I'll Make You Famous…




Charlotte Lawrence Nude of the Day

Charlotte Lawrence Nude

A few weeks ago when Charlotte Lawrence wrote me asking me to take down her nude pics I had posted. I think she was actually accusing me of hacking her shit without realizing I am a 50 year old pervert who can barely write an email. I just happen to have a website and live in an era where there is just so much smut being produced, I can find the shit I write about ANYWHERE.

I’ve since emailed her back about 10 times to be her manager because I am a believer only to be ignored, as you’d expect from a girl after you give them what they want by taking down their nudes they don’t want on the internet, because they were probably not edited, because being nude is clearly not the issue.

I’m labeled an asshole because I call girls whores or sluts and think they can do better, which is fine, but I don’t hack people’s content, even if I could and I don’t post shit that is already out there, and if you email me to take shit down, I will…because I am not an asshole…I just think you are all a bunch of whores…

I also don’t like lawsuits, and this girl has some RICH fucking parents, who I guess are financing her nude singing career because her whole angle is getting naked, because it works.

Her parents, the fucking rich parents are Kate from Drew Carey and some TV producer behind SCRUBS…..so Charlotte Lawrence is good, more importantly she doesn’t need to get naked to get a career, she just does for the passion of getting naked that lives in the depth of all these girls’ souls….

I am a fan….

Charlotte Lawrence Nude


Posted in:charlotte lawrence|SFW




McKayla Maroney Fucks the Floor for TikTok of the Day

McKayla Maroney got a lot of hate for taking the settlement from that Larry the Doctor who would finger Gymnast asshole when they sprained an ankle, because he knew the key to recovery was a trained anus….but the reality is that there were enough girls to testify against him to put him away, and McKayla Maroney is probably one of the most talked about Gymnasts since becoming a Meme the year she won gold at the Olympics, and her pervert audience would use that testimony as if it was ASMR jerk off training videos, leaving her in a situation where she can cash the fuck in and be set for life, while the asshole still gets put away thanks to all the evidence….or she can come out here and give all her fans more jerk off material while reliving her trauma because basically it would just media hype for the cause.

Keep in mind, I know nothing about this story, so I don’t even know if she is a Larry Sympathiser, it’s what I feel I know, it’s my truth and that’s good enough for me as I see her sitting on her pile of money so she can spend her time doing important things like creating smut on the internet for her pervert fans, smut she can do better than most thanks to a gymnast ass and a trained gymnast body, because it’s far less painful that Larry stories.

I’m not a fan, she’s not my Olympic hero, but a girl, any girl sexualizing herself is always fun to me, even if it is not all that hot.


Posted in:McKayla Maroney|SFW




Kristin Cavallari Antivaxxer Bikini of the Day

Kristin Cavallari Bikini

Kristin Cavallari is some Anti-Vaxxer, which I am also, because who knows what the pharma industry is injecting into the kids to fuck with their brains and turn them into robot autistics so that the government can go about with their corruption and control…pulling a fast one over all you motherfuckers that you don’t realize cuz you got vaccinated as a child…MIND CONTROL shit..

However, I don’t have kids and realize that the world needs a reset so I’m always rooting for the disease to make a comeback, so stupid people avoiding vaccines for the same reason I would avoid vaccines, despite having vaccines…..are bringing back disease that can help in my goal of resetting the world…

So people like Kristin Cavallari, the pussy that some rich jock came in a few times to make her babies, who is now doing a lifestyle brand and self promotes herself like GOOP, because everyone’s an expert, even idiots who were cast in Reality shows when they were 20, where they played a fucking idiot. Not that I ever saw LAGUNA beach, I just know..

So the best way to self promote you mom tits that are probably implants in with bikini pics, which I do support…because dumb reality show trash turned athlete wife don’t really interest me, their opinions on anything don’t matter, their personal brands not relevant to me, so they barely exist….unless they are half naked…

Kristin Cavallari Bikini



Posted in:Kristin Cavallari|SFW




Ellie Goulding Lace Bra of the DAy

Ellie Goulding Lace BRa Nipples

Ellie Goulding is some useless UK popstar who most recently came out as having IMPOSTER SYNDROME in terms of her success…she knows in her core she’s a scam that doesn’t deserve any of the money she’s made…which I agree with….she’s a fucking IMPOSTER who mooched off some charting songs and is now set for life…where she can spend her money and time on posting up pics of her nipples in a sheer bra because that’s the era we live in and more importantly that is her true calling. You know a girl who just assumed she was going to be some tits on the internet accidentally landing a record deal and hit song….going back to what her true passion is…tits on the internet….and it is definitely some of her best work to date…even if you don’t give a fuck about Ellie Goulding….you can stare at her tits and it’s great.

Ellie Goulding Lace BRa Nipples


Posted in:Ellie Goulding




Emily Alyn Lind is a Bad Girl of the Day

Emily Alyn Lind Bad Girl

Based on the star size…it looks like Emily Alyn Lind has some lil nips…

As it turns out, the flashing isn’t Emily Alyn Lind …. who would fucking know since who the fuck is Emily Alyn Lind …she was raised in LA and her mom is the mom from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. She’s got two sisters who are also aspiring actors connected to the industry through their parents because why do things on your own when you can do what’s easy.

I was thinking maybe shes Tim Allen’s daughter who modified her name so that no one calls her out for being a trust fund millionaire living this social media influencer whore life….they are young and this is what they but I was wrong.

Either way, these girls look like a lot of fun. I remember the 90s when flashing was a thing, before feminism took over, and it feels good to be back. Getting girls to flash me was the only skill I learned in high school.

This generation knows what’s up.


