I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Ashley Smith Love and Lemons Valentines Day Shoot of the Day


Ashley Smith is getting work….

There was a good 3-5 years where she wasn’t getting work…

Because Ashley Smith is Old and I guess she figured she needed to put herself out there as hard as she fucking could this past year…getting into Playboy / Sports Illustrated / every media opportunity possible, because she knows as a hipster model…there’s a lifeline…

So there was a time when she was a hot fucking model with big old titties that she always shows off…and that I liked to look at…because I like tits…but not necessarily of the tits, everyone shows there tits, that’s not a thing anymore, but when she started out it was only a handful of sluts doing it…. but because she used to interract with me on social media…I guess she was bored in her first few years off…..

I always liked her fucked up teeth, but at 29, after a rough scenester life I can assume was filled with party, sex and more party…she’s kinda rugged looking at 29…

I mean we do live in a world with hot 21 year olds Love and Lemons…we can avoid this rough addict looking girls…who still have tits, are still long and lean, but are old and tired…let her nap.

Posted in:Ashley Smith|SFW




The Dude from Glee, Lea Michele, Naked in Bed of the Day


This is hardly a nude pic of a thirsty despite being rich and famous Lea Michele..who with her voice of an angel is on TV and gets fucking paid…yet as a girl in this generation…getting older…she knows that her following on social media is just as important…and to maintain those fans and friends trying to use you…you must post seductive, intimate pics…to allow us in, to feel part of it, and because you’re a narcissist exhibitionist…

But it’s not nearly nude enough, since I can’t see her dick.

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Kaia Gerber by Kendall Jenner for LOVE Magazine of the Day


Photography is a joke, the cameras do all the work, I’ve taken pics that have 10,000s of likes and I dont’ know what I’m fucking doing, other than having been in the right place at the right time when someone asks me to take a pic of them with their phone…it doesn’t take much…the real challenge is finding a dumb bitch who will act like an asshole in various poses trying to be sexy for no real reason other than narcissistic insanity, but even that’s not the challenging, every bitch does it..

SO now, model who shouldn’t be a model, Kendall Jenner, from the family of promo models, has become a fashion photogrpaher, because it’s a joke, a career she can carry into her future, and make even more money that she does, by capturing the cunts she recruits to the industry – so eager to be in the industry – where she can take money off the top….

So now, she can be entrepreneur, social media expert, with a team behind her, who can sign these bitches, some famous, some randoms, and get 20 percent of their money, charge the client 20 percent on top of the fee, making 40 percent off each booking, plus charge her 50k a day photography rate…or more…cashing the fuck in…while producing garbage content people fucking love because they have no taste..

So today’s subject, 15 year old Kaia Gerber…the Cindy Crawford clone the family pimps out – for the cover of some magazine Kendall is heavily involved with and the family probably owns…and the whole thing is not that offensive…because at Least Kendall is trying to have a skill…in a life she clearly doesn’t need skill in…but it’s something to do…

The funniest thing is that people are actually giving her hype reveiews for this pic…I saw it on some sites already and was like “who are these writers and why do they suck kendall’s dick”…it’s ok to call someone out for being worse than dog shit in the grand scheme of the world despite people paying her and sucking up to her – we all know the truth…she’s a zero.

Posted in:Kaia Gerber|SFW




Charlotte McKinney Still Has Tits and is in Ocean Drive of the Day


Charlotte McKinney had a little scare the other day – I guess she was wearing some kind of sports bra – or ace bandage tranny women or lesbians trying to live as men or not as women – gender bending – we are all one gender – no gender – because gender is a social construct of society – so they wrap their tits with so that they can feel more manly….

You can see those pics of a Less busty McKinney HERE

BUT DON’T WORRY 1% of internet population who knows who Charlotte McKinney is…including Charlotte’s family, her rich guys she has sex with, and herself….she’s still got the only thing that makes her matter in this world…not that she matters that much…THEM TITS….and she wants you to know, but posting a tit pic – as a “I ate too much my pants broke” pic…which also doubles as her pants are undone and ready to be pulled off…also a fetish…when the hard nips are in the pics…and we should thank her…not for it being some miracle, there are great tits out there on other bitches, but for cropping out her horse face….

A horse face you can see in this OCEAN DRIVE magazine, looking like some 40 year old trashy florida Housewife making a cheesy castle with her husbands money, because bitch can live in Malibu, but she’s still Florida rich…and Florida rich is like stripper rich…not all that classy…

It’s interesting that she’s attempted to fix her face with her fillers, make-up, whatever…not too sure how effective that is because all I see is a clown-like – farm animal…with great big tits…

If you haven’t got enough Charlotte McKinney – CHECK OUT THE CHARLOTTE MCKINNEY TAKEOVER ON THE stepFORUM or as the crew call it DSF SOMEONE WHO WILL REMAIN NAMELESS (MadamMeow)….got artistic on EVERY SINGLE CHARLOTTE MCKINNEY POST EVER …..

Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW




Bella Hadid in her Porn Stance of the Day

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Everyone knows that when a girl is on the floor looking up at the camera – she’s trying to be a seductive little minx, giving the illusion that she’s about to suck your dick, or about to be victimized by your cock, like you’re living in some POV porno shoot, that she is very well versed in because she’s under the age of 30 and has grown up on porn, coupled with being a rich kid, and all rich kids are fucking weird both in personality and sexually, filling the void through their vagina, whether from famous Canadian rappers or whoever the fuck else is around, and she knows what she’s doing…it’s pretty fucking clear…she’s learned from the best…in porn.

