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Bebe Rexha Erotica of the Day

Bebe Rexha Slutty See THrough

Good ol Bebe Rexha…the Albanian who is disappointing her dad with her slutty porno behavior that doesn’t seem like slutty or porno behavior to her or her peers…since this is the norm…but to old timers like me, and I guess her dad…it’s just trashy shamelessness that we’d expect from some attention seeking whore…not from every single woman everywhere…without remember that ever single women everywhere is an insecure attention seeking whore…and now that it’s normal and mainstream for them to behave like this, they all do it, hoping to fit in..

They call it the patriarchy, but they do it to them damn sense…the mainstream competing for eyeballs with the porn scene cuz the porn scene is more rewarding cuz you get to see cunt.

The point is that this fat chick is near 30, and has been in the industry ignored for years, only to come out tits a blazing for the world to see her and it was only when her tits were a blazing…whoring out all over the place that she was noticed…cuz tits get hits…

It doesn’t mean her hit songs are of value or actual hits….but people don’t care about quality anyway so she’ll bank money with her masturbatory low quality fodder….and feel good about her fat self as she makes all the money she needs to eat all the bad foods her fat ass wants…you know like the next Christina Aguilera.

The whole thing is pretty gross…but it’s busty gross.

Bebe Rexha Tits


Posted in:Bebe Rexha|SFW




Carolina Marie Bikini of the Day

Carolina Marie Bikini Photoshoot

Carolina Marie is some model who has practiced her model face and went with it.. in every single photo.. her she is for a swimsuit photoshoot.

Is she a robot, I don’t know…I’d assume she’s void of most substance, except maybe the substance of casting directors and producers who she lays down for as their sex doll…cuz that face…is fucking dead…but still interesting enough to stare at when cumming inside her I guess…

Her face is always looking the fucking same, but new tits for us, are new tits and in her quest to bring her one facial expression to the top of the charts, it is our duty to supper her as the new tits we’ve never heard of…follow her…and encourage her for more…

I did my part, and SMASHED that follow button….and you should too…cuz one look can be fun when it’s half naked…in different poses…selling bikinis….or whatever the fuck is going on here.


Posted in:Carolina Marie|SFW




Em RatCow Texas Tits of the Day

Em RatCow Underboob

Em RatCow is culturally appropriating, or making fun of / mocking Texans, but dressing like a 1970s texas prostitute played by Dolly Parton, in some attempting to have depth or be funny that is pretty much just trash, which is really what Rat Cow is…trash..

She’s cleverly mastered getting social media following thanks to her tits. She’s managed to ride the instagram wave thanks to instagram being relevant still and people not “Unfollowing” people…I don’t know how strong her celebrity is, but I know she can polarize it with stupid people casting shit thanks to the following that gives an illusion that she’s more than just tits. But she’s not more than just tits.

The one good thing about this racism, mocking texans, treating them like redneck hicks, is that at least she’s trying to show some personality in her otherwise boring fucking existence…cuz beauty fucking fades and personality is what keeps people interested or engaged…even if her tits will always be infamous and her face..plastic and full of fillers..which for the record is bad of our oceans and Marine mammals you cunt.


Posted in:Em Rat Cow|SFW




Top 5 “I should Use USA Hangover Patches” Fails of the day

We’ve partnered up with USA HANGOVER PATCHES who have the cure to hangovers, which in the event you didn’t know, last 72 hours for people over the age of 30, a stat I think I read but that I could have made up, I just know that I have the worst fucking hangovers where I can’t move…which could be caused by hepatitis or alcoholism…and overall unhealthiness…but from stories I hear from my friends…not that I have friends…but I read their FB statuses…hangovers are real…but they don’t have to be….at least not according to USA HANGOVER PATCHES ….

To celebrate the hangover cure….here are the top 5 videos of drunk chicks…drinking….who should be wearing their USA HANGOVER PATCHES

1 – Taking In Too Much To Handle…

2- Drying that Pussy

3- The Too Drunk To Stand in the Toilet Stall…

4- The Riding the Fridge Door like it was Frat Dick


The Future of Drinking is Not Getting Hungover So Don’t Get Hungover CLICK HERE

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Hanna Edwinson Greased Up Bikini Photoshoot of the Day

Hanna Edwinson Greased Up Bikini

Hanna Edwinson is an Instagram model no one has ever heard of…who seems like she could be an actual model…from Sweden and her instagram is just an extension of her career as a model because the only way to get really big deals and hired by brands is your following….hence all the ugly sluts who have made a lot of money pretending to be models cuz they have instagram followers and are hired as models.

The whole world is nuts…but here’s a cheesy shoot of this chick to help deal with how nuts the world is.


Posted in:Hanna Edwinson|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Flasher of the Day

Iskra Lawrence was born on September 11 so you know she’s up to something….something bad…in a call 911 this bitch is on some ridiculous hustle cuz she wanted fame so bad that involved fattening up and monetizing being fat.

