I'll Make You Famous…




Who’s Gayer, Mischa Barton’s Dog or Her Boyfriend? of the Day

I haven’t quite figured out what’s gayer, Mischa Barton’s Dog or her Boyfriend. I’d write more, but why bother, no one reads the site anyway, except for assholes that threaten to sue me for illegally using their boring pictures of useless people like Micha Barton walking her fucking dog with her ladder-climbing opportunist boyfriend who thought fake dating Barton would lead to something bigger for him, before finding out the hard reality that her career is pretty much over, that’s what you get for being ambitious buttfucker.

Posted in:Boyfriend|Dog|Gay|Mischa Barton




Jennifer Aniston is Bending Over of the Day

[ Images removed in compliance with DMCA Notice ]

The good news for Jennifer Aniston and her babyless ass, is that when you are lonely and feel that you haven’t completed your role as a woman by never having a baby and when you feel insecure because guys don’t want to impregnate you but have no problem impregnating other girls making you think there’s something seriously wrong with you, there is always the pet store to give you some purpose, by adopting a dog who relies heavily on you for survival, giving you a false sense of relevance in the world, allowing you to feel like someone depends on you, loves you unconditionally and will never fuck off on you and run off with another owner because you keep a tight leash on the fuckin’ thing and because it officially belongs to you and doesn’t really have the freedom to make the same choices every other person in your life has been able to make. I am sure it’s a pretty depressing and embarrassing scene everytime she puts this fucker on her lap and tries to breast feed it like it was your own, but at least it’s keeping her from killing herself, something that may not impact society because she’s spent the last few years being a sad case, useless and irrelevant, but I am sure it has a positive impact on her life and I guess that’s all that matters…Here is her lonely, babyless ass….

In the event you were wondering – John Mayer dumped Jennifer Aniston because She’s Not Good Enough to Settle Down With….At Least She’s Got the Dogs…They’ll Never Leave Her…Looks like Life for Aniston Will Involve a Large Sex Toy Collection and a Whole Lot of Ben and Jerry’s….

Here are those pics…

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Posted in:Ass|Bending|Jennifer Aniston




Jenny McCarthy Does Autism in a Bikini of the Day

I was walking down the street yesterday and had a little altercation with an Autistic kid without realizing it. I was standing on the street corner pretending to be a hooker, as I like to do sometimes, because my theory is that we all need a little glamor in our lives sometimes, and some mother was pushing her baby along in a stroller. I looked at the kid, who was sucking its thumb and lazily getting toted around by its mom and I realized the girl was 12 years old. I turned to a girl next to me and asked if she sucked her thumb like that when she was 12 and if her mom still dressed her up and played baby with her because she was the kind of mom who tried so hard to get pregnant, that when she did, she never wanted to let her go by growing u and still breast fed her at 12 and never potty trained her so that she could always change her little babies diaper, even after her little baby had her period and pubes, because the mom always wanted to be part of the girls life. The girl next to me was giggling then pointed out that the mom had a t-shirt that read “Mother’s of Austism 2008”, and I realized that I was an asshole.

Speaking of Autism, here are some pictures of Mother of an Autistic kid and her brother who she turned into her lover, and she’s in a bikini. Now, I don’t know about you, but I wanted to fuck the annoying, loud, obnoxious smile off this bitch’s face in the 90s, so it is only natural for me to document her bikini body whenever I can and the truth is, retarded baby from a broken down uterus or not, I still want to fuck the obnoxious smile off her face and bring the tears, pain and depression like I normally bring every time a girl gets with me.

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Posted in:Autism|Bikini|Jenny McCarthy




Rihanna is in her Bikini with Chris Brown of the Day

So it is official, I am finally having low self esteem dreams. Last night, I had a dream that I was out partying with my wife back when she was hot. She ended up disappearing on me and running off with some 55 year old rich dude who wasn’t fat and I was scrambling trying to find her. When I did, she had just finished fucking the shit out of the dude and started telling me how much better he was than me and how she was going to be leaving me because she was in love. It turned out the dude was married and wanted nothing to do with her, so she came crawling back to a broken down me. Having no self esteem I took her back and from that point on she knew she had me by the balls.

The truth is that if that happened in my real life, where my wife is 300 pounds, I’d be happy as fuck if this happened because another man would mean that I wouldn’t have to do my husband duties once a month and service her greasy box like some kind of sick mechanic, like I have no choice to do right now, but for some reason waking up from that dream made me feel more worthless than I did going bed next to that bitch.

