I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Bikini Category




I am – Kelly Rowland Bikini Pictures of the Day


I’ve decided to post these pictures of Kelly Rowland in a bikini top because you like girls in bikini tops even if the pictures are shit and the person in the pictures is some washed up nobody who happened to be in Beyonce’s band as a back-up dancer who got way more respect than most back-up dancers ever do because they let her sing along to Beyonce’s songs and because Beyonce’s dad was molesting her or someshit and this was the only way to shut her up.

They should have named the band Beyonce’s Child because that’s pretty much how the other girls must feel having been back burnered and left out to dry up and fade away like the numerous abortions Beyonce may or may not have had.

In all reality, I feel bad for the chick and that’s the reason I am posting this. I am surprised someone cared enough to even take this pictures, I can only assume they weren’t taken by paparazzi but by her mom and released to the internet like she was Vanessa Hudgens in hopes of having some kind of comeback or second wind, but the only wind she’s got is the wind on her back that is keeping her walking down the beach away from any fame she once had and if you’re wondering where she’s pointing, it’s at God for spiting her by giving her the taste of glory then taking that shit away like some practical joke.

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I am – Daveigh Chase Bikini Pictures of the Day


These are some pictures of Daveigh Chase, some 17 year old child star who is going through her slut phase in hopes of getting more work.

I didn’t know whether posting these was a good idea or not, because I have a feeling that you are a sex offender and that this may put you over the edge and make you do things I don’t want you to do. But reality is that this girl is 17 and in a bikini, it’s not like she’s sitting out with her vagina exposed giving herself a diddle, which is something you’d probably want to do, because that’s just the kind of guy you are. So that’s why I am posting it.

Reality is that the difference between 17 and 18 is barely there. 17 year olds go to bars, party, get drunk, get naked, have blowjob parties and all the same shit their 18 year old friends are doing. That invisible line that is defined by their birthdays is irrelevant and the reason why it’s no illegal to hook up with one in Canada, but you Americans are missing out on all the fun with the risk of Jail and all that shit that comes with hooking up with one. I am not saying that you should all pack your bags and move to Canada to park outside highschools to offer girls a lift home, but I am saying that if you were in Canada, that’s probably what you would be doing, if you weren’t too scared to leave your mom’s basement, which I highly doubt you’d ever have the confidence to do. It’s so warm and comforting to have you bed made everyday and your laundry done and folded for you and there’s always food in the fridge…why would you ever want to leave. Sure some people call you a loser, but they are just jealous with how good you’ve got it, and girls probably won’t want to bang you, but I don’t know if you should be so quick to blame your living situation, I am sure it has more to do with the fact that you’re just a loser in all facets of your life.

Here are those Daveigh Chase bikini pics, you fucking pervert.

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Posted in:Ass|Bikini|Daveigh Chase|Thong|Unsorted




I am – Pam Anderson Bikini Pics of the Day

Image Removed due to Papparazzi

I had a friend when I was a kid who had a Hot Mom and all the neighborhood kids were always at their place. I liked to hang there because had cable TV and sofas in the living room, things that were strange and exotic compared to my family life at home, but I’m pretty sure all the little boys that frequented their house did so because it made them feel funny in their swimsuit areas.

It was like whatever was happening in those boys pants at the time completely outshone the fact that this was a grown women who was the mother of one of your friends and ran the PTA board at school.

The Friends of Pam Anderson’s kids are lucky though, because their bubble hasn’t ben busted yet, and they don’t know about sex tapes, and STDs and ugly ass Tommy Lee and his horse cock. You on the other hand do, yet still go to sleep at night hoping that Pammy will fly in through your window and take your virginity, because god knows no one else will.

hugs and kisses
Marie-Eve Martinez

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Posted in:Ass|Bikini|Pamela Anderson|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Eva Longoria Bikini Ass Pictures of the Day


Here are some pictures of Eva Longoria in a bikini that you’ve all seen already, but I am posting because that’s how I do things. I am not the fastest or the most thorough, but I got shit to do like try to convince girls to get naked on webcam or household shit like sit in the pile of dirty laundry including my wife’s shit stained underwear that is sprawled all over the fucking apartment….if you looked at it you’d think we were some kind of rich family, but reality is my wife gets her underwear at the second hand clothing store….since she’s huge she takes 2 pairs and doubles them up as one by sewing them togehter….