Posted in:emily alyn lind




Miley Cyrus Lingerie of the Day

Miley Cyrus Lingerie Hair Cut

Miley Cyrus’ divorce is apparently officially finalized, so what better way to say fuck you to your ex husband, than to pose with your “he’s just my good friend” that you started fucking “after” your marriage, in your lingerie….to let him know that you’re back.

I will say that Miley’s got a hot body and that her married years were some of her worst. She came out strong, basically spreading her cunt for the world, we’ve seen her ACTUAL labia in her marketing materials at her prime rebranding exhibitionism, only to decide to be wholesome again…..like she wasn’t damaged on a deep rooted level by the Disney Execs who helped create her.

So she’s out there half naked, in fancy rich person panties, looking fit and thin and I am a fan of this behavior…where’s the sex tape…who do you one-up us seeing your labia years ago…you fucking show us your labia all stretched out….lips be a gripping. I don’t know if Cody Simpson is the man to make that happen..but there’s always black dudes her dad is making country hip hop to step in…..

Either way….there’s a second life to Miley…and this is the prologue.


Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Nicki Minaj Nip Slip of the Day

Nicki Minaj Cleavage Nip Slip

Nobody remembers Nicki Minaj, she finally fell the fuck off after WAY too many collabs with rappers to attempt to give her this “hard” and “ghetto” persona….like she was some stripper or dick riding sex worker…when really they found her in acting school and cast her to be whatever it is they created with her. It was originally some black Lady Gaga, then it turned into a modern Lil KIm, but the whole thing contrived bullshit and this puppet just believed the hype as the hits rolled in…..I’ve hated every second of her career…

But I approve of pulling the nasty fake tits out for attention now that the world has moved on from her…because these people HATE becoming irrelevant…especially in a social media era where follower retention is so high making it impossible to officially die…

Either way, MINAJ nastiness and not in a good way…..


Posted in:Nicki Minaj




Rihanna Lingerie of the Day

Rihanna Fenty Lingerie

Rihanna may be thicker than she’s ever been now that she’s not out to impress anyone, she’s made 100s of millions of dollars with her dumb music, and even if a small percentage of that goes to her because that’s how the industry works when they human traffic a teen to NYC from Barbados to exploit in the pop music industry, she’s still rich as shit.

I don’t know if she’s still doing the music thing, or if she just uses that fame to sell products like her lingerie, that I guess part of her duties involve being the model of said lingerie despite being thicker than ever…something you’d awesome would work against the whole selling lingerie thing…but in her case it gave her tits and makes her relatable to other fat chicks, all while still being skinny compared to all the other women on her island…who eat too much fucking ROTI…while servicing the rich white people that Rihanna once serviced while underage to get her career.

What I am trying to say is that the purple wigged Rihanna, despite her obesity in this body positivity era, and despite her dumb titty tattoo…is still pretty hot.


Posted in:Rihanna|SFW




Whitney Cummings Nudity of the Day

Whitney Cummings Ass

Whitney Cummings is a modern day success story in sucking the right dick…in the Comedy scene and getting her own show.

Stand Up comedy is an interesting thing, I mean it’s not that interesting, if anything it is pretty fucking dumb and embarrassing, usually these nerd fuck losers who think they are funny, that have crafted a 45 minute comedy set of their “observations” that they have memorized the timing on like they were high school drama club, to ensure the LAUGHS….it is an art form for losers with egos that happens to be something idiot fans are into and buy into because they like to laugh.

So within the stand-up scene, the comics have groupies, like they are their own version of a rock star, because girls are sluts and like anyone on stage, whether they have commercial success or not.

SO….these loser dudes, who crafted a script that makes people laugh, who are getting pussy and treated like kings, only to be scooped up and hired by the entertainment industry to produce comedy for them…end up rich as fuck…while being idiots the entire time.

So it was pretty easy for a busty, almost hot girl to enter the entertainment industry by being a comedy groupie.

Her goal was to be an actress, but realized it is too competitive, so she started hitting the comedy clubs, with a routine because they need girls on the bill, and the other comics around were smitten that a hot chick made it to their world….

She was in LA comedy scene, an easy one to climb the ladder in if you have a low level of talent and tits….and from there she got a series of TV show deals.

So now she’s rich, she’s made it, she’s still not a respected actor, but who needs to be, she made comedy work for her…and has a podcast…and a twitter…and money…what more does she fucking need.

I guess nudes to draw attention to herself…and these are those nudes….at 37 why the fuck not…it’s not gonna last, hell it’s barely lasting…

Whitney Cummings Ass


Posted in:Whitney Cummings




Rebecca Bagnol Got her Bush Out of the Day

Rebecca Bagnol is some Paris “model” who gets naked all the time, because it is the in thing to do, but more importantly, it generates some buzz, gets dudes excited by her big by my standards of tits, and the whole thing keeps the world moving in the right direction, inspiring other girls to follow her lead, like she followed the lead of nude women before her, so that us pervert loser dudes who are out of work, broke, living in squalor, on some soiled ripped, piss scented couch that our neighbor died on and that we thought was better than the milk crates we were using as furniture, can have a taste of hot pussy, albeit in photos, but that’s good enough for us…because it’s less work than having to talk to a bitch, fuck a bitch, not that we’d ever get to a bitch like this but you know what I mean…sometimes sex, even with hot chicks, gets in the way of our extreme laziness….we are slobs….let us wallow in our filth…unshowered in peace….while staring at bitches like this.

If you know the site, you know I like bush, I am a bush advocate, I’ve been anti the bald pussy / bikini wax since the first bald pussy I saw in the 90s when it was a novelty….hair is fashionable, stylish, unique, protective, leaves a little mystery, smells nice, feels good, is just the best thing a pussy can do for itself…so I’m glad the trends have finally caught up to me….the trendsetter…and bush is now everywhere…even on IG models with their tits out.

Posted in:Rebecca Bagnol