I'll Make You Famous…




Willa Holland Ass in Jeans of the Day

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We’ve gone over Willa Holland, who is in that Canadian shot show Arrow, but who I remember as a character on the OC from a year I watched TV with a friend who loved the OC, because he would use the latest episode as conversation starters in college bars in an era you had to talk to girls to fuck them or finger them on the dance floor…which he did…no matter how fat she was…in what would have been great memes if only I had a camera

I’ve gone into her being Brian de Palma’s stepdaughter, possibly the inspiration of Dressed to Kill, a movie I wanted in the 80s and used to jerk off to the blonde bush of the main character, because blonde bush is so rare….prove me wrong blonde bushes out there…

What I’m loving with this pic is the mom jeans, mom ass, reminding me of the 90s…when all asses looked this bad…

I’m a fan…

Posted in:SFW|Willa Holland




Charli XCX for Impulse Fragrance of the Day


Charli XCX is some low level Big Tits from the UK who wears a Leotard and uses every chance she gets to show off those tits and get noticed…and I guess it works, since she gets featured on songs, she gets paid by brands, she has concerts and I guess people pay to see her perform, and the funny thing is I was once in one of her events she was playing at. I was drunk and remember nothing, but thinking to myself “who is that midget in he leotard, are we at the circus”…I only found out it was Charli XCX after the fact at which point I said “What’s an XCX”….and I still don’t know because I don’t bother googling this shit, I just look at her tits in bathing suits…not because I care but because they are tits.

Posted in:Charli XCX|SFW




Madison Reed in a One Piece of the Day


Madison Reed is a tween pushing 20 who always pops up on the creepy celebrity slut fetish websites….and since I have no idea what the fuck is going on and since all these girls sort of blend into each other…I have never really figured out who Madison Reed was…

Google says MADISON REED PROFESSIONAL GRADE HAIR COLORING ….probably her corporate sponsor..

But then I dug deeper, because this is what investigative journalism is, this is what I am meant to spend my time doing, and it turns out…

She’s half sisters with another tween in her 20s named Victoria Justice, who from what I gather, is the show that Ariana Grande got her stars, because dudes wanting to fuck young girls is what makes the world go round.

She posted this bathing suit pic and I dig it.

Posted in:Madison Reed|SFW




Marisa Papen for TREATS! of the Day


Marisa Papen realizes that standing out amongst the crowd is a lot more difficult. In the 80s or 90s, or really any era pre-internet, you had to either be scouted by someone from the bigger cities vacationing in your town, or you had to be cocky enough with your looks to tell your family to fuck off with their convention, to hop on a bus and fend for yourself in Los Angeles or NYC…

Now, you just need to use basic online marketing tactics, either from your home, or from LA, where you have based yourself out of, thanks to making enough money selling plugs to diet Tea companies and sucking Sugar Daddy dick to pay your rent….

I mean when you’re an egotistical pretentious cunt, you might as well go to the source or hub of egotistical pretentious cunts, be amongst your peers…and leverage to try to make it out there…together…

So sending letters back home to your family and friend’s telling them that you are a model or actress constantly going to castings, without realizing there are far too many models and actresses to go around, to really allow this one to break and her fanbase, if she even has one…is solely based get naked…

But how does one get naked – for free – with purpose – without looking like some slut looking for rich cock…do it with an artist statement..

This is what she had so say on her website, that I assume is a lifestyle site, built on being an egotistical pretentious cunt, who thinks brands will like her better with a website:

I didn’t read it, but I am sure it’s bullshit…

My name is Marisa Papen,

Free-spirited, wildhearted expressionist.
On this site I try to show you a printscreen of my values, vision and ‘vista’ in life.
It’s my goal to take you with me to my own world, the ‘Island’ as I’m labeling it.
It is a place where people are part of Nature itself,
Where they shouldn’t be afraid to express who they really are,
Where they stay true to their own instinct,
Where you can be authentic pure, and uncorrupted by society.

Basically a naked form of freedom where masks are torn off and thrown in the ocean.

My method to show you what my ‘Island’ is all about is showing you throughout my series of pictures, my videoclips and of course my Stories.
This is just the beginning.
Together with my partner, we are building an organization called ‘Mush’ where we’ll use creative and original ways to spread our message to you.
This brings me to ‘Mush’ herself. Mush is my Muse: a gorgeous Chartreux-cat with remarkable humanlike features and expressions.
She is purest thing I’ve ever seen and the #1 ambassador of the Island’ 🙂

You lead by example they say, so I want you to understand what it is I’m trying to accomplish. Finding the bigger picture and opening up.
Because I believe you can make a difference if you really want to.