I was at a party this weekend and it was daytime outdoor shit filled with crackheads who were on a three day bender going strong…amongst them was a girl with a raped looking face covered in welts walking around in a pair of polka dot booty shorts, that were riding so high up her box I could practically see her anus. I pulled out my camera to try and stepTV the shit, because I never see chicks in bikinis in person and I never see crackwhores without pants on for free, it usually costs 5 dollars for that shit….unfortunately, she was with two crazy meth driven homeless looking dudes with a dog who didn’t like what I was doing and got all in my face jacked on crank and they got in the way of my stepTV magic…

I really don’t have much to say other than I like the way Longoria’s pussy hangs, I love that she bends over for the camera, I just hate her fucking rat face, but who cares what I think, I am not an authority on this shit….I am just some pervert with a shitty website no one reads….

The Close-Up Shots…

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Posted in:Ass|Bikini|Crack|Eva Longoria|Unsorted




I am – Louise Redknapp Bikini Pics of the Day

Louise Redknapp

I had been dating (ie: sleeping with) this guy on and off who was a drug dealer, but not the fun kind of drug dealer who is is the life of the party and gives me free shit, the kind who is cranky and just talks about money and how to get money and never gives you deals on anything cause he’s a cheap bastard. I liked him tho, and we had great sex, so I kept him in rotation with my other 3-4 regulars I have for during dry spells. He came over the other day to tell me he didn’t want to see me anymore cause he doesn’t like that I do drugs. I argued with him for an hour or so about the fact that he is a fucking hypocrite, which he didn’t seem to like so much. I mean I like to get high, I will admit that, but crackhead I am not. His reasoning seemed to be that he was concerned I was “hurting myself”, yet he has no problems hurting other people he does or doesn’t know, for large profit no less. I supposed it’s okay to kill people slowly, provided you just don’t have to watch them die directly in front of you.

He said he still wants to “hang out” and “watch movies” he just doesn’t want to be “intimate” which is going to be a problem, because I’m pretty much only interested in dirty fucking, straight up, and not some cry baby talking about their feelings over lunch and movies.

Here’s Louise Redknapp

hugs and kisses
Marie-Eve Martinez

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I am – Pam Anderson Licks Some Dude With Her Vagina Exposed of the Day


Here are some pictures of Pam Anderson licking some dude in Malibu. I have never been to Malibu but you can tell that it is Malibu by the glass balcony, I am so happy that running this site has given me a vast knowledge of architecture and who knows maybe one day I’ll be that interior designer I’ve always wanted to be…

Speaking of designers, I was talking to a dude the other day who does Vagina surgery. He is basically a vagina doctor who helps girls out when they feel like their labias are too long, bunched up and make them look like they have a cock. So basically he spends his days designing the perfect vagina, he sits there with a pen and paper on a drafting board deciding on what kind of vagina he should make out of a girls old vagina and that whole concept, although seemingly psychopathic makes him a ton of money….

