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Ashley Graham Wet T Shirt and Ass to Ass of the Day

I would argue that the world doesn’t need more plus sized lingerie model pics. In fact I would argue that the world doesn’t need any plus sized lingierie pics. I guess this is just a testament of our times, where the world is obese, and I guess they can’t relate to the skinny models….

What we can all learn from Plus-Sized model – Kate Upton – is that big girls come with big tits…and big tits are worth staring at.

Even if they are fucking disgusting, sloppy, monster who are clearly a terrible influence on the world, because no matter what they say about their health, they are clearly not healthy….every study says obesity kills…big tits or not…But you fucking weirdos have or would fuck much fatter girls…and probably think this girl is hot…but then again, you’re likely also that white guy who gets mad when they find out that the fat girl with the big tits they like only fucks black dudes…because normal black dudes like fat chicks, and weird white dudes like fat chicks…

While this Ashley Graham may be a lot of things to a lot of people…is really just a fat chick…

Ashley Graham having water poured over her wet white t shirt

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Abbey Clancy Camel Riding Bikini of the Day

Abbey Clancy is some re-branded UK cokehead who dates footballers and who was a lingerie model who went by the name ABIGAIL CLANCY but I guess that was too classy, or maybe she dragged it through the mud, or maybe too mature and not playful enough and whatever the reason…

She’s on a fucking Camel….in a bikini….and if that isn’t one of those “epic” moments….like you got to suck some real rich dick to get to the CAMEL BIINI PIC in Dubai….


Posted in:Abbey Clancy|SFW




Michelle Jenneke Reliving the Glory Days of the Day

Michelle “Shelly” Jenneke is an Australian hurdler and model, who won a silver medal for the 100 m hurdles at the 2010 Summer Youth Olympics.

You know her for being the smiling Hurdler who does the warm-up dance that everyone loved and jerked off to when it happened back in 2012 or 2013 when she was 18 or 19…

Well, she’s back to her old tricks, reliving the glory days, doing a follow-up booty dance, jiggle for her fans as she still competes because she’s only 24 and still HURDLING…

I don’t know if this is magical or not, but I remember the first time she did this and it was pretty fucking cute, it just didn’t really go anywhere cuz she’s a fucking hurdler and who cares about fucking hurdlers even if they are semi hot enough to watch jiggle…

Posted in:Michelle Jenneke|SFW|Videos




Sophie Mudd’s Massive Tits of the Day

Sophie Mudd is the single most important thing to happen to Instagram…since all the other big titty on a skinny frame girl with big lips happened before her..

She may be doing the same hustle so many girls before her have done…using them tits to hit 1,000,000 followers and beyond…but she’s succeeding at it…and I am a fan of her work and all she does…because like the rest of America…I love big titties…sloppy big titties…especially on a skinny girl…and I believe that like the freakish nature of the big titties…should be celebrated like some kind of sideshow..

The reality is that Emily Ratajkowski is now an NBC star, she’s gone officially mainstream, she’s big on instagram put many people have still never heard of her, but will hear of her if her TV show becomes a huge hit, and it likely will…

So we need more desperate, less established, big titties being provocative to really feed our needs…

Because once a girl hits that mainstream, the NBC shows, we’re left with little to work with and they get boring…even if at the 1,000,000 dollar mark they are still too hot and entitled for us to ever hang out with or have sex with…they are still on the rise, the quest to win, and the competitive spirit is in place and the content gets aggressive and stays aggressive until all their dreams come true….either rich husband, huge fame, or money….

These tits are a gift from heaven she was hashtag blessed with and to use them for any reason but this would be wrong, and that is why I find it wonderful…so inspiring…but I could just be blinded by the tits…

Sohpie Mudd Massive Tits in a Tiny Black Shirt and Blue Jacket

Posted in:SFW|Sophie Mudd




Paris Jackson In the Bath of the Day

Paris Jackson in Red BRa in a Bathtub Filled with Flowers

When Michael Jackson got paid 15 million dollars from Pepsi, back when he had America by the balls, with his song and dancing, long before he had Culkin by the balls, with his perversion….he was viewed as this masterful act who made the people watching him feel good…people would get stomped out and killed at his concerts…people fucking loved him…and by the early 90s he signed a 1 billion dollar record deal which was unheard of…because that’s just the kind of guy he was…a weirdo, an artist maybe, a genius, a manipulator who knew how to get people to buy into him…i don’t know..

But I do know that his daughter, who I’m not sure is even his daughter, because I heard he was a EUNICH….but fatherhood doesn’t matter, it’s all about legal fatherhood, and this girl, thanks to her dad’s ability to win the audience over…is now able to post panty pics on social media and fuck famous models who are likely just using her because she’s Michael Jackson’s HEIR…and the whole thing…pretty amazing..

