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Samantha Gradoville in Bathing Suits of the DAy


Here is a campaign for a company called “Solid & Striped”….that is unlike every other bikini photoshoot…no wait..that is exactly like every other bikini photoshoot…because really how much variety can you really to do some overpaid hooker, who pretends she’s not a hooker, in a bikini….

The model is – Samantha Gradoville….

She’s one of the last standing American Models….because I guess the brands like to bring in foreign girls because Americans are so entitled, unappreciative, even if they pretend to be appreciative on Thanksgiving social media posts for show and I guess statistically fat thanks to all the processed fast foods and walmart cookie aisles…..

I guess, some girls with good genetics, who believe in healthy eating or no eating at all, and/or fitness can sometimes be a US Passport holder. It is just rare. But in a country of 360 million people, there’s bound to be at least 1,000 people hot enough to cast for your bikini shoot…even if doing this serious, intense, girl in a bikini thing is just lame as fuck…and should have more comedy in it…to make it matter..

I guess, Solid & Striped don’t pay me to run their campaigns, so I can’t expect anything I’d really want to see out of it…but the good news is models in bikinis allow us to ignore the things that matter, like how shitty this photoshoot is…

Like all instagram models before her, She’s Done Nude and Topless Shoots To Get to this Pivotal Point in her Career of Bikini Modeling for Obscure Brands that Actually Pay for Once …and you’ll like her better topless….

Posted in:Samantha Gradoville|SFW




Sinead O’Connor Seems is the Crazy Girl of the Day


Crazy girl of the day should be a new feature, discounting women’s opinion as “just being crazy”. Perfect for the feminists.

If you’ve had sex, and assume you haven’t, you’ll know that the crazy girls, you know the ones who are so crazy they don’t think they are being crazy…are the best

At risk of sounding sexist in this patriarchy that the feminists hate…girls are all fucking crazy, it’s just a matter of finding a girl who is not penis-cutting off crazy, or not publicly crazy, so that her crazy doesn’t embarrass you…

But I will say…the sex with a crazy girl, who has either given up, or is in some “fill my hole”…state of crazy…is always better than the crazy that involves crying and not wanting to be touched…

I think i should make “Crazy Girl of the Day”…a feature…and I know that we can always just blame it on PMS…girls love when you blame their crazy, especially when they are serious in their crazy and trying to accomplish something with their crazy, and you discount their crazy as bleeding / lube for girls who don’t want to have sex with you, depending how you look at periods…

Or you can blame it on their daddy issues, either way here’s a post Sinead made on FB that’s gone viral…about her overdose…good times…

There is only so much any woman can be expected to bear. What was done to me this week was appalling cruelty. By my husband, my family, by St Pats and by An Gardai Siochana, by my son, Jake and by Donal Lunny and Angela singleton, by my son’s girlfriend, his friends… after everything I’ve been put through and been forced to go through alone .. And punished for having to go through since I had the surgery on August 26th. Or since Shane became unwell in March, This week has broken me. The withholding of my babies from me without any sound reason by their fathers, Frank and Donal, and by Jake and the rest of my family, is a horrific set of betrayals. And has been going on since I had my surgery. The last two nights finished me off. I have taken an overdose. There is no other way to get respect. I am not at home, I’m at a hotel, somewhere in ireland, under another name

If I wasn’t posting this, my kids and family wouldn’t even find out. Was dead for another fortnight since none of them bother their hole with me for a minute. I could have been dead here for weeks already and they’d never have known. Because apparently I’m scum and deserve to be abandoned and treated like shit just when I’ve had my womb and ovaries chopped out and my child is frighteningly sick. I’m such a rotten horrible mother and Person, that I’ve been alone. Howling crying for weeks. And been told by them all t go fuck myself. I’m invisible. I don’t matter a shred to anyone. No one has come near me. I’ve died a million times already with the pain of it. So yeah.. Strangers like me.. But my family don’t value me at all. They wouldn’t know if I was dead until weeks from now if I wasn’t fucking informing them now.

well done guys, you’ve finally got rid of me. Sorry the penny didn’t drop sooner. I’m an idiot. When you planned to get me away from my babies did you plan for me losing my mind over it? It being the final straw? For how you’re gonna explain why I died? Make sure you tell the truth. BARRY.. THEY WONT. YOURE THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS ME OR THE TRUTH. PLEASE STAND FOR ME AND TELL IT. i can’t play twister. My children don’t care if I live r die anyway. Neither do their dads. Everyone is better off. Never ever do this to a woman again. Let this be your lesson. I survived it when John waters did it.. I can’t survive Jake doing it.

Crazy…but she didn’t actually kill herself, weak…she just created some cry for attention as people do…when they are fake suicidal…

Posted in:SFW|Sinead O'Connor




50 Year Old Bella Thorne in Glamour Mexico of the Day

Bella Thorne @ Glamour Mexique 12.2015 (2)

Bella Thorne is the future…..at least according to all the internet blogs that post pics of chicks…because they are written by perverts into looking at chicks….for dudes who are also perverts into looking at chicks…because they are too “lazy”…to get actual chicks…and by lazy, I mean pathetic and incapable of talking to girls…

She’s everywhere, which must be exhausting for a 50 year old, pretending to be an 18 year old, who has a rocking body that hardly looks 18, but that still looks amazing for its age…

I guess what it comes down to is – thank god for Stage parents from florida, who choose hollywood over meth in the trailer park and stupid sized fake tits…..the reasonable sized one asre much better.

Here is the video…of her celebrating being 18…at 50

Here are some pics…

Here she is for snapchat on thanksgiving…perverts…

Here is her less successful sister, also from the same fame whoring family, maximizing her sister’s success, with some big tits in a small bikini pics…she blocked me on instagram, so I don’t like this one…but tits in a small bikini have no hate…or anger…no matter what horrible person they are on…they belong to the world…


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Selena Gomez Chemo Hard Nipple Tits for for Instyle UK of the Day

Everyone obsessed with Adele because of their Dairy Addiction, you know love for Cows, that they’ve forgotten about aspiring Adele, Selena Gomez, who just doesn’t have the star power, or intelligence to write a broken heart album, only to write a redemption album, even though she hangs out with Taylor Swift and should understand these things..I guess she’s more of an actress, she’s an actress right? I mean I don’t even remember anything she’s done other than get fake titties and blame it on Chemo, to basically tell every dying kid with cancer and no hair, that she’s going to milk the pain like it was Adele, and have a total disregard for all they are going through to increase record sales….I mean that and having sex with Bieber…

Either way, lots of hard nipples in this shoot, I used to jerk off to hard nipples, it was the late 80s….but yet for some reason, she’s still the fucking worst…

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Ava Sambora for Snapchat of the Day


When your dad is in Bon Jovi, but isn’t Bon Jovi and your mom is Heather Locklear, a rock and roll groupie who was clever enough to be a model and the kind of actress who gets cast for being hot…and not because she can act…you learn all the tricks to make your social media matter…which is all the kids really care about these days, and I guess all the brands that are hiring them care about also..

It’s like she’s got the trust fund dollars and the connections to get quality photoshoots, to work with quality brands, and to get those followers to a place that makes her forget that she needs or wants to self medicate…you know filling the void…

If social media existed many years ago, and people realized that popularity can be bought…easily…I bet there would be a lot less rich kid suicides…because Social Media accounts save…once they hit that critical mass….

So she’s young, barely 18, already on the hustle…trying to be the next Gigi Hadid…because no one really understands what actually matters in life…cuz it is definitely none of this…

Screen Shot 2015-11-27 at 1.50.13 PM

Posted in:Ava Sambora|SFW




Samantha Hoopes Softcore Porn Shoot of the Day


Samantha Hoopes is the kind of model who looks 40, is probably 40, pretends she’s not 40, and acts really nice to everyone on set so they don’t look up her birthdate to find out she’s 40…or maybe it’s just Botox and Fillers that happened due to insecurity…

She’s also a Sports Illustrated model, because she obviously slept with the right person, to live out that childhood dream of being part of that “prestigious” magazine…because the chances of her finally getting work…or at least a rich athlete husband or even just a sugar daddy is much higher than working the strip club..or escort circuit she looks like she should be working…and that according to 2-3 rich guys I know…she is working…for 20,000 a night…Rumors…that sound too true to be good..

The fact is that not all the SI models go onto big things, especially not in this social media world, that requires work for girls who don’t like work, so they do things liks this bottom feeding – hoping for press – that will turn into jobs – but with that hard face – I can’t imagine that working out too well for her – but I’m usually wrong…until I am right…

Posted in:Samantha Hoopes|SFW




Sarah Hyland in Love of the DAy

I love nothing more than seeing some staged romantic pics of social media, put out by either calculated requests from the publicist, or because the person in said pics is so broken, that they need to feel love so intensely that they share it with the world…

It is always the people putting up the pictures likes this, full of love, with captions celebrating their love, who burn through different boyfriends on the regular..it’s like every two months it’s another “i’m so in love”…where everyone watching roles their eyes..but the person involved is so broken and empty that they really believe it..

Like this Sarah Hyland pic that is screaming “bullshit”…because we can all tell your boyfriend is a faggot…and I’m not just saying that because I am a Sarah Hyland fan who gets personally offended when she fucks other dudes…I don’t give a fuck about Sarah Hyland…I am saying it because I can tell her boyfriend is a faggot…even if this is a world of non-judgemental, we’re all god’s people, even though there is no god….

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Joanna Krupa’s Got it All Figured Out of the Day


Joanna Krupa was a “Glamour” model who really milked the fact that she was from Poland, because it made fore a good story when being interviewed for the shitty Glamour model type magazines…

She did a series of very low level jobs, she even went back to Poland to try to have a career there, but then a miracle happened…called Dancing with the Stars…where all her dreams came true…at the eleventh hour…because she was pushing 40…and that opened doors to other reality shows people actually cared about…barely actual people who count, just the masses, who are clearly half retards, but still people….opening the doors for her to show up to restaurants in see through shirts…now that it’s all over…to get the paparazzi to take pics of her..

She’s a “shoulda been a stripper” kind of girl….but showing her nipples is ok….even if the tits they are on…are aftermarket and thus less valuable….they are still tits..


Posted in:Joanna Krupa|SFW




Black Friday 2015 Video of the Day

This is probably the most amazing Black Friday video, and not in a good way…This white bitch is grabbing what is apparently Vegetable steamers out of the hands of a kid…only to go after the mom…because everyone needs 5 fucking vegetable steamsers..to really remind us the state of the world we live in…

I mean how expensive could a vegetable steamer really be on other days of the week? 30 bucks? That you’ll allow your trashy self to be reduced to a person pulling product from a fucking kid…

What the fuck is wrong with people…

Here’s another one in Texas

Posted in:Black Friday|SFW




I Give Thanks to 50 Year Old Bella Thorne Cleavage of the Day


I think the most promising that has happened in recent months is that 50 year old Bella Thorne celebrated her 18th birthday, to remind us that Hollywood never changes, the gang of retards who are the dancing puppets who are cast to sell products and shows change…but the overall concept doesn’t…

So we can be sure that when one 17 year old turns 18, there will be another to take her place to the perverts, and when one Lohan dies of a drug overdose, another one will be cast to replace her, because things, just don’t change, they are consistent, reliable, safe…so give thanks to that…

This Bella Thorne, is not an instagram model. She’s not topless for no reason. She’s packaged properly, and jerked off to by grown men everywhere…so give thanks to that…

Not every trashy girl from Florida, has to be a trashy girl in public…they can package themselves….to cocktease instead of giving it all up for free….and that gives me hope..

Yes…Bella Thorne is the beacon of hope….until she gets naked, because average at best acting, can only go so far…here’s her cleavage…

Posted in:Bella Throne|SFW