I'll Make You Famous…




Tara Reid’s Serious Bottom Feeding of the Day

I am surprised Tara Reid’s still alive, I just assumed she died decades ago, but instead she’s making an appearance showing off her botched fake tits we have all already seen during her fall from her peak, which really isn’t news, considering she’s really irrelevant and has been for at least 5 years and at her level of fame you’d expect her publicity stunt to involve sucking dick on camera or at least flashing some fucking cunt.

Playboy will ask me to take these down…cuz they love suing people like me….even though they send me emails every week asking me to promote their bullshit…that’s called a one-sided relationship, someone needs to teach them to share, if they did maybe they wouldn’t be going bankrupt…

I assume Lohan is next on their target list.

Posted in:Playboy|Tara Reid




Sarah Michelle Gellar in her One Piece for a Movie of the Day

It’s been a real big week for Sarah Michelle Gellar. First I wrote about how she’s pretty much fallen off the map and no one cares about her, except maybe some of her Buffy fans, because Buffy fans are usually pretty loyal, since they have little else going on, especially when it comes to pussy, even though it’s been decades since that shit was on the air, and now she’s in a movie wearing one-piece bathing suits and simulating sex and masturbating, I’m not really sure what the fuck is going on, but I definitely know this role is not comin’ in at the peak of her career, we’re into the sunset years..Good Bye Sarah Michelle Gellar, at least your fans will remember you with their multiple box sets of the Buffy Complete series, in the event one gets scratched, along with photocopies of every single picture this bitch was ever in before being in roles like this shit called Veronika Decides to Die cuz she’s gotta pay the bills….and I know still get you off….

Here’s the masturbating…

Here’s the boring Sex scene….

Posted in:One Piece|Sarah Michelle Gellar




Ali Larter’s Ass in Denim of the Day

I downloaded these pictures the other day and I wasn’t sure why. Maybe it’s because I like watching bitches shove dirty objects into slots after watching girls run for their fucking lives, especially when that dirty object being shoved into their slot is my dick…..

I don’t know who Ali Larter is, but I assume she’s been in movies, or on TV, because the paparazzi took pictures of her and despite the paparazzi usually being mexican immigrants who fuck Britney Spears, they know a hell more about this shit that I do.

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Ali Larter|Ass




Latoya Jackson Buying Lingerie for the Weirdos of the Day

Latoya Jackson went Lingerie shopping and despite having spent some time a decade and a half ago watching her playboy videos, I never really thought she had it goin on and that was before she took off her human mask and let her Alien features shine, like she was her brother, I found the whole thing pretty unsettling….

Not to mention she was quoted saying that she was lingerie shopping because….

La Toya Jackson says she’s picking up gifts “for the children” from Frederick’s of Hollywood – a famous lingerie store!

Think of this as my Michael Jackson tribute, since the only living thing that looks enough like him to imagine him molesting you when you were a little boy and had dreams of having an amusment park and petting zoo and all the toy you ever wanted all to yourself, back in a time when you didn’t know playing “hide the microphone in your ass and don’t tell your mother because we’re friends and this is “our” secret” was wrong, but you did know it makes all your dreams come true…..

Here are the disturbing pictures….and I think her hat is from “the palace hotel” in Dubai, the same hotel I think her brother is living at dressed like an arab woman convered head to toe and ninja so no one notices him, but that’s all speculation…

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Latoya Jackson|Lingerie




Some Pig Gets in on the Tiger Woods Scandal of the Day

I am pretty sure this chick is just wearing an “ironic t-shirt” about having fucked Tiger Woods and the paparazzi just got excited about it thinkin they may be breaking a story or some shit, but based on her doughy body and white trash look, I think it’s safe to say she’s from a trailer park and the only Golf she knows is when her husband takes her to the mini golf course on the anniversary to celebrate their shitty lives. She is cleary fucking disgusting but more famous than me and all she had to do was wear a shitty Tiger Woods t-shirt after years of thinking her only skill that would get noticed is how many donuts she can eat in one sitting….

Pics via INF

Posted in:Tiger Woods




Remember Keira Knightley of the Day

After seeing these pictures, I wish I didn’t….I’m being a little over dramatic…She’s not all that bad…I just didn’t have anywhere to go with this post since there’s a lot of clothing going on and very little nipple, pussy lip or ass flashing going on. There is also no dick in her mouth, her pussy isn’t getting eaten and I can’t even see fucking panties or bra. It’s pretty much a fucking disaster esepcially when she’s still young and more than capable of being one of those attention craving, insecure rich cunts all the other celebrities seem to be. Oh well.

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Boring|Keira Knightley




Alicia Keys in Some Bikini Video in Dubai of the Day

The hottest part of this video is when Alicia Keys falls on her face, not totally because I hate her, but because I like seeing stuggle on a bitches face, especially when she’s got an ego and things she’s untouchable like Alicia Keys does. She’s fucking everywhere now, pushing this album hard, collaborating with every artist, appearing on every talk show, and now releasing bikini videos to the internet, let’s just hope these bikini videos turn in getting gang banged in the tour bus, cuz I don’t trust a girl until I know what her vagina looks like and even then I don’t trust them, but at least know what their vagina looks like, which is better than not knowing what their vagina looks like, cuz otherwise I’ll just always wonder…if ya know what I mean…

Posted in:Alicia Keys|Bikini|Dubai




Sharon Stone’s Old Hard Nipple of the Day

After seeing Sharon Stone’s face slowly melt off, her neck weathered as shit, it’s almost embarrassing admitting that I still jerk off to screen shots of her pussy from Basic Instinct, but unfortunately for me, compared to the other things I’ve jerked off to over the years, her old weathered pussy is actually acceptable. I mean there have been real desperate times where real weird shit has gone down that I don’t necessarily ever want to talk about, but I’ll give you a hint and that hint is Rosie O’Donnell in that movie where she was in dominatrix gear and that’s not even scratching the surface of the dark places I’ve been with my dick…..together we are modern day explorers who never have to leave my couch.

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Nipple|old|Sharon Stone




Brittany Snow Masturbates in Some Movie of the Day

I guess things have dried up for Brittany Snow since her life changing role in John Tucker Mst Die…cuz bitch has taken up masturbating in this movie is called The Vicious Kind, something you know real bottom feeders who got all excited after they were popular for a minute and bought all these things they can’t afford today…so now they’re simulating cumming on camera and I’m not complaining…not that I find this hot…I just don’t really care either way….

Bonus – Here she is getting raped….I think….I’m not really sure what’s going on here but I think he fake cums inside her and I’m always good with fake cumming inside desperat chicks cuz I don’t like unwanted pregancy….

Either way, this is a shitty fucking sex scenes in shitty fucking movies I’ve never heard of…

Posted in:Brittany Snow|Masturbates




Gwen Stefani in a Green Bra of the Day

I don’t know if this is a reflection off all the money bitch carries around with her that she’s made scamming the public into thinking her rock hard body is hot and her girl power bubblegum ska is actual music, or that her little asian entourage is actually clever or artistic, or that her clothing line Lamb is actually stylish and worth wearing, of if it s a bra, and I really don’t give a fuck, I just don’t have anything better to do with my time than to post shit like this and ponder what the hell is goin on with her tit, so now I pass that task onto you….

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Green Bra|Gwen Stefani