Speaking of love, here are some pictures of Rihanna with her boyfriend who she claims isn’t her boyfriend in Barbados in her bikini that are uninspiring, even though I find her hot, but they are good enough to start the day. I don’t like that she’s obnoxiously chosen a Pink jet ski, because I hate girls who are obsessed with the color pink and need all accessories to have some pink in it, but I do like their pink. I also like that she’s tapping into her African roots by wearing her Zebra inspired top and mismatched bottom like she can’t afford a bikini that matches like she was in the fuckin’ projects, but the top is good enough for me, it’s like Animal Planet and I would totally get Steve Irwin on her ass like we were at his Australian zoo and I was hunting that shit down to feed it, but Steve Irwin is dead and so is my motivation.

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Posted in:Bikini|Chris Brown|Rihanna




stepLINKS of the Day

The latest development in my life is that I am balding. As I fat man, I always prided myself in having the most luxurious unkempt, unwashed, uncut matted hair in the neighborhood, but today when walking by some drunk, asian panhandler who was hanging out in traffic and who turned to me and screamed in some thick accent I could barely understand that I must hate my life because not only am I fat but I am also going bald….I got mad, sad and decided the only thing that would make me happy was to smack his Chinese take-out box full of pennies out of his hand and all over the street. I am an asshole, but maybe motherfuckers should shut their fucking mouths and stick to being drunk and poor and and asian and leave innocent drunk, fat, balding motherfuckers alone.

Either way, when I got home I looked for a mirror to check out my hair, because I was self conscious about the shit and it turns out the fucker was right. Now, I’ve got nothing going for me except for my links and here they are..

What the Fuck Happened to Maria Menounos?

This is The Dumb Bitch of the Day

Got a hot photo shoot for you, check out Holly Huddleston from E!’s Sunset Tan Being a Slut…

Natasha Henstridge is in a Bikini

Jodie Marsh is Topless and Pole Dancing

More Garbage from Tropic Thunder Bullshit….

Long Beach Hot Rod Hotties

Silvia Saint Will Make Your Mouth Water

The 10 Hottest Videos of Girls Jumping on Trampolines

Cunt Rap: Terra Patrick Vs Jenna Jameson

Sienna Miller is a Grimey Homewrecker I Want to Fuck

The 20 Worst Gymnastic Falls of All Time

The Top 9 College Movies of All Time….

Top 10 Videos of Girls Eating Phallic Food

Katie Holmes in Some Hot Tight Jeans…

Sluts in Whipped Cream Bikinis…

Some Big Titties Break Glass in this Innovative Titty Ad

Two Israeli Sluts with Olympic Body Paint Flags

Is This Art or Is This Shit….

Sienna Miller is a Homewrecking Crybaby


No Arms, One Leg Bowling. Wait. What?

Sex Tapes That Will Scare You Away From Porn Forever

Move Over Angelina, There’s a New Lara Croft

I Call This The Pussy Treasure Map

Here’s The Promos With Shitney Spears for the VMAS and They are Even Worse Than You Can Imagine

Topless Tennis is the Only Way to Play

Asian Hotties Beat Down White Guy in the Dry Cleaners

Bikini Cat Fight!

Marketa Day’s Ass is Fantastic

Boobs and Lotion = Hours of Fun

Some Winehouse Drama We Have All Been Needing

Is It Me, Or Is Jessica Simpson Gettin Hefty Again?

LA Billboard Queen Angelyne is a Hot Piece

Pam Anderson is a Fucking Drunk

Cutie Blond Takes it Off

Kate is a Perfect 10

Get Laid Today

Fuck I Hate Horses

Nothing Like a Naked Crack Whore

God Damn Addison Rose is Fine!

More Olympic Volleyball Hotties

Art is in the Eye of the Beholder

Man FHM Rules So Much When It’s Not The American Version

Serena Williams Is Actually Looking Good In this Photoshoot

Why Dogs are Smartr Than Babies

Guitar Hero – Kurt Cobain Edition

Tracy Turnblad’s Dad is Out on Bail

I Don’t Know Who Menia Mathioudaki is But I Would Like to Find Out

Hef’s Got a New Girlfriend

fix a Wet Cell Phone With Rice


She’s Blonde, She’s Trashy and She’s Posing Slutty…

This Bitch in a Bikini Wants You….

Web Slits Done Right

Find the Best Places To Spend Your Money For Masturbation….

Buy This Cuz You Have No Soul….

Posted in:stepLINKS




Jamie Foxx and His Nazi Boogie Board of the Day

Everyone is calling Jamie Foxx a racist for being on a Boogie Board with a Swastika on it, while all I see is the fuckin’ comedy of anyone on a Boogie Board. It’s like shit’s made for 10 year old girls who don’t know how to surf and lame people who are too pussy to learn how to surf. It’s like the equivalent of how gay rollerblading looks next to skateboarding, or skiing looks next to snowboarding, or tandem bikes look to mountain bikini, or paddle boats look to white water rafting.