Here she is in panties..

Posted in:Paris Jackson|SFW




Brazilian singer Anitta in a Bikini of the Day

Brazilian singer Anitta Big Wet Tits in Pink Bikini

Who is this Anitta ….

I’ve never heard of her, but she’s got 27 million followers, because I guess instagram is big in Brazil…and she gets over 1,000,000 likes per picture….she matters…

Those numbers is the shit that all the american girls fucking dream of…the big hit, the fame and fortune that comes with instagram, and I guess they don’t factor in getting huge in another country as a tactic, because like this Anitta, the famous Brazilian singer, they too can be big in Brazil, or Turkey, or the Philippines, or India…because the sheer volume of perverts from those countries using the platform…because eventually, you’ll become an international star and America will take you under their wing because of that fame…like you were Shakira…or Rita Ora…or Margot Robbie..


Posted in:Anitta|SFW




Camila Cabello Slutty on Stage of the Day

camila cabello on stage in a black lace bra

Camila Cabello is some pregnant Cuban girl who made it in America, unlike her cousin ELIAN GONZALEZ …who America put back on the raft he drifted in on and sent him back to FIDEL…

This Camila girl is living the American dream, taking the place of an actual American, because these naturalized immigrants, who started out as illegals, are stealing all the jobs from the local Americans…which makes them real made in their trailer park homes…real mad…

It’d be a more interesting story if her career wasn’t that of a pop star in a slutty group, turned solo performer, like Nicole Scherzinger…and every Spice Girl except POSH, since she can’t sing and was a prop in their marketing, like she’s a prop in her marriage…because she’s so hungry and doesn’t have any energy for that…

Posted in:Camila Cabello|SFW




Adriana Lima Fitness Fetish of the Day

Adriana Lima Black Sports Bra and Tight Black Leggings

Adriana Lima is old and what looks like struggling, at least that’s the vibe I’ve got over the years while seeing her face injected face and thickness from being a 40 year old mom surface at the Victoria’s Secret fashion shows, that he still participates in and gets paid well to be in, all thanks to Victoria’s Secret knowing their analytics stats and seeing that this starlet, who they have really put a lot of mileage on after she sold her soul to them, is still converting a lot of sales, so keep her on board, she has no choice but to stick it out, and as she struggles to stay fit day in and day out, she stares at that pile of money she’s made, hating that model life….because she’s old and tired and just wants to tap out…but the handlers who made her won’t allow that…not until she does something bad for the brand like some racist shit, or fucking Bieber like Miranda Kerr…she continues….because she has no choice…

Modern Slavery Exists…This Struggle is Real.

Posted in:Adriana Lima|SFW




Dua Lipa in a Bra of the Day

Dua Lipa Big Tits on Stage in a Blue Bra

Who is DUA LIPA anyway?

That’s the real question people need to be asking themselves…because if there’s a girl performing in a bra, getting media hype, we have a right to know…WE HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW…

Luckily there’s this tool that tracks all your data called GOOGLE, who not only offers you curated selections of sites that pay them lots of money to give you that information, you see because GOOGLE is owned by shareholders who are keen on getting their corporate ventures the most love, killing off all the indy bloggers like WALMART did to stores…so you can go and see what they think of DUA LIPA…

And that very same Google owns this thing called YOUTUBE which is a video search engine where people google videos and see vidoes and follow videos…often times slutty videos…of young girls…that they jerk off to…but don’t tell those same SHAREHOLDERS that their ads are running next to teens in bikinis singing and dancing…that is Youtube’s secret with you…

Dua Lipa is one of their stars, a YOUTUBE girl with a billion views, that the mainstream is finally picking up on, even though she likely made more money on Youtube…cuz YOUTUBERS get paid yo.

Posted in:Dua Lipa|SFW




Elizabeth Hurley InstaThot of the Day

Liz Hurley Bikini Big Tits

Elizabeth Hurley proves one thing and that is that even when you are too old to get naked on that instagram thing that Facebook Evil Corporation runs in order to exploit all your data….you can still get naked enough on that instagram..it is good for the ego, gets you instant feedback, good for the personal brand…helps sell your products and gives the media something to talk about…without having to do much more than post seductively….

It’s a never too old to manipulate a system that you are presented with, especially when you have the work ethic and knowledge it took to manipulate the world in your favor long before instagram ever existed…

You know…the real stars, the brains, the money, the power…is finally moving in on this internet and staking a claim in it, something I remember being a 25 year old in 1995 thinking “when will the government shut down this porn machine that allows you communicate with like minded perverts and really disrupt society as a whole…without them knowing…


RIP INTERNET….it died with Liz Hurley’s youth, but like Liz Hurley we must pretend it’s still alive…

Liz Hurley Big Tits in See Through White Dress

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley|SFW