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Archive for the SFW Category




Demi Lovato is on Tour of the Day

Demi Lovato zipper panties opening her legs

Demi Lovato is in concert, because she has overcome her Bi-Polar Disorder that I like to think was a bullshit diagnosis from her team to justify her being an entitled, spoiled, annoying rich as fuck, exploited by her parents, public figure who sells out arenas, multi millionaire cunt…

It is nice to have a label for you terrible unappreciative behavior…or an excuse…especially when you have a team of marketing people spinning shit for you, even though the only thing that should be spinning is those damn thighs she’s liberally showing off…they are HUGE…and terrifying.

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW




The Ashley Graham Twerk Video of the Day

I think it’s safe to say…there’s not enough fat shaming going on in this video….or really in the world…allowing for this video to exist…because the last thing Sports Illustrated Swim should be posting is a fat black dude fetish video of a fat older chick who scammed the world…twerking….

We live in w world where a fat chick thinks it’s ok to TWERK on the mainstream level in a sports magazine, even if TWERKING seems like a dated dance, because she’s a dated girl..

Sure fat chicks TWERKING in porn for perverts to jerk off to is acceptable behavior…it’s a fetish, I get that, I respect that, but I don’t appreciate the mainstream taking it in as appropriate…it’s trashy, sleazy, not funny or cute and should be reported and deleted…save it for the pornos.

Porn making it into the mainstream has terrible consequences…

Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Madison Beer – Braless of the Day

Madison Beer braless in a floral dress

Madison Beer has hard nipples….she is some Beiber signed, youtuber first, rich from that internet money, not very compelling, but luckily bred by her mom to be some titty exposing attention seeker and here it is….the nipples you don’t care about or didn’t know and still don’t know or care about but the name is slowly becoming known cuz of hard nipples….


Posted in:Madison Beer|SFW




Ireland Baldwin Naked for PETA of the Day

Ireland Baldwin Naked for PETA

Ireland Baldwin relates with PETA because she likes anyone who let’s her get naked in a photoshoot for whatever cause looking for some press….because according to her dad….she’s a pig…

But at least she loves animals in her attempt for attention because animals are the best…and shouldn’t die for coats….

It’s out! So thrilled to share my brand new Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur campaign with @peta! I’ve dreamt of shooting this for as long as I can remember. If you don’t truly know what goes into making fur, please educate yourself. Fur is cruel no matter what. If you wouldn’t skin and wear your own dog, then you shouldn’t wear fur at all because all animals are created equal. Save our animals, save our planet and join me and #Peta in making more conscious choices.

Posted in:Ireland Baldwin|SFW




Halle Berry’s Cleavage of the Day

Halle Berry Big Cleavage

Everyone is freaking out about these HALLE BERRY event appearance pic. I have seen it on social media at least 3 times today and I have only been on social media for less than 3 minutes today…so based on that alone…I’ve concluded that people must really be into this Halle Berry coming out tits out….

But I think she looks like shit, not just because she’s brown assholes, but because she looks old….

I’m as much a Halle Berry has great tits, looks great naked in movies 10 or 15 years ago as anyone….but that doesn’t mean I have to think she looks good in her older years while she’s looking old…just because she was hot 10 or 15 years ago…

Save it for the 1990s…but here it is for the women who hope to look as good at 50, because losing sex appeal must be a terrifying thing for people who rely so heavily on sex appeal.


Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW




Ashley Tisdale Fitness of the Day

Ashley Tisdale Sports Bra and Leggings

I feel like I am a bit of an internet asshole, maybe even a troll, or a weathered, tired Troll who doesn’t actually troll anymore because it takes too much effort and I am more entertained staring at the wall than trying to prank idiots on the internet…

But I still write content daily that these celebrities would probably find “negative” if they were to read it….and I say this because I’ve been told by at least one celebrity that I am an asshole …from Rose McGowan to Alyssa Milano…and the rest of the Cast of Charmed…to Lohan and whoever the fuck else has bothered to call me an asshole bottom feeder that I am…I’m just trying to get enough money to eat here….

