I'll Make You Famous…




Madison Beer Titties of the Day

How about some Madison Beer dramatically taking off her eye make-up, like she’s had a rough night, like this is the struggles of vanity, like this what she puts herself through, to fit into the walls constructed by the patriarchy…or her stage parent who put her on youtube at 10 years old for perverts…then sold her to some record deal for perverts….and together they established that her tits are marketable and help them tell their lie of a story..and that lie is that she’s got talent.

The fact that she set this shot up, tits out, and had someone take it…all dramatic-like…for her social media feed is some fucking lameness.

The titty top is good and all, but the fact girl set this up is just really desperate. The fact that people are so eager to be seen that they take or have pics taken of themselves all for a social media account…is pretty fucking pathetic…but it makes them easy money and that’s better than writing blogs about these people being pathetic…

On the scale of pathetic…what I do here is way more pathetic…as talking about how pathetic someone is… is worse than being that pathetic person.

Sucks to be me…titty watcher.

Here she is in leggings with friends…attention seeking…

To See The Rest of the Pics of the Day CLICK HERE

Posted in:Madison Beer




Cara Santana Took a Bikini Shit of the Day

This makes me sick…because I am from the school of thought that women don’t “poo”, at least not sexual or hot women, it just makes eating their asshole less shitty…literally…

Obviously, I know that women shit, it’s a normal human function, but that doesn’t mean I don’t need to pretend they don’t…like when I look at fat girls nervously eating chocolate or baked goods, carb-loading for their marathon sitting sessions, all I think is how big their shits actually are…so it’s less about gender and more about denial….

What I don’t find cute is when my denial is faced with hard realities from some instagram slut who is using her natural body as a sales point on empowerment, and showing the world that she’s real and not just some sex doll being photoshopped into instagram influencer poses, and that she can talk about poo like a 5 year old…it’s nothing to be shamed for or be ashamed of…even though it is…especially when it smells or streaks the toilet…

I get that these girls lack creativity and are reactive to the fact that being open and honest, treating strangers like they are bffs on vacation with them and that alone is the flaw in instagram….

These people think being compelling and interesing is from being honest and transparent with her fans about bodily functions instead of just doing cool shit with the access she has. It’s like all they do is so fake, how about they continue that without throwing shit at us…

Here is her paparazzi pic she was pooping for – you know to get that flat stomach…disgusting….

I don’t know who Cara Santana is…but I know she’s not great…

To See Her On the Beach in a BIKINI CLICK HERE

Posted in:Uncategorized




Josie Canseco Got Them Tits On of the Day

Josie Canseco Tits On

Josie Canseco, who is an overrated pile of trash thanks to her dad being Jose Canseco and her mom being a Hooters girl who struck it big with Jose Canseco’s sperm…

Giving Josie the resources to be rich / funded trailer trash, like Miley….

Taught from her mom all the lessons she’s learned getting into the whole Hooters line of work….with a pension plan from “rich dudes into trashy girl cum”…meaning I am sure Josie’s got a lot to offer the world…in terms of her titties…

Only higher profile due to living in mansions and going on epic vacations and all that other rich people shit that makes these girls lack edge and assume they are top tier models…you know that ego and self importance cuz of being raised a spoiled brat…

Who cares about all of that nonsense speculative shit that I’ve got no real basis to spew…Josie Canseco barely matters and when putting up pics of her cleavage in lingerie as outerwear, wearing too much make-up, and her chastity belt chain…what it comes down to is that she’s someone you should want to fuck…but will never fuck…a feeling I am sure you’re all too familiar with.


Posted in:Josie Canseco|SFW




Olivia Culpo Bikini of the Day

Olivia Culpo Bikini

Olivia Culpo brought a fucking clown face out in her bikini…

Be thankful for the fit half naked football insertion body this thanksgiving season cuz it distracts us from our natural instinct / fear when looking at this pic….that a small car filled with clowns is going to pull up to bring her to work….and it allows us to focus on the lie she is putting out there…that she juggles a whole different set of balls than what she looks like she’d be juggling…you know balls that belong to rich men…


Posted in:Olivia Culpo|SFW




The Best Panic Attack Nudity of the Day

Panic Attack Nudity

This girl on Instagram posted the best mental breakdown images ever.

Here is her caption:

“Was in the longest deepest depressive episode in my life.
Feel much better.
Will stay in Tokyo for a while.
Tried to control myself from panic attack but instead had hyperventilation when I was alone in my home and didn’t know who to call for help.
I’ve been thinking probably in another dimension I already bye byed and this present version of me actually is not the same me. This is another dimension~ 
Depressive episode will always come back (especially the season changing, it’s too scary) and it’s a truth that I already accepted, don’t know when is the next time, and I believed the one I just overcame must not be the most serious one. Even just think about this makes me feel tired. But there’s nothing I can do.
I always feel grateful that I can walk on the street like normal people. 
And it always comes back when I almost forgot how precious it is being functional like a normal human. 
And I haven’t felt this peaceful for months.”

I guess this is evidence that social media is good for people’s souls. Everyone lost, trying to find angles, talking craziness about not knowing what is real or not, because they live in a fucking screen, getting naked for attention, going viral and now an expert or lifestyle influencer for all to get great life tips and tricks from…the dark instagram artist stripped down eating plane toilet paper for shock value…when if she was really a depressive..she wouldn’t be doing performance art, she’d off her useless, nippleless self…but they never do…they just keep up this ridiculousness and we watch cuz the no nipple thing is a new fetish since seeing those ANGELINA JOLIE PICS the other day…right.


Posted in:Featured Post




Lady Gaga Bra of the Day

Lady Gaga Bra Photoshoot

Lady Gaga is something that the world definitely doesn’t need anything more out of…

Unfortunately, THAT FALL SHE HAD ON STAGE didn’t end worse for her…like if it was an actual injury she’d be in rehab, offline, finding ways to milk it, but the paralyzed Gaga wouldn’t have the same stage presence when doing the Christopher Reeves dance moves with her wheelchair…

Obviously, I only wish Paralysis on horrible people, and I personally know people who have had awful accidents and now live that paralyzed life…and I think people like Gaga actually deserve it, while normal people not shoving their nonsense with their ugly faces down our throats don’t…

She’s won too hard, manipulated too hard…it is evil…but instead of Karma getting her, she just keeps doing media, getting movie roles, being praised and it has all been a fucking scam all along…a money making scam…with her the well paid puppet…on some Kermit the Frog level of puppet but less interesting and with a bigger hand shoved up her ass….


Posted in:Lady Gaga|SFW




Sofia Richie Activewear Erotica of the Day

The highlight of your day is that Kourtney Kardashian has dropped out of her pure shit fucking show….Keeping Up with the Kardashians…so we can all hope that publicity stunt that I am sure all the entertainment blogs I don’t visit are crying about or packaging as news…eating up the bait that the Kardashians female ejaculated all over the internet….but

I am hoping that it is the beginning of the end for these idiots, I mean why not tap out from letting the world watch you be disgusting humans shaping pop culture int he worst way at 50 years old…

It’s like all the millennials are angry at boomers with their “OK, Boomer” memes…but yet the most influential pussy on the Internet is a fucking Baby Boomer age…

Makes no sense, but here’s Sofia Richie, the vagina the retired one’s baby daddy and ex husband now fucks….and despite being a vapid useless idiot who could use Lionel’s money better…she’s far hotter than Nicole Richie the one Lionel found in the trash outside a concert and decided to keep…so there’s that.

Here she is pretending to hide from the paparazzi she called in some hot fitness pants looking good….


Here she is in a bra top…with a cameltoe….

Sofia Richie Bra Top Cameltoe



Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Evelyn Rose Nude Photoshoot of the Day

Evelyn Rose Nude Photoshoot

Her name is Evelyn Rose and she is naked in a picture so she she must be a MODEL…or a girl pretending to be a model cuz she thinks she’s hot. So she goes out there and produces shitty boring half nude content we’ve all seen before hoping to go viral like she was Rat Cow…it’s like these girls are so into themselves, they think that just because they are hotter than most girls they know, and that they get all that male attention anywhere they go, that they can be the next Britney Spears….without ever feeling any IMPOSTER SYNDROME…cuz they are so hyped on themselves they believe they deserve it…they believe what they are doing is good, or hype, or fire, or amazing, or “on fleek” do people still say “on fleek”….and the whole thing is hilarious cuz despite being nude….SHE IS FUCKING boring…

So the day you are stripping down and the response is “oh that’s boring” we know…that the market of half naked sluts trying to get famous through nudity has reached saturation point.

DO SOMETHING GOOD…FUN…ENTERTAINING…this is no mans land of barely smut…barely provocative…barely interesting…but girl’s expecting that world….that is like when a Homeless person begging for change doesn’t do a fucking song, dance, circus performance, show me her tits…and just expects a hand out…BITCH..put some fucking work into it…a little brain power…just showing up ain’t enough…

I don’t know if this is HER….but this a video if it is…


Posted in:Evenlyn Rose




Russian Girl Falling Asleep Standing Up and Other Videos of the Day

Perv in the Hotel

Who Needs a Boat when you got a Cow

Beluga Whale Playing Catch..

Woman Gets Arrested

Hot Dog of the Day

Plane Loses Engine – Pilot Makes Silly Joke

Cop Takes Out Pedestrian

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Just here fantasizing about being self partnered like Emma Watson, but more importantly like I don’t have an obese 65 year old wife who won’t fucking die…but who will a fucking ton of work to care for as her toes get amputated and her mobility fails…

But you know all about being self partnered like Emma Watson, you masturbate 6 times a day despite having a full time job, and at 50 you always ask yourself if your grandfather jerked off as much as you in his era…when he was your age…knowing he probably didn’t…cuz people were still perverts back then, but they weren’t in hiding in a basement apartment closet of an apartment with access to all that porno..instead they just gave up on life at 25 supporting their ungrateful family of shit, with a job of shit, to pay for a house of shit….but on weekends he’d get to go fishing….

Which brings up an important point…why the fuck you thinking about your grand dad jacking off when you’re jerking off…that’s weirdo shit…

Here are some stepLINKS….

Weird Fucking Fat Girl Bikini Flip Photobombing of Some Ass

How Much does a Laundromat Owner Make

Root of the OK BOOMER MEME….

The Woman Who Wants to Cancel Clapping to be more Inclusive

Dog the Bounty Hunter Wanted to Kill Himself Over Lost Titties..

Ariel Winter – Bikini

Woman Who Doesn’t Know Neighbor’s Name After 14 Years…

Kid Doing The Worm Behind Jim Acosta

Girl Almost Falls Down Grand Canyon Doing a Social Media Photoshoot…

Tiny Puppy Gets Rescued…

Posted in:stepLINKS