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Archive for the SFW Category




Hailey Baldwin Side Boob of the Day

Hailey Baldwin Side Boob Cleavage and Short Skirt

The most interesting thing about Hailey Baldwin is that her dad is in business with the PILLOW MAN.

If you have TV, you know who the PILLOW MAN is.

Some ex crackhead, turned PILLOW billionaire all through informercials.

They own some Jesus media company, because like many ex drug addicts, they’ve down Jesus.

That’s the most interesting thing about Hailey Baldwin.

The second most interesting thing about Hailey Baldwin – is that she’s Ireland Baldwin’s cousin who stole Ireland Baldwin’s dream…

Hailey Baldwin Side Boob

The least interesting thing about Hailey Baldwin is that she’s some bootleg Kardashain / Jenner / Hadid, attaching herself to as many of the things they do, to seem like she is as relevant as them, and when they fall off because rich girls are lazy, Hailey Baldwin will be positioned to catch the jobs. It’s boring bottom feeding on a high level…and I prefer girls who pave their own way being whores….

But I guess she has to be cautious about her whoring – thanks…to her dad and PILLOW man being Jesus freaks..who exploit and misinterpet Jesus for their own narcisstic needs.

All this to say, who gives a fuck about Hailey Baldwin…

Hailey Baldwin Showing side boob and leg

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Kendall Jenner See Through of the Day

Kendall Jenner Sheer Dress black Panties

Here’s some Kendall Jenner See Through….

I don’t know what the Kardashians are up to, but the whole lot of them have been hustling to get as much attention as possible this past week, which I guess is nothing new, but is still annoying when they all start hustling together, there’s just so many of them, we feel bombarded and victimized, and have no choice but to pay attention, while brands have no choice by to pay them to do campaigns, because that’s how brands work, they attach themselves to anything, even sex workers who have enough buzz around them…

I’m ready for the Kardashians to disappear, but they never do, thanks to their wizardry…GYPSY spells….and lazy marketing people…but I guess when the nipples come out, nipples get posted….basic scientific / mathematics.

Here she is in some sort of sheer shirt looking like Kim Kardashian

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Martha Hunt Cleavage of the Day

Martha Hunt Cleavage

Martha Hunt went to an event with her titties on….he’s a panty model, spokesperson of the evil underwear empire, hence why she’s got her titties…

I guess Taylor Swift let her out of her cage…because Taylor Swift is stupid rich and collects Victoria’s Secret models, like they are real life barbie dolls to speak to her on some “lost childhood thing”…like she’s Michael Jackson but less talented, interesting, or into molesting children, but being in Taylor Swift’s toy chest is good for business.

I like that Martha Hunt, one of America’s last homegrown model, becuase she’s American, working for an American Brand, amongst all the immigrant models, because all the other American women have gone off and become fat, and Victoria’s Secret still stands by that no fat policy – but they’ll crack…they all crack..

She’s at an event, tittites out, and you like it so here.

Here is her VS Ass.

Martha Hunt showing that ass

Here she is getting ready for Last Night’s Festivities – face masked.

Posted in:Martha Hunt|SFW




January Jones Erotica of the Day

January Jones White Panties

January Jones Posts them Nipples for Woman Pride of the Day

January Jones hopped into the water full clothed for a magazine called Violet Grey…showing the nipples for feminine power…

What I like about January Jones is that she made a career for herself without having any real access..which means she was Weinsteined to some capacity and she hasn’t complained about it.

She’s also managed to have a kid that she’s kept the dad secret – because either it happened at a gangbang – or it was with some high powered dude who pays her to shut up – either way – she hasn’t exposed him and accepts who she is and how she got here…

I also like that at 40 years old, she’s still pulling out them tits / nipples / whatever for attention – when really she’s not that interesting or compelling as a star.

Posted in:January Jones|SFW




Aly Raisman in her Real Bra & Panties Shoot of the Day

Aly Raisman Posing in Panties and a Bra

I think we can all agree, that the pervert Olympic Gymnastic’s doctor who molested 100s of girls, who we were happy to see get his 40-160 years, where he will rightfully get his balls ripped off for being a piece of shit….

Despite the love so many dudes have for female gymnastics that has always weirded me the fuck out because the stunted big legged girls look like they are 10 year old midgets on steroids…most dudes know that fucking with young girls is something that should end in death…

So Aly Raisman is a survivor….and now she’s doing underwear campaigns for a brand owned by American Eagle Outfitters…because I guess that’s empowering…

Or maybe it’s like all those porn chicks sexualized at a young age turning to sex work..

But let’s just go with empowering….at least after reading this statement she made at the trial….

“You have not taken gymnastics away from me. I love this sport, and that love is stronger than the evil that resides in you, in those who enabled you to hurt many people,”

Perfect timing for a panty campaign while she’s in the media…maybe a little exploitative really…but here it is anyway..

Posted in:Aly Raisman|SFW




Gal Gadot Titties of the Day

Gal Gadot Titties

I don’t buy into the whole Gal Gadot thing, I think she’s full of shit, angling as this feminist leader because she was in Wonder Woman, which in and of itself is just objectifying women, but if you cast a woman director and a woman as Wonder Woman and pretend it’s women empowerment, it strikes off one of the hit list items of 2017….to get people into the movies.

The idiot fans believe what they are told about it…

I think Gal Gadot, like anyone in Hollywood, is just a puppet who does what she’s told, or who sucks up strategically to win at life…

I do not think she’s a feminist voice or leader, and I am sure none of the people who knew her before she went Hollywood do either.