For now I’m based in Belgium, but I’ll be tiptoeing throughout the world to show you how beautiful ‘the Island’-way of life can be.
Feel free to join my journey here and on my IG-account or in short period of time, on our interactive website of the ‘Mush-label’.
To be continued…

Thanks for the love,

Now, I don’t hate these girls, or TREATS! Magazine for putting them on, humoring them, making them think escorting isn’t escorting but modeling…

Because she has bush and I fucking love bush. I’m basic, which I guess is always what this babe is, because anyone craving fame, is pretty fucking basic…

Posted in:Marisa Papen




Lottie Moss Nipple for L’Officel of the Day



Lottie Moss is Kate Moss’s little sister, who is posing for magazines, wearing see through shirts, or dresses, or whatever the fuck that is, because she’s a model now, it was really tough for her to get into this business…it went like this “Hi, I’m Kate Moss’ little sister, no we have different moms, but yes, we are sisters”….to which every brand said “oh, that’s marketable, awesome, lets do this, are you into showing nipple, you know since nipples are in right now, and it will help push the Kate Moss Sister campaign”…

To which she said “I love instagram followers”…

It’s the basic breakdown of all these social media “models”…with connections….

Posted in:Lottie Moss




Elise Neal #BlackDontCrack of the Day

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I don’t know who Elise Neal, but she was trending on the internet with this bikini pic, all big tits and thick…

I googled her, because I like being able to inform you about important things. Like that she was in the show The Hughleys and Scream 2.

The interesting thing is that the pic was posted with the hashtag #blackdontcrack…because she’s 50…and I guess still feels hot…which I guess is in an of itself celebratory to her race but to the white supremacists are thinking “I guess she’s never walked through skid row, where black is 80 percent of the crack”…unless they are too ignorant to string words together and are just thinking by saying #blackdontcrack she’s attacking white people by implying they do crack…while knowing when they write #whitepower they get hated for it.

Either way, I’m Mexican and just interested in her big tits in a bikini.

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Posted in:Elise Neal|SFW




Nina Agdal’s Bikini Dance of the Day


Nina Agdal always reminded me of the dude I saw this past weekend wearing shorts in the middle of winter and a Helmet outside of the Apple store, screaming out of the side his mouth,, mainly words I didn’t understand, that were more of a mumble and scream, possibly drooling as he jumped up and down with excitement, you know FULL RETARD/ ACTUAL RETARD…it’s the forehead….

Only a hooker….A hot bodied, rich guy fucking, overrated, drunken hooker…and here she is twerking..

Posted in:Nina Agdal|SFW




Girl Flashes Trucker and Other Videos of the Day

Competitive Eating Model Eating Sausage

Craziest Container Truck Hitting Cherry Picker Arm Video Ever

Quad Bike Idiot

Drunk Guy Leaves

Pickpocket VS Woman

Poop Fail

Drunk Naked Thing….

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


As a lazy Mexican who doesn’t like leaving the house, my favorite thing about Modern Dating and Hook-Up culture is how little work it requires…

I know, I’m married, but I still need to fuck…and now’s the time to do it.

Firstly, you don’t need to awkwardly approach girls in clubs, bus stops, the grocery store and try to win them over in 10 seconds knowing that it can either go well and you get a number….or have her scream “Get Away Rapist”….

Secondly, you don’t need to call her to ask her on dates, hell you don’t even need to go on dates that you probably have to pay for, with no guarantee of sex, because she may just be into getting a free meal. You just invite her over to watch your computer screen until you’re both tired, bored, tipsy and in the mood to cum. It’s just expected that one of you is cumming when she says yes and that saves a lot of money and wasted time.

Mindless sex for people with low expectations and who just have sex because it’s there, even if it is terrible….it’s a win.

That said, random internet girl, come over let’s watch TV which is code for fuck brilliant, I just don’t know how it will get lazier, easier, or more affordable….

Here are some stepLINKS…in the morning.

Hot Girls in Bikinis

Paltrow Tits in a Tight Shirt

Lebron James – Penis in Sweat Pants

Drunk Woman in the Middle of the Freeway!

Useless Whore in a Bikini

Ashley Judd in a Sports Bra

China Trump Montage

James Dean was Marlon Brando’s S&M Sex Slave

Russian Girls on Instagram are Good

Maria Menounos Cleavage

The Net Worth of Celebs from your Youth

Dog’s Coming Home Soldier Video

Posted in:stepLINKS




Taylor Swift and Calvin Harris Bikini Vacation Porn of the Day

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I guess Calvin Harris decided to secure his K-Fed of Taylor Swift, by showing her bikini body off to the world…saying “look my 2 x 4 of a girlfriend is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and has been working on her booty, hopefully via pregnancy, because I need that Child support check for when the world realizes 40 year old DJs are pathetic, lame, and creepy. It’s also a good diversion from all the hookers I fuck on the road, if I post her pic, it’s like I don’t stick my dick in everything with a soul, since I am dating something without a soul and it gets exhausting trying to pretend to care about her money grubbing scam, until 50% of that money is mine, which is the goal”….

At least that’s how I read into this cheesy, but not as cheesy as being a DJ bullshit pics….

All I smell is the Herpes all these fuckers have…

All this to say, what’s with her weird instagram booty pose, this is Taylor Swift, the conservative slut in high waisted shorts…what the fuck is she instagram modeling for..oh right..the DJ…Weird.

A video posted by Taylor Swift (@taylorswift) on

Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift