I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Charlotte McKinney’s Sideboob at an Alba Event of the Day


We live in a world where Charlotte McKinney, someone no one has ever really hear of, and if they have they don’t really care that they’ve heard of her, if anything the only people who would actually care that they’ve heard of her are a very narrow population of pervert dudes who like big tits….I am sure even they don’t actually care about her…yet she exists….enough to go to Jessica Alba parties in LA to promote bullshit, where she waits in line to work the photobooth…as hard as she can so that the brand puts the pics out there for added social media hits…I am assuming lame as fuck big tits McKinney and her busted face were paid, maybe in gift cards, probably because all these events are nonsense run through agencies that have no clue,…

We’ll assume she wasn’t paid very much….to play with her tits…in what they’d probably call “make it organic, like you’re not getting paid to be here”…before saying “why the fuck do we pay people to come to our parties, do we really have that much money, I knew a kid who’s mom would pay people to go to his birthday party, we always felt sad for him as we collected our 20 dollars, is this the adult version of that…no not that kind of adult…I mean “GROWN UP” not porno…yes, I know she looks like a porn star, well with a face like that you’d think even with those tits porno would be the only answer, I guess she knows rich and connected people…”

Yes..this is stupid…top level instagram hooking, but check out the titties on this cheesy monster…

Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW




Gwen Stefani Holding a Mic Like a Cock – Someone MEME This of the Day

Gwen Stefani performs at President Obama's last State Dinner

I am a very basic human being, it doesn’t take much to entertain me, and although I don’t like MEMEs, I wish I was good at MEMEs, but I can barely write a blog, upload images, and check emails…I am just not cut out for the digital world…even after 12-13 years of doing this…I don’t have the skills necessary to turn this into what I want it to be….and that’s her holding a cock..because…I am basic..and it doesn’t take much to entertain me…her facial expression perfect…for cock…but really when is a facial expression not perfect for cock….am I right…I am right…

These are from Obama’s state dinner….which makes them better to put dicks in…presidential…

Gwen Stefani performs at President Obama's last State Dinner

Gwen Stefani performs at President Obama's last State Dinner


Posted in:Gwen Stefani|SFW




Alessandra Ambrosio Promoting Nonsense of the Day


Alessandra Ambrosio is promoting bullshit, because she’s a promo model and a huge part of being a promo model is promoting bullshit…it’s what they do…because people like me pick up on the promo model photoshoot like it matters, when it doesn’t matter, to showcase to the world how hot, or amazing, or tight bodied she is for a mom….in what they would deem a celebration, that feeds her ego…that makes her feel like she matters…before realizing that beauty fades, and that pile of money she’s become used to isn’t enough of a reminder that she was once the hottest, forcing her to navigate and figure out ways to maintain that beauty, image, hype….but she’ll lose..it’s nature…it’s how it works and it’s amazing she’s lasted this long…because I never thought she was all that hot…and I am the unofficial Hollywood judge of hotness…I’ve made a very pathetic career out of it…so jokes on them…I am posting it not because I think it matters…but because I think it DOESN’t matter….take that Alessandra Ambrosio and the people who paid you a million dollars for these pics…

Posted in:Alessandra Ambrosio|SFW




Kendall and Gigi for W Magazine of the Day


So….W Magazine is on the search for clickbait, and I guess in that quest to get click in the media and on their social media accounts…they went with people they felt had a strong audience to achieve their hopes and dreams…to satisfy advertiser money…because these famewhores will do any media that comes their way for free….

Their concept was paid for by some brand, or a series of brands…because this is what advertising looks like….and I guess…the top level “artist” idea was to take pics of them with their original, pre-plastic surgery, noses…

They pretended it was “art”…or “social commentary” on the Snapchat filter…by hiring some artists, who don’t realize that artists are a fucking lie and that art doesn’t exist…especially when it’s all for an ad…garbage humans…

Let’s not intellectualize this shit, or buy into their shit, or pretend this is anything but clickbait fodder that isn’t even hot…or compelling…because these idiots are idiots..just looking for likes and follows…and not to do good things, or inspire…or be interesting or next level….

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kylie Minogue Not Dead and on the Beach of the Day


This is the first time I’ve seen Kylie Minogue, and thought…ok she’s finally old…

Breast cancer didn’t knock her down…but the test of time has…that face is finally looking 50…

You gotta keep in mind that Kylie Minogue started her career as a popster in the 80s…when she did the locomotion and as an old as fuck, tired as fuck, out of touch as fuck grown man with a blog…..I remember her…I’ve watched her from Australia hype in the Crocodile Dundee – Australian late 80s hype that took over America…the Kangaroo fetish years…to her second and third life she’s pumped into her carer…and the entire time she was timeless, hot and it made no sense…but today…we see that you can’t beat science forever….and at 48 she’s done good…and is now on the slippery slope of sex appeal expiration…


Posted in:Kylie Minogue|SFW




Shay Mitchell’s On All Fours for SELF of the Day


Shay Mitchell is brat from Canada – who is ethnically ambiguous…from some rich neighborhood in Canada…who I guess had the resources and a dream to make this acting thing happen…where she ended up amazingly getting cast on some TV show that turned out to be a massive fucking success..that people loved…and that she got extremely famous on social media for being a part of it…

She’s clever enough to have got involved in other businesses, other things, like travel blogging and publishing a series of teen books…because that’s how resourceful people who know the internet is a joke, but a place to get extra rich even if you’re already rich and so are your parents…

Se’s in SELF magazine, which would probably be a huge magazine, if people bough magazines, thanks to the narcissism that’s everywhere…all they would need is to have a mirror or webcam to film the person looking at it to replay…and watch themselves….it’d be huge, relevant and save publishing…..

Instead…they had Shay Mitchell pantless in dramatic poses…

Posted in:SFW|Shay Mitchell




Lady Gaga Not Hot in a Photoshoot Because She’s Not Hot of the Day


Lady Gaga is dressed like a 1940s feminist factory labourer…for whatever reason…and I think it’s a good look for her, and I am probably alone in this, but I just find seeing her nasty fucking ass and tits as that face of hers carries them through crowds for the paprazzi to capture…disgusting…

I’d rather see her play genderless, because she’s always been a tranny, drag queen, who got her tits done to me…even if I’ve probably seen her vagina in other pics of her being shameless for attention during her career…but I’ve strategically blocked it out…because Lady Gaga is vile…

I have no idea why I am posting this shoot…seriously…no idea…

Posted in:Lady Gaga|SFW




Rita Ora Boring as Fuck of the Day


Rita Ora is an official no name celebrity…that’s her whole angle…that’s what makes her a celebrity…and she’s just tried everything..had a record deal…has been a reality show girlfriend…she’s dated rich guys…had famous friend…she’s been to all the right parties and events…she’s even had a song…or been featured on a song…but NO ONE knows or cares who she is…despite having great tits…that’s it…that’s all she is…

Now she’s hosting or a judge on a fashion show, so she’s trying the whole fashion angle, and they are doing fashion shoots with her in the studio…and it’s so fucking lame…maybe because she’s moving on from the tits that are the only reasons she’s even remotely famous for being a no name celebrity…Rihanna impersonator…or maybe because she’s misguided and letting her ego run the show…either way…I’d be surprised if you can jerk off to this..

Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Christina Milian Panties of the Day


Mom Christina Milian….is trying to be a Kardashian, I find it terribly boring…it’s just seeing a mid-30s mom who has financial resources, some celebrity, a solid child support check…shamelessly posting nude or half nude ass in thong pics for no actual reason…just to get you to look at her, notice her, pay attention to her…validate her…follow her on social media so that she can upsell her account or promote stupid companies she’s invested in…is just so ghetto…it’s just gross to me…I like girls who are actually struggling whoring out, not bitches who have made it out of the struggle whoring, taking attention away from the girls who actually need attention for their whoring, trying to rob them of their value as women trying to make it…plus it just doesn’t make sense to me..

Let the poor girl do the panty pics…stripping…etc…and as a rich girl who is not that hot…maybe focus on raising your damn kid…and not doing this shit…

I am not a fan, unless she needs a K-Fed, in which case…I’m down to mooch…

Posted in:Christina Milian|SFW




Vanessa Hudgens and Some Dude Hide Their Cold Sores of the Day


High School Musical Vanessa Hudgens is out in covering her face…while showing off her body…while the dude she’s with also covers his face…in what I will assume is a trend amongst this famous enough but not so relevant cunts…or maybe she makes her handlers or the people she hangs out with follow her lead so that she doesn’t seem weird…like they are in it together…or maybe it’s because they both have gnarly herpes scabs on their faces they don’t want anyone to see…because they are a sore spot…cold sore spot…that happened when getting cast by DISNEY execs…


It’s just funny that it’s ok to be out there with your body, but bitch can’t handle the paparazzi she called capturing her face…possibly not made up…or maybe it’s to not identify her and devalue them…why would any tabloid write about her…if you can’t tell it’s her….but because that becomes a story…a boring story…is still a story…

She should just be happy that after all these years…people still partially care enough to grab pics of her…while the new generation of kids probably have no idea who she is..



Posted in:SFW|Vanessa Hudgens