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Archive for the SFW Category




Elon’s Musk’s Wallet Fucker Acts Her Way Through Violence Against Women Video of the Day

This girl is Dark…Playing the abused woman angle hard…because I guess she has no choice but to speak out, plus if she doesn’t, people will think she gave herself the black eye in some evil, strategic way….because anyone who looks at this bitch for more than 4-5 minutes will know she’s dark, she’s full of shit, she angles shit, she seduced a man who was with a woman for 20 fucking years – and had a family with – to marry her…Amber Heard…all because they were in a movie together…SHE WORKED HIM as hard as she worked being bi-sexual to get press pre Johnny Depp when that kind of thing got press….before the whole world was faggots….

THEN there’s the whole fucking Elon Musk, and playing that billionaire nerd like the puppet master she is, because dudes get weak and do dumb shit for this demon….

SO I am not buying her bad acting, her fake tears, it’s a nice storyline for her cause, but it’s nonsense…beating women isn’t nonsense, I don’t advocate that shit, but this is milking something like the opportunist she clearly is…and I find it shameless and vile…

Why aren’t both her eyes black? Maybe she should visit some women actually beat by men….

I wonder how many women Johnny Depp fans, you know the die hard Johnny Depp fans who sided with Johnny Depp – because they love everything he touches, even if it’s violent when he does it…after being pushed too far by evil….

I wonder how many men who are either Johnny Depp or Amber Heard fans who jerked off to her Black Eye Pics…because you know somewhere out there, maybe even amongst your friends and family, maybe even you dad…there’s a dude who jerks off to pics of beat up, black eyed women…

That said, don’t beat up women….because women are lovely and shouldn’t be beat….even if they don’t make dinner on time…and even if they’ve ruined your fucking life by robbing you of your freedom and/or testicles…

Posted in:Amber Heard|SFW




Minnie Driver Naked in a Hot Spring of the Day


Minnie Driver is one of the last celebrities I want to see naked in a hot spring, she’s just not hot, or exciting or interesting – and either is this pic…where she looks like an old, crazy, cat lady who’s done too much acid over the years, forcing her to take her millions to the jungle where she does other hallucinogens..while running around naked – under the full moon – after doing yoga all day and talking about her spirituality – eating organic fruits – because hollywood people are all fucking crazy and have the budgets and finances to really be that crazy while people just go along with it – because they like having famous friends who invite them places and pay for everything…

She looks crazy.

Posted in:Minnie Driver|SFW




Lindsay Lohan Acting Weird in Bali of the Day



I saw these weird pics of Lohan – because I pretend she’s my queen or goddess or ruler of the world – because she’s the only celebrity I’ve been in a hotel room with – while she cried and hugged me – before performing her music album with dances in her pajamas – because she’s fucking crazy….

But in reality I don’t actually give a fuck about her self involved nonsense, and if anything I just find her garbage – manipulator – who took opportunity and shat on it – because that’s what spoiled brats do – and her whole quest to find meaning is fucking lame…

But I did see these pics of her in a field at a villa on the ocean and thought – Sex Cult Crazy…because anyone who knows me – will know that I fucking love sex cults, and the dumb people who participate in them, and I’ve always wanted to start one – because they are that hilarious and amazing…

So I was like “Lohan’s in cult…broooooo”…it was exciting…but turns out that Lohan got one of her rich groupies to rent her a villa in Bali – so that she could write her book – her true story – from the eyes of a crazy fucking person – that is Lohan – a read that I’d actually love to read – but that I won’t bother reading – because I don’t find her that interesting – and don’t really care about what self involved – victim bullshit she puts out there – knowing that her true story is in fact a lie – and that her true story is actually really fucking boring – an entitled rich kid sold to the industry and tormented – like shut the fuck up – I prefer actual AIDS babies or people who do good – not some some drivel about “then I met Harvey Weinstein and he was a dick, so I railed `18 grams of coke and sucked a lot of dick”…fuck off Lohan..

Here’s one of her excerpts – LOLZ…pathetic…

Travelling sometimes leaves you speechless and in that silence, it leads you to greatness with a lot of stories to tell. – Lindsay Lohan (book coming soon)

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Kylie Jenner is So Fucking Sketchy of the Day


What better way to start the Art Basel week’s celebration, where every basic internet bitch and her sugar daddy flock to the mean streets of Miami beach, to wait in line to get into useless parties that don’t matter, but that give them something to do – because that’s what life on the internet – with a social media account is about…being in the fucking scene along with 1000s of other people who are in the fucking scene…

Then to post some pictures of Kylie Jenner, who was at Art Basel Last year, because her body is a fucking art project coordinated by some plastic surgeon somewhere, who has figure out how to suck out all her stomach fat, and inject it in her 18 year old ass, all while managing to mangle the fuck out of her face, so that she doesn’t need to use facetune when photoshopping herself for important pictures of flat stomach teas, or this CELLULITE cream…cuz bitch is a fat fuck who sells bullshit gimmick snake-oil to her retard fans….probably the root of all fucking evil in the world…and in her defence, she’s actually the victim because her mom and sister abused her into this…

THERE will be a retaliation – there will be blood….it’s just a matter of time as to when that goes down..

Here’s a video of the weirdness…

A video posted by Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Genius Pipes Shoot Because Black Friday Lives Matter of the Day


We’ve been working with the smart people at GENIUS PIPES for the last month – and it’s been a magical experience, even for me, who doesn’t even smoke weed, it’s called DRUNKENSTEPFATHER you know…DRUNKEN…but I can still appreciate getting fucked up…and I can also appreciate legalizing natural substances that are healthier than legalized booze and tobacco…so I am a fan of everything weed….

I am also a fan of girls getting half naked and posing with products for our friend ImageFolio because if you’re going to shop for great product, especially on Black Friday, it should be mandatory that the store clerks dress like this amazingness…

Her name is @ilvykokomo – and she’s pretty fucking amazing on all fronts…she’s from Latvia, a country that I’ve been told has the hottest, most amazing women, but none quite as lovely as this magic and is worth visiting, not that she still lives in Latvia, but respect where she’s come from…and where she’s going….because she is everything….

Here are the pics…..

Now – get yourself a GENIUS PIPE!!



Posted in:SFW|stepGIRLS




Taylor Swift and Her Hired Model Groupies Have a Shitty Mannequin Challenge of the Day

Taylor Swift is garbage, rumored to be pregnant garbage, which means she’s double the garbage she usually is thanks to the two heartbeats….

I guess she’s having another one of her Taylor Swift holiday parties at her mansion she bought next door to one of her ex boyfriends, she’s had many, because she’s addicted to cock inside her and sometimes you need to give the media a story to back up her marketing that makes her 200 million dollars….

So girl and her real life barbies, who she’s either hired, or is genuinely best friends with them, because models – especially Victoria’s Secret models have no integrity and do anything, including men, to get as mainstream as possible..including putting up with garbage like Taylor Swift….

Well, they decided, because they are basic, followers, who have zero original thought, it’s all part of being a puppet…and did the Mannequin challenge, like they were EVERYONE ON SOCIAL MEDIA – all the MEME addicts and half naked bitches…

Unfortunately, despite Taylor Swift hiring photographers to document her fake friendships for her social media, it’s all part of marketing, and her hair / make-up / assistants that contribute to her being a vapid, despite being full of FETUS cunt….they failed…their hair is moving and their dance at the end is offensive cultural appropriation…white people.

But if you can stomach the beach, not bikini beach, but cold as fuck beach video until the end, you’ll see her chubby pregnant legs in leggings twerk…which is arguably how she got into this whole pregnancy situation in the first place…slutty….because she doesn’t know who the father is…allegedly…not really a Christian Country Singer problem…but maybe it is…Trash…like I said…ALLEGEDLY PREGNANT…

Here are some more pics of their shitty thanksgiving that we collectively wish ended in a house fire or better yet – carbon monoxide poisoning in. It’s the silent killer…

She’s the worst…

Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Get Your Girl a Tighter Pussy for Christmas of the Day

Girls get older, they make babies, and their pussies just don’t stay the same age. Like anything shit needs work…diet and exercise – which is why we partnered up with our friends at LoveLife who sent us up a few samples of this KEGEL training device that has pressure measuring control and personal training programs – strictly designed – for women to insert in themselves to train their PC muscles to get stronger, tighter, and capable of grabbing things when her hands are pre-occupied doing laundry, the dishes, making dinner, and all other things wives, moms, girlfriends, do when they aren’t cheating on your pathetic misogynistic ass….

I gave the samples to a mom, I put one in my ass to test it, felt good, and the other to some girl who always talks about how big her vagina is….and all were very excited to get their pussy fitness on….

Now the real winner in a PC MUSCLE KEGEL app and device is the person your wife or girl in your life who you’ve neglected for so long is actually having sex with, but it will make her happy and as they say a happy wife / happy life – so you might as well get her something that improves her life today – Black Friday – The first day of Christmas Shopping…

I don’t know about you – but I like tight pussy….so


Posted in:SFW|Videos




Girl Puts on Pants with No Hands of the Day

Every once in a while gold rises to the top of the creamy garbage I am exposed to on the internet.

From Memes, to Fame Whores, to the struggle of celebrities to stay or be relevant….stuff I don’t giv a fuck about…that is really just trying to capture and exploit my attention span like it was a sex worker in the eastern block….and like my feelings don’t matter to me…but my likes, follows, click to buy do…the creative space of the internet is all the fucking same…artists aren’t real…nothing is real…it’s all just digital marketing…and it’s fucking terrible…

When all that actually matters is a chick putting her pants on with no hands…the little fucking things in life…you know..

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Fat Chick Ambassador’s Pandering to Fat Chicks Stripping on the Subway Video of the Day

Apparently, her name is Iskra Lawrence and she strips on the subway for the sake of generating attention to herself and her cause – which is really just an angle that she’s maximized on – and that she’s got 2.8 million followers from angling herself this way.

She’s just decided to intellectualize her wanting to get naked, because she’s not even that fat, she’s just got a fat ass and fat legs, something I am sure rappers would fucking love…

So listening to her rant…is fucking irritating…especially when her social media looks like this:

I mean she’d have to angle it to be a bigger cause, activist, add a story to why you want everyone to see your fat ass.

It’s all pretty fucking irritating, and a reminder of why whoever let women speak out, vote, and share their whining and annoying opinion back in the day failed us all…because as we all know…women fucking whine all the fucking time…it’s just so weird that pussy or sticking our dicks in pussy allow us to endure this painful fucking part of who they are…

I mean, I call stripping on the subway to give some rant – totally fucking shameless and a cry for attention – and anyone who thinks her message is anything deeper than the way she conveys that message…is probably a fat chick jealous of her stripping down….

95% of her pics are fetish – and something dudes who like thick legs and asses with a small waist can and probably do jerk off to…so keep up the ROLE MODELING you fetish model….

This don’t body shame, love your body shit is so silly….but this one’s cashing the fuck in – so why let that die….keep it going….girl…

A video posted by Iskra lawrence????? (@iskra) on

More…..of her lie…

A video posted by Iskra lawrence????? (@iskra) on

Posted in:Iskra lawrence|SFW




Niykee Heaton’s Shitty Nude Thanksgiving Eating Fetish Picture of the Day


Niykee Heaton is some shameless internet celebrity – who apparently has a record deal – along with her massive following of dudes who like a girl with a thick ass – who shows off that thick ass – as often as she can because it gets her views, likes and that makes her feel relevant….and who am I to discourage that kind of behavior…I must give thanks and celebrate that the world, and women in general have come to this point…I am sure that my entire life I’ve wished “what if girls were more easy going, or at least more like the strippers I get lap dances from, instead of so uptight and annoying”…in some Dreams Came Fucking True…it’s just funny to experience how shameless it is…

That said, she posted a nude of her, with her legs closed, no pussy exposed or anything you’d want to see, they call this implied or strategic…but still totally nude and eating in bed – which for someone married to an obese woman is repulsive…it’s like let’s pretend girls don’t eat or shit, I realize it’s the feminist, nudist, empowered naked and in their own body and size, no shaming, free the nipple shit…but I’ll never accept that girls eat and shit…because I’ve experienced it and the trauma has made me block the concept out…

Either way, this trick doesn’t matter – but she’s still working it – so let’s encourage it…

Posted in:Niykee Heaton|SFW