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Archive for the SFW Category




Slutty Models for 10 Magazine of the Day


10 Magazine is a British luxury quarterly magazine published in London, UK.

WHICH MEANS…actual models, not instagram models, will get half naked, or naked and posing in erotic poses like YOGA POSES, or MARTHA HUNT In her classic Martha HUNT FACE DOWN ASS UP, you know showing their flexibility, celebrating their bodies you’ve already seen in Victoria’s Secret, possibly in Victoria’s Secret, like some kind of advertorial, sponsored post, the BUZZFEED article of the fashion photoshoot worlld..>WHO KNOWS…

The models are:

Alanna Arrington, Stella Maxwell, Jasmine Tookes, Sara Sampaio, Grace Elizabeth, Lily
Donaldson, Josephine Skriver, Cindy Bruna, Martha Hunt, Elsa Hosk, Maria Borges & Dilone

The pics are hot.

Posted in:Elsa Hosk|Fashion|Josephine Skriver|Martha Hunt|SFW|Stella Maxwell




Ireland Baldwin Takes Her Alec Baldwin Head out Without a Bra of the Day


Ireland Baldwin is the big headed, big breasted, big girl, who wanted to be a model, who went from being a young beachy rich kid, something real popular on instagram, to some dark, depressive, rehab attending lesbian….and I’d say it’s been nice watching her grow up from the little girl Alec Baldwin shat on when he was going through his divorce, like the tyrant he is…to the braless girl in a school girl fetish outfit for the paparazzi…where the peak of her existence was paving the way for her younger, cuter, cousin who no longer invites her crazy ass to all the exclusive Kylie Jenner parties…whicn in and of itself – makes Ireland Baldwin dramatically more interesting as a personality….even if she’s a big more terrifying and large to look at…

Posted in:Ireland Baldwin|SFW




Sports Illustrated Rookies of the Day


Lais Ribeiro, Mia Kang, Bianca Balti, Danielle Herrington, Kelly Gale, Mia Kang, Myla Daibesio and Vita Sidorkina

So the LOL in this list is this Myla Daibesio girl, who would rather be called a woman, because after scanning her social media, I see she’s a feminist and an “artist”….who has a side project where women discuss how the media makes them feel about their body…the same women who look at pictures of her photoshopped huge tits in a misogynistic men’s magazine that for so long reserved women coverage to pictures of them in bikinis, where she plays one of the photoshopped women in bikinis, because all these “activist” types are the biggest fucking hypocrites around….

If you were legit about your political theory Myla Daibesio…why the fuck are your massive tits in the skimpiest bikini for an men’s magazine that exploits women to get subscribers….Myla Daibesio….why? Tell me why?

Use them big titties to inspire all the small titties getting implants to fit into the construct of male dominated media…thanks…this is the opposite of down with the patriarchy!! YOU LIE!

I don’t actually care, because when you get these people talking they don’t fucking shut up…what a joker!

The other “rookies” have been around for a while and you can see their tits via google…

Posted in:SFW




Big Leg Hilary Duff Gets Paid By American Eagle Underwear of the Day

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Hilary Duff’s thigh fetish video to remind you that despite being on TV and in Movies, she’s just like the stripper down the street, who gets paid to show body parts, body parts she may not be proud of, because they are abnormally muscular and capable of moving a fridge, but love none the less because ego narcissists who get paid have that ability…

So for the thick thigh lovers (read: “black people”) and apparenlty me…because I love Hilary Duff thick thighs, here she is in some whoring…

I didn’t always love my legs, but as I’ve grown, I’ve learned to love and celebrate myself, just as I am. I began to realize that my legs are STRONG and they carry me every. single. day. Our bodies are amazing and something to be grateful for. I’m ME and that’s really enough! Thanks for helping to spread the self love message

Posted in:Hilary Duff|SFW




Vanessa Hudgens Fit Booty and Snapchat Erotica of the Day


Vanessa Hudgens used to be referred to at PUDGENS because she was new Hollywood, on a shitty Disney show but famous as fuck – and cocky as fuck and figured the jobs would keep rolling the fuck in….but as time went on, and the show was off the air – and no more movies were being made…that craft services face stuffing turned to being disciplined and fit..because this ass…is a winner…it could be the pants, sure, but at least it’s not her 40 pounds ago…because being fuckable is a key part of her job – despite what the feminists say…but they don’t realize if I wanted to see some fat bitch on TV, I’d just go to the local bar with a video camera…hollywood is aspirational..sell me what I don’t have to distract me from what I do have…fuckers…and sometimes a bitch in the biz, realizes that, knows her role, and does good for all of us…


She’s got a snapchat:

Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens




Bella Thorne Dancing in a Bra Top of the Day

Bella Thorne is the red faced redhead doing fitness…or dancing like a stripper…because all these kids dance like they are strippers or in hip hop music videos because that’s how the Kardashians made it for the mainstream pop culture youth….

