I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Ariana Grande Blackface of the Day

Ariana Grande is in Blackface, cuz that’s her aesthetic…The most tanned white girl around…looking like she didn’t kill Mac Miller with his opiates…even though she probably drove him down that road….looking like she didn’t help the bomber at her concert that killed off her fans…even though we all know she’s fully responsible for it…

I find very little attractive about the skinny midget with the big fake hair….even in her half naked posing I see a woman hating on America…calling Americas disgusting like that lesbian Soccer player….who doesn’t realize if she was in another country…she’d be stoned by her family…so maybe America isn’t so bad, you dumb white fuck.

Not that it has anything to do with Ariana Grande or her love for big cock…..some black cock….some weird SNL cock…but she’s still fucking trash.


Posted in:Ariana Grande|SFW




Charli XCX Towel Erotica of the Day

Charli XCX Erotica

The internet….or Social Media more specifically…a place where girls get to have an audience in places they clearly like an audience….like putting on a towel after a shower or before getting dressed…

When I take a shower, or get out of the shower, the last thing I am thinking is that I need to get a selfie…to send to my friends…with my tits out…all clean….yet so dirty….and by friends, I mean the random people of the internet that I don’t know but that satisfy my social media needs…likes and follows motherfuckers…

Let people in, almost shove it down our throat and force us to digest and consume it – like we’re being raped with their slutty pics….a place that isn’t so bad to be…except for the rejection and loneliness.

Charli XCX Erotica


Posted in:Charli XCX|SFW




Demi Rose Mawby Extreme Photoshop of the Day

Demi Rose Mawby Photoshop

The nice thing about Demi Rose, or really any whore on the internet, is that they are all so photoshopped, sexualizing them, like they sexualize themselves is less offensive than it would be if they were a girl half naked on the street….

You see, when you created an Artificial version of someone, they sort of become a cartoon character, so you should be allowed to write all the “Rape” comments you want on her instagram without people getting mad, without the girl feeling creeped on or creeped out….because it’s fiction. A fantasy. Anime. Whatever.

I don’t think Sex Worker Demi Rose is hot, I actually hate this Demi Rose Kardashian look….but I guess it’s worked out for her…..a huge sensation…and not working strip club poles…or whatever the alternate universe would have done for her in a world without social media….I feel there would be limited options.


Posted in:Demi Rose|SFW




Sofia Vergara’s Tits on a Yacht of the Day

Sofia Vergara’s story is one of inspiration to all the girls out there.

It reminds them that if you have really big tits and a silly accent, you can play it the fuck up and make it in America. Despite America being painted as a racist place that hate immigrants. There are a fucking ton of immigrants making millions a year with their work visas, greencards and US passports in hand, because using your sex appeal to manipulate people into making your dreams come true is viable…if you have those tits to back up your sex appeal and manipulation….

She started out as an illegal single mom who landed in Miami and never left, but thanks to Colombian cocaine and a hit TV show…she’s now living her middle age menopausal years on yachts she can pay for….unlike when she was first to Miami and had to fuck the guy who owned the yacht to get thee bikini yacht shots.

I don’t find her story all that interesting and middle aged women aren’t hot to me, but I am into amplifying the clickbait they produce in their self promotion….it’s kinda what I do.

Posted in:SFW|Sofia Vergara




Adriana Lima’s Got Her Bikini Tits Out of the Day

I thought Adriana Lima expired or retired from Victoria’s Secret after dragging that shit on and on and on and on for year after year after years…


It is the never ending cycle of bullshit promo modeling that made her lots of millions of dollars…because she doesn’t know any other moves. A one Trick Trick….

Maybe she is either too narcissistic to realize how ugly she has become or maybe she just doesn’t care, because she’s Adriana Lima and her ego overpowers that…..

I find it hard to believe she isn’t self conscious, or doesn’t realize she is aging badly….even though all women realize they are aging badly….in the way a sandwich in your lunchbox ages you half retard who uses a lunchbox fuck….which is not a good kind of aging…

But the tits…in a bikini…on her back the way old ladies like to be…I learned that on an episode of the Golden Girls…

Posted in:Adrinana Lima|SFW




Eva Longoria Erotica of the Day

Eva Longoria Erotica

Eva Longoria is out on the beach, doing a little beach clean up in a white bathing suit, because she cares about he environment…..or maybe she’s just found her angle, now that she’s old and fat and her ass and legs aren’t the worst of her…she sees the paparazzi and gets into positions.

