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Archive for the Ass Category




Thick Brazilian Bitch Doin’ 135 Squats of the Day

Here is a pretty funny Brazilian show where they dress a thick bitch up as a zebra and make her do squats. I assume this hot to at least one black guy and I’m just not really sure what there is to say about this, it kinda does a good enough job on its own, I am just gonna remind you that Brazil is one of the leading nations in tranny prostitutes, so I’m just gonna leave you with that and post the video….Enjoy….

Posted in:Ass|Squats|Thick Chicks




Katherine Heigl Plays With Marisa Miller’s Ass of the Day

It looks like a fat Katherine Heigl has a new job that involves fixing Marisa Miller’s bikini for her photoshoots, unless that’s not a picture of Katherine Heigl at all, and is really just someone with the same diet as her, which I guess would make sense, because Heigl is the kind of bitch who wouldn’t get naked next to Marisa Miller’s insane body, for fear that she would make her look fat, without realizing that everything makes her look fat, because she is fat, and this is just some photo assistant, who doesn’t give a fuck about lookin’ as hot as Marisa Miller, but is just happy getting flown to beaches and getting paid for cunts like Marisa Miller to grace the pages of a magazine, proving that in her own way, she’s pretty much at the top of her game too and here are those pics…

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Ass|Bikini|Katherine Heigl|Marisa Miller




Pink Trying to Be Sexy of the Day

I am not too sure what Cary Hart was thinking by casting his “chick” Pink to model his clothing line, but I am guessing it’s got something to do with him thinking she is the hottest thing in the world, considering he married her…twice. I guess he also figures that Pink is worth more to the brand than some no name hot chick, but I find the whole thing confusing, mainly because of their “Gender Bender” relationship, just look at Cary Hart’s hair, motherfucker looks like he’s on some emo bi-sexual kid you’d wake up to with your dick in his mouth after passing out at a party, while PInk’s muscles make her look like she’s got more testicles than my friend who started a backalley dog castrating clinic in his basement, and she’s wearing male underwear, not really convincing me that jerking off to this is ok, but then again, I’ve always hated girls who wear men’s underwear and when that whole thing became popular amongst the emo kids 10 years ago, I was pretty disappointed, but that’s got nothing to do with anything. Here are the pics of a couple 30 year olds pretending they are 15 in a shitty photoshoot..

Posted in:Ass|Pink|Sexy




Katrina Bowden and her Zebra Print Ass of the Day

I refuse to watch anything that has to do with Saturday Night Live because I hate that fucking show. So I’ve never bothered with the Tina Fey show 30 Rock and never fucking will. I don’t like ugly women to begin with and although appreciate that they brought this piece of pussy on board to distract us from the scar on her face, I still won’t get sucked into the shit, even if they are trying to become the next Seinfeld in ratings by sending her on trips with her ugly friends to get paparazzi on her ass so that she becomes a household everyone wants to fuck and in turn, who everyone will watch on this bullshit SNL spinoff shit all you assholes love.

Here are pics of her flashing some ass…

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Ass|Bikini|Katrina Bowden




Aubrey O’Day’s Ass on Twitter of the Day

This just in, Aubrey O’Day is an attention craving whore, who pretty much bites Tila Tequila’s whore style and turns to the internet to get naked for her horny fans who love her fat ass and fake tits to give her the illusion that people actually want to fuck her or that she’s actually famous and not just the reality show latch on that she is…..

See the issue I have with Aubrey O’Day is that this cunt posts pictures like this of herself, she stars in some low grade vegas show where she gets topless, and she pretty much can’t hide the fact that she’s a fat chick trying to exploit the little sex appeal she has because as long as a bitch gets naked, dudes will pay attention, but the second I post the pictures of her whore ass in action, I get fucking lawyers letters. So bitch who wants to be seen, makes a big stink about being seen, just because I guess she figures since she has our attention, she might as well try her best to really get our attention and I hate that shit, but mainly because this time it affected me directly.

Either way, here’s her ass and some other twitter pics she’s posting to get noticed, because I guess she feels her overeating and all the hard work she’s done sitting in a quest to turn her body into one black men can appreciate to land a hip hop boyfriend wasn’t getting noticed enough on its own, making her have to bend over for the camera, something more girls need to follow her lead on….

