I'll Make You Famous…




Bigger News than This Rihanna Bullshit of the Day

This just in…Ugly Betty is still Ugly….

Posted in:Hot Story




Adriana Lima and Doutzen Kroes Promoting Some Valentines Day Shit for Their Owners of the Day

When your job involves you wearing lingerie, seeing you in lingerie gets played out pretty fast, so the masterminds at Victoria Secret were not only smart enough to kidnap these girls off the global human sex trade, but knew to limit their half naked time, and make them spend some time out of the lingerie, unfortunately holding lingerie it while fully clothed and not on the floor of some dingy basement after paying some Russian dude 100 dollars to have your way with the twos of them like we’re supposed to be doing….

Posted in:Adriana Lima|Doutzen Kroes|Lingerie




Jessica Simpson Announcing the Country Music Award Nominees of the Day

So to all you haters out there who said that Jessica Simpson’s country career was a fucking joke and that she’d never make it in the country world, even with her weight gain in efforts to look more like a fucking cow the cowboy wants to fuck, you’re wrong, because here she is at the Country Music Award Nominations, sure she wasn’t nominated for shit, but just being asked to introduce the people who were is enough of a fucking honor, so she’s here to stay.

Posted in:Country Music Awards|Jessica Simpson




Bar Rafaeli’s Face is on a Plane of the Day

So I guess with being the cover girl of the classiest magazine out there for their classiest issue of the year not only comes with many beer belly pigs jerking off on the toilet while shitting because it’s the only private time your blue collar ass gets, but it also comes with your face gracing the beautiful Southwest Airline, because they’re so ghetto they sell ads on their shit like your local city bus to make ends meet and offer you the best fare from Tampa Florida to Orlando or some shit.

I guess I shouldn’t talk since I’ve never flown this shit, but even I know it’s for poor people on a budget trying to get home for the fucking holidays, so I guess it’s good to know Sports Illustrated knows their target market.

Posted in:Bar Rafaeli|Plane|Southwest




Ludacris Nasty Girls Video Of the Day

My stepdaughter is hard for this motherfucker, she thinks he’s a fucking talent whether it is in movies, in music, or whatever else he does.

I am hard for the girls in this video, whether they are in their everyday clothes or half naked behind closed doors, which I guess is the concept of the video, but I didn’t bother watching the whole thing because I don’t really give a fuck about music videos when I can throw on some porn clips and listen to whatever song I want, but I usually just like hearing the sounds of my own tears trickling down my cheek….

Posted in:Ludacris|Nasty Girls|Video




Some Lohan Eratic Driving of the Day

The funniest thing about this whole Rihanna thing isn’t that he lived up to racist stereotypes, or that my preconceived notions of dancers being fags, meanwhile this Chris Brown motherfucker choked Rihanna to the point of passing the fuck out and left bite marks like any real man who would, but is that it all went down in a rented Lambo and nothing screams ganster’s paradise like that shit.

Speaking of cars, here’s Lohan driving like an idiot because she has a vagina, thinks she’s invincible and has multiple personality disorder. I guess what I am trying to say is why couldn’t it have been Ronson choking out Lohan and threatening her life, I know they are busy sharing their lives and panties with each other so that won’t happen, but we all know this video would end better if it was one of those crazy car crashes you’d see on Fox in the 90s. You know, where the driver crashes into a bus full of children, I think that’d be a good end for her, almost poetic, you know since her dad stole her childhood, now she’s stolen the childhood of these kids..

Posted in:Driving|Lindsay Lohan




Some Chris Brown Fans Beat Up Chicks in Hollywood of the Day

More Violence Against Women Erupts in Hollywood

I saw this video shot by the paparazzi about some girl they found outside a club passed out and covered in blood. Turns out that some guy was all up on her, trying to get her vagina, and I guess she either felt he wasn’t good enough for her, or maybe he creeped her the fuck out and it ended in her spitting on him, so he did what any guy would do and knocked her the fuck out. That’ll learn her not to bring her pussy out when some random dude asks for it.

I think a combo of cocaine, hip hop and Chris Brown getting off from beating up chicks is going to start a lot of copycat crimes, because last time I checked there were lots of angry dude out there and usually they are angry cuz girls snob them out.

Either way, the whole thing is pretty sick. Enjoy. You sick fuck.

Posted in:Chris Brown|Woman Abuse




Zach Braff Has a Girlfriend with 12 Year Old Lookin Tits of the Day

I used to know a socially awkward kid I was forced to work with who was doing some sort of interning at some shitty company I worked for and all this dude would talk about was Zach Braff. He was so hard for this motherfucker, because I guess he related to his weak chin and pathetic demeanor.

One night I bumped into him on the street and he was heading to a Zach Braff movie on opening night, I had nothing better to do so went. Now if this wasn’t some masturbatory bullshit, I don’t fucking know what it was. It was some emo Jewish neurotic shit that made me want to kill myself just being there, all while this ugly motherfucker got some skinny brunette to want to fuck him, that was totally unbelievable and written by him to fill his perversions.

I think the guy I worked with started crying and left the place glowing like he just lost his virginity, even though we all know he didn’t.

A few months later, I heard that Braff was in Montreal filming that Rachel Bilson movie and the dude I worked with finally got to meet him and got his autograph before getting arrested for being parked outside his hotel for 7 days.

Either way, this is the girl that’s fucking him in a see through, showing off her non existent tits.

Posted in:Girlfriend|See Through|Zach Braff




Khloe Kardashian Hosts an Appropriate Party of the Day

I got this flyer emailed to me by the promoters of the event, I am not posting this to give these assholes exposure, because I know if I ever went to Vegas, they’d never let me into their bullshit, despite giving them more exposure then their Mexican escort flyer kids lining the Vegas strip.

I am posting it because it is nice to see this bitch follow her calling. Sure, Khloe Kardashian bitch is a pig or a monster, so rocking out on Friday the 13th is appropriate, but not as appropriate as shit being called the Anti-Valentine’s day party, because I hear that’s the name of Khloe Kardashian’s memoir, a story about a ugly fucking girl with big dreams, who used to sit at home, year after year making Valentine’s Day cards and cookies and decorations, thinking about all the boys swooning her and asking her to be theirs and all that shit, only that never happened, leaving her bitter and a leader in the war against Valentines day, fueled by cynicism and rejection turned into anger.

I think you should check this party out, since you can relate to this beast.

Posted in:Khloe Kardashian|Monster




Raven Symone is a Grazing Cow of the Day

Hey remember when Raven Symone was just that cute little girl on the Cosby Show you wanted to have grab on to your cock to make it look bigger than it was. You know the girl who had her whole life ahead of her and who made you feel uncomfortable every time she sat on Bill Cosby’s lap. You know the girl you were excited to see grow up because she wasn’t too black lookin’ to bring him to your racist family, and by then she’d probably be a washed up childstar with a drug problem entertaining a porn career.

Well it turns out that since those glory days of Cosby, Raven Symone’s done a whole lot of eating.

Sure you all knew she was fat, this is nothing new, but these pictures were taken the other day by some amateur photographer and I felt the need to get them out there. I am not sure why….but think it has to do with Disney execs raping me enough to leave me emotionally damaged and forced to eat my feelings away because doing those vile things for a paycheck is still prostitution even if it got me on TV….you know, I had no choice, because there are a lot of girls who would die to be in my position, you know willing to do ANYTHING to get there…and they would never think to tell their parents or go to the media about how dirty things were done to me….I mean….here are those pics.

Source: Meet the Famous

Posted in:Fat|Raven Symone