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Archive for the SFW Category




Alyssa Milano Big Titty Bikini of the Day

Alyssa Milano Big Tits Bikini

Alyssa Milano is still out there, still trying hard to use her tits for attention. Sexualizing herself despite being some annoying voice on social media. Still rocking pervert fans who have loved her since she was a teen on Who’s the Boss, reminding us that celebrity is fuckign strange, because it allows you to secure lifelong fans of your tits, in what would normally be considered criminal, or awkward in the least, but the celebrity can polarize it because they love that people still care, into being some sort of platform to spew their nonsense opinions that don’t matter because they are rich and coddled….when really their audience are dudes jerking off waiting for them to put out content like this…

My favorite thing about Alyssa Milano, besides her trying to be hot tits forward, putting her best tit forward…is going to sound Narcissistic because it’s about me…

She once went at me before blocking me about making fun of her hairy arms..that she has since lasered off because sometimes a little cyberbullying leads a bitch to take some action….and despite being blocked I can still see her tits cuz the internet has those capabilities…and thanks to my own site I started in 2004 because even then SOCIAL MEDIA hated me…I can still point and laugh at a bitch….it’s so empowering.


Posted in:Alyssa Milano|SFW




Madison Beer Lesbian Titty Tease To Show You She’s a Legit Pop Star and not just Clickbait of the Day

Here’s Madison Beer showing you hot to transition from child with tits on Youtube perverts masturbated to so many times she made YOUTUBE money and used her subscriber base to sign a record deal….

Transitioning from girl exploited by her mom, taken out of school to commit to the cause, follow that YOUTUBE money dreams to get that record deal…

To becoming an actual touring popstar who has been at it for 10 years, even tough she’s like 20, getting all that paparazzi attention her her tits, cuz more than just her Youtube pervert subscribers like hr tits…and she’s working at doing what Rita Ora did by getting her tits out there to as many people as possible that eventually they will listen to her shit music.

Posted in:Madison Beer|SFW




Lindsay Lohan Hot in Paper Magazine of the Day

Lindsay Lohan got her amazing tits out for Paper Magazine, because despite what Arianna Grande thinks, Lohan is still fucking amazing, relevant, has the capacity to go viral and was clearly left out of Bootleg Grande’s video I didn’t watch, but that I know was Mean Girls Themed, and that her PR team emailed hit over 1 billion views in 4 days breaking some kind of record, because it was Mean Girls themed and thus relevant, and Mean Girls is only relevant cuz of Lohan, bringing this back full circle to that if Lohan was in the video, no one would even notice the bootleg Disney Kid who has been trying to be as relevant as Lohan for ever, but has only achieved on terror attack and one ex boyfriend who killed himself…

I believe Lohan is my spirit animal that is connected to my soul – despite not really paying attention to her or her accents her crazy ass has….but I do support all she does with her tits out…cuz they are great tits…and are likely the reason I think of her as my spirit animal connected to my soul….

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Elizabeth Hurley Bikini Erotica of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley is still posting bikini pics – in the event you were one of those Elizabeth Hurley fans because you just can’t get enough Austin Powers…her biggest moment….

Speaking of Austin Powers, I am a slob and not very good at managing pretty much anything, so I was looking through a box and saw a DVD RENTAL BOX from 2001, when DVDs were a thing and it was Austin Powers..the Liz Hurley One…and I hate that kind of comedy and don’t even remember seeing that video – but here it is in my possession…maybe it was left behind by a crackwhore or maybe I am blocking out the day I robbed a videostore of their worst movie ever…but I can say with confidence that if I do have that DVD, it has likely been jerked off to, whether I remember or not…and the target of that jerking off was likely these tits….30 fucking years ago…but for some reason still looking very similar…weird muppets everywhere.

Here is some weird beauty cream thing she posted…


Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley|SFW




Iskra Lawrence Shakes her Fat Ass of the Day

Iskra Lawrence is disgusting. Why are you encouraging this behavior you social justice – inclusivity loving assholes who just like fat chicks cuz they are easy and have big tits and don’t realize the more you encourage them and make them think they are hot – the more they act like hot chicks – while not being hot chicks – developing egos when being disgusting – throwing off the whole equilibrium of the universe – all while this bitch is just playing up being fat for attention….in FAT FACE like all you girls getting away with being in Black Face from your Spray Tans….only FAT.


Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Sarah Hyland Naked Skinny Dipping Booty of the Day

Sara Hyland Naked Wet Skinny Dipping

Sarah Hyland is so weird looking, but she’s getting naked and showing the world her ass on her vacation because that is what you do when you learn how much people on your social media like seeing you naked or half naked, it’s like before being directly tapped into her pervert fans through her cellphone…she had no idea how easy it was to get instant praise and feel hot about yourself despite knowing you look at bit too much like a cartoon character…

I am all for bare asses, tits, etc from girls we see on TV, not that we watch TV, but that we know are on TV and are big stars on TV….because it reduces them to the basic attention whores we know they all are…and we like that.


Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Chissy Teigen is a Dairy Cow of the Day

Chrissy Teigen is fucking trashy attention seeking and annoying, so this pic of her milking her cow self is not that surprising to me, to see her playing the Holstein / Jersey heifer is as offensive as any bitch with fat tits to go with her fat mom body can be…which is not offensive at all but rather amazing….and a sign of an unstable person who got lucky on Twitter and tricked the lazy media to write about her like she was relatable and relevant…all while putting herself and her dirty laundry and I guess dirty tits out there…..

This is her trying to keep up momentum, in a where can she turn to next….

I don’t know how this wallet fucking, who invested in the queer pianist harder than Liberace’s HIV invested in him, pretty much just fucking terrorizing the pianist from the inside out, forcing him to give her a career riding his fame, becoming some “American Sweetheart”…who gets work, praise, for being so real…despite being a strategic and manipulative…

I am not a fan, she fucking annoys me and I wish those complaints of suicide were less complaints and more plans she put into action, rather than this plan of being relevant like Ellen…on Ellen being put into action and working…

The internet is fucking weird…

Posted in:Chrissy Teigan|SFW




Victoria’s Secret Models Show Their Ass to the Paparazzi of the Day

I Don’t know which model is which, I just see Victoria’s Secret models and their skinny asses…

They had an informercial last night that we’ve already posted all the pics from. It was possibly a media blitz, at least in all the trailer park communities that still have cable because it comes free with your spot you rent and it’s way more simple for your simple minds to figure out than that internet thing….

I can’t imagine that ANYONE watched the VS fashion show, it’s a dated concept, dated era, when we live in a time when everyone, everyday people get nude…we should focus on them, not these expensive day rate flat ass bitches…but at least they haven’t started using fat chicks yet…they will…but they haven’t…so I can’t say support them and buy their overpriced made in china shit..but I can say give their overpaid models some love cuz they are hot…and hot is important in an era of mediocre being treated like they are hot…


Posted in:SFW|Victoria's Secret




Madison Beer Tits in a Bra on Stage of the Day

Madison Beer is an artist…a pop star artist…who climbed out of the depths of Youtube, which if you’ve used google you’ll know is the top 4 results on any google search…because they own Youtube and want to make it bigger than Netflix, even if they are bigger than netflix, the fuckers control the internet and decide what becomes relevant or big, based on their personal vision for themselves as a company, you know to satisfy their shareholders…and can basically troll the fuck out of all of us..and when they do, there are people who benefit…in the early 2000s it was people with websites…because google would run their ads on the sites and wanted to have as much banner inventory as possible for when they went public…which was great for people who were allowed to run google ads, I know many sites that were making over 100k a month off just putting up google ads…no effort at all…then they did the same thing with youtube personalities like Madison Beer, throwing money at her to keep hr producing…and now she’s a starlet who may not be as mainstream as other starlets but who has great tits that have made lots of youtube money and are now ready to make other mainstream money….tits first the way momma taught her cuz perverts live beyond just YOUTUBE…and are everywhere…like here.

Here she is in a nude bikini


Posted in:Madison Beer|SFW




Chloe Grace Moretz Fat Pussy Print of the Day

Chloe Grace Moretz Fat Pussy Print

I don’t know what Chloe Grace Moretz looks like the cat lady…all muppet like – but I will assume it is from the face injections….

I do know why Chloe Grace Moretz’s vagina is exposed in her leggings and that is because her vagina is hungry, or meaty, or her pants are too tight….you see how that works, like a scientist who spends his day in a lab analyzing things that may lead to the cure of cancer or some other revolutionary change…I look at a pussy in a pair of leggings and ask the tough questions like WHY….

Not all heroes save lives motherfuckers, some just look at the anatomy that makes lives after she’s had too many abortions to have another one…I am that hero.


Posted in:Chloe Moretz|SFW