I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Nicole Murphy in a Bikini of the Day

Nicole Murphy in a pink bikini getting wet in the pool

Nicole Murphy may seem like a sex worker in her 50s…

But she’s much more than that…

She’s a Sugar Baby, who was with Eddie Murphy before he knocked up that Spice Girl ( THIS SPICE GIRL that ended in some Maury Paternity Test), back when he was a huge deal…where she likely sat around idly letting him do whoever and whatever he wanted, so long as she got the payout or marriage, or kids, or money…or whatever…a girl does when she gives up on her pride, dignity, and goes for the money and the good life to live her best life or dream life of a dude’s success….

It happens always and here it is old in a bikini….despite there being a cut off age for a bikini…which happened decades ago for Nicole Murphy…but she doesn’t care, that pussy got her rich.


Posted in:Nicole Murphy|SFW




Rita Ora Tight Bodysuit of the Day

Rita Ora pussy in white panyhose

Rita Ora is a set of tits….that exists on social media and beyond thanks to being an international celebrity from Europe…and beyond because she is magical, talented and most importantly a set of tits…

From what should have been a Cruise or Resort act, she’s managed to finally make it in America, sucking up to the right people along the way, being resilient enough to continue going out in public despite being a failure at being a popstar, almost a laughable celebrity, who people just assumed was a make a wish foundation or Kelly Osbourne…

Either way…garbage…but she fame whores hard…tries so hard…sluts out for attention so hard…and here she is….

More of her white bodysuit

Here she is ready for fitness..



How about her nipples…

Grabbing her tit?

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Hailey Baldwin’s Ass for Fashion of the Day

Hailey Baldwin ass in a fashion shoot

Hailey Baldwin is showing her bullshit ass that people only want to look at because she’s Stephen Baldwin’s slutty daughter, but no one would give a fuck about Stephen Baldwin, even if he was doing the same pose, all slutty for attention, because he’s Stephen Baldwin, rich from Hollywood sure, but forgotten by Hollywood and I guess found by Jesus because it was healthier for his drug addiction and recovery to devote yourself to an invisible higher power…that luckily didn’t get in the way of raising some young slut who sexualizes herself and does all the low level things an instagram whore would do…like mooch off the Kardashian / Jenner / Hadid – taking all the jobs they are too expensive of….

Here…are the rest of her slutty Christian pics.

Here she is leaving SoHo House in a crop top….


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Kim Kardashian Porno of the Day

Kim Kardashian Tight Panties and a Tight SHirt

Kim Kardashian is disgusting…

Getting her into her panties, positioning her like an innocent girl looking up at you all “doe eyed”…possibly because her face is so jacked up she can’t shut her eyes…in what is a classic porno pose pre dick being shoved down her throat….only this is filtered so aggressive, or shot in such soft lighting, that you can’t see how disgusting she really is…photo magic really…and it terrifies me, but not as much as how so many girl on the internet have this look…like it’s a trend…all these freakshows looking the same…

It disgusts me, but not as much as the corporate brands that support and sponsor this pig of a human….I get that the general public are morons…and take what they are told and don’t have the mental capacity to think that this Kardashian shit is terrible, lies, a scam or whatever…so they buy everything they are told to buy from them….

I just wish they’d realize how garbage, low level, and trash this cunt is…they’ve had their run….they’ve won…now kill them off and give the world better quality smut.

Here she is Post Porno for ELLE

Posted in:Kim Kadashian|SFW




Aly Raisman Trivializes Victims by Releasing a Raped Themed Bathing Suit of the Day

Aly Raisman Trivializes Victims by Releasing a Raped Themed Bathing Suit

Aly Raisman Monetizes on Being Raped in the Weirdest Rape Themed Publicity Stunt – That is Clearly a Fucking Trigger and not Empowering To Rape Victims Who have Actually Had Serious Trauma in their Lives, while reducing rape to just a bathing suit. Fuck you Aly Raisman

It is WEIRD, OFFENSIVE, EVIL to commercialize and montize on rape or sexual assualt…

It’s such a sensitive issue, where not all women want to reduce their lives being ruined by years of assault to a slogan or catch phrase on a bathing suit.

I am offended by this and I’ve never been sexually assaulted, except that time I woke up to a monster of a girl sucking my dick, but I never felt like a victim, despite being a survivor..

Point being American Eagle put this out there, probably thinking they were doing a #MeToo movement good thing, maybe even money from it goes to charity, but the fact is that it is insensitive, disgusted and MISGUIDED like all this MeToo Shit, people all buying into nonsense claims from nonsense half naked people and nonsense…

Irresponsible and here she is with a fat chick..

