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stepLINKS of the Day

After all this O(prah)Bama shit, I am happy to say that my unemployed friend in New Mexico just applied for food stamps it’s a great day for America and for him. I got this email: Hi! My name is Angelina and I have 3 wonderful kids and one of my daughter is diagnosed with tourrette’s […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I have a feeling that McCain is going to win, despite probably not being the best choice and all the preliminary polls, I am convinced America won’t allow a revolutionary into office, even if America wants a revolutionary in office. I can only assume that it’s the CIA moving in a switching all the votes […]




Ivanka Trump and her Rich Girl Tits of the Day

I like rich girls. They are usually carefree, don’t give a fuck and less interested in looking for acceptance and more interested in being bad by fucking, getting drunk and doing drugs. You know, going against the grain because their entire life they’ve had to stay classy in front of people, so the second no […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am all worn out with this whole election thing, actually I am not really phased by your bullshit election that is polluting my day and everything I read and I am just tired from drinking too hard all weekend, trying to pretend I wasn’t surrounded by total cunts, but that abuse made me lazy […]




Pixie Geldof’s 18 Year Old Pierced Nipple of the Day

I don’t know if you know who the Geldof’s are, but I know a bit about them. I know that Bob Geldof is the father of this piece of work, he is a rocker who does charity events like Live Aid in the 80s and Live 8 last year, who is clearly lived the rockstar […]




Suzanne Somers is a Hot Old Lady of the Day

You know you never hear dudes brag about how dry their girl’s vaginas are. Like you never here shit like “My girl never gets wet, her pussy is like a cold platter of deli meat, and every time I try sticking my dick in it, it’s like fucking sandpaper”, but that was before I saw […]




stepLINKS of the Day

stepLINKS stepLINKS of the Day So I got this email: Hey Asshole, Your website isn’t too bad, but I think your a fucking loser. And, that “your so gay” joke is not your joke, dick. You stole it from ’40 year-old virgin’, and it’s just pathetic to be so unoriginal, and play it off as […]




Bloodshot Bill is the One Man Band Who Needs to Be Famous of the Day

I used to hang out at a mall near a college and this brown dude with slicked back hair would always let me bum cigarettes off him. The odd time I’d see him outside the mall at a bar while drunk, he always hooked me up with a beer out of his pitcher or more […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am at my neighbor’s house. Obama just took over all of his channels….this is probably going to work against him. America wants their TVs back….they have a limited time to enjoy them before the bank repossesses them, not that I think it’s a bad idea, but I am sure the republicans and people on […]




Aisleyne Horgan Wallace is a Busted Up Party Slut of the Day

Her name is Aisleyne Horgan Wallace and you’ve probably never heard of her, but I have. She’s some rich kid socialite from the UK, who has some important stepfather, who wanted to get a career of her own as a model, actress, Paris Hilton, so she signed up to some reality show, and showed off […]