I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Hadid Nip Slip of the Day

Bella Hadid may be some overrated muppet with pretty hard, even transgender features…an instagram model thanks to her family money, her sister’s career being bought, high sales conversions on her social media feed, or at least high enough to pretend she’s a model, because I have eyes and I know a model when I see one, I don’t need to be told incessantly that something is a model until accepting it…

I realize, posing for a camera makes anyone a fucking model so there’s no real baseline, but you know what I mean…they say she’s a super model to keep the lie going….and I don’t buy it.

I do know that she brought a classic nip slip, even though we’ve all seen her tits, it’s still a classic nip slip, even if she’s an attention seeking imposter, it’s still a classic nipple slip and we can’t let them take that away from us, even though they’ve taken everything else with their MIND CONTROL tactics.

Posted in:Bella Hadid




Demi Lovatos Going to Put This in their TheyHole of the Day

Demi Lovato, now a They, Alien Communicator because she suffered mental illness from a life of being sold off and sexualized by a disgusting industry that has led to perverts like me posting her bullshit like I fucking care or like if fucking. matters, not that I believe in Mental Illness when it comes to famous people, it is just a great excuse for victimhood and something no one contests but instead feel sorry for and cry about together in some fucking group therapy sessions they can afford because they are overpaid trash, while people with real mental illness are over here thinking that every van that drives by is about to abduct them for writing “conspiracy theories” on the internet….

What I am sayin is there is actual crazy and there is Disney Kid rich brat who gets away with everything because she’s surrounded by yes men that make money off her, and we all know what category she falls into.

She’s posing with sex toys, now that sex toys are normalized, everyone MASTURBATE, except maybe the 10,000 dollar sex doll you’re dating, that’s still weird…but a little vibe to help a girl cum, in an era of chronic masturbating perverts isn’t all that edgy, but for a Disney Kid to be pushing it, you can figure out exactly what agenda these monsters are pushing onto your kids.

The funny thing is that it took her becoming “TRANS” or a NON BINARY THEY to start putting out slutty content with her tits out….

Not that I like Demi Lovato, she’s serious last week’s kitchen garbage trash….but if she has to exist, and she does exist, too much invested in her and not just Valderamma semen, but other semen too….too many fans…to not let. her run with this low level NORMIE dabbling in BDSM for some instant gratification or a “tickle” from an orgasm to release her depleted dopamine to make her feel better about herself….and for those of us who have been jerking off 10 times a day for the last 40 years…it’s hardly that exciting to see bitches trying to act empowered or like they are revolutionaries because they have vibrators..it’s like they haven’t met any 40 year old housewives from Ohio who have had all the sex toys for the last hundred fucking years….

It’s sad when perv shit goes DISNEY and all the FUN gets sucked out of it for a man who has made PERV shit his only interest his entire existence….and not to get ahead doing it, if anything, it backfired and prevented me from making real money with a website that had a lot of traffic between 2004-2010…all these fucks coming out of the woodwork trying to monetize our pervert existence and succeeding….FUCKERS.


Posted in:Demi Lovato




On/Off Flasher Fridays of the Day


Motherfuckers, I was just outside an saw at least 3 women and thought to myself “What is their name” not to stalk them, or to know who they are, but to google to google them to find their fucking nudes and that’s just too much fucking effort..

If we’re going to be neurolinked to the cloud thanks to that loser that everyone GROUPIES cuz he’s rich, ELON…..do it right, so that at first glance at all the ladies I see, my brain downloads all their nudes from their phone….because seeing clothed women without seeing naked women is a FLAW in our society….we know they get naked, we know they take nude selfies, but the only way to get at them is by stealing their phone, then you’d need their fucking password or their face to access their phone….or you’d have breaking into their hous to get it when they’re sleeping…which is a lot of effort when you don’t want to see the nudes THAT bad…they are trying to make criminals out of you for the nudes when they can just mandate anything..mandate the On/Off…

Get it together GOVERNMENT….so misguided.


Posted in:OnOff




Alessandra Ambrosio in a Bikini of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio is not too old to get naked in a bikini, even though she is on paper, because I guess some bitches try a lot harder to maintain a certain body into their old age when the only thing they’ve ever done has been hot half naked or at least well paid and half naked because her entire career as a VS model, I thought she was really fucking average looking and only cast because as a Brazilian she knew that the other Brazilians were trans and if she went public with that, she’d destroy their whole racket….assuming she’s not one of the trans…which I don’t….because we all know men age better than women, women rot, so when these ladies get old as shit and don’t rot, it kind of brings evidence of what I’ve always suspected….

When the trans can pass, they call them TRAPS, or when the menopausal lady looks as good as this at her menopausal age, there’s no harm in looking, even if it’s photoshopped so hard it’s literal “ART”…

I don’t know who the other bitches are…..but I’ll assume at least one is a diversity hire for the direct to consumer brand I assume this is for….LOTS OF ASSUMPTIONS IN THIS POST….the biggest being that she has a biological cunt.

