I'll Make You Famous…




Ellie Goulding’s Great Tight See Through Shirt of the Day

Ellie Goulding's Great Tight See Through Shirt of the Day

Ellie Goulding seems to have a bit of a horse face with too many face injections in at least one of the pictures of her at fashion week wearing a see through shirt rocking an amazing set of tits…hard nipples and good times…that dreams are fucking made of…at least my dreams…because I like tits, see through shirts, hard nipples, I’m old and this is what we consider pornographic…you know pre-throat fucking…a braless girl in a tight sweater was all we ever needed..

I still don’t know who Ellie Goulding is, but I remember her being some kind of pop star from the UK, turned hipster or always a hipster, hence the whole fashion week thing, because overpriced made in china by little kids products is so luxurious and exclusive as the fashion brands laugh backstage about how that garbage bag the model is wearing and that they are selling for 20,000 dollars cost them 14 cents to make…those margins…BANANAS…like Ellie Gouldings’ hot hard titty.

Posted in:Ellie Goulding|SFW




McKenna Keil the Titty Selfie During the Craziest Homicide in American History of the Day

McKenna Keil the Titty Selfie During the Craziest Homicide in American History of the Day

Everyone’s a fame whore…

My friend Steve sent in this pic of a USC reporter who happened to be at the mass shooting in Las Vegas last night, and knew enough about proper hashtags to get as much attention as she could, like it was her big break, when else would this kind of opportunity arise for her, it was her “Lewinsky” or “Watergate”….breaking story…and chance to get known….

Along with the blood covered selfie was this note that I felt needed to be posted….

Now I admit, I’m as un-PC a dude as you’re liable to find anywhere. In fact, I fully admit, during a sniper attack, I would be smothering that chick (in the name of gallantry) and kneading those enhanced titties like I was prepping dough to make a tasty apple gallette.

As the police were cuffing me, assaulting me and spitting on me wanting to know why I was sexually assaulting that poor young girl and dry humping her to a frenzy in the midst of the greatest homicide in American history, I would simply claim PTSD and say the stress of it all was too much for me, and I cracked and have no memory of it.

The point being, those are some NICE looking plastic fun bags, and I would gladly spooge on them regardless of the time or place, but I’m a degenerate, so this is to be expected
Is this chick a retard tho? Seriously, is she retarded?? She works in media, and she posts THE most tone deaf selfie we’ve ever seen in our lives?!

Or is this generation simply THAT shallow and amoral that if you have the chance to promote DEM TITS during a worldwide televised mass homicide, you do it! Girl, get to sellin’!…


Follow her on twitter HERE

Or you can see the uprising in these screenshots:

Posted in:McKenna Keil|SFW




Heidi Klum and her Tween Boyfriend Topless of the Day

Heidi Klum and her Tween Boyfriend Topless of the Day

Heidi Klum and her rocking old lady tits – that she’s showing off tanning in St Barth’s is pulling the Cougar thing…you know pushing 50 but banging some 20 year old who is into fucking her because she’s Heidi Klum – even though it’s creepy in some ways – but hot in most other ways – thanks to her being Heidi Klum…

A little weird maybe, I don’t find it all that weird, these model chicks are vain and egos and don’t want to accept they are getting old and fuck young guys to offset that…

I think him doing cannon balls jumping into the pool while her skinny old mom body with rocking tits looks on…then them comparing tans…before he stares down at her tits…and decides….shit, I’ll have to fuck this horny old pervert bitch all day to keep her semi satisfied…because she’s German, and they are crazy, she’s a sex addict, proven by her 100 kids, she’s an ego who wants to steal my youthful sperm…like some fountain of youth….

If you’ve met a 40 something year old mom – you’ll know lady is horny as fuck and can’t get enough dicks to fill her hole…every mom I know just masturbates all day everyday and still wants more…I guess a pre drying up mechanism…

Throw in a career as a model and personality, that vanity…that money, that good life and bitch is likely intolerable…but 20 year old is on the job…doing his best to bang this out…fetishes are weird…

Posted in:Heidi Klum




Victoria Beckham Spreading Legs of the Day

Victoria Beckham Spreading Legs of the Day

Skinny Posh Expensive Skinny Spice….posted some flexible old lady in the birthing, or the I lay here and spread while you fuck me because I am a rich and fancy whore….fetish pic.

She looks pretty good for someone who has shat out a dozen kids with David Beckham, when he took time off fucking all other girls who weren’t Posh Spice…because when you’re Beckham – you have options…and that could be the reason Posh maintained as well as she did…nice and preserved…because no girls I know look like this – especially not moms…even in their 20s…but that’s probably because they are poor and disgusting and have to slave away to buy shitty food…while this one’s rich and rich comes with perks like spending your days resting so you don’t age….and don’t eat cuz she’s a robot…

Posted in:SFW|Victoria Beckham




Bella Thorne Nipple of the Day

Bella Thorne Nipple of the Day

Bella Thorne has penetrated my mind with her shameless marketing….the first thing I thought of when I read about the shooting ate a music festival in Vegas – was I wonder if Bella Thorne got shot…because she was at music festivals raving like a crackhead party college girl…they are into that shit now…all that GHB and Special K rave drugs make for a good time…until some psycho busts out the automatic weapon to shoot a bunch of people at a God Fearing Country music festival in the wild west…perched from above like a dude hunting deer but human…

The whole thing…twisted…

But at least Bella Thorne’s nipple survived, as 500 or more families are struggling with the tragedy…her nipple carries on…and her vapid life continues…

Again, why aren’t the worst people of society like the Kardashians ever taken out, it’s like middle of the road Americans…confusing…

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Selena Gomez Hard Nipples of the Day

Selena Gomez Hard Nipples of the Day

Selena Gomez, the most followed girl on social media, because she’s friends with Mark Zuckerberg and all that shit is inflated, fake news, bot traffic, bullshit….you know dude can just make all his audience auto follow her like apple did with that U2 album…we work for them….for free….

Because there is no way Selena Gomez is the most famous bitch on instagram. It’s all lies…

Like her new face, and hard tits, and new Kidney that she got from harvesting Kidney’s off her super fan groupies hoping she’ll get them work….

Her nipples are hard, her tits braless, because that’s the point of implants…and nipples braless in a sweater…are good to look at…even when they have LUPUS and will die a premature death if they ever stop buying organs with all their money to keep her ass alive…

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Rat Cow’s Got Tits, Wants to Remind You She’s Got Tits, because she is Tits of the Day

Rat Cow and what I consider a rat face, despite all the make-up, because rats don’t wear make-up, and despite all the potential face injections, that I am sure she’ll deny having, is out at fashion week, knowing that if she goes from fashion week to fashion week, year after year, she will come across as less of a whore with male followers into her because of her tits, because she’s got great tits…but rather she will be seen as a fashion influencer, who happens to have a lot of male followers, because men are perverts and it’s not her fault, they are just voyeurs or some shit…

Well, she’s got a lot of fucking followers, she makes a lot of fucking money, and despite being a terrible actor…she gets work as an actor…and she gets to live her life traveling the world for free…attending events like she matters when she doesnt…

At least she knows tits are important, her tits need to be showcased like the hooker accessory they are, and she’s wearing a men’s shirt as a dress, a fetish of mine…because clearly girl knows how to manage and navigate this terrible fucking world…TitS first…great big tits…first…because you can take the slut out of the social media feed as the social media girl tries to get women followers to become a “fashion” influencer to get paid…but you can’t take the tits when the tits are the main marketing hook…unless you are cancer…

Posted in:Rat Cow|SFW




Alexis Ren Looks Good of the Day

You may not know who Alexis Ren is, because she’s instagram famous, and despite what instagram famous people think, she is not actually famous, but sometimes the instagram famous are able to trick the mainstream companies into thinking they are real famous, getting them high paying jobs, even roles in movies and other nonsense, and then they get picked up by the media – and that a lone makes them real famous…because ultimately, being real famous doesn’t take that much skill or talent, anyone can act average at best in a blockbuster movie, if the directed is into fucking them enough…

The point of the story is not analyzing who or what Alexis Ren is…it’s staring at her hot body and saying…damn that’s a hot body…because in a world full of crazy…a hot body is so critical to stare at…because it exists, it’s real, and with the diet of people these days…a dying art form…

Seriously…this body is magical…


Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW|Videos




Naked Lady on the Road and Other VIdeos of the Day

Naked Crackhead in Las Vegas

Iranian Tax Driver VS Wife

Drunk Guy Interviewed About Vegas Shooting

Moose Getting Chased by 3 Dogs

White Trash Chick Fight

Window Cleaning in Bangkok

Bears VS Car

22 Year Old Girl Gets Shot by a Dude after Filming His Fight

Police Get Chased out of Town

Crackwhore Stealing Cigarettes Fail

Bikini Ass Watching Planes of the Day

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Morning Hangover Dump

When we live in an era where psychos can check into hotels with machine guns and blow out entire music festival goers, whatever that music festival may be, it makes it hard to focus on the tits….

But I am a survivor, who doesn’t leave my house, because everyone has gone fucking mad….so I can power through, but hearing 50 people died at a concert, 200 injured, just having a good time, innocent people…whether they are black or white or asian or Arab, at a country show or a rap show or a fucking k-pop show, they are American and on American turf and this shouldn’t happen. They ar just at a concert having a good time…it’s hard to not be absolutely disgusted with humanity…this shit should not happen.

I will never understand why people who lose their minds, can’t just keep it to them damn self, but instead they get up on other people’s lives, trying to fuck their journey up, and at times succeeding.

If we all just legitimately didn’t give a fuck about each other, about leaving a legacy, we wouldn’t be shooting innocent people, we’d be sitting on our couch watching re-runs of old TV shows eating fucking potato chips, getting diabetes, you know….

If money the government spent on wars like Vietnam and Iraq, stayed within the borders…America would be a far richer and peaceful place where people who are mentally fucked up get help before doing shit like this…

I don’t think mass shootings are a gun law situation, I think it’s a crazy person situation, and the money the government spends on bullshit outside of America…could be spent on America. Helping the American people have better lives…

I do think it’s a good thing that the shooter was a white dude targeting white people, to remind people that it’s not a race thing….it’s not all black vs white nonsense…the race shit is just an excuse.

I am Canadian, but I can’t imagine ever caring about anything enough to even hurt someone…apathy….a good place to be…no one dies here…except ourselves due to laziness and lazy related diseases…but that’s the only life you should be responsible for killing…you’re own…you sick fucks.

Now…back to the tits.

Here are some stepLINKS…

Dog Dance of the Day

Hooker Learns Not to Pet Lions

Singer Can’t Handle the Epic Dance Man


Drunk Girls Get Trolled with a Screwdriver

Baseball Fan Going Nuts

Hailey Baldwin and her 40 Year Old Diner Working Trailer Trash Face

Crazy Fake Tits of the Day

Em Rat Cow – Wants you to remember she has tits, is tits, and will always be tits

Posted in:stepLINKS