So Tisdale was on my target for a long time, only because the media awarded her a teen choice award as being a “hot chick”…when clearly, she wasn’t….it was clearly paid for by Disney to promote their movies, and I didn’t like that FAKE NEWS, because before trump’s fake news, there was other fake news by the media…like saying TISDALE is hot…

In some ways, the media says a bitch is hot, and people follow and it brought back memories of me in my first year of highschool, a total outsider immigrant amongst white people, not quite confident in myself, feeling everything out, and really not the horny pervert I am today….and this group of white dudes were obsessed with a girl who looked like a burn victim cuz she had tits, they’d be like “Melanie’s so hot” and all I’d see is a monster….but instead of being “you guys are nuts”…I was like “I’m nuts to think she’s a monster, all the dudes find her hot”…and ended up trying to make out with her…despite thinking she was a monster…which was essentially self imposed rape….#metoo…

I don’t like that happening to others, so when I see blatant lies calling girls who aren’t hot hot, I have to stand in and take things down a notch….

But even when calling her ugly…I would say “at least she’s fit, a fit body is always good to fuck, and we don’t need a hot face to fuck it”….because with all bad is some good…and I guess she’s in the gym, but has let herself go a little…and here it is.

Posted in:Ashley Tisdale|SFW




Caroline Vreeland Got Them Titties on of the Day

Caroline Vreeland big cleavage in black dress

Caroline Vreeland is a LA based scammer, who pretends her grandmother was some big player in Early Vogue magazine, making her a Fashion Icon by default…all while trying to launch her music career with her big fucking tits…tits you’d think would have landed her some celebrity but didn’t come too easy…this must be her fourth year of going to all the right parties, all the right fashion weeks, tits out, with all the right people who have followers she mooches off and still no one cares about her…but they are starting too and with tits like this they should…they are monstrous, they are huge…and I’ve been watching them in various states of undress for years now and despite finding her totally uninteresting and a scam…how could I not be down for MONSTER TITS on someone who isn’t monster fat…

So give her the attention she wants people…it’s the right thing to do….you’ve done it for not so great big tits before…she’s trying so hard….let her have it..


Posted in:Caroline Vreeland|SFW




Lindsey Vonn Olympic Cleavage of the Day

Lindsey Vonn showing tits in a low cut black shirt

The biggest disappointment from the Olympics was the overhyped Lindsey Vonn, not winning her Gold medal, despite being this Hollywood, glitz and glam, Tiger Woods fucking “athlete” who forgets she’s an athlete, because she’s more into wearing tight slutty dresses…..

The whole going to the Olympics thing was clearly to maintain another four years of sponsors, if she medaled, people will ride that and throw sponsor money at her, as she tries to figure out how to become a social media influencer, or movie star…that will work because America likes familiar faces and making the rich richer….

What I learned during these Olympics was that Lindsey Vonn’s face and body is pretty manly…and that she’s really not hot…but an American Hero to some, mainly the people marketing her…and here she is being “FANCY”

Her ass at the olympics

Posted in:Lindsey Vonn|SFW




Mariah Carey’s Gastric Bypass Tits of the Day

Mariah Carey cleavage in black dress

The rumor is that Fat Mariah got some Gastric Bypass after her billionaire boyfriend and her split up before their publicity stunt wedding….something I think she even released a reality show about…. because I guess girl had more life to bring the world..through terribe song and dance….and Christmas Carols…

But she was able to keep the tits we can assume old man Tommy Matolla appreciated when she was 19 and her abducted her, giving her the life she deserved, by making her a huge fucking star, all rich as fuck so that he didn’t have to pay as much alimony after the divorce…

These rich people are crazy, but she’s lookin’ good, but in my defence, I am blinded by tits.

Posted in:Mariah Carey|SFW




Paris Hilton Topless for Old Times of the Day

Paris Hilton topless in black panties

Paris Hilton or the people who handle Paris Hilton’s feed, who I assume are the same people who run the Kardashians social media, because I am convinced Paris is the Kardashian’s silent partner….has blocked me on her social media…

Which feels so hurtful to me, because I never actively went out of my way to insult her on her social media feed, I don’t even know if I ever liked one of her comments, but then again my “relationship” with Paris Hilton started long before 2013 social media / instagram hustle….we were 9 years deep at that point….where I had been talking shit on her back when websites mattered and people googled themselves…

I posted all her nudes, whenever they happened, I was first on so many of her leaked pics, the Paris Hilton phone hack that gave me Lindsay Lohan’s number…it was a different era…and I guess this old timer remembered those good times…I mean why else would she block me….so cold, so heartless, so mean…so hurtful….it’s like I didn’t mooch off her to get clicks to my site with her sex tape and other whoring…that I guess is still whoring in whatever this EASTER fetish shoot is…

I’m still a fan.

Posted in:Paris Hilton|SFW