I also think she’s old and not hot, and this isn’t an anti-Israel thing, it’s an anti celebrating overrated people thing….

But I guess let her shine in her glory…

Gal Gadot – Overrated – More CLICK HERE

Posted in:Gal Gadot|SFW




Boring Victoria’s Secret Girls of the Day

VS Crew Bra and Panties

The nice thing about Victoria’s Secret is that with all the social pressure from the media and the social media….

They still haven’t caved into that pressure…and cast fat chicks..

And I think that today, and every day, that needs to be celebrated.

Keep the hot girls half naked…and the fat girls in their fucking snow suits, wheel chairs, tarps, tents, whatever just not half naked.

Stick to what you know, stick to what you do…because we live in an era where you can’t even have a wet t-shirt content, we can’t can’t even have JELLO wrestling, despite women being bigger whores than they’ve ever been….but we can have fat chicks considered models…

So Victoria’s Secret – as evil as they are…at least they don’t use fat chicks…

That’s all I have to say about that.

Some Romee Strijid and her Ass…

Some Catalog Pics:

More Josephine Skriver HERE

More Lais Ribeiro HERE

More of Victoria’s Secret token black girl to prove they are inclusive HERE

Posted in:SFW|Victoria's Secret




Sarah Hyland Cleavage of the Day

I know what you’re thinking today….WHAT IS SARAH HYLAND UP TO?!

Well you’re in luck….

Along with supporting some loser homosexual disney looking kid from the early 2000s who is an aspiring radio host like some kind of Seacrest…you know giving him a name, some attention, doing the best PR he’s ever had and has spent years trying to get while living in hollywood and lurking places Hollywood people go to get one of them sad, lonely, weak, easy to manipulate enough to let them in…

She’s also been trying to be hot, jacking up her lips, rocking the weird face because she’s genetically off for whatever reason….

All while creeping me the fuck out….because she has been creeping me the fuck out since I first heard of her….and now I watch her vlogs or INSTAGRAM stories to terrify me before bed sometimes…

Last night’s involved her doing a taco bell / junk food run because if her mooch boyfriend has his way, she’s pregnant…and Here she is telling her fans she ate too much Taco Bell and Chocolate – because she’s a vlogger….and it’s weird…

Here’s her cleavage…at the SAG awards she likely brought her MOOCH boyfriend to….because he’s relevant now…thanks to being her door mat, support system, sidekick, suck up proper to K-Fed her…

Sarah Hyland Titties at Event

Here she is at the women’s march, despite showing her cleavage for attention, because she’s an empowered woman….we think…we’re not sure she’s human really…I mean to mean it’s straight up alien….

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Vanessa Morgan is Hot of the Day

Vanessa Morgan Tits out

Vanessa Morgan is some hometown hotty…who is not really famous, but she’s on Riverdale because I guess they need to hire a handful of Canadian actors to get the tax credit to justify shooting in Vancouver.

If you read the site you’ll know that Riverdale is starting to make some noise, despite being a pretty shitty over written pile of shit of a show, with the weirdest spin of the Archie Comics ever, making it all dark and weird, and not in a good way, but in a lame way pretending to be good way, it’s even shot with some instagram filter making it dark and spooky as they do…and the whole thing does well because they post it weekly on netflix and the general public don’t like leaving the house, but instead watch anything that comes on netflix, it’s their business model and why they are a 100 billion dollar company…

POINT BEING, as being a fringe character she gets less love than the Betty and Veronicas, who are CLEARLY not the hot ones on the show, they just happen to have the title part and the company is marketing them as being hot, and people believe because people are dumb…

So this is me giving some LOCAL talent some love…it’s an Olympic year, go Canada…you got this….see you at the IGLOO later for some maple syrup girl, we’ll ride our moose into the sunset…..

Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Morgan




Fat Tess Holiday Wants You To Know She’s Really Fucking Fat of the Day

Tess Holiday is very fat and naked

This is the most disgusting thing I’ve seen all day and I had to repost it because it’s just that offensive….

Tess Holiday a really fat chick who pretends to be some kind of model, even though she’s not a model, but more of a fat chick who does burlesque because she’s not a model, but who I guess has a cult following, has gone viral…even though she’s got the body of someone who fucks with chronic illness over viral things…

She’s not cute, or hot, or attractive…but I guess an activist for obesity…

Her husband, who obviously has some own issues of his own to marry a chick like this, wrote something like Women deserve respect, whether they are completely naked or covered head to toe…..

My response to that is NO THEY DO NOT…

The advent of humans inventing clothing, meant that I didn’t have to be forced to look at the ass a woman too fat to wipe her own ass, but rather who found an insecure bitch of a man to wipe her ass for her…is NOT something that needs to be respected.

It’s fucking rude, it’s like rape to my brain and eyes and life….I didn’t ask to see this, I didn’t sign a consent form…

This is just the embodiment and encouragement of unhealthy, as bad as the anorexia fetishist……the feeder fetishists are right behind them.

The body IS not suppsed to look like this, sure it CAN look like this with ABUSE TO IT…BUT IT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO…and illness, chronic pain and all bad things come with this framework.

Stop celebrating fat people, stop trying to make me like fat people, and stop getting naked fat people, you didn’t work for that body, you neglected your body and thus shouldn’t be celebrated like a work of art..when it’s a pile of fucking shit…

I guess what I’m saying is tuck your titties in your boxers fat ass.

ANYONE who says this looks good, is lying…unless they themselves have mental issues, or are cattle farmers.

Posted in:SFW|Tess Holiday