I was asking him what he does about girls he brings home. You know once you chop a vagina up and make it into your very own vaginal creation, can you go back to natural vagina that you meet in a bar or do you try to offer them the at home discounted version of your procedure? I didn’t really understand whether he took vagina and made it to his ideal vagina or if he took vagina and made it as close to a perfect vagina the client wants….but either way, working with vagina all day could probably make a man gay or really fucking horny all the time…

I was always the kind of guy who took whatever vagina came my way. I never took much thought into whether it was meaty, stinky or diseased. This one time I was banging a chick with a cluster of genital warts, but I just made sure to avoid contact with that part of her box….it actually made a fun challenge like trying to walk down the sidewalk and not step on the cracks…

Either way, here are some pictures of some Pam Anderson in action with some pussy from the backside….of the day…motherfucker…

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Posted in:Bikini|Licking|Pamela Anderson|Underwear|Unsorted|Vagina




I am – Anne Hathaway is Boring and Pasty with a Bad Ass in a Bikini She's Already Worn of the Day


Here are some pictures of Anne Hathaway wearing the same bathing suit she wore last month on some boat in St Tropez. It is safe to say that these are old and from her last boring non-sexual romp on the boat, but since they are making the rounds and dated for this past weekend I will post them. I know that celebs do not wear the same bikini twice, especially one as unflattering as this….but out of respect of the bikini manufacturers, I am am pretty sure no design or fabric out there could make Anne Hathaway look good…and I am not even talking about the color of her skin, because I am not a racist….

Reality is that I was always into hot chicks, but ended up with white chicks, I don’t know, maybe it is because I am Mexican and I know that Spanish girls are insane and get made and kill you in your sleep….and black girls can be hot but black guys don’t date them and go for fat blond chicks instead so I figure it’s best to stay away if their own community wants nothing to do with their vagina that either do I….and Asian girls are all small and tight bodied and built like teenage girls love serving their man but don’t seem to love serving fat Mexican dudes and I never really met many Natives, I don’t huff gas or hang out on Indian Reserves in my Teepee, but from what I understand they are all knocked up by the age of 15 so I just keep my distance, even though I love teenage pregnancy….Indian chicks and arab chicks I see just aren’t accessible, they are in lock-down with overbearing husbands and traditional clothing, behind the mask is often a pretty hot piece of ass, but getting under the silky fabric is almost impossible….and Jew chicks are good cuz before they get married, they like sucking dick, they learned it in summer camp and like to perfect it because they are so ambitious, but they have strong family values and have to stick with their own kind in some kind of rebuilding the empire after WWII way, they are also superficial and I was always too poor and too ugly to land that…so I stick to middle america, white bread bitches who are down on their luck and don’t mind some Mexican cock because their families don’t bother with them and men of their own kind are going for the higher quality version of them….Point of all this is to say that even if I like white chicks, this bitch is too fucking white and the fact that she’s been out on a boat in the sun for a month and still looks this fucking white, leads me to believe bitch has something seriously wrong with her….like Aids.

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Posted in:Anne Hathaway|Ass|Bikini|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Anne Hathaway is Boring and Pasty with a Bad Ass in a Bikini She’s Already Worn of the Day


Here are some pictures of Anne Hathaway wearing the same bathing suit she wore last month on some boat in St Tropez. It is safe to say that these are old and from her last boring non-sexual romp on the boat, but since they are making the rounds and dated for this past weekend I will post them. I know that celebs do not wear the same bikini twice, especially one as unflattering as this….but out of respect of the bikini manufacturers, I am am pretty sure no design or fabric out there could make Anne Hathaway look good…and I am not even talking about the color of her skin, because I am not a racist….

Reality is that I was always into hot chicks, but ended up with white chicks, I don’t know, maybe it is because I am Mexican and I know that Spanish girls are insane and get made and kill you in your sleep….and black girls can be hot but black guys don’t date them and go for fat blond chicks instead so I figure it’s best to stay away if their own community wants nothing to do with their vagina that either do I….and Asian girls are all small and tight bodied and built like teenage girls love serving their man but don’t seem to love serving fat Mexican dudes and I never really met many Natives, I don’t huff gas or hang out on Indian Reserves in my Teepee, but from what I understand they are all knocked up by the age of 15 so I just keep my distance, even though I love teenage pregnancy….Indian chicks and arab chicks I see just aren’t accessible, they are in lock-down with overbearing husbands and traditional clothing, behind the mask is often a pretty hot piece of ass, but getting under the silky fabric is almost impossible….and Jew chicks are good cuz before they get married, they like sucking dick, they learned it in summer camp and like to perfect it because they are so ambitious, but they have strong family values and have to stick with their own kind in some kind of rebuilding the empire after WWII way, they are also superficial and I was always too poor and too ugly to land that…so I stick to middle america, white bread bitches who are down on their luck and don’t mind some Mexican cock because their families don’t bother with them and men of their own kind are going for the higher quality version of them….Point of all this is to say that even if I like white chicks, this bitch is too fucking white and the fact that she’s been out on a boat in the sun for a month and still looks this fucking white, leads me to believe bitch has something seriously wrong with her….like Aids.

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Anne Hathaway’s Boring Blue Bikini Pictures
Anne Hathaway’s Tit and is Boring Pictures
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Anne Hathaway’s Tits in Brokeback Mountain

Posted in:Anne Hathaway|Ass|Bikini|Tits|Unsorted




I am – Keira Knightley Bikini Pics of the Day

Keira Knightley

I had a pretty shitty weekend, mostly because I didn’t get laid and when I don’t get fucked I get pretty cranky. I had quite alot to drink as usual and we stumbling blindly down the main drag of the city in my high heels, I stopped into a bar I don’t usually frequent to see a friend who works there. It was full of all these white hip hop loving assholes that think being black is about wearing baggy clothes and fake gold and diamonds on your front teeth. I was so drunk I ended up leaving with one of these assholes, but he wasn’t bad looking and his pants halfway fit so that’s how I’ll justify it.

We got back to his his house and got all nakend and shit and he started going down on me, but he was one of those try hards that really wasn’t that good at it in the first place, so I pulled him up and we got ready to fuck, and that’s when I saw it. His dick limp like the celery in my fridge.

Now I’m used to hearing stories about guys with limp dicks, since I live with one, but I can understand it when its a fat, middle aged drunk, you know? What I can’t understand is how the fuck this happens to a 24 year old dude. I’m not one to console anyone for shit, so I told him the truth in the ways of “No, it doesn’t happen all the time, it’s not okay, and it is a big deal.”

Here’s Keira Knightley.

hugs and kisses
Marie-Eve Martinez

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I am – Hilary Swank Bikini Pictures of the Day


Here are some pictures of Hilary Swank in a white bikini, because I love white bikinis. Girls don’t cry and please never realize that they are see through and that we can see your total vagina when you wear them, because you’re too busy making sure that they don’t show nipple through. It’s like the inventor of the white bikini knew just how to distract a girl enough to not realize we all see your baby maker.

Hilary Swank may not be one of those pretty girls you see on the street, she may look rough and rugged and a bit like a dude who doesn’t cry, but reality is that she hasn’t got shit on the cougar I met last night. I was out with a couple of people getting drunk it’s what I do and one of the guys I was with was called over by a cougar sitting a lone. I never witnessed a cougar in her natural habitat, I only experienced it through second hand stories, but she just waved over to him to come sit with her and he went. She was chatting him up, probably talking about when she was in her 20s back in the 80s, maybe about her daughter who was his age, probably about how she had breast cancer and the scare made her leave her family and re-live her youth…I was just sitting across the way running dialog in my head of what she was saying, but then I realized that she was a hooker, with clear heeled hooker looking boots and bright red hooker looking hair and rough beat down face that only years of being a hooker can do or you….

Anyway, dude sat with her for a while before realizing it and when he did he didn’t cry but he was mad about the time he wasted talking to her and took her to the back alley and punished her face with his dick for misleading him…at least that what he said he did, but I am pretty sure dude’s a lot like you can the only punishing he can do is to himself because no one else gives him the time of day….even when he pays them….

I am just still drinking because it’s fucking labor day asshole…so bear with me if my posts don’t make any sense at all…

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Posted in:Ass|Bikini|Hilary Swank|Tits|Unsorted|Vagina|White Bikini