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Ashley Graham Gunt Eats Bathings Suit and Everything Else in Some Offensive Body Positive Shoot of the Day


Yes…we get it…own your fat…but I think shoving it down all of our throats is offensive.

We get it…fat girls can get naked and be half naked. We’ve all been there and know that some fat chicks are the loud ones flashing their tits at the bar. Not all are self-hating, reserved fat chicks, eating pints of ice cream with their cats..

We get it…some fat chicks own being fat chicks as they make you take them to the all you can eat buffet to down all the fucking cake their diabetes can handle before having a leg amputated..

We get it…some fat chicks like showing you how massive her shits are, or how bad her farts are…

We get it…there are bathing suits made for fat chicks, because fat chicks go to beaches even though they should go to temperate climates as to no strain their already strained hearts..

We get it….you can fit into any shower curtain that’s been cut into a trendy shape because brands know fat chicks is a huge market, so give them fat chicks fashion so they will buy you clothes..

But why this is celebrated, or empowering makes no sense to me, other than that people are scared to call a fat chick a pig, or an elephant, who should cover up – TAKE THIS BATH ROBE PLEASE…..people are scared to say “I fuck fat chicks at 3 am when no one else wants to show off their mouth skills, and trust me fat chicks have mouth skills, on my dick”…

Other fat chicks and BBW / BBQ fetishists, into the whole feeder things are celebrating what DOCTORS have told us all is high risk and nothing to celebrate….

But Graham can brag that she’s got no health issues, she can brag that we aren’t her doctor, she can also wear a damn bikini in private, but why would she do that…she’s making money…getting famous…good for egos that may make her lazy ass feel good enough to start eating smaller portions…because clearly, she’s been over served whether you want to admit it or not, whether you want to say the BMI obesity scale is wrong…I know, and you know, eat less and exercise means don’t be a fat bitch…

The funniest thing in this fat chick movement of fat chicks who hardly move – is that in the process of celebrating being able to gain weight while being healthy as they claim – to be a voice / face or body with a gunt that eats bathing suits because some fatty girls are shameless..is that they are shaming skinny girls, who are healthy and work out, for being skinny…in reverse bullying…in a world that makes zero fucking sense..

Yes, let everyone do what they want to do….which includes me thinking fat chicks in bathing suits is more a circus act of a better time then what should be a celebrated norm…but then again…I am a renaissance man.

That said, I fuck fat chicks…especially the big titty ones…but I am the worst scum of society…who doesn’t mind looking at their assholes…because I have no standards…but I don’t think society as a whole should follow my lead and have no standards…it’d make for a low of deadbeat garbage leeching off the system…who thinks “fat chicks really give good head, it must be their neck fat jiggle a skinny girl can’t do”…because that’s truth.


Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Rose Bertram Has Big Tits for Esquire of the Day

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Rose Bertram is a model I haven’t really heard of, I saw her in Sports Illustrated last year, but I hate Sports Illustreated swim and thought “shit, they found a good one, that girl is the fucking future, her face is so unique, ethnic, foreign, exotic, and lovely as fuck and by lovely as fuck I mean busty as fuck – I mean fuck…

I am all for these busty models – ideally skinny busty models getting famous for being busty because thanks to hormones in the food – boobs are making that comeback and they don’t always come with obesity – but they can make your obesity cum…because tits…

She’s great – Esquire’s marketing / styling / using Esquire branded bathing suits in the worst shoot ever – isn’t great…they could have done anything, but chose this…weird.

Posted in:Rose Bertram|SFW




Joanna Krupa Topless on Social Media for President of the Day


Since America is all about making reality stars the President of the USA because America media thought it was funny and garnered views for America to think – hey the government is full of shit this will add some excitement to the mix…or maybe they are idiots who don’t really understand that Trump is just saying whatever he thinks the morons want to hear…like the white trash, trailer park living, rednecks, who may or may not be you, who has weird American values thanks to Christianity and lack of education / intelligence or culture…who doesn’t realize that the shit he says is to pander to the idiots – like how BORAT went to the RODEO where people booed him until he said “SUPPORT OUR TROOPS” to which they all cheered him – it was a great American moment brought to you by British Jew pretending to be an Arab, to make fun of all you idiots…

The good news is that I’m not American and I don’t follow Politics, and I am not saying I’d be into the other party if I was American, or that I’d even vote since I think it’s all puppetry…

I am just saying that I’m amazed Trump hasn’t been assassinated yet, even as an inside job, they’ve done it before with other leaders…and activists…

I am just saying that if any reality star should be President it should be Joanna Krupa, the Polish born model – who milked being Polish – despite being raised in America after escaping Poland back in the communist 70s….you see she’s old…who defied all odds of middle class with a set of great tits to get into Men’s magazines…only to pre-40 end up on Dancing with the Stars…opening up doors for her – thanks to her struggles of her fake tits…creating a 5-6 year reality TV stint..that has concluded with topless pics…

She’s just as qualified as all the other puppets…

So Make America Great Again with topless 40 year old Realty Star Glamour models born in Poland…or she’ll try doing it herself…because she’s the only one who cares abotu her…

Posted in:Joanna Krupa|SFW




Bella Thorne Butt Shot of the DAy


Bella Throne the 40 year old who pretended to be a 17 year old, to spend 3 months before her 18th birthday maximizing the perverts who like the on the verge of legal barely legals, just on the wrong side of legal, because it is exciting but close enough to legal so that it’s not overly creepy – in a “she’ll be 18 in 30 days, not much changes in 30 days”…and you’re right, in 30 days, you’ll still be the same basic fucking pervert…

That said…she’s taken that attention she got at 17 turning 18 despite being 40…and she fucking rode it hard…strategically…not slutty…just “here’s my panties, because…”…kind of shit…and here’s her panties just because she’s fit as fuck…got a great body…and is a redhead which means a sexual deviant…possibly not really a human…with her super strength…


Posted in:Bella Throne|SFW




Doutzen Kroes Not Done Modeling of the Day

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I guess when you’ve made it from your little Dutch village to the pages of the Victoria’s Secret catalog, before being fired, you’ve had a taste of the good life and even though the brand threw you away, doesn’t mean you’ll throw it away….

Even if you’re rich, famous, have a rich and famous husband, a couple kids to tend to…you still keep up the modeling, becuase it’s the only thing you know, that matters, and why give it all up – even though your main client doesn’t want you…someone else out there will eat out of the dumpster pussy that is Doutzen Kroes…

She’s making moves, still looks good, not letting her failures define her – as she counts all her money being someone you all want to fuck…because when she loses, she’s still winning compared to all of you losers..

Posted in:Doutzen Kroes|SFW




Ava Sambora Looks Good in a Bikini of the Day

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Ava Sambora is a young, cute, California girl with a Heather Locklear mom and a rockstar dad, which means she’s like a Kate Hudson, who doesn’t need to work, has access to everything and anything she wants, but all she really wants is a legit career or to be celebrated for being her own person, instead of just taking your free money from her parents….

So she could use that trust fund or allowance to travel the world and have a good time…I mean her dad’s in fucking Bon Jovi, dude’s got serious money…but I guess her mom raised her to use that body – to get that attention – to find an earner of her own – because she can….

Maybe Richie Sambora’s got a handful of kids to spread his wealth to – via groupies around the world…leaving Ava forced to fend for herself in this scary social media run world…the only place a girl really matters…

But what makes no sense, is that she’s keeping things bootleg, she decided to shoot with a company known for being an “escort” agency from people in the know. A paparazzi agency that “helps” make immigrant whores seem legit, instead of working with a real agency for a real brand.

It makes no sense to me, but her young, fit ass, makes that confusion all seem to make sense..and everything is ok…even more than ok….perfect…amazing…round…just cheesy as fuck….

To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Ava Sambora|SFW




Magdalana Frackowiak for S Moda of the Day


This is a model named Magdalena Frackowiak who is Polish…but lives iN NYC as these Eastern Europeans who are well taken care of do…

I know someone who knew her when she was in NYC around the time she booked Victoria’s Secret and apparently she was a real cunt about it.

I don’t think she does Victoria’s Secret anymore, these girls think they’ve made it when they get it, but sometimes, the people at Victoria’s Secret have other ideas that involve trying out new pussy, because old pussy gets old, even if it’s not old..there’s just so many Foreign girls with work Visas they can get to suck their dicks for work.

As you know I prefer when my Eastern European girls are more sex worker, than high end sex worker that doesn’t know she’s a sex worker…you know mail order bride, not “you need to be a billionaire to ride, because I’m from Victoria’s Secret”…even though that’s old news…

Where as this S Moda shoot is her new news…great face, hot cleavage, my favorite picture is the plastic dress, it’s the kind of thing I’d make a girl wear to piss herself in…because I have a new found pee fetish…unrelated to Magdalena Frackowiak but since every pees…I guess it applies to her and every other girl out there….

At risk of sounding – RAPEY – watch out…I’m coming to a public bathroom with hidden cameras near you…

Posted in:Magdalena Frackowiak|SFW




I am a Sugar Baby – Not a Prostitute of the DAy

If you’re on the internet, you’ll know that every girl on social media who is living that charmed life is on some level of sugar baby program or another – because girls like gifts more than they like working – which makes sense in a world of lazy people looking for things to take pictures of – in efforts to have an interesting social media that will make them rich and famous – like they were Kylie Jenner, and for 1 in every 100 million whores…one breaks through to the mainstream to give the other ones hope….

I have friends who use Sugar baby sites, and have got blowjobs and sex with 20 year olds for a pair of fucking jeans…and in every city they visit – there are 1000s of sugar babies looking to fuck… this isn’t a plug for those sites, but they should have paid for this post – because I just endorsed their hooker ring…

I have other friends who hang with the girls who would never be on a sugar baby site – because they would feel cheap – yet they still only fuck billionaires – you know becuase stability…

I also remember a time when a Sugar Baby on Maury or Jerry Springer would brag about getting a free bucket of chicken…not whatever this girl is on – but I fucking love everything going on in this video…it’s amazing…

Sugar babies are materialistic, superfical, girlfriend experience, on call whores who fuck with married dudes for money – but yes, they aren’t escorts….they just like gifts and fancy things…being taken care off…so much they fuck the guys for them…but that’s not escorting….

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Jean Campbell Hip for W Magazine of the Day


I don’t know who or what Jean Campbell is, but she’s in W magazine, so I guess she’s an up and comer who probably has nude pics out there, but I am too lazy to dig into the internet to find her tits, she hasn’t seduced me enough to put in work.

I just like the vibe of this photoshoot, it’s hip and happeing, young and fresh, instagram filter colored like the kids are into, relevant, now…current, everything…life just happened for us…and Jean Campbell in a one piece was the embodiment of that…

I guess I like this because it feels like a happier time…in a happier suburban place…out of movie…where on the surface white trash was happy in their middle of the road life…while everyone was being raped…or doing the raping….in the back garden shed after football practice…or some shit..

Maybe that’s not why I like it at all…

Posted in:Jean Campbell|SFW




Rita Ora Titty Flash of the Day


Rita Ora flashed her tits…for the paparazzi….but the paparazzi censored out her tits…but we know what them tits are…I posted HER TITS EARLIER TODAY because I am a visionary, a psychic, the kind of guy who just knew there were censored tits tits, leaving you craving her tits, like you were Calvin Harris every time you fucked Taylor Swift….


Since there’s no tit in the Rita Ora tit, here’s another popstar no one cares about but likes her big tits – who calls herself Charli XCX….at Pride week, celebrating the gays, unlike dude in Orlando…who if you read my facebook, I’m pretty angry about….because all he accomplished was ruining a lot of lives…for no reason…people he didn’t even know…for nothing…it’s just vile…like Charli Xcx…but more relevant, depressing…I mean she’s a wreck by not the biggest shooing in America…


Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW