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Archive for the SFW Category




Sarah Ferguson’s Upskirt of the Day

Sarah Furgeuson upskirt

I am getting old and clunky in my “reporting” which makes sense because all this shit bores me and after 40,000 posts no one cares about over the last 14 years, I am pretty much beat up and broken down…a lot like Fergie’s (the real Fergie, the Fergie Fergie Took her name from Fergie) vagina…that she’s so generously kept covered up in this weird panty flash that happened last week and that I slept on…even though I know the UK Royal Family is the answer to tabloid fodder..maybe it’d be my big break if the Daily Mail didn’t post it 3 seconds after it happened by one of their interns they have on 24 hour a day call…right…right…

Well, she was married to Queen Elizabeth’s son that wasn’t Charles…and now she’s out flashing panties for the paparazzi…I guess not on the Queen’s bad side…a better place to be than Princess Diana…who had a different relationship with the paparazzi who fucking killed her…not just her dignity…by releasing whatever the fuck this is…

Posted in:sarah ferguson|SFW




Amber Heard Spiritual Experience of the Day

Amber Heard is the black widow. The girl who knows how to master manipulate the fuck out of weak rich men…and I guess producers, the media, but mainly rich men, because rich men mean meal ticket, spend other people’s money, live the good life….and that’s pretty amazing for an average at best actress who was in one or two movies and managed to turn that into being the ultimate sugar baby….

She’s not even that hot, but she’s masterful and I guess that’s what matters…acting to act or acting to trick old washed out dudes or dudes with aspergers…you know…same work…better results since she’s set,,,

In Bali having a spiritual experience…etc,

Posted in:Amber Heard|SFW




Hailey Baldwin Nipple Pasty for Some Bullshit of the Day

Hailey Baldwin nipple pasty in a fur coat

Hailey Baldwin is some Stephen Baldwin that stuck to a uterus before he became a preacher to deal with his addictions – you know Jesus is the remedy to all self involved dickheads with drug, booze and sex addictions because they found some fame riding some coattails, and that fame was enough for push everywhere to want to be fucked by him, leading to whatever the fuck this little slut is…

I know she spins it as a model, and I know she gets paid as an “influencer”….because she has social media reach…and I know she gets paid alot because she can command a lot from riding the coattails…making her “relevant” enough for brands…but I call bullshit…

She’s just another rich kid with connected parents leveraging for her ego…a spoiled brat, lazy and uninteresting, not even that hot…and now showing nipple pasty because she’s edgy…or wants to be edgy and has no idea what edgy is thanks to being raised in a fucking bubble..

The fact these idiots are followed or praised or paid is offensive to me…

So many more deserving people, more creative, more interesting, more fun, not just weirdo rich kids staring at their iphones with their social following their only value…

Garbage Humans….they offer nothing to the world – not even good jerk off material..

I blame Zuckerberg for creating these idiots.

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Liz Hurley Doesn’t Stop the Bikini of the Day

Liz Hurley is a pretty thisty attention seeking older lady – who like Pam Anderson probably really puts a lot of importance on her looks and doesn’t like to be reminded of how old and haggard she is – by being exposed to younger prettier girls – unless those girls can be sacrificed and their virgin (as if anyone is a virgin) blood drank in efforts to find a new aging remedy….you know this botox face injection shit can only go so far…eventually it will require some artist or 3D Animator used to making claymation to build them out….

Sugar babies of the 90s, turned people of their own, moms and money grubbing, bikini empires, and now bikini selfies…for social media because the body is there, hell she’d die before being fat sloppy pig…it just won’t happen..Liz Hurley won’t let it….

More women should be this vapid, vain and disciplined.

Liz Hurley in a frilly pink bikini

Posted in:Liz Hurley|SFW




Selena Gomez See Through Dress…Kinda…of the Day

Selena Gomez and her mangled face injected to offset the steroid puffiness of her chronic illness…LUPUS that may kill her but probably won’t kill her, but should kill her..because she’s annoying and has lived enough of a life, a better life than most, and is no good for the future generation even if her new angle is doing good for the future generation through charities that probably scam – where she can fake cry – she is an actress afterall – well trained by disney…and other bullshit political stances because she has a voice…use it….you know when not fucking big black Canadian cock, or more interestingly….going to Rehab because she can’t handle her privileged rich kid life…

Now I know, no matter what she says or does publicly, that she’s the worst spoiled, excessive troll around….

And here she is in a shitty see through dress for fashion because that’s another scene she’s got her hands in…cuz she likes money.