Posted in:Ass|Aubrey O'Day|Twitter




Kim Kardashian’s Ass on Letter Man of the Day

Remember when Kim Kardashian’s ass was a celebrity and starred in a “black on half Armenia, full spoiled brat useless cunt” sex tape, well shit is starting to look like shit, you know after a night of drinking, when you come home and eat the only food you have in your fridge that happens to be rotting, but not all that bad considering you’re drunk, until you wake up the next day and see clumps of what may be your liver and parts of your stomach in the fuckin’ toilet, but you still wanna fuck it and I wanna piss on it, cuz I know she’s into getting peed on, and I guess there’s something hot about treating a bitch like a public toilet, especially if her pussy smells like one or is as clean as one.

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Ass|Kim Kardashian




Annalynne McCord Working The Camera Hard While it Still Cares About Her of the Day

I saw two sets of pictures from last night involving Annalynne McCord in two different dresses at two different events on two different red carpets . This bitch is really working the scene, going to as many events as possible, making as many appearances as possible, trying to be on as many red carpets as possible, trying to get in as many publicity pictures as possible cuz she probably realizes just how shitty her show is and how likely it is that she’ll get sent back home on the bus she came in on, with no money and minor fame that everyone will forget about in a few years.

Unfortunately, I know that this pig of a girl will find a way to stay in Hollywood even if she lost all she undeservedly has, holding onto the dream, so this lifestyle she works her ass off for by changing into different dresses like some kind of nutcase, is pretty much for life, even if she’s hanging on by a thread, she’ll find herself a rich enough husband or do whatever it takes, to hold onto this fucking moment and drag it on forever because this is her fucking dream and there’s no fucking around….

I just hope she goes to bed at night with anxiety miserable and exhausted from all the running around from event to event in fear of losing it all because if she is actually enjoying this and loving every minute of her bullshit grind that upsets me…..

Here She is with Her Latch on Sisters at Some Macy’s Party…..

Here is Annalynne Workin the Camera While the Camera Still Cares About Her at the Macy’s Party

And Here She Is Working the Camera While the Camera Still Cares ABout Her at the Variety Party. Same Night, Different Dress….

Pics via Fame and Bauer

Posted in:Annalynne McCord|Ass|McCord Sisters




Sophie Monk’s Dumpy Ass in Sweatpants of the Day

Sophie Monk still hasn’t been deported even though I think her time here is up and that her true calling working in the Outback of Australia picking up Kangaroo shit is a much better idea for her, at least based on how shitty her ass looks in these sweatpants, because this mess doesn’t belong on TV. She really looks a whole lot of sloppy and I figure if you’re out wearing sweatpants that on their own make you look like a slob who has given up on life like me, you better have a hot fucking ass to make it seem like it is ok. I’m done with this bitch, send her fuckin’ home….

Pics via INFpoto

Posted in:Ass|Sophie Monk|Sweatpants




Karina Smirnoff and Her Mom Ass of the Day

I don’t know if Karina Smirnoff is a mom, becasue despite wanting to fuck her half naked dancing body everytime I see clips from the show, because let’s face it she’s the only thing worth fucking on the show, unless you’re down with Kelly Osbourne, but it turns out she’s a mom, and this is a picture of her and her baby, only I had to crop out the baby, and focus on what we really want to see, even if it’s not quite as tight as it once was, it’s still attached to a pussy and that’s good enough for me.

Posted in:Ass|Karina Smirnoff|Mom




Pregnant Anna Kournikova Ass of the Day

Anna Kournikova is pregnant, so these may be some of the last pictures of her ass you can comfortably jerk off to without thinking off all the shit that’s been passing through it, because she’s eating for two now,or before she wrecks herself and by herself I mean her birth canel and young tight body, like the bulldog I ran into on the street with the droopiest vagina in the world, I’m talking dog lip draggin on the pavement behind the fuckin’t thing had 2 litters naturally, when usually bulldogs do C-Sections, not that I am a vet, but because I had to ask the dude why his dog’s pussy looked like that and whether I should call the PETA because motherfucker was doing impure things to it at night…

Either way, there will alway be people willing to jerk off to her, because some people love pregnant chicks, so I guess for them, this isn’t the end, it is the beginning….

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Anna Kournikova|Ass