Posted in:Aly Raisman|SFW




Avril Lavigne in a Bikini of the Day

Avril Lavigne showing her ass in a gold bikini on vacation

Avril Lavingne is in a bikini…

So I guess, dreams do come true if you’re a sick fuck who wants to see Avril Lavigne in a bikini….

If you think Avril Lavigne in a bikini is a dream…which I know some of you do…thanks to Avril Lavigne being sexualized as the skater girl at the mall and people, mainly white dudes, being very committed to their childhood celebrity fetishes…you’re about as pathetic as I assumed you were….

Apparently, her butt crack is out, because she’s white trash…she can try to blame it on the Lyme Disease. I blame it on her having always been disgusting…with terrible style…playing a 15 year old for 40 fucking years…weird…but not as weird as your weirdos who find this hot.

Avril Lavigne tits in a tight yellow bikini on the beach

Posted in:Avril Lavigne|SFW




Jennifer Lawrence Boring Photoshoot of the DAy

Jennifer Lawrence Boring in a Blue Dress

Jessica Lawrence is overrated dog shit of a celebrity, who walks around in LA thinking she’s a huge movie star, because I guess she is a huge movie star, but for some reason, a reason I call no real star power, I find there to be zero compelling, interesting or attractive about her or her roles in the movies, besides her tits, and really I only figured out her tits when her nudes were leaked and I thought “those aren’t so bad”…..which has nothing to do with her roles in movies, or the millions of dollars she makes and that I don’t think she deserves, because ultimately, acting is a fucking lie, literally, a joke, definitely, and the fact that people pay these idiots the kind of money they get is offensive…because they don’t do anything positive in the world…

Jessica Lawrence and this photoshoot gets a fucking whatever…it’s just marketing nonsense that doens’t mater, but she’s looking older….she’s looking boring…and I guess sucking Amy Schumer’s cock isn’t the serum of youth…

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW




Irina Shayk Slutty for Vogue Germany of the Day

irina shayk white shirt hard nipples

Irina Shayk is a wonderful, soulless, opportunistic, hollywood wife straight from Russia…

The Russians have come a long way from making bootleg VHS tapes of American TV contraband that they passed around amongst themselves….you know when they’d have riots for American music, like when Michael Jackson played for them….or they’d fucking kill for a pair of Levis jeans….and now…they are billionaires….and where there are billionaires…there are slutty trained opportunist sex workers who know how to manipulate these rich men to get what they want – money…

Now she’s living the hollywood life…doing the hollywood thing…with the hollywood baby daddy making her set for life…

Here she is in magazine…being hot….I am a fan of this Russian Soulless sex worker…..mom or not, she’s good….

irina shayk ass in white pantie

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Kristen Stewart Nipples of the Day

Kristen Stewart Hard Nipples with no bra in a white shirt

Kristen Stewart is such an identity crisis, affected by fame, weird person who doesn’t know who the real Kristen Stewart is…something that works out well for her mooch lesbian Stella Maxwell who tries all she can to attach herself to the celebrity to increase her relevance as an opportunist ladder climbing panty model…

Leaving Kristen Stewart looking like a parody of a lesbian, you know like she’s been working at the trucking yard, or warehouse, lesbian, pretending to be a lesbian, in a way that should offend all lesbians, but lesbians don’t get offended by other lesbians, even if they are fake lesbians, eating pussy makes them lesbian enough, especially when they are famous and help the lesbian cause, in this era of lesbian, gender, sexuality confusion…because people are whiners….

Where are lesbians of the past who just hated everyone and didn’t care about inclusion cuz they were always mad…

I don’t get it…or this really…not to mention what the fuck are those nipples doing…crazy…

Here’s her lesbian…Stella Maxwell…the Opportunist…

Posted in:Kristen Stewart|SFW




Lea Michele’s Tranny Fashion Tip for Cameltoe of the Day

Lea Michele Cameltoe Tuck Game Strong in her grey leggings

Lea Michele is sexing herself up now that she has a boyfriend who likely fucks her and who I guess is a homosexual, because she was rumored to be born with testicles, unless he’s just progressive and accepts trannies for being the women they pretend to be in their everyday life,

The world is fucked, and I’m going to assume so is Lea Michele, or at least her ass is, thanks to it being her pussy…seeing as she was born male…in my Lea Michele fantasy that is likely no truth…but based on child stars having weird parents who fight for their careers and know girls make more money than boys – despite what hollywood is telling you…

I have an ongoing joke that Lea Michele is a tucker, or maybe she’s had official reassignment, and seeing a cameltoe pic is clearly just trying to debunk my theories…and something ALL trannies can do if they shop on Alibaba….

So this is her tranny fashion tip of the day

Lea Michele Fashion Cameltoe 1

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW