I'll Make You Famous…




Wrestler Chris Jericho Attacks a Female Fan of the Day

In more abuse towards women news, piece of trash Chris Jericho was rushed by some fans in Canada recently and knocked a bitch down. That’s how we like to do things here in Canada, at least that’s what I tell my wife every time I climb her like an bouncy castle and hope the bitch drops…she never does.

The point of all this is that wrestling is a fucking joke. I don’t understand and have never understood the die hard fans of this shit. They are usually socially awkward kids you’d expect to play live-action RPGs, or locally, death metal kids, and any girl who would show up to see this fucker and get his autograph deserves to be knocked the fuck down, lets hope there is brain damage and it knocks some sense into her as she spends the rest of her life bed ridden and drooling, even if the bitch is a paid actor to give this dude a little more press because even he knows he is fighting a losing battle that is legitimizing this shit or making the public think he is relevant. Maybe he doesn’t grasp the concept of intelligence, you know since he never had to really mess with it, but I like to think society is smarter than that.

Either way, he’s a cocksucker and should keep his spandex shorts for the gay bath houses he frequents at 4 am most nights of the week, even if they leave him mad enough to punch a chick, not because he hates women and vagina because they don’t feel as good as a nice muscular man’s grip or dick down his throat, but because he is frustrated that his steroid dick gets laughed and doesn’t really appreciate that he’s only relevant because he’s nothing but an asshole to fuck to the other queers. True story.

Posted in:Chris Jericho|Fans




Chris Brown Beat Up Rihanna of the Day

I was a little surprised when I came across this story, because I heard Rihanna was going to be performing at the Grammy’s and she never showed up. then I checked my computer and got this story.

Chris Brown just entered an LAPD station, where he turned himself in to police.??Chris is being investigated by the LAPD for an alleged domestic violence felony battery that occurred early this morning near Hancock Park in L.A. Police officials said earlier today.
According to the female victim — who cops refuse to identify — she and Chris got into an argument which turned violent. Cops say when they arrived to the scene, Brown had split, but the woman had “visible injuries and identified Brown as her attacker.”

Sure, beating your woman is typical ghetto behavior. It’s how you command respect from your hoes, but I like Rihanna and I don’t like dudes who beat up women I like, unless it’s during sex and it’s the only way you can get off because you are desensitized by porn.

That said, take it easy Ike Turner, just cuz she’s more famous than you doesn’t mean you gotta rough her up. I thought whenever you fought, you’d just have a fucking dance off like the pussy you are.

I hope they give him the death sentence, but that’s just because I feel we’ve got enough Chris Brown’s in the world. We all know we like abused girls, but we don’t have to like the dudes who abuse them.

Unfortunately, like all abused girls, Rihanna, will take him back because she thinks she loves him and doesn’t want to see her boo go through all these headaches over a couple black eyes and we know his celebrity will give him the O.J. quality judgement and the whole thing and who really knows, maybe this Rihanna bitch and her new found ego deserved to be put in her place.

Here are a couple of pics of them before the incident at some Pre-Grammy party, where Rihanna probably flirted with her lover/producer/owner Jay-Z, or some other dude and Brown wasn’t too happy about it.

Sure it may be a good way to overshadow the Grammy’s and get some press, maybe it’s nothing Rihanna isn’t used to, you know being from the islands and all, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be excited when her handlers/crazed fans/family, step up and leave this Chris Brown asshole dead somewhere!

Update – It turns out that it probably wasn’t Rihanna and it was some other whore, I jumped the gun. I guess that just means their relationship was fabricated all along and just another media lie, maybe this whole beating up a girl was a lie, you know since anyone who dances like him has to be a fairy, so maybe he really beat up his mom or a guy dressed like a girl and now that the post is useless, I’ll just move the fuck on.

Another Update – It was Rihanna. Fuck these assholes are confusing…

Brown and Rihanna, whose full name is Robyn Rihanna Fenty, were apparently in a car together and got into an argument on North June Street, according to a Los Angeles Police Department statement. Brown stopped the car, the two got out, and the argument escalated, according to police.

A witness called 911, but Brown was gone when officers arrived at the scene. The woman suffered visible injuries and identified Brown as her attacker, according to police


Here are some pictures of Rihanna and Chris Brown Hump Dancing before he Pistol Whipped or whatever the fuck he did to her…


Here are RIhanna and Chris Brown Leaving in his rented Lambo, no wonder they fought, bitch doesn’t even own a real one, Rihanna expects better….

Here is Chris Brown after posting 50,000 dollar bail leaving jail, as the paparazzi laugh…

Here’s a video of Rihanna leaving the hospital cuz her pussy’s broken, and by pussy I mean face, which it is considered a pussy for gay men with colostomy bags, after their assholes have been sewn up due to disease.

Posted in:Chris Brown|Rihanna




stepLINKS of the Day

Today was a fucking headache. The older I get the harder binge drinking’s become. I spent a good part of the day and night in bed with no energy to finish this beer in my hand because I think my stomach died on me last night after eating a slice of pizza I found on the ground. I don’t like to admit that I am old, but my body’s doing a good job convincing me that I am. I also don’t remember anything from last night but know I didn’t wake up with AIDS and the strap on was still in the package, meaning it was not as successful as I’d hope. I remember part of my night being spend trying to bum money off people at an ATM machine, but don’t remember any of those people showing me their tits. I know you don’t care, but I like to keep this post as uneventful as my life lately, I didn’t even get to sexually harass any girls today and that is the one thing I truly look forward to….but here are some links.

This Could Be the Start of a Beautiful Friendship

Salma Hayek’s Tits Are Saving the World, One Aids Baby at a Time

What REALLY Happens During Commercial Break

Tracy Morgan Has Something He Wants to Say

The Hottest Celebrity Workout Tapes Ever

A Collection of Stupid Videos is Always Good For Fun

These Wii Worout Videos Just Keep Getting Better

Isla Fisher is Looking Hotter By the Day

Porn, What Is It Good For?

Alessandra Ambrosio is Bending Every Which Way

Bridget Reminds me of That Bitch Who is Paris Hilton’s Fake NEw BFF
Only Way Hotter and Naked

Barack Obama’s Facebook Chain Letter

Striptease of the Days

Tony The Tiger Hates Stonerss

Pam Anderson is Pretty Much Retarded

Find Girls to Fuck – Because Sex is a Two Person Activity

Kate Walsh’s Grandma Panty Upskirt

Miranda Kerr is Legs, Baby, All Legss

Grace Jones is Completely Fucking Insane and I Love It

This Emily Blunt Chick is Actually Kind of Hot

My Impotant Dick Felt a Tingle When I Found This Old Britney Spears Gallery

Starri is Very Naughty

Some French Bitch Flashed Mickey Rourke the Other Day

And That’s Why You don’t Street Race

IStalk – The Newest Iphone App

Sophia Rossi’s Big Tits Are All Wet

The Best Old Rock Chicks Songs

Get the Message!

OJ Want’s To Give You Some Advice

Use This To Get Sex..Because Sex is Fun

Small Man Syndrome, Anyone?

Leyla Milani is Just Too Much

Some Hot Random Asian Chicks

Hot Work Out Video of the Day

The Ultimate Child Molestation Video

Some Weird Teen Blackmails Classmates for Sex

LA Brings the Tits

Mirella in the Buff

Mel B Finally Got Rid of that Fat Ass

More Body Painted Sluts From the Superbowl Party

Billions and Billions Served

Body Shot Bonanza

Karlie Montana Gets Nakeds

Jessica is Playmate of the Month

Tijuana Prostitute Beatdown

Use Your Iphone 3G As a Wireless Modem

Pussy Tongue

Hayden Pantyairs is a Dirty Slut

The 5 Biggest Paycheck Whores

Web Cam Slutness


The Closest Thing You’ll Come to Getting Laid Tonight

Posted in:stepLINKS




Mini Me’s Sex Tape Fame Whore Gets Naked of the Day

So you all know this jew who fame whored her way into the spotlight by fucking Mini Me on camera and leaking the tape to get some attention because he was the only celebrity to give her the time of day since he’s a dwarf and doesn’t have very high standards.

Well, after realizing that her strategy to get famous didn’t have the anticipated results, she did what any fame whore would do and hired a photographer to take some nude pictures and a manager and legal team to draft a letter directed at Hugh Hefner, in hopes of getting a Playboy gig.

I didn’t go through any of this because I seriously don’t give a fuck about her, or her attempts at getting famous, if anything, I hate her for it and despite liking girls with no self respect who use sacrifice their pussies by doing really disgusting things, I don’t like seeing handicapped people being taken for a ride, seriously. Especially when they are ugly.

I did get this almost topless picture of her, so figured I’d post it regardless of my hatred of her, because I get easily blinded by nipples.

If you want to read the letter to Playboy

Here’s another one where she looks much hotter.

Posted in:Fame Whore|Jew|Mini Me|Naked|Ranae Shrider|Sex Tape|Slut




Rupert Murdoch and His Gold Digger of the Day

Nothing says “Let’s Make Boom Boom” like a pocket full of Vietnamese Dong (the currency not the penis). I mean I know guys who have recruited these South East Asians to do some of the craziest sexual stunts all for promises of the good life that will get them off their family junk (the boat not their genitals).

I know guys who have spent months upon months traveling Thailand and Vietnam, some would opt for the serious Girlfriend Experience that doesn’t work on an hourly rate like it does here, but most would try to exploit them to do the dirtiest things imaginable, sometimes to underage boys and girls all for under 10 US dollars.

So these dudes would get caught up in the whole thing, because they were living like fucking kings with a harem, and they never get this kind of female attention back home and forgot they were dealing with actual sex workers, and confused it for love, until they would wake up one day and their “girlfriends” had cleared out the place, stealing all their money and plane ticket home after garnering their trust, by pretending they weren’t fuckin’ whores who were out for themselves and that they were in fact there for the long haul. You have to be a fucking idiot to not be able to recognize a whore for a whore especially in the third fucking world where these girls have been doin’ this since they were 7.

Now, add about 8 billion dollars to your pocket full of dong and you’re troll ass can land some serious Asian prostitutes I doubt Rupert Murdoch cares because he’s old and he’s probably having some of the most experimental sex that makes him feel like the star his bank account makes him think he is, like piss and shit play, anal insertion, being strapped to a harness in the basement for days at a time only to be let out for a spanking, but who knows, all I know is the more powerful the John is in his everyday life, the weirder his fetishes and demands behind closed doors become…

Posted in:Gold Digger|Rupert Murdoch|wife




Jessica Simpson’s Lookin’ Weird of the Day

I don’t know what’s going onto Jessica Simpson’s face, but if this is what she looks like with no make-up on, they’ve done a good fucking job filling up her birth defects with movie make-up every time she leaves her fucking house all these years. At first I thought maybe I was lookin’ at it from a bad angle, or maybe it was just a bad picture, but in every single one of these, except the one from behind, Jessica Simpson looks like a monster. The kind of monster who eats all the food at every all you can eat buffet in the city. Stupid post? I agree. Blame my hangover and not me.

Posted in:Jessica Simpson|Weird




Jordan in Some Slut Outfit of the Day

When I first came to this country, I was enrolled into some Elementary school where I lived, I didn’t really fit because I couldn’t speak the language, so I don’t remember much since it was traumatic, but I do remember Lisa.

Lisa was the mother of this skinny kid with long hair, who had all these cool toys, but who everyone avoided because he was pure white trash. He dressed like a trucker, used to spit and swear and fight and smoke cigarettes and he was only 10. He would always talk about fucking and pussy and other crazy shit and was constantly being suspended. Halfway into the year, his mom came into the school to a lunch monitor, I guess to make sure he wasn’t getting into trouble, but I couldn’t really understand why the fuck the school hired her to work there, since she always dressed like a whore.

Now, I’m pretty used to seeing girls dressed in stripper gear now, but I wasn’t when I was 10, so Lisa and her spandex dresses, g-string panties, huge tits busting of her low cut shirt, hard nipples, and platform whore shoes, was something I’d look forward to. While the other kids were out playing, I’d just sit there with my little 10 year old boner staring at this platinum blonde, hoping to get a glimpse up her skirt, thinking dirty things that I didn’t really understand, like playing with those hot fucking tits.

I tried to become friends with her kid, but he was a racist, I tried to ask him if he was still breast feeding, because I knew if she was my mom, I’d never let those things go, and he’d just punch me in the face. Other kids would make fun of his mom, as if it was a negative thing to be a whore at an Elementary school, but I knew despite her being a piece of fucking trash, she was my fuckin’ dreamgirl, like Jennifer Hudson.

I like to credit Lisa for turning me into the peepin/creepy/pervert I am today, because since that year in school, the only other place I never saw a woman like that in broad daylight. I always had to go to stripclubs to get my fix and waste my money, until the day I walked into a club in my hometown and sitting across the stage from me was Lisa, smoking a cigarette, a few years older, just as trashy, and just as desperate to put food on her table, I got a lap dance from her, never told her that she was the object of my desire all these years, and the shit stain she left on my new jeans was enough to make me move on, even though it was the only time in my life that one of my dreams came true.

I assume that this kid Harvey’s going to have a lot of friends, despite not being able to function in society, because he’s retarded, and it’s all because kids know a mom like Jordan, makes an invite to the retard’s birthday worth the energy they have to put into being the retard’s friend.

Posted in:Jordan|Katie Price|Slut




Top 10 Girls Mooning on Youtube of the Day

I am slow moving today. Sometimes when I drink, I get inspired and other times when I drink, I turn into a fucking retarded kid who finds entertainment in rockin’ back and forth and who can’t seem to manage to muster up a sentence because my brain’s fucking broke. What I do know is that there was no real adventures last night, the only thing that happened other than trying to save a girl convulsing on the dance floor with my dick is that 3 of my friends and by friends I mean people I know, told me I am balding. Fat, Bald and Ethnic, what more could a girl want…maybe a small penis…well I got one of those too.

I compiled this list of Top 10 Mooning Videos I found on Youtube last weekend and never posted it. I also have a short attention span so only got 6 videos, but that’s gonna be good enough, because settling for last place and half assed posts is what I do.

So these are definitely not the top videos out there, just the first ones I found, and you will watch them.

Some Girl’s Bare Ass Being Shown to the World on Youtube

Some Girl Mooning the Camera From Afar…

Chip in Her Ass….

Moonin’ In the Car Like It Should Be Done

Girl Running Down the Street Mooning…

One out of Four Ain’t That Bad…..

A Bare Ass in Pantyhose is a Bare Ass To Me….

Posted in:Girls|Mooning|Youtube




Lindsay Lohan is a Crazy Homeless Person of the Day

As Lindsay Lohan walks around with a paper bag filled with her clothes, I can’t help but be reminded of all the other homeless people I’ve met over the years. You know, the people who keep their life in a suitcase, and by suitcase I mean garbage bag, always ready to relocate the second the police raid their tent village or the building they are squatting in. You know, the kind of whore who is dirty, addicted, malnourished, diseased, desperate to get by and willing to do pretty much anything, from bondage, to rape fetish, to lesbian sex with other homeless whores, anything to make a dollar. They are always mentally unstable, then I realized that Lindsay Lohan is pretty much homeless, she just squat’s at Ronson’s house, according to Paris Hilton, she is diseased, I mean at least with herpes, she is an addict, only a closet case white collar one, she looks malnourished, she’s desperate enough to stage lesbianism despite loving dick as much as she does, but most importantly, she’s fucking psycho, the only thing separating her from the street corner is a bank account with a lot more money in it that you or I have and a celebrity that although undeserved, is there.

Here are some pictures of Lohan with Ronson, because a Lohan Picture is not complete unless her soulmate is in them…They even made a Disney Movie about that shit, you know it was called Lilo and Her Snatch or some shit.

Bonus the Lilo and Snatch Sex Tape…

Posted in:Crazy|Homeless|Lindsay Lohan




Lady Gaga Performing for Black History Month of the Day

I figured since Black dudes will pretty much fuck anything that is white, and since Lady Gaga has a fat ass and busted face, that she should be the mascot for Black History Month here on DrunkenStepfather.com.

Here are some pictures of her sloppy ass performing in some stupid outfit, with you guessed it…a black dude who she rides on stage giving us a preview of the role playing that goes on on the tour bus, you know “Slave Master’s Daughter getting sodomized by Samson’s huge Black Dick in the Plantation Field”.

Posted in:Black History Month|Jungle Fever|Lady Gaga