I'll Make You Famous…




Selena Gomez Fat Tits in a See Through Shirt of the Day

I figure Selena Gomez in a sheer tank top, or beater, showing off her nipples like girls did in the 90s, is worth looking at, because there will be a time when the chipmunk faced, pudgy, bloated, starlet sold to the industry at a young age, and thus now is medicated after her handlers diagnosed her crazy….will no longer be with us….

She has lupus, her kidney isn’t her, she’s on borrowed time and I figure you need to sexualize her before her chronic disease gets too advanced that you feel bad jerking off to her new big tits….you know like when you go to the palliative. ward to find some barely responsive, half dead pussy to have sex with in hopes you don’t get arrested or fired from your job as an orderly…..it’s not something you’re proud of and better to get down with it pre death…so here it is.

She’s also got a bunch of big girl with a muff gut, showing off her fat upper pussy in a bikini pictures going viral that you can see if you LICK HERE!!!!

Posted in:Selena Gomez




Hailee Steinfeld Bra of the Day

Hailee Steinfeld is poosing with either a new dog, or just a small dog and she’s doing it in a solid way, the way you’d want a puppy to be showcased on the internet, LONGSLIDE her puppies, and by puppies I mean tits, there was a time when tits were called puppies…I am old…leave me alone…eventually we all become dad jokes…

The point of the story is that the made in Hollywood, not on Social Media girl is playing up her hotness like a social media girl, since that’s the only way to compete.

She’s not selling ass pics on OnlyFans yet, she doesn’t have to financially, but it’s not about finances for a lot of these girls, it’s about staying relevant so they keep getting cast in their mainstream movies….and if selling ass pics is the way to be relatable, to be part of the pop culture, then she’ll do it….I am sure since it’s her job to be part of the pop culture…even when it shifts to porn…

She’s dipping a toe in the sleazy content presented as not so sleazy…it’s a puppy reveal…with her puppies…that’s it….


Posted in:Hailee Steinfeld




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day

On/Off’s are amazing because they basically cater to all our needs as men. We see women out there in clothes, we want to see them not wearing clothes, it makes us feel like we’re winning something by getting that exclusive look, even when it is not exclusive but rather for the millions of strangers who may come across it on the internet, it still speaks to our souls….

Then the more bitter, cynical, jaded, impotent, high estrogen, low testosterone, selective, with fake high standards knowing that even the ugliest of the ugly won’t fuck us, but we still have to dissect every little imperfection like we’re doing quality control no one asked and no one is paying us to do, appreciate the on/off so we can see where we are being lied to….is it padded bra, is it shapewear….on/offs take all the ifs out of the equation and bring us facts…I mean besides the FACT that they could be photoshopped but that’s a whole other level of picky that I just don’t bother with…

Point is, On/Offs for the win…something for everyone…the best…my favorite. Now all you clothed bitches out there….GET NAKED.


Posted in:OnOff




Rita Ora Bikini Upskirt of the Day

I am the kind of guy who zooms in on crotch shots, or on crotches in general when they are featured in a bikini photo….

I think it has something to do with my facial recognition blindness, where I can’t decipher a Scary face from a not so scary face….so I go to the pussy to make sure it’s a pussy.

I guess some dudes look at tits, I look at cunt are….I mean I do it in person too…’My eyes are up here”…..”WAY UP”….Friendly Giant shit…because on the way to their eyes, that you can’t make contact with if you’re an actual Asperger…you gotta stop at the tits along the way…

Anyway, that’s a lot of words to say “I zoom in on the cunt” and Rita’s cunt in her white bikini looks lumpy….could be from marriage to that New Zealand Tittaki Cohen, or it could be a fold in the suit because the pussy ain’t fat enough, or it could be a growth from all the men we know she’s had and ultimately, it doens’t matter because that’s a bit of labia or mound and it’s better than nothin’….


Posted in:Rita Ora




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day

PERIOD PANTIES, RELATIONSHIP PANTIES, GRANNY PANTIES, MOM PANTIES….so many derogatory, misleading, mean spirited energy targeting the full back panty over the last 25 years, that you’d think it was an oppressed panty, a victim of racism panty, systemic discrimination….a panty worthy of marches, worthy of protests, worthy of activists looting Walmarts in their honor….BURN THE CITIES to right the wrong of the FULL BACK PANTY hate….raise money, get to the government offices, do TV interviews, raise money, use said money to buy houses…..FULL BACK PANTY LIVES MATTER….

The fact is the FULL BACK PANTY is a panty, which should be enough, not all panties are treated equally, because the world is full of bigots…but they are PANTIES and by definition as a man, I want to get in them…whether they are skimpy, lacy, naughty, enough or not, I want to get into them.

So leave FULL BACK PANTIES alone and embrace their comfort, their functionality, their shape….their PANTYlines…


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Bella Hadid Pussy Print of the Day

Bella Hadid posted up some spread legged doing pilates to show the world how she stays fit, even though we all know it’s from under the table, contraband, diabetes meds…

She’s got some white shorts on, some gym socks on, and it plays out like a gay dude’s gym fetish scene, only we assume she’s got a cunt and her tight shorts aren’t a jock strap.

She also posted some in the jungle bikini pics, like some kind of weird ape-like creature, because she’s got a scary and demonic looking face….but she’s apparently the world’s top model, which I think is a marketing hook like how McDonald’s has the 100 percent beef…you know Hottest Model ™….

Hot body though and you know you can always brown paper bag the butter, so it works for me.


Posted in:Bella Hadid




Feminist Friday of the Day

I guess we live in an era of everyone being a feminists…

Guys are feminists, girls NEED to be feminists, it’s all pretty much meaningless really, but it does mean that their marketing scam worked…

Get the women out of the house, into the work force, away from their kids, let the state or the TV raise them, while mom’s exhausted making a second income to afford the insanely bloated life, but don’t worry, 50% of that money will go to taxes….

It makes you wonder how bored or dumb women were to hop on the whole feminist scam in the 60s, did they really have it all that bad….were men just that superior to them, making them feel like they were just slaves or hired help…

I have a hard time believing that because people were more into the Church, more into Family, more into providing…and MOST Importantly….women have and always will be the keeper of sex…

You see they have these things called vaginas that men like to put their penises in and as long as they have those things called vaginas that men like to put their penises in, the women is in charge…

Men are weak….for pussy….and at the time, when people weren’t degenerate heathens, they were weak for their wife’s pussy.

The point of the story is that I see women doing the whole power player in industry thing, wearing the pants, and it’s unattractive….and they are all miserable….

Then I see girls running after the sugar baby, never work life, which is basically the mom life, but more transactional….

So it’s safe to say, they don’t really believe in feminism either, but when they get naked online to get OUT of the WORKFORCE the fought to be in so hard….they say it’s feminism…when I see it as a trip back to being taken care of…so they don’t have to work.

These braless girls aren’t feminists by their own words, I just call them that cuz they are braless and bras are obviously a construct of the patriarchy to keep women shackled…DUH.


Posted in:Feminist




Tinashe Tits of the Day

Tinashe is the daughter of professors…her dad teaches acting, her mom teaches physical therapy, so it’s only natural that they’d throw her into the industry at a young age because when you’re a professor of acting, along with being some pretentious asshole about the “art”, that I really don’t think is an art, but rather something people take way too fucking seriously to make it seem like it requires talent or skill, when really any asshole could do it….but yeah, being a professor in acting, he best be sure his daughter gets mainstream recognition, otherwise he would be an obvious hack.

“You can’t even get your daughter an acting career, why should we listen to you, HACK”…

You get what I am saying…

Anyway, Tinashe did some acting, was on Two and a Half Man before being packaged in some contrived girl band that toured with Bieber and a decade later, she’s holding onto her titties, gribbing them solid on instagram. That’s a cross between a GRIP annd a GRAB for those who don’t know retard speak.

They call that progress…

If you’re the kind of talent, 13 years in the game or longer, and you’re still wearing your shirt, you haven’t made it yet….

Shirtless for success! That’ll be the name of my self help course….move over Top G and make some room for me!


Posted in:Tinashe




Britney Spears Weirdness Continues of the Day

Britney Spears continues to be weird, not that I think that’s actually Britney Spears, but rather a body double or more conspiracy oriented a clone, or more sinister, if it is Britney Spears, it’s probably very old footage of her…since she’s dead or lobotomized and drooling on herself somewhere.

Either way, she is in a new location, this time a gym with a multi-purpose dance room that still look like a basement she’s being held captive in….just waiting for the beheading scene to come in.

Is this part of the humiliation process, you know some satanic ritual with fire and red gloves?

If this is Britney being a “free” Britney, she looks pretty fucking abducted, medicated, and disturbing to me…..

Who cares, she’s dancing and freaky bitches who look insane make for the best lap dances and fucks, so if we’re going to have any washed up Britney, or Britney Impersonator learning the ropes, she’s better a lunatic…..

The caption read:

“Found my hands with some red gloves !!! I meditated to “Hips Don’t Lie” by @shakira !!! I just said “keep shaking your ass” and I did for 3 hours !!! Not really punctual and will probably take down in two days … but I think I just found the playground”

Interesting that she calls out Shakira and sets the video to J.Lo….weird….

She also reposted this bride of Satan picture that I am sure I’ve seen before…because why not keep on confusing…

They are fucking with us…..

WHERE IS THE SEX TAPE! If you’re going to be crazy, go all out and give us something to jack off to….the world needs a mental case Britney in action for free!

Posted in:Britney Spears




Fishnet Friday of the Day

Gone Fishin’….

Is that the sign you put on your bedroom door so your mom doesn’t walk in on you when you’re masturbating in fishnets you picked up at the drug store like some kind of Goth or Cross dresser because they make you feel pretty?

Or are you more the kind of weirdo who strips down in the drug store and puts on the fishnets right off the rack so everyone can see….usually scoring a free pair of fishnets if you get out of there before the police come to cart you off to the mental institution because they are TRANSPHOBIC…

Or are you more into staring at hot chicks, or even not so hot chicks in their fishnets being their own kind of racy, since you’re from a time when fishnets were wild sex accessories or tools, like the best you got….before everyone turned into a porn loving degenerate with all the sex tools for random sex with strangers…

There was a time when fishnets were as wild as a normie would go….and that’s why I still like lookin’ at them, timeless classics, like a blank t-shirt or a good old fashioned pair of elastic band sweatpants, only better to jerk off to, just not better to jerk off in…unless you’re weird….


Posted in:Fishnets