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio




Feminist Friday of the Day

Last week we dove into the whole FEMINISM bra burning storyline being a myth, and only some militant dykes protesting something like Abortion, or wholesome family values were outraged pre twitter, probably funded by some liberal organization to disrupt the natural course of living happy and normal middle of the road family lives….because Feminism actually destroys happiness….by telling women that being in a family is in some way oppressive, or that running a household, which requires a lot of work, is a bad thing, but going to an actual meaningless job, not spending time with your kids, since your job just wants you to abort them so you can give more time to them, is happiness….it’s pretty demented from my perspective, there’s nothing wrong with a man going out and working to pay for shit, so his woman can stay home and properly raise her kids and keep the house in check….but whatever FEMINISTS…

Which reminds me of a meme I was sent by my gay hair stylist friend STEFAN this morning, I guess he knew it was FEMINIST FRIDAY:

Not that these are feminists, they probably think they are, but the truth is they are just doing traditional female gender roles of using their pussy for money so they don’t have to actually work….so they have a little something in common with housewives, just not any of the good or respectable things you’d look up to, unless you are me, cuz I love half naked girls, nipples, bra hate which I see daily now that girl’s don’t wear bras..you can like the slut-ification of the world without RESPECTING it.


Posted in:Feminist




Malu Trevejo Ass Shaking go the Day

Malu Trevejo is some hilarious TiKTOK star, who was on TIKTOK before it was TIKTOK and managed to climb the top of the fucking charts of that app when it was bought by CHINA to manipulate the minds of Americans and contribute the making them dumber, like the chemicals they’ve been putting in all your “MADE IN CHINA” products….which may get me killed for saying….since you know who really owns the world.

Anyway, on her 18th birthday, she got a set of fake tits, launched an OnlyFans and basically said “who gives a fuck, get paid”….in living her best ass shaking, big titty, sex worker who probably makes a shit ton of money, she still DOES music…and has a trending TIKTOK SONG…and it’s actually good and deserves to go viral.

So basically, gotta be a fan of this shit and how it came together, I like her approach at life and if you think otherwise – you’re just crazy.

Here she is in another short skirt ..

Some TikTok Fun…


Posted in:Malu Trevejo




Fishnet Friday of the Day



Posted in:Fishnets




Nicole Scherzinger Does the Splits of the Day

I’ve been saying that Nicole Scherzinger was potentially born with a penis, before becoming a Vegas showgirl they recruited to exploit burlesque and the art of striptease on the mainstream….while strippers were out there sucking dick and leaving shit stains on the pants of random johns while these twats were making millions, sure they had the organization of being an LA dance troop, and they had shitty songs that people of the world paid money to see sung….but it was ALL on the back of actual stripper…..some modern day slavery shit

I am not convinced the hard body is not born with a penis, but when underwater in some really fucking nice looking place, you can’t see the balls so good enough.

I guess I’m just a sucker for half naked bitches doing athletic shit like the splits….and can see past them being 45 and possibly a dude.

Posted in:Nicole Scherzinger|Nicole Scherzinger




Full Back Panties Friday of the Day


So let’s go into the weekend looking at girls in period panties to celebrate female empowerment bullshit, where you know some of these girls are posting their granny panties to the internet as some sort of activism or protest.

I don’t know if girls actually try to intellectualize or protest the patriarchy by wearing relationship, throw in the towel,bleeding from the cunt, it’s the pandemic aftermath and we’re lazy, so here’s comfy pants to give the paying SIMPS the girlfriend experience….

But they probably do.

Luckily, we let the bitches talk their shit, so long as we get to see them being sluts on the internet….and posting your underwear on the internet is slutty. FUN.


Posted in:Fullback Panty




Candace Owens is a Bit of an Idiot of the Day

I like Candace Owens, she’s got good energy and I typically like the things she says, which doesn’t mean she’s not some attention seeking opportunist, they all are…they all are addicted to the fans, the celebrity and that’s what keeps them delivering their opinions…it’s like when you see a VAN LIFE girl, or a CABIN LIFE girl, or a BOAT PERSON, not the Viet kind….with their YOUTUBE channel, some of these people are 10 years into living in a van, making millions and have no choice but to LIVE in the van….if they get a beach house compound…they need to pretend they still live in the van full time for the fans…to keep the money train coming.

I guess it’s like rockstars sticking to the same songs, whores sticking to the same strategy, when you find something that works….you just fucking run with it, unless you’re me, and you run with something that doesn’t work to KEEP it real…NO SELLING OUT HERE.

You can just never trust how Authentic a motherfucker is…..

But when I saw this tweet based on RAY J coming out saying that the Kim K sex tape was a set up, while she still tries to play victim as a storyline in her show….”Oh the kids heard there’s more sex tapes out there”….or some nonsnse….I get pretty fucking annoyed..

First, who cares about the kardashians, stop giving them attention, they are disgusting and evil humans who represent all that is wrong in the world.

More importantly, WE ALL KNOW THE SEX TAPES were staged, so Canadace saying shit like Kim K being a victim just annoys me.

Anyone who think Kim K didn’t set up her sex tape doesn’t understand the porn industry or the laws around producing porn.

There is no way VIVID wasn’t doing everything by the book.

I even think they had the Ryan Secrest (America’s Sweetheart) show lined up before the sex tape, because they did have a high powered publicist to diffuse the shit.

IT WAS A SET UP BRUV and it is the launchpad that made them billions of dollars because it cast all you dumb ass motherfuckers under their witchcraft spell…

More interestingly, it was designed by her stage mom….so if you buy into anything Kardashian, you’re a fool….

The only thing to wonder about the Kardashians is whether Pete is her handler or if she’s Pete’s handler, since Pete was obviously bred for whatever it is he’s doing, his origin story lost me with “father died in 9/11″….

They are bullshit, garbage people and we are the victims.

I was on the frontlines of the internet the day this shit dropped so many years ago, VIVID actually gave me “Exclusive Clips” to push it…..so Kim K and I are basically business partners…innit.

A whore is a whore is a fucking whore.

Posted in:Uncategorized