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Archive for the SFW Category




Kelly Brook Christmas Sex Doll for Instagram of the Day

Kelly Brook  Christmas Sex Doll for Instagram

Kelly Brook is a fat chick, with fat tits, who would starve herself before her titty shoots to look less fat, but was still fat.

I’ve met Rugby players who have fucked her and have passed around pics of her for comedic purposes…

I’ve also met fat chicks, I even married one and I can tell you with confidence that fat chicks are just lazy slobs…and all the rationalizing fat chicks is just them finding excuses to be lazy..

Fat chicks have always existed. In Africa, the fat chick was deemed the most fertile and all the men in the tribe wanted to knock her up, because the chances of her surviving a famine and the pregnancy were higher….

In Europe and America…the fat chick was just laughed at, fucked when drunk at 3 am when options were limited, and occasionally stars of fetish porn, because some weirdos are into fat girls, mainly for their tits….

The plus sized model thing happened and people like Anna Nicole Smith, Mamma Cass, whoever the fuck else has been seen as fat, pigs like Ariel Winter….and even Marilyn Monroe, who weighed in at 118 pounds for her 5 foot 5 frame…now girls are pushing 200 lbs….

But now.. fat chicks are fucking everywhere, the world is obese, unhealthy, on medication for Chronic illness and some fat chicks like Kelly Brook, known for her fat tits, who polarized being a fat chick…now can embrace and accept being fat…

Kelly Brook is an early adopter to being a fat chick….she’s pushing 50 by now…still fat, still click baiting….this time for Christmas. Tis the Season…

Posted in:Kelly Brook|SFW




Lady Gaga Posted Bikini Weirdness on Instagram of the Day

Lady Gaga Posted Bikini Weirdness on Instagram

It’s not secret that Lady Gaga is the fucking worst. Her music, her overall branding of herself, the fact that she was this ugly rich kid from New York, who finally got accepted by the masses and really took that seriously…she found her angle, of being this weirdo, and the weirder she is, the more she sold and rode it hard, so hard it became boring, typical, try hard, because she was trying hard…acting like she didn’t care, while being try hard…all while being ugly the entire fucking time…

Well, now she’s on a beach in a thong in heels, because of course she is, she’s Lady Gaga and wants you to remember her, even though I actively try to forgot or avoid all things Gaga..but thanks to brainwashing…I know all her songs….terrible…

I don’t know what this Kim Kardashian thong weirdness is, but it’s probably gotta do with her Fibryomyalgia

Posted in:Lady Gaga|Lady Gaga|SFW




Tyra Banks is a Tiger in Paper Magazine of the Day

Tyra Banks Paper Magazine

Tyra Banks must be 75 years old…but she wants to do press…so she’s covered up all her old as fuck parts and dressed up like some kind of tiger, like it’s Halloween and I have no idea why…

Maybe the tiger is her spirit animal, something she connects to, from Fresh Prince to Victoria’s Secret to TV host to “who the fuck is Tyra Banks” to Tiger…

Or maybe, it’s fierce…while being a disctraction to her old as fuck parts…because she’s old as fuck…in some Halloween not on Halloween outfit…

Fascinating…but only cuz she’s still go those massive tits…and massive tits are great.

Posted in:SFW|Tyra Banks




Stella Maxwell Nipple Pasty Lesbian of the Day

Stella Maxwell Nipple Pasty Lesbian

Stella Maxwell is some hipster chick who manipulated her way into the mainstream, working as a promo model for Victoria’s Secret and who the fuck knows why….I guess it’s by using famous women who clearly have mental issues, emotional issues, identity crisis issues….to get famous.

She’s on some black widow style do what it takes to get to the top…via fucking these fucked up actresses..from Miley Cyrus, to Emma Kristen Steward Watson Stone…and milking it as hard as she can…

It’s a weird story, of her taking over for her friend Barbara Palvin all while not being that hot…

I don’t get her, but I really don’t get why she’s got pasties on her nipples at an event…if you’re gonna go in a sheer top like the lesbian you are, commit, don’t pussy foot, even though you’re more of a pussy scissor…

I guess these aren’t exciting,

Posted in:SFW|Stella Maxewll




Shay Mitchell On the Naked for Instagram Hustle of the Day

Shay Mitchell On the Naked for Instagram

Topless clickbait Shay Mitchell and that Banana phallus to manipulate people into caring about her…ok.

