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Archive for the SFW Category




Alison Brie Being Sexy of the Day

Alison Brie topless

I still don’t know who Alison Brie is…I don’t watch her show about women wrestlers…I didn’t watch her show on Communities… but I have posted on her a few times before because I do watch pop culture tits…and she’s got tits…that she’s exposed in her new show because that’s what fame / acting / being a woman with tits is all about…

I have written very important things about her like:

“She’s got tits I’d like to smear on the cracker that is my penis like they were a nice slice of creamy brie”…

That’s about the extent of my genius.

I am so genius with my analysis of the Hollywood born and raised actress who was once a birthday clown who failed and went mainstream… because like tits, I also love cheese…

Her real last name is Schermerhorn….making my BRIE joke…my BRILLIANT Brie Joke…obsolete…like me….but it’s nice to see that not everyone is obsolete as she keeps her relevance up doing whatever she does…in this not so hot shoot…

Posted in:Alison Brie|SFW




Izabel Goulart Bikini Photoshoot of the Day

Izabel Goulart Bikini Photoshoot

Veins above the cunt from fitness….is the new fat chick model with fat spilling over her bikini bottoms on some Ashley Graham shit…because the fat photoshopped gunt has lost it’s appeal and I want musculature to imagine cumming on…dripping through her abs and muscular pelvis…without risk of finding a donut lodged up the cunt…

Izabel Goulart is fit as hell, she works on her body and has no body fat and that, in and of itself is erotic in an era where 50 percent of the population are lazy as fuck pre-diabetics…

Some Brazilian sex worker…doing good things reminding America who made her lots of money how fucking fat they are.

Posted in:Izabel Goulart|SFW




Rihanna Sprawled Out of the Day

Rihanna in a red sheer dress spread out

Rihanna is either fat or pregnant or both, up on some pre-diabetic cuz she’s genetically predisposed to that shit, some girl from the Islands likes to eat all the Chefette fried chicken in Barbados…catering her life with that shit…because if you’ve ever been to Barbados you’ll know the women are all very fucking fat…into all them sugary drinks boy…and that’s just how it’s meant to be…

The good news for Rihanna is she doesn’t need to give a fuck because unlike other Bajan women, she’s not working as a chambermaid or waitress, she’s richer than the whole fucking country, and girl can be as fat as she fucking wants, she’ll be well taken care of, and by Barbados standards she’s not fat at all…but those spread lets, spread tits, belly poppin’…are just what’s going on in every trailer park in the southern USA today…and everyday…watching their soap operas and wheel of fortune….

It’s sloppy, melting into her chair…made from her piles of money…in a too sick to move but doesn’t need to move she pays slaves for that like the old times…amazingness..

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Izabel Goulart – Bikini – of the Day

Izabel Goulart in a white bikini in a mans arms

Izabel Goulart is a Victoria’s Secret model once a year, for whatever reason, she was taken off the main roster and ran back to brazil to live out her fit as fuck model life, thanks to garnering celebrity from the billion dollar evil fucking brand…but she still walks their fashion show infomercial to I guess stay relevant, or maybe because that’s what her contract stipulates – allowing her to remain exclusive to them without actually working since she’ likely got enough in the bank, she was a huge deal for a while a while ago..

I forgot she existed, but saw these Brazilian Christmas romance shots and remembered how fit she was, like workouts everyday, making for a sculpted and amazing body…with low bodyfat…and I figured why not celebrate that today while all you fat fucks are till eating cookies from Yesterday….not everyone is a lazy pre-diabetic fat as fuck American…some just get paid in American Dollars to be hotter than Americans, so tht they buy cheap made in china sweatshop panties…you know…like GOULART…


Here’s some excitement from her social media..

Posted in:Izabel Goulart|SFW




Sarah Hyland is Branded by her Boyfriend of the Day

Sarah Hyland lips and tits showing off her necklace

Sarah Hyland is being used by some dude she calls her best friend, who is clearly a homo, and not in an “I’m jealous dude fucks Sarah Hyland kind of way, that’s not really the way I am, but more importantly, I don’t actually care who fucks Sarah Hyland because she creeps me the fuck out…

I do however follow her social media, and see her promoting the fuck out of some gay guy she has packaged as her boyfriend, to the point in which she’s wearing his initials on her necklace in what I assume is this sponsored post about her titties…she’s learned from Sofia Vergara and gets it.

So basically branding herself, promoting dude, making him exist, all the while all he has to do is pander to her and convince her he’s not gay, in order to cash in as the next Seacrests, something he’s trying to be, at least based on my watching her social media feed…

Dude’s working it…hard..and he’s got a captivated audience…buying into it because she’s likely tired of not trusting anyone. Even her parents….who sold her off…and gave her that mutant face.

It’s not exciting, it’s nonsense, but I’ll post it because I just did.

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Hailie Scott- Eminem’s Daughter – Good Shirt of the Day

Eminems daughter Hailie Scott in a crop top and jeans

Hailie Scott is Eminem’s daughter who you probably remember being a big part of his storyline in his early albums / only albums, I mean I don’t remember any Eminem, not because he wasn’t or isn’t the biggest rapper of all time, and not because he’s not clever in his jokes, but because I just don’t listen to that shit…but I do remember Hailie…who is instagramming her fit young body hard…tits out…like her stripper mother trained her properly to do…all rich as fuck because her dad is Eminem…a weird thing to think of since she looks like mid-western trashy college chick on Florida spring break, but I guess that’s pretty much what she is….just cuz Eminem got paid and lives in a huge house…doesn’t mean his daughter isn’t cut from basic white chick cloth…but the good news is that hse’s fit and busty, not some fat and lazy slob packing the freshman 15 in all her pics cuz she can thanks to being Eminem’s daughter and never having to work or really do anything by lay and eat treats…

I guess what I am saying is that she’s hot…even if she looks like every college kid at an EDM show…I’m a fan of the real slim shady, except for the tits, they may not be real.

Posted in:Hailie Scott|SFW




Hailee Steinfeld’s Ass on Vacation of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld is out there working it for the paparazzi in Hawaii, she’s got a movie, Pitch Perfect 3, to promote…it’s critical for her to remind people she exists, now more than ever, because she’s taken her celebrity trainer father’s lead and started working out, making her far more interesting to look at, in what I like to call fat-shaming works, especially on young girls…

Now she’s fitter, better to look at, healthier and walking around half naked and in fitness gear with more confidence..

You can’t encourage a fat chick that she looks good or that it’s healthy, because it’s not healthy…you need to say “hey fatt, you’re fat, no one likes fat people, and you’re trying to be a pop star AND an actress, over achiever, how about putting some of that money making skill into your fitness”..and she did..and it’s good…if you like younger half naked chicks like some kind of pervert…

Here she is in bikini….

Here she is in workout gear….


Posted in:Hailee Steinfeld|SFW




Mariah Carey’s Thick Legs in Jeans in ASpen for Christmas of the Day

Mariah Carey thick thighs in her jeans in Aspen

I listen to Christmas Music radio stations for a solid month before Christmas as a brainwashing tactic to get me into the Christmas spirit, it generally doesn’t work, as the only thing that gets me into the Christmas spirit is Christmas fetish porn and girls in slutty Christmas lingerie…but it does make me fucking hate that Mariah Carey song that is so overplayed it is painful, but not as painful as it must be to be squeezed into these jeans, but more importantly, not as painful as the pressure of her fat thighs, despite getting her stomach stapled thanks to being a crazy person, put on her jeans…

But it is still fun to watch…this Aspen storybook Mariah Carey christmas…in demin..or some spandex that looks like demin because they don’t make denim in her thigh size…assuming she doesn’t just get everything she wears custom made, she’s kinda that rich…and it’s all thanks to marrying the head of Sony Music who was 30 years older than her back when she was young and starting out…like a good sugar baby with the voice of an angel that eventually starts to grate on my fucking nerves…

These pants be straining Harder than when she tries to hit those notes…


Posted in:Mariah Carey|SFW




Lily Beckinsale Rubbing her Ass on Cardboard of the Day

Lily Beckinsale with girlfriend sticking their asses out

Lily Beckinsale or Lily Mo Sheen, which I guess is her actual name, thanks to her dad, actor Michael Sheen, not related to Charlie Sheen, but likely as perverted, knocking up her mom Kate Beckinsale, the vampire woman who doesn’t age, 18 years ago…is some young tight bodied, daughter of famous enough people, who is likely spoiled, entitled and annoying from thinking her family is important..because that’s what these people are all about…

But she’s young and tight bodied, the only thing you’ll ever see crawl out of Kate Beckinsale’s pussy…which to some people is a big deal thanks to Kate Beckinsale securing he virgin loser nerd market into loving her and all things her pussy does…or has done…even if it’s old now, it still looks as fit as before and it’s nice to know there’s a back-up version of her, in case she dies or something…even if that back-up version of her is grinding up on Cardboard cutouts of DJ Khalid…weird.

Posted in:Lily Mo Sheen|SFW




Sophie Simmons, Jewish Girl, in Christmas Pyjamas of the Day

Sophie Simmons jewish girl in christmas pyjamas

I would say that this is some Sophie Simmons doing some cultural appropriation, because she was raised Jewish by her Israelite father Gene and the Canadian porno model from the 70s he knocked up during his conquest of many horny KISS groupies which were really challenging to Weinstein as they threw themselves at him and his make-up and high heels that have made him a billion dollars…

But I guess her mom isn’t a Jewish, unless she converted, which she probably did to score the good life she’s got all for being hot and not a pain in the ass…and I guess there’s no real cultural appropriation when it comes to celebrating Christmas, that shit is mainstream and commercial, all cultures are welcome so long as they buy gifts and perpetuate consumerism….we are inclusive…

This isn’t the BLACKFACE, the Christmas edition, but it isn’t the kind of pajamas I like seeing mom and daughter in….see previous post….

But it’s women with trap door pajamas designed for ANAL rape…but is it really rape if there’s a clear invitation…like a doorway to the anus…exactly….

There’s little hot in this, or in Sophie Simmons, unless you’re a KISS fan in which case it’s as close as you can get to fucking your LEADER / GOD without being considered a homo.

Posted in:SFW|Sophie Simmons