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Archive for the SFW Category




JoJo Slutty Selfie of the Day

JoJo Slutty Titty Selfie

JoJo may not matter anymore, but at least she gets it…

Let’s let this ride us into the weekend…


Posted in:JoJo|SFW




Morena Baccarin in a Bikini Top of the Day

So Morena Baccarin has been in serious fucking nerd shit…like Stargate, Serenity, V, FIrefly and other nerd bullshit….and now she’s got her nips out in a bikini for that nerd audience…at least she’s aware of what people are looking at her for..

It is pretty funny that I am not an actual nerd, but rather just a fucking weirdo, because seeing as this is a blog, and no matter how fucking rock and roll I am….and no matter how many real life vagina I have put my dick in….or no matter how funny and awkward and uncomfortable I make people when I stare at them and steal their souls…I will still have nerds role through…this is the internet….and even though everyone uses the internet making us all nerds…hence the success of Game of Thrones…the idea of nerd still exists..and it’s likely masturbating to these tits…

Posted in:Morena Baccarin|SFW




Josie Canseco Got Them Tits On of the Day

Josie Canseco Tits On

Josie Canseco, who is an overrated pile of trash thanks to her dad being Jose Canseco and her mom being a Hooters girl who struck it big with Jose Canseco’s sperm…

Giving Josie the resources to be rich / funded trailer trash, like Miley….

Taught from her mom all the lessons she’s learned getting into the whole Hooters line of work….with a pension plan from “rich dudes into trashy girl cum”…meaning I am sure Josie’s got a lot to offer the world…in terms of her titties…

Only higher profile due to living in mansions and going on epic vacations and all that other rich people shit that makes these girls lack edge and assume they are top tier models…you know that ego and self importance cuz of being raised a spoiled brat…

Who cares about all of that nonsense speculative shit that I’ve got no real basis to spew…Josie Canseco barely matters and when putting up pics of her cleavage in lingerie as outerwear, wearing too much make-up, and her chastity belt chain…what it comes down to is that she’s someone you should want to fuck…but will never fuck…a feeling I am sure you’re all too familiar with.


Posted in:Josie Canseco|SFW




Olivia Culpo Bikini of the Day

Olivia Culpo Bikini

Olivia Culpo brought a fucking clown face out in her bikini…

Be thankful for the fit half naked football insertion body this thanksgiving season cuz it distracts us from our natural instinct / fear when looking at this pic….that a small car filled with clowns is going to pull up to bring her to work….and it allows us to focus on the lie she is putting out there…that she juggles a whole different set of balls than what she looks like she’d be juggling…you know balls that belong to rich men…


Posted in:Olivia Culpo|SFW




Lady Gaga Bra of the Day

Lady Gaga Bra Photoshoot

Lady Gaga is something that the world definitely doesn’t need anything more out of…

Unfortunately, THAT FALL SHE HAD ON STAGE didn’t end worse for her…like if it was an actual injury she’d be in rehab, offline, finding ways to milk it, but the paralyzed Gaga wouldn’t have the same stage presence when doing the Christopher Reeves dance moves with her wheelchair…

Obviously, I only wish Paralysis on horrible people, and I personally know people who have had awful accidents and now live that paralyzed life…and I think people like Gaga actually deserve it, while normal people not shoving their nonsense with their ugly faces down our throats don’t…

She’s won too hard, manipulated too hard…it is evil…but instead of Karma getting her, she just keeps doing media, getting movie roles, being praised and it has all been a fucking scam all along…a money making scam…with her the well paid puppet…on some Kermit the Frog level of puppet but less interesting and with a bigger hand shoved up her ass….


Posted in:Lady Gaga|SFW




Sofia Richie Activewear Erotica of the Day

The highlight of your day is that Kourtney Kardashian has dropped out of her pure shit fucking show….Keeping Up with the Kardashians…so we can all hope that publicity stunt that I am sure all the entertainment blogs I don’t visit are crying about or packaging as news…eating up the bait that the Kardashians female ejaculated all over the internet….but

I am hoping that it is the beginning of the end for these idiots, I mean why not tap out from letting the world watch you be disgusting humans shaping pop culture int he worst way at 50 years old…

It’s like all the millennials are angry at boomers with their “OK, Boomer” memes…but yet the most influential pussy on the Internet is a fucking Baby Boomer age…

Makes no sense, but here’s Sofia Richie, the vagina the retired one’s baby daddy and ex husband now fucks….and despite being a vapid useless idiot who could use Lionel’s money better…she’s far hotter than Nicole Richie the one Lionel found in the trash outside a concert and decided to keep…so there’s that.

Here she is pretending to hide from the paparazzi she called in some hot fitness pants looking good….


Here she is in a bra top…with a cameltoe….

Sofia Richie Bra Top Cameltoe



Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Caroline Wozniacki Ripped Abs and Pussy Definition in her Bikini of the Day

Tennis pussy in a bikini check…

If you can see past her abs and go straight for the wombat hole…

The photo is less queer to masturbate to.

That is my words of wisdom / tip of the day. I know…a modern day Oprah.

Posted in:Caroline Wozniacki|SFW




Kristen Stewart in Men’s Underwear Cuz She’s Edgy of the Day

Lesbian Identity Crisis Kristen Stewart is the lesbian who is more a caricature or comic book version of a lesbian, than a believable lesbian. These actors don’t know who they are…but they know how to pretend. I trust nothing….not even an asymmetric haircut will fool me…

She has always looked miserable, which makes her lesbianism make sense, but maybe my opinion of lesbians is dated, I am old…or maybe lesbians fucking hate me and always have…because I’ve never met a lesbian who wasn’t angry…all that penis hate can eat a girl up sometimes…

All I know is that she’s GENDER BENDING…which was the term they used when people started going trans, before the past two years when EVERYONE started getting on hormones and cutting off their genitals…you know when girls put on boys underwear to pretend be progressive….or to hide their cocks…and I know a dude who used to make his girl wear little boy underwear and the whole thing was very fucking weird, made me uncomfortable knowing that info, knowing that his girl would comply, and this is a weird shoot that speaks to that weird almost criminal fetish and they should be penalized, but instead it is “Art” and progress in sexuality and gender…and that in and of itself is crazier than…if you know what I mean.

Posted in:Kristen Stewart|SFW




Selena Gomez Pantless Manic Episode of the Day

Selena Gomez is weirdly fucking medicated, crazy, having a meltdown…maybe it’s a possession from the soul of one of her Kidney donations…I don’t fucking know…

It is just a weird fucking series of content that should have been edited out by her team, but that maybe she’s had a revelation and decided that she must give the people her real self from the comfort of the prison that she calls home…you know since celebrity is prison…

The in and out of rehab Disney Kid who has been broken as fuck all these years…maybe her family is to blame, the Disney Execs, the fact that she was on Barney…in the selling of her to the world….

Basically mentally fucked from a young age, to fucking Bieber when he was underage….to him leaving her for Hailey Baldwin – going so far as marrying the low level influencer and D-List actor daughter with no prenup, just to escape Selena Gomez. She just kept leaching off his Bieber soul….

Maybe this is going to be like a throwback to when LOHAN, this is the second time I mention LOHAN today, I guess she’s just written into my CODE….but a throwback to when she lost her shit, or when Britney lost her shit, the fall of celebrity always fun to watch.

I couldn’t even get through this whole video..but what I did see was a real…”the world is fucking nuts”…what’s wrong with these people, they are so rich..just fucking tap out, but acreage in Montana or Wyoming or some other tax friendly state…and relax….travel the world…get an education…keeping up the act seems so unnecessary…and the general public doesn’t even give a fuck if Selena Gomez disappears…we got our own life to live…we forget celeb deaths a day after we write our own rendition of how they impacted our lives…she can also just work behind scenes…her ego doesn’t allow her to see that no one needs Selena Gomez…or cares about Selena Gomez…her work isn’t that important in the grand scheme of the world…or even the entertainment industry…and the only justification I can come up for this putting herself back out there is that she’s got financial issues and needs to put in work to pay her team…

Maybe a better idea is to keep the social media deleted as it isn’t doing her any favors and she should be out there taking care of her LUPUS…instead of being this mental fucking weirdo…

Craziness is everywhere cuz no one has a real perspective on what is important in life…and I blame Selena Gomez for continuing that trend with all that influence she’s got…


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Ashley Tisdale Ugly Watch Continues with Her Attempt at Sexy Fitness Content of the Day

Ashley Tisdale Ugly Trying to be Sexy

Ashley TIsdale is putting out some awkward and weird workout videos of herself that unfortunately for her can’t be photoshopped into making her look hot…but I guess they have face injections for that…she did have a botched nose job once and doesn’t have any issues trying to make her ugly face hotter by going under the knife…so she sure as hell won’t have issue doing injections all the girls are getting…I mean it’s making ugly girls hot everyday…giving them that porn look…making them all look the fucking same…

I’ve always made fun of Tisdale for not being hot, and it wasn’t just some cyberbully shit that was meanspirited out of bitterness that she wasn’t going to fuck me…as girls like to think any negative feedback stems from…you can’t have an opinion of a girl without it being “are you mad she won’t fuck you”…bitch…of course I’m not mad…girls haven’t been fucking me since the fucking 80s..that shit don’t phase me…I’m giving you my feedback cuz you suck…

Just yesterday some trash on my facebook WHO ADDED me…wrote that she’s tired of a broken heart after a month of posting “dudes are fuckboy memes”…to which I commented “Maybe it’s your fault, you are to blame”…cuz you are responsible for your actions…

Her little entourage of idiots were like “you’re obviously one of the guys she ignores in her inbox who won’t fuck you”….it’s like bitch…she added me and I’ve never communicated with her in her inbox…cuz I don’t give a fuck…I am just giving practical advice….but I am the asshole cuz I said it was her fault she had a broken heart and I am the asshole cuz she won’t fuck me…get a grip millennial idiot…


I made fun of Tisdale because they marketed as hot, when she wasn’t hot, I always used her as a body outweighs a face example cuz she was fit, despite not being hot…and I guess she’s back in the gym staying fit…which will go a long way for her…even if the content she produces around it fucking sucks and is totally embarrassing…

Tisdale…still ugly…still lame…but the body is alright…and that’s what matters.

Ashley Tisdale Ugly Trying to be SexyAshley Tisdale Ugly Trying to be Sexy


Posted in:Ashley Tisdale|SFW