Shay Mitchell is some Canadian rich kid, possibly have Indian, dot not feather, roots, who was raised rich in the rich area of West Vancouver, where a girl I know knew her or her brother and said she was a cunt and I’ll believe that because I know Canadians, I am Canadian, and the second a Canadian makes it in America after being in Degrassi, they end up thinking they are bigger and better than Canada…

So there’s no hanging out and seeing any Shay Mitchell titties at our Canada wide Canada party where all 1000 Canadians get together in an Igloo to fuck and make more Canadians…she’s too good for that..

She’s polarized her career to be an “instagrammer”….when she’s not making too much money acting – posting those typical travel pics like every other girl – because why not monetize the free trip hustle, selling brands on her vacations, for when her acting, cuz she’s not even a good actor career dies…

Posted in:SFW|Shay Mitchell




Vampire Kate Beckinsale in Leggings of the Day

Vampire Kate Beckinsale in Leggings

Kate Beckinsale is a mom in leggings getting into cars…for the paparazzi because for some reason, people care about her, sure it’s primarily the pervert dudes, often times virgins or near virgins…who have been fans of her Underworld show, the only thing she’s ever done…but for some reason people get excited…

I guess it’s because she’s aged well in a world where most people are disgusting, but what else was she going to do, it’s not like she’s actually ever worked.

So seeing the mom in leggings is as exciting as seeing any mom in legging, but still hotter than most moms in leggigns cuz she’s not old or fat or tired…well rested and taken care of…like her pussy doesn’t smell..but she’s famous…and you know…that probably changes…


Posted in:Kate Beckinsale|SFW




Dakota Fanning Baby Bump of the Day

Dakota Fanning Baby Bump

Dakota Fanning looks pregnant…or maybe she’s fat…but likely pregnant…because these young hollywood types that are prostituted by their parents and the executives because they are above the law…

It’s not some conspiracy that Corey Haim has put together for the world to see, hollywood pervert pedophiles exist and they aren’t all named Weinstein…and with that growing up exploited, an object or tool, comes flling void, sometimes with semen that sticks…

Who knows…if she’s pregnant, or fat, it’s the same fill that empty soul…but I prefer to think that her damaged youth, robbed of a youth led to sexual dysfunction…it’s more interesting like that.


Posted in:Dakota Fanning|SFW




Ellie Bamber Nipples for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day

Ellie Bamber Nipples for Harper's Bazaar

Ellie Bamber is some pasty as fuck, almost transparent, white as you’d expect a ginger from the UK to be, actress and model apparently, who I’ve never heard of but that’s not saying much because my finger is in some fat pig of a woman in her 50s, not on the pulse of what is future or new…not to mention there are too many famewhoring sluts to keep track of…

She has been in Pride and Prejudice ZOmbies, a movie I have seen part of, I don’t know why or where, but I know the entire time I was thinking “who signed off on this garbage”…but her nipples are hard in some bootleg Harper’s Bazaar and that’s ok…

Posted in:Ellie Bamber|SFW




Margot Robbie Slutty in Vogue of the Day

Margot Robbie Slutty in Vogue

I think I’ve posted these before…but I’ll post them again because it’s GROUNDHOG DAY here…and Whenever I see Margot Robbie….I wonder who’s dick she sucked….

Oh I know Australian girls and not once have I seen one turn down a drink, or a good time…they are wild, they are fun, they fuck, and they look good…

Now I don’t think Margot Robbie is that hot, she was hot in Wolf of Wall Street while naked, but I’ve managed to find it in myself to move on and not care, because I don’t care….but also because as time has gone on with her…she keeps getting fatter and fatter…uninteresting really…but booking huge fucking jobs..

How does an immigrant on a work visa move to LA and re-invent herself as a huge fucking star that local Americans can’t even make happen for themselves…how did she get the right meeting and get hired….she’s a fucking SCAB…stealing jobs from Americans…Trump would be mad if she was a man and Mexican but while hot and Australian…keep giving her that money…

These are pics from VOGUE AUSTRALIA, her mother country, celebrating her win….but I still don’t get her fame, fortune, success…but believe at my core…she sucked the right dick.

Posted in:Margot Robbie|SFW




Laura Dern in a Bikini Top of the Day

Laura Dern in a Bikini Top

50 year old Laura Dern is in a bikini….and lookin’ fit…especially being fifty years old..it’s absurd really…to be honest she’s gotta be well over 75 …

When looking at her body, we have to remember that she’s had sex with Billy Bob Thornton, Jeff Goldblum, Nic Cage and Ben Harper…amongst others….

She’s also been in the scene forever, from David Lynch movies…to Jurassic Park, to who the fuck cares she’s in a bikini, she’s old, her stomach is flat, how’s that make sense, it’s weird enough…that you have no choice but to jerk off to it..


Posted in:Laura Dern|SFW