Most people don’t know who she is, I don’t even know who she is….and I do posts on her all the fucking….because I am a sucker for girls who the media post about…

I know that there’s something really unattractive about a flushed redhead doing any physical activity..It reminds me of high school gym class…when I was terrified of redheads for being monsters who should have been left in the woods…all pink pussy, orange pubic hair…but she’s not that kind of redhead…her face and bad complexion are…

There’s something really unattractive…about her masculine aggressive approach, but her tits are good, her body tight, and she’s young…so keep it up.

here she is raging like a rager raver on speed..

Here she is in a sports bra…


She brought out her nipples on snapchat – i guess that’s a big deal – in her famewhoring that works..

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Revisiting Martha Hunt’s Face Down Ass Up of the Day


Martha Hunt is one of the models hired by Taylor Swift as her friend, to make her seem like less of a robot demon from hell trying to rape the world of their money, to increase her power, her fame, her authority that she doesn’t deserve…she sings relatable love songs and when looking at her, you’re like “obviously dudes just plow through that, she’s intolerable”…but these eager models like Martha Hunt joined her sorority…and maybe that’s why this one is so good at this eating dirt with her ass in the air…it’s of TAYTAY’s hazing rituals…being brought to the mean streets of Miami beach for a VS shoot…and if you don’t see the highlight, the benefit, the amazing involved in this pose…on this girl…who is out there just trying to get as famous as she can to cash in and land rich dudes..you’re fucking crazy…because it is wonderful…even TAYTAY approves, otherwise she wouldn’t have let Martha Hunt out of her cage….

That said, why the fuck does a Victoria’s Secret shoot need this pose, I get that they are low level porno, low grade panties, billion dollar industry and all..but a face down ass up seems extreme…in a white bikini bottom…


Posted in:Martha Hunt|SFW




Lea Michele is Flexible of the Day


Despite Lea Michele’s testicles, I am starting to like her, she got some fillers on her face, she’s looking good, the Bruce Jenner transition to Caitlin has allowed her to have softer and more feminine vibe…and I figure if you play a girl on TV, you might as well play the part in everyday life…

I appreciate that despite her dick, she’s got this great flexibility of a dancer…it’s wild and amazing…and most men don’t ben like this, except maybe those on estrogen therapy, into deep ass penetration, because you can tell by this pose, and all the gay porn you secretly watch, this is a great way to pull those balls to the side and give all the access needed for the producer booking her for whatever show or record she’s releasing…



Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Dakota Johnson Spoiled Don Johnson Melanie Griffith Hybrid Making Moves Due to Hard Work of the Day

Dakota Johnson

I like to called DAKOTA JOHNSON – the DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE…because she’s a bratty rich kid with a slutty rich kid mom….and an Alfred Hitchcock seducing Grandma…

But maybe she’s more the shows up to her family friend’s office and says “I want to be on TV on in Movies”…..and they put her in movies – because why not use her – rather than use some other twat who doesn’t have famous parents….but then again, Hollywood people are crap and fuck their friend’s daughters….

She brought her tits…to the premiere of the new 50 shades of suck my dick but old people fucking love it…



ANOTHER BONUS THAT ISN’T A BONUS – Some Bitch Named Halsey was There… CLICK HERE

Posted in:Dakota Johnson|SFW




Ariel Winter Turns 19 And Poses With her Best Friend – CAKE of the Day

I know people don’t watch TV anymore, I know that they are more into netflix, so that these people like Ariel Winter, who have been on a hit sitcom don’t actually matter. Sure they have a big fan base, but that’s because they have a team of people pushing their brand to make as much as they can – while the TV industry slowly dies and actors remain a dime a dozen…

I know some people love this Ariel Winter pig, because they still watch TV and because they like young girls with huge tits they see grow up….mainly because of the huge tits…that she’s gone so far to cut off and that grew back because she’s just that fat….

Well, she’s turned 19, no longer barely legal to fuck, she’s already a year too old for that fetish, so she will just remain the rich girl exploited by her parents for TV career….who emotionally eats for the big titty fetishists…the feeder fetishists…the chubby chasers and the BBW lovers…oh and black dudes…or in her case gay disney kids who are opportunists leveraging her audience..

All this to say, here she is with her best secret friend making a public appearance…CAKE..

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW