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Rita Ora Naked for Instagram of the Day

Rita Ora hiding her pussy nude on the beach

We live in an internet world where the most important thing, besides the very exciting Olympics, is that some shameless self promotor, escort to music producers and record execs, who has annoyingly positioned herself at all the places to be, so that decision makers eventually start giving her charitable donations, that allow her to feel like she matters…and to celebrate her Fifty Shade of Grey song she made with a One Direction, that would have gone big regardless of her being the female on the song, because people love One Direction, her first real hit, she’s out naked and in a bikini to make it really matter…

I mean she’s been at this attempt to be the next Rihanna for a long time, and I guess she’s got a taste of that so the only thing to do is nakedness..

Some Videos…..

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Ariel Winter Prepares for Death By Electric Chair of the Day

Ariel Winter Electric Chair

Ariel Winter is about to meet the executioner, I mean we hope, but it’s probably more to do with her having jacked up her face with face injections, or maybe her not looking her best, which isn’t very good even at its best, because she knows the paparazzi is there to FUCK UP her FACETUNE hustle…

If the world sees what she looks like from real angles, they’ll know her GYM life is not really the kind of girl you’d want to jerk off in the gym shower after watching her work out because she’s not hot, she’s rich, she’s on TV, and has huge fat girl tits, which I guess increases her value / stock price / during the stock crash that is her demise to disgusting….


Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Hailee Steinfeld in Her Bra of the Day

hailee steinfeld in a bra

Hailee Steinfeld was once an underage actress I am sure at least one of you has masturbated to, mainly because you are perverts, but also because America made sexualizing her illegal, and everyone is drawn to what they aren’t allowed to do…or maybe men are just drawn to underage girls in some unhealthy, obsessive weird way…thinking they are fresh and untouched, even though girls get their periods at 4 years old now, and have sex by 8…with everyone in their class…all thanks to internet porn and hormones in the food…

Hailee Steinfeld is no longer underage, and she’s sexualizing herself to get attention, posting pics of her in a bra and all that other EXCITING shit…that comes when a girl famous from a movie as a child thanks to being from LA and having parents willing to take her to auditions, to famous in other movies, to famous as a pop star, to famous as a half naked attention seeker..I’m down.

hailee steinfeld in a robe

Posted in:Hailee Steinfeld|SFW




Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin Fame Whoring of the Day

Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin at New York Fashion Week

Remember a time before instagram, back when models were cool, interesting, had some personalty…..and weren’t just fame whore promo models who wanted to be involved in fashion…rich kids Kendall Jenner and Hailey Baldwin who are so fucking bootleg, so low level, but treated so high end and awesome because Kendall is a Kardashian, and Baldwin is a leech trying to suck any scraps of work that Kendall shits out….all standing around thinking they are important….while not important…but the social media thinks they are…and thus they think they are..

It’s all bullshit, but they exist.

Kendall Jenner….sleaze…

Here’s more Hailey Baldwin…..


Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|Kendall Jenenr|SFW




Madison Beer Erotica of the Day

Madison Beer Sucking a Lollypop in a Skirt

Madison Beer and her YOUTUBE money that she’s been generating for a long fucking time, even though she’s barely 18, she’s been exploiting herself to Bieber like she was Bieber thanks to her mom for a long time. Pulling the brand deals long before ever releasing a song, and now that she has finally released a song, she’s out there promoting hard, the way she should, tits out, seducing us perverts because we live in a sexualized world, everyone addicted to porn, both men and women, so if you want to get people to listen to your bullshit, play low level slut, producing low level slutty content…it’s good..

She just released her tour dates, that you should buy tickets to, I hear it’s a live sex show, and a great place to publicly masturbate.

Madison Beer Short Skirt Big Tits

Posted in:Madison Beer|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio Sports Bra of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio Belly Button

Here is Alessandra Ambrosio at the gym wearing a sports bra….a place I assume she spends most of her days, like a weathered and exhausted athlete before retiring doing all he can to compete with the younger versions of herself that she probably thinks she paved the way for…but that she definitely didn’t pave the way for shit…girls have been getting naked and half naked for decades, if not centuries, even for this brand that has made their promo models celebrities.

It amazes me that Ambrosio is still one of their stars, getting the big money, but they run analytics on these bitches, and know she converts because I guess she’s got that celebrity and those fans and other 35 year old women who buy the VS garbage respond to her, she is familiar, what they know, and they prefer it to young pussy that makes them feel like shit about themselves…fascinating..


Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Sarah Hyland’s Gym Day of the Day

I guess Sarah Hyland dumped her mooch homosexual boyfriend she was praising so hard on the internet for the last 6 months, giving dude all kinds of traction and opportunity, which is why he was there in the first place. It’s the move you make when you are a momma’s boy who grew up on Disney, who moves to LA, and who tries to make it, but never quite hits….you know find that older dude with money to carry your fag ass to the top, or find a broken child star who is lonely and open to be manipulated….and manipulate because getting on her social media…is the answer.

Or maybe she’s trying to get fit to fuck him better, because like most broken girls, they try to please the man who has manipulated them, if they’ve been manipulated properly…

The result is GYM PORN, workout porn, her showing her muscles because she’s into fitness porn, and her muscles make her less creepy than when she looked 12 at 30….you know fills her out a bit…but more interestingly…she’s got some tits she’s showing off which is really what this is all about. ISN’T IT.

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Britney Spears Fitness Erotica to Start the Day of the Day

Here’s some Britney spears showing off her flexibilty, her hot mom tits, her muscles and fitness, with this little short and sport bra workout video, to remind everyone, that if you have an addictive personality, or if you’re held captive by your family to dance and lip sync as hard as she fucking can, you must be physically fit to do it…

What you don’t see in this video is the gun to her kid’s head that the filmer is holding with his other hand, as he encourages to go deeper with the squat…the family depends on her physical strength….and ability to song and dance..

She’s looking great for 40, reminding all you fat sluts that fitness is the answer…especially if you’re really rich, have the resources to spend your days doing this, and can afford healthy food cooked for you by a chef…right…right.

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Selena Gomez Broken and Doing Squats with her New Tits of the Day

Selena Gomez Squatting

Selena Gomez is such an entitled, fucked up, annoying, not very hot, rich chick who spends 200,000 dollars a week in rehab because she’s just that fucking broken, her head so far up her average at best, if that, ass….all crying for attention in a “Poor little rich girl”…we really feel your pain…and understand why you’d be self destructing…because even she knows she’s a fucking hack…a hack with a jacked up face, new Kidney thanks to her God Complex, and most importantly tits…

So here she is doing squats outside her car, while being so self important and irritating, it’s how these things work out when you’re exploited by your parents, sold off to Barney as a Sex worker at 5, until becoming this fucking brat.

I’m not a fan, but I’ll post the pics…why not..


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Gillian Anderson Naked for Peta of the Day

Gillian Anderson Naked for Peta

This shit that will destroy any Gillian Anderson fan thanks to them being very weak, sad, pathetic, lonely, human beings…where nothing good has gone on for them in the last 20 years so they hold onto their magic lady they love so much…and don’t realize is just an actress who is playing a part that they find sexy…the FBI agent who explores the X-Files….my god…what could be hotter in a fantasy for someone who lives in a basement apartment and masturbates after snorting modeling glue all day…very little…

I support PETA….and getting old ladies naked…so this works.

Posted in:Gillian Anderson|SFW