I like that she’s added a little DEWY face to her face – to really bring the – I just came on her face fantasy home…

Play this off as innocent, I see it as tactical and manipulative…because some people manipulate to get the most out of life, to get what they feel they deserve, while other undeserving, but luckily placed manipulate to get likes…and male attention…

In the event you haven’t been paying attention – this dress is the dress she wore a few days ago…and it’s see through…she’s got this classy hooker thing down…and she should…her mom was one…

She’s not even hot – but whatever – let her shine…

She’s in Paris Fashion Week – Because she’s a model…and here she is walking in a see through dress…

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Britney SPears Pussy Shot of the Day


Britney SPears is like any other instagram model, only actually famous, successful and rich beyond just being some half naked girl who gets cocky in her fitness and posts pics of her flat mom stomach, or her hip bones popping out so you can see some late 90s cross tattoos over her pussy like she’s some kind of biker slut, who is trashy enough to be a biker slut, but who is Britney Fucking Spears…American’s sweetheart before TRUMP made it a law that you can only jerk off to his daughter or wife…no other American women are worthy of being jerked off to in AMerica..or you get deported and tortured.

So take in this Britney still crazy pussy when you can…

Here she is in some Glamour model bikini shoot that reminds me of backpages – meets cheesy mall photographer…that I believe you can jerk off to…

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Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Alexis Ren Bikini Pics of the Day


Alexis Ren is a scammy instagram model who isn’t that hot, but has a great thin body, is in a bikini and on the beach in great settings, she has a fake boyfriend she is scamming with, who pretends to be all masculine and in love with her, like a romance novel cover, and people buy into the dream, because of their own empty lives, and it’s clever tactics for such young egos trying to find their hook…

So with being on the beach all the time, and her millions of followers despite not really being actually famous, she does these cheesy bikini photoshoots in make-belief bikini catalog style pics, since it’s for the internet and nothing is real…and bitch is getting paid..maybe not for this shoot – but in general..because as silly as it is…it’s what advertisers like throwing money at…fascinating…young, slutty, half naked, bikini hustle….would rather it be a sex tape….because if you’re gonna fuck us…at least let us watch you fuck.

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW




Bella Thorne Topless and Her Dewy Face of the Day



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I find trends funny…

Whether it’s the word “edgy”…that is the new instagram caption word that that people are posting on pictures and everyone is LOLing, copying, and posting themselves….it’s the new “on fleek”…or “fire”…or whatever else it is people are posting, that everyone else is posting…because people don’t have brains of their own….

Or Bella Thorne, who isn’t all that hot, who hasn’t done all that much work, who no one actually cares about, yet who is in the media and talked about all the time….

Or in this case..both combined in some boring pics and videos…of what you can imagine is cum on her face…because I imagine in being cum on her face..it’s the only way to power through all this nonsense…

She’s not that magical…but she exists and that’s more than I can say for myself…so here she is…

Here’s her nipple ring…


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Stella Maxwell’s Gnarly Camel Toe is the Scammer of the Day


Stella Maxwell was on set in Miami shooting the very important Victoria’s Secret catalog / website content for their new collection of made in China, despite TRUMP’s reign, low quality lingerie, so that people who you don’t want to see in their underwear, even though I want to see everyone in their underwear….

You know, this overpriced nonsense that makes business men rich as fuck and that people eat up, and not just dudes who have dirty panty fetishes like me, you know sneaking into laudnromats for that shit stain…but real people, who work and love consuming mall brands because it is familiar..

Either way, I don’t know how she made it into the mix, she pulled some fucking scams, sure she’s a tall skinny model…who attached herself to Barbara Palvin’s agency and got into the scene…and sure she played the lesbian, the intersex androngynist hipster in this feminist world, getting naked with her uneven tits and owning it cuz she didn’t look showered…it was a thing….a thing that turned into this mainstream, commercial, cashing in, low concept shit…all thanks to a scandal romance with MILEY, and growing her hair out…and sure she’s tall and skinny…but her face is wonky and weird…she knows her angles..both physically and how to scam her way in and now she’s an angel…with a little boy ass and a cameltoe bigger than
Lesbians should have…..you know since they hate dick….as if Stella Maxwell hates dicks….she’ll fuck anything to get ahead…and ahead she’s pulled off….lots of times…


Posted in:SFW|Stella Maxwell




Dalianah Arekion Models in Bathing Suits of the Day


Dalianah Arekion is Maurician…which is a small island off the coast of Africa…and I’ve known a few hot Mauritian girls over the years…even though you’ve probably never heard of Mauritius because you are American and as far as you’re concered there’s one country in the world and there’s a lot of Fast Food, Fast Fashion and Fat people there…and all those brownish people are from other places, look good thanks to not being fucking pigs, but are here trying to steal your jobs…or do crimes to make your GOD LOVING STREETS dangerous…

That said, this is the second Dalianah Arekion post in a week. The first one was about the time I went to a Mauritian restaurant and the owner was a Cuban whore fucking pervert who had pics of his Cuban whores…

Now this one…far less fun, interesting, but still features the “is she indian, is she African, is she Middle Eastern” test a girl I sext made me play – and that I just stuck with INUIT as to not offend…because offending people may be what I do on the internet on a real small scale…but offending girls about to spread their pussies for me…is just bad business..

Here she is

Posted in:Dalianah Arekion|SFW