I guess she is one of those no plastic straws people who like me, loves the way a paper straw melts in my mouth mid drink…it reminds me of eating toilet paper out of the ass of the one I love….vodka….

You know….a self aware person who cares about our future….or pretends to…when really she just cares about making as much money as possible for herself cuz she’s living the American Dream….the first generation Mexican who now hires Mexicans as her gardener…

This would look better if she pissed herself….she is that age an a white wet bathing suit is why white bathing suits are the best.

Eva Longoria Erotica


Posted in:Eva Longoria|SFW




Katharine McPhee Fixing The Pussy Lips of the Day

Katharine McPhee Bikini Pussy Check

Katharine McPhee is no longer topless on her honeymoon with her grandpa, instead she is seen here stuffing her meaty vagina back into her bikini bottoms….

If there’s one thing I know about Katharine McPhee, it’s that she spells her name with an A not an E and that fucks with my head. Who does that?

The other thing I know about her, is that she had vaginalplasty….

There were leaked nudes of the American Idol starlet in what was likely an iCloud hack, and the highlight pics were her scabbed up pussy selfie that you know was for her doctor…so medical…so erotic…

You know a bitch wit a VULVA complex, trying to get better, do better, improve herself through surgery about something she was insecure about…in order to land the man of her dreams or I guess the bank account of her dreams…with 80 year old David Foster who I’m sure has a bulletproof pre-nup, but that still probably works out nicely for this bitch.

I wonder if she’s looking at her pussy, because like all amputees, she’s got a phantom limb or in her case LABIA…trying to escape her bikini like old times…only for her to realize a few minutes after this was taken “oh right, I cut that meaty shit off like I worked the deli counter”….

Katharine McPhee Bikini Pussy Check

Katharine McPhee Bikini


Posted in:Katharine McPhee|SFW




Miley Cyrus Bikini of the Day

Miley Cyrus Bikini

Word on the internet is that Miley Cyrus is getting a divorce from her husband which makes sense – because the last time they broke up, she created the Miley Cyrus character and tour that involved her twerking while showing everyone her butthole…you know her slutty, mooching off the TUMBLR artists to create her own brand of silly and half naked…that put her on the map and made her a lot of money…only to have had her turn her back on it and pretend to be country and pure….back when she got the dude back, married him, only to return to the slut life because once a sex worker always a sex worker…and this is her version of sex work…rich Disney Hollywood sex work…and it’s great. I’m a fan of any girl getting naked, even quirky not so weird trying to be weird people.


Posted in:Miley Cryus|SFW




Bella Thorne Sad Titties of the Day

Bella Thorne posted this bolt on tit pic along with a caption about being sad, which she can cure by having an opiate overdose, you know make some real noise about things as nothing cures sadness like suicide….not that I am a suicide advocate, but if you’re tired of feeling a certain way, it is a viable option, a shitty viable option, I prefer the just going out through drink and being an asshole to everyone..some Leaving Las Vegas inspired suicide…you know when you actually don’t give a fuck, it’s very liberating and emotions don’t come into play like sadness..

I think it is safe to assume this sold to Disney as a kid because her parents don’t love her but love fame…has no feelings or emotions…and is a shell of a person looking for IG likes….when she’s out here trying to pretend she’s a real person and not some attention seeking robot….while posting “FREE ASAP ROCKY” who is in jail in SWEEDEN for ASSAULT…because he ASSAULTED someone and should be in jail…typical thing idiots protest when they see one of their own disrespecting a fucking country.

Either way, her bolt on tits.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Ireland Baldwin Bra of the Day

Ireland Baldwin Bra

7 Foot Tall Ireland Baldwin is realizing that she is a celebrity kid and that she doesn’t need to put in as much effort as those broke ass girls on instagram out there trying to be famous cuz they don’t have famous parents or famous last names….

She just knows that she can walk around in a bra and that’s enough to get people talking, because they have an interest in her last name….which is basically zero effort seeing as she doesn’t even need to get dressed to properly execute it.

It just doesn’t look very good. It is sloppy in weird way but I am still her number one fan. I’d like to be her manager.



Posted in:Ireland Baldwin|SFW