I say that she’s in FAT FACE – faking the fat to get attention…

She even self produced a stupid viral video, the viral video that made her, where she was on the subway in the UK in her underwear shamelessly embracing being fat….which led to getting her work…when it was all a joke to her cuz she’s not naturally fat…she got fat for a role, like she was Christian Bale…or some shit..

So seeing her flash, I see disgusting fat chick, but I also see fucking lies…out to scam marketers…and fat chicks a like to think she’s one of them…when she’s just being an opportunist like them….


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Delilah Belle Hamlin Titty Flash of the Day

Delilah Belle Hamlin Titty Flash

Delilah Belle Hamlin taking after her slutty mom …

In Delilah Belle Hamlin news…she’s daughter of Harry Hamlin and Lisa Rina news…out there living her best low level, low hanging fruit, trying to build an instagram, looking slutty, but more importantly like everyone else in LA, cuz the face injections have gone way too fucking mental…..there hasn’t been all that much going on, so she’s out there pulling the bottom of her tits out, cuz it gets attention she’s seeking, and that she’s encouraged to seek, cuz her role model, her mother, is also a whore who had to suck a MASS amount of dicks, steady dick sucking to get to that low level fame she got…

It’s not all that shocking that Delilah Belle Hamlin has a jacked up face like all the young doughy celeb children, and really all people of social media…

I am sure Lisa Rina had her at the Plastic Surgeon’s office at the age of 12, at puberty, to make her look more like her mom, knowing that she herself (Lisa Rina) got so much work done, none of her kids would look anything like her…so she had to give the illusion they inherited her lips…even tough her lips are some silicone implant from 1985….that helped in all hat low level steady dick scuking to get the low level of fame she got….

At least Delilah Belle Hamlin is on the right track to trying to be relevant like a Kardashian since that’s all the people of LA give a fuck about…


Posted in:Delilah Hamlin|SFW




Heidi Klum Eugenics Booty of the Day

Heidi Klum Eugenics Booty

Heidi Klum with the eugenics booty…

She may be 300 years old, but she’s managed to maintain pretty well….I wonder if she’s a vampire….I mean the Hilter Eugenics program that was actually based on American research, something Hitler borrowed, thinking he could breed the perfect aryan person, eliminating ugly people by sterilizing them, kind of like a dog breeder with humans….makes more sense than vampire….

But it feels like Heidi Klum has been famous for being a hot/half naked slut for the majority of my life…I feel like she’s been in the magazines, catalogs, getting jerked off too since I was 15, and I’m almost 50….

So Vampire…deal with the devil to maintain her looks it is…But I guess it could also just be botox, diet and exercise….but where’s the fun in her vanity controlling her life so that she works with German engineering level of effectiveness to maintain it…only to produce pics of her being all casual and shit about it…while 25 year old woman look at that should be rotting, and not just because Seal Killed it like people kill Seals in the Arctic…with a BIG fucking bat…but because of her Birth Year….and think..to themselves (the 25 year old women not the dead seals)….my ass doesn’t even look that firm and I’m not in my 70s….what the fuck…

I guess what I am saying is the feminists should kill off Heidi Klum for giving them unrealistic body image issues cuz they don’t look like this…and the media…the patriarchy is trying to create big business around their feeling inadequate for not looking like this…while the only one posting this shit up is Heidi Klum…it’s just better to blame systematic patriarchalism you dumb twats.

Heidi Klum Eugenics Booty


Posted in:Heidi Klum|SFW




Jessica Clements Topless of the Day

Jessica Clements Topless for LOfficiel

Apparently Jessica Clements is a model…that’s the rumor, or what I’ve established whilst looking at her little black and white tits…

She must be important, because why else would a magazine have her strip down topless, to show dramatic and artistic vision in the form of black and white titty pics….

I mean girls aren’t showing their tits every fucking day on social media at all…everyday girls…it’s a fucking thing, making it impossible to decipher or distinguish the actual models from the low hanging fruit tits..

You know the struggle of trying to separate the premium tits, more valuable tits, the kind of tits the A-Listers get pregnant or cum all over…or pay the rent of…from the the tits just trying to be in that scene….from their shitty lives in the midwest because they haven’t saved enough patreon money to put a deposit on an LA apartment tits…

That’s about all I have to say about that.


Posted in:Jessica Clements|SFW




Susan Sarandon’s Daughter in a Bathing Suit of the Day

Susan Sarandon has a daughter, like most celebs who in their self involved narcissism want to reproduce with a richer guy than them to give them some level of security even if they are already rich….to elevate their level of richness to the next bracket of richness…it’s just how these things work. Women breed up, unless they are Britney Spears….the only issue with that is that their genetics get diluted by dude who is rich sperm…which is usually a bad thing…cuz rarely are rich men good looking…unless they are born into it thanks to their ugly rich dads knocking up hot models…SCIENCE…

Point being…her daughter is old now, but for a while was a titty actress trying to create her own career as an actress….on Californication…with her tits out….and that concluded her acting career – now she’s just a mom. In a bathing suit…cuz a ho is a ho is a ho is a ho.

Posted in:Eva Amurri|SFW