Gross humans…pretending to not be gross humans…TROLLS…


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Rumer Willis Whip-Its baby of the Day

Rumer Willis bent over in a black bikini

Someone reminded me that in 2012 Demi Moore collapsed when on whip-its, which are basically like Poppers, you know that kill your brain cells and make anal sex more pleasurable…it was big in the gay scene of the 90s, I know because I know gays, and not because I was there, but if I ever needed to get fucked up the ass for the sake of paying my rent, I’d do Whip-Its before getting to work….apparently, it makes life easier…just ask Demi Moore…

I guess what I am getting at is that she has a handful of retard looking babies, and she’s not “terrible looking” herself, I mean she was “hot” enough to get work in the 80s and 90s and exist, and Bruce Willis was deemed a “stud” in movies, having retard babies don’t make sense genetically..it isn’t supposed to happen…so I can only assume that a 60 year old doing Whip-Its in 2012, was 30 year old doing who the fuck knows what in 1985 when Rumer was created…unless they found her in a field in Montanna in an alien pod and decided to raise her as their own because they had the resources…WHO REALLY KNOWS…

But the good news is the plastic surgery mom, got the daughter into plastic surgery and although still potato headed, looks better than ever, tight body and all…and she’s in a bikini…on vacation…I feel like I posted these last week…but I’ll post them again, since I can never have too much RUMER WILLIS erotica….even if you argue that one RUMER willis erotical is more than enough…

Posted in:Rumer Willis|SFW




Bella Hadid is Filming Love Magazine Advent Calendar of the Day

Bella Hadid posted an asshole picture to her social media….because she’s a shameless whore who loves and craves and needs attention..partially due to being an ugly faced rich kid no one cared about to being the rich kid everyone cares about…and we aren’t sure why…but maybe it has something to do with her putting her asshole out on the internet…coupled with her sister’s fame, her reality star mom’s fame, her dad’s fucking models fame, her Jenner friend fame….and I guess her fame…but I will never admit they are relevant…or even hot…they are a Lie…all a FUCKING lie…and her face is weird…so stick to the asshole..like all the rich guys trying to not knock you up – face injection girl…

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Wendy Williams Bikini Erotica of the Day

Wendy Williams in a black bikini

I always thought Wendy Williams was a man….

I mean I have accidentally seen her show…and I remember when she was on the Radio…and she just always screamed dude in a dress to me….or I guess in a bikini…

I always thought she was fat, I didn’t realize she was just fat tits…and I guess what I am trying to say is that I am all for transgendered people…I mean sure, it’s weird, unnatural…even creepy…but they are still people….albeit broken people…but people nonetheless…and they deserve the same opportunities as those who stick to the gender or genitals they were born with…but I sure as hell don’t like them posing half naked or starring in porn…I find it weird….

Maybe I’m being too hard on her…one may call me an asshole, cuz I wrote this post as if she was born with a dick, when she probably wasn’t and just looks like she was…but the real issue is that maybe she shoulda kept her fucking clothes on and never put t me in this awkward position of seeing her in this horrible, offensive, scary state….

I am just trying to defend myself here…like Seriously. Dude. Keep. Your. Clothes. On. Bro. GUY…Mister…SIR….

This is terrifying, but not as terrifying as me wanting to fuck it.

IT!! Overrated movie, too much CGI, but I still like Stephen King….


Posted in:SFW|Wendy WIlliams




Jessica Alba See Thru / Nipple / Pregnant Mom Tit of the Day

Jessica Alba in a see through bra

Jessica Alba wore a mesh bra under her tank top…a mesh bra that was exposed when her tank top was strategically pulled out of the way, showing the world her mom tit, that I am assuming is still a pregnant tit, because I remember she announced that she was pregnant – but don’t really keep track of her cycles or remember when that was…

I just know that this tit was golden tit we all wanted to see 20 years ago..and now it’s just whatever tit, trying to keep up in the tit game, because everyone shows tit, even if it’s not at its tit best, but it is still Alba Tit….

I like how she makes shameless look so casual and “omg how did this tit pic happen”….that’s talent I knew she had but never figured out why she had it.


Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Bella Thorne Underboob of the Day

Bella Thorne Naked smoking a blunt

Bella Thorne is out of control at New York Fashion week, because for some reason, a reason I call being noisy as fuck and maki

ng sure people know who she is, she’s been generally accepted as a character in pop culture…

You know from a mom who whored her and her sister out to Disney, teaching them the path of whore, supported by social media, giving her a vehicle to whore, generating buzz and following, hell, I post her everyday because I think she’s wonderful…I mean to look at…half naked…her face is trans, her ginger is creepy, and her tits so big, exposed, in a playful way…even though you know she’s into fucking…and has been fucked, and does the fucking…she’s broke…it’s good…

Now she’s doing EDM and people like DIPLO are playing her song, because he’s old, not so out of touch but trying to stay relevant in pop, because he’s made so much stupid money…and lives this wild life….that must be a bit of a joke to him – since it worked out..and he knows he can play anything and the kids will go nuts…

Either way, she was showing off her tits like a good girl…good girl.

Some videos…she self produced….you know to tell her story…the content creator…


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW