candice Swanepoel, the graceful, boring, Victoria’s Secret Model, who I guess also dabbles in fashion modeling, because she was walking, or at least trying to walk for Givenchy…

I guess it’s safe to say…it’s the fall collection…right…Or maybe it’s just the end of summer and the beginning of fall….or maybe I should kill myself…with my fall jokes when I have nothing to say about an unmemorable model, doing what is probably the most substantial thing she’s ever done, but not just being unevntful…

Maybe wearing clothes threw her off, you know used to being in bra and panties…or maybe she just slipped because she’s been starving herself and feels so weak…or maybe…it was just a accident….and maybe there’s someone out there who jerks off to accidents…and I know there is…because there’s someone out there willing to jerk off to anything…

Posted in:Candice Swanepoel|SFW




Lindsay Lohan Has No Ass on Instagram of the Day


Lindsay Lohan posted this picture of her from behind…becasue I guess she wanted to scare off anyone who thought they still wanted to fuck Lohan by reminding them of her anorexic, skeletor ass, that the older she gets, the weirdo it gets…but thanks to her implants, them tits…stay the fucking same…

Lindsay Lohan wrote this on her instagram on September 11…..I read it, didn’t understand it, but that’s probably because Lohan is an absolute lunatic…

they always come back. I love you NYC ????they always come back. I love you NYC ???? #godblesstheworld #michaeljackson #rip miss you as my real only private friend. For you: god, for all hurts and wrongs, please let me forgive, Allah please let me be forgiven, and all forgive themselves. Please and thank you. (Someone I was with the night before several towers fell, it felt like not a curse, but more like a spell.. What we think in America is not always clear, we don’t have @peta commercials / you just kill deer….with this being said, I’m a girl with a reputation mislead… Like a diamond in the rough, you, now, for 25 years have seen me on TV and screen.. So i am programmed ????to stand tough. Black or white – in life, rather than love we create a fight of an ideal situation of an unexceptional, yet unacceptable future that @TMZ @Eonline @HarveylevinTMZ & #harveyweinstein ..couldn’t and wouldn’t even care to describe any thought of the people we forget to help when a franchise film comes out and, If money means more than freedom- than stay in California. If helping others is a passion, talk to angelina jolie… If you want to be a brilliant actress, work wth Meryl Streep …at the end of the day- republican or democrats — BE HERE NOW @oprah and live with integrity. Or go to sleep. The most beautiful life comes cheap. Stop fighting and using artists for distractions. It’s boring… ???? #UnitedNations

All this say, I pretty much love Lindsay Lohan…she’s so fucking crazy…beat up…expired…that I just want to bury my face in her until I die…



Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW