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Archive for the SFW Category




Selena Gomez in her Best Picture Ever of the Day

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Apparently this is – Selena Gomez – in her best picture in the history of any picture she’s ever done. I’m actually starting to understand the hype that is Selena Gomez…all it took was hitting her from the right angle and not in a Chris Brown kind of way, or even a Bieber’s ejaculate against her cervix kind of way, but in a hip, modern, one piece bathing suit that stages her puffy steroid from lupus cheeks in a way that doesn’t make her look like a cartoon character…

I rarely think that Selena Gomez is hot, I usually am blinded by knowing she’s media manipulator, highly trained by the Disney school of entertainers, and that alone made her irritating about Bieber sex offending, about her LUPUS and her CHEMO to treat her LUPUS and the fact that she’s gone into pop star world…when she’s an actor as a fucking cash grab…

But her implants are cool right…

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Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Bella Thorne in a Bikini of the Day


I am sure I posted a bunch of the paparazzi / social media pics of Bella Thorne shooting this….I remember the bathing suit…and apparently it was for GALORE, which is some pretentious mainstream magazine that takes vapid pics of “relevant” it girls, and throw trendy parties at the trendy events around the world…that all the sugar babies circuit through…from Fashion week to award shows to Art Basel and other shit…Galore is there with an every at best event – trying to culturally appropriate the youth culture…but showcases their IDOLS who they actually don’t care about in stupid piss colored “I only shoot on film” type shoots…fuck off…

This is safe, it’s low level Disney, it’s safe, it’s boring, it’s advertising friendly but most importantly it is basic, uninspiring, not exciting, like some 40 year old taking pics of some 40 year old dressed like an 18 year old, pretending to be 18, to make ad money…

Basic garbage catalog pics…for a fake magazine…with a fake celebrity…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Ashley Smith Mermaid Titty Parade of the Day


Texan Titty Model Hipster who broke through the scene thanks to DONALD TRUMP’s agency…and who is now a New York based Sports Illustrated model – who along with all the other Sports Illustrated New York Based Models…who do their sugar baby-ing in the New York and not in LA – or Miami where there are beaches that you’d assume they’d be bikini-ing..you know practicing their only skilly they have ever been celebrated for…went to the Coney Island Mermaid parade, where she was a little edgier than her friends and body painted them nipples…because big tits, on a titty model is all she knows….and all she is capable of doing…


Posted in:Ashley Smith|SFW




Kate Bock Bikini Model of the Day


Kate Bock is a bikini model who is probably best known for being in Sports Illustrated….

I don’t get impressed when I meet or see girls who are in Sports Illustrated, they are never the hottest girls, they are never the most interesting girls, and they’ve actually fallen off hard…and lost out to Victoria’s Secret, who use quality models…

I do think about their sugar daddies or rich parents that finance their lives and their bullshit, because they are likely busy people, too busy to know SI is irrelevant and not that important and that it’s a good badge when bragging about the pussy you fuck….even though SI rarely makes these girls ANY money…only some people pull it off.

Girls everywhere, especially instagram think this SI shit is an end all / be all / stamp of approval their egos need to increase their standards and hopefully fuck Leo DiCaprio…

I don’t know if this one has had Leo’s PR push yet, but I’ll assume she has and if she hasn’t, it’s the top item on her business plan…because she’s a personal brand people, maybe even a “fashion blogger”…or “beauty blogger”…or “Travel blogger”…catch phrase bullshit to try to scam brands into paying you – because…you might as well leverage your low fucking level…

Posted in:Kate Bock|SFW




Hailey Baldwin in the “Sexy Issue” of the Day


You’d think it’d be hard being the daughter of Stephen Baldwin, you know because he’s Stephen Baldwin, but as it turns out – the world are fucking fame whores and even the daughter of the local mattress store commercial is getting invited to exclusive places, or is hanging out with exclusive people, like the whore Jenners and Hadids as their friend who was raised in the entertainment world…

People open doors to anyone with a famous last name, except maybe for Ireland..no one cares about her, but that’s probably because her parents are pretty A-List, where Hailey, from Stephen is more of a joke you point and laugh at, but realize she’s strategically chosen her friends to be “it-girls” in their own vapid bubble no one actually cares about, but that people buy into because people are lazy and they are making the most noise, even if that noise isn’t interesting at all…

She’s in Paper magazine, because Paper magazine wants to get plugged on her instagram for follower, not because Paper magazine like or respect her and why would she be respected, she does virtually zero.

The only thing people can say about this is “oh she has brown hair now, big moves, big deals”…garbage.

Here are some videos…

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Elle Fanning in V Magazine of the Day


Here’s a shoot that makes perfect sense. Get girl glammed the fuck up with a ton of make-up, on set, dressed crazy, and give her a knife to put to her throat…

It’s dark, it’s edgy, it’s art, it’s high concept, it’s idiotic noise that doesn’t make any fucking sense, it’s like they might as well thrown puppies at her, while she ate a pile of french fries out of a mop bucket, doing the ROBOT dance….because that’s what people are at right now in the messaging they are getting across in their photos..

It’s stupid…That’s it…just a stupid mindless shoot that you know assholes at the magazine think are brilliant, genius, GALLERY worthy…

Fuck off and give me something new…this is an 18 year old child star from a stage parented family for a “cool” magazine that takes risks…so TAKE risks…fuck…

Posted in:Elle Fanning|SFW




Lindsay Lohan Blames Hollywood for Anton’s Death of the Day

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I have no idea what the backstory of Lohan and Anton, but she is down with the Russian scene, since Russians have no souls and either does she…and she wrote this:

this is the result of #hollywood a beautiful life has come to an end.. A brilliant actor and a loving friend. Surround your life with good people and know who your #true #friends are my prayers and love goes out to anton’s family #anton ?????????????? ????? ? ??????? this breaks my heart. He was my friend I am so sorry to Anton’s father

I am sure no one cares about Lohan’s opinion on anything, but it’s safe to say she’s a little bitter in how hollywood ate her up and spat her out, and maybe she knows more information than we do about Anton’s life, maybe it was an inside job, or maybe Hollywood destroyed him, medicated him, and made him run himself over with what may have been a defective Jeep with a weird transmission that made it challenging to know if you were in Park or not…

Either way…pretty crazy statement…from a pretty crazy girl who I guess lost a friend, who we could argue wasn’t a real friend, otherwise she wouldn’t have let him die…


Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Beyonce on the Beach with Jay Z of the Day


Someone told me that she hated Beyonce and Jay Z for being an annoying couple, and I’ve never really looked too deeply into it, but I have also hated Beyonce for as long as I can remember, I just don’t believe her nonsense, and sure I’ll watch her shake her mom ass on stage like she’s still 20 years old, despite being a 40 year old mom, I find the desperation and level of trying as hard as she can entertaining, but not as entertaining as that she coined herself as Queen Bee and the world bought into it, it is like people are real fucking morons…

She’s on tour with her husband, we call it cashing the fuck in as a modern touring family that rely heavily on the media to allow them to keep existing, not that Jay Z really needs the media to keep him existing, he has a record label that has some real fucking earners among other things, but I guess the attention keeps them relevant…

I heard that white people are just obsessed with their every move, because in racist America people like to watch black people do better than them…I don’t know why…I guess it’s like a “wonder of the world” to them or some shit…

I am more interested in seeing Jay Z fuck Beyonce like he fucks all the girls who aren’t Beyonce…couple sex is the only think I find interesting about couples…not drinking on the beach…that shit’s garbage…I wonder how many takes it too – but how about I post it! Here you go.



How about her booty shake..

Posted in:Beyonce|SFW




Astrid Holler for Tiffany & CO shoot of the Day


Astrid Holler is a model and this is apparently for something Tiffany & Co related photoshoot that is pretty slutty for the luxury Jewelry brand. It’s like I guess they are following the instagram lead and getting into the CLIT ring promise Ring business….that’s not to say that this Astrid Holler chick is a gutter, Suicide girl from some INKED network, or even some hipster trying to be artistic with her serious face, while actually doing free softcore porn modeling, it’s just to say the pics have a ghetto instagram vibe, that a company like Tiffany should probably be able to doing better…but it’s a model skinny bitch in a bikini on the beach…good enough, so why bother doing better…right…

Posted in:Astrid Holler|SFW




Paris Hilton is Disgusting of the Day


This just in – Paris Hilton is still fucking garbage….and the source of Kim Kardashian who I assume pays out a management fee of 10 percent, allowing Paris Hilton to take the backseat, her favorite, only to make appearances every once in a while with her backseat…that many people have lost their keys / change / dignity and HERPES Negative Rating up inside…


I think these made the rounds the other day, but who gives a fuck about Paris Hilton’s asshole gauze shaped as a thong…..to deal with her open sores.

The best thing about Paris Hilton is that she blocked me on Social Media without me ever commenting on her shit, making it seem like she went out of her way to block me before I had a chance to cyber bully her into suicide, something less important to do now that she’s fallen off, but that I’d probably still get pleasure out of..


Posted in:Paris Hilton|SFW