So who cares that there are some icons on the shit, like a Star of David, Swastika and Peace sign in some gay fuckin’ message of peace someone pulled while back backing the area like a dirty tree hugging hippie poser in Birkenstocks wrote to leave his mark after renting the boogie board his “LonelyPlanet” Guide told him to do, so that he can come home for his second year of college and bore everyone he knows including his pseudo-intellectual Poli-Sci buddies in his class about his shitty summer travels that were so fuckin’ life changing, culturally riveting, enlightening and inspiring that no one cares about, but make him think he’s a fuckin’ expert.

The truth is, who cares that there’s a Swastika on his shit, if I was renting a Boogie Board, the least of my concerns would be what the other loser who rented it before me wrote on it, and more about whether anyone around me would notice me carrying a Boogie Board to go use in the ocean like an 8 year old girl. It’s the same shame that comes every time my wife makes me carry her purse.

I guess all this to say is that Swastikas are just a misunderstood peace sign that got some bad press in the 40s and symbols don’t breed hate or make you a racist…burning crosses in white robes on people’s front yards does.

Posted in:Jamie Foxx|Nazi




Miley Cyrus and Her Spoiled Brat Face of the Day

Miley Cyrus may be richer than Jesus, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t a stain on the world…. The truth is when I look at these pictures of her lookin’ like she just got her wisdom teeth removed, with her busted up mouth and swollen face, I am amazed that she’s even got cast to be on the show that changed the world. I am just as surprised that she hasn’t used some of her money to get corrective dental surgery all while not knowing how a producer looked at her and said that she’s the one they are going to invest in.

I am also shocked that people are drawn to her, find her attractive or talented while she sounds retarded everytime she speaks and looks like a less than average girl. The worst thing in all this is that I know the cunty attitude she probably lays down on everyone, because she knows she’s a big deal and because her bank account is pretty fuckin’ full and this bratty face of hers is one that needs a good fuckin’ beating because that scour is one a 4 year old makes when in line in front of me at the grocery store and his mom doesn’t buy him candy about 30 seconds before the screaming and tantrum throwing starts. The same tantrum throwing that gets under my fuckin skin and makes me want to suicide bomb the fuckin store, but in all fairness I have social anxiety and don’t really like being in public when sober.

Either way, she reminds me of the kids at the house I used to do landscaping for who had parents that were never around, because the mom was too busy fucking her tennis coach and her personal trainer when not buying designer clothes or at the spa getting her hair and nails done and the dad was too busy working making money to support their lavishly annoying lifestyle, that the kids were stuck with a nanny who they treated like a shitty fucking employee at a Plantation in the south in the 1800s. I’m talking spitting on the bitch and tormenting her and neglecting to listen to anything she said because they knew they had the power and they knew she wouldn’t complain because she knew the parents would side with the kids leaving her and her illegal ass on a plane back home.

I hate rich kids and I hate their fuckin’ “me” mentality that makes them neglect to be pleasant people to be around because they are too busy complaining, whining and being obnoxious while always getting their spoiled rich kid cunt way…..the only thing good about rich kids is the drug addiction and sexual escapades they do in attempts to get some attention from their parents, but that’s just because sex and drugs are inspiring.

Posted in:Brat|Miley Cyrus




Some Olympic Water Polo Nipple Slip of the Day

The Olympics are like porn for sexually confused dudes who get off to women who look like men and here is some further proof with a water polo nipple slip. Now despite the fact that shit looks like it’s attached to some broad shoulders only your dad could have and you’re wondering if this is a Ladybug or Serena Williams situation, where she’s actually just a man too weak to play on the men’s team who has a sponsorship deal with duct tape, but the truth is that hot girls don’t do sports on this kind of competitive level, they are too busy doing other things, like shopping and lookin’ pretty and their idea of fitness is not eating for 2 days and taking a lot of laxatives or joining a pilates group so that guys want to fuck them more than they already want to fuck them, so when watching the Olympics, you gotta expect some sexually ambiguous chicks who look like dudes, and now you can check out their muscular nipples to jerk off to. Weirdo.

Posted in:Olympic|Water Polo




Marcela Mar has a Nipple Slip of the Day

Here is Marcela Mar having a nipples slip a couple of weeks ago, for those of you who don’t know her, she’s some kind of Columbian actor who I guess is trying to make it big in the USA all while proving that Cocaine is still the number 1 Columbian export and she doesn’t even come a close second, but I guess when you’re addicted to cocaine, nothing really comes a close second to it, not even your job, your wife or your kids or your life savings, it’s one of those things that is just that good, making it tough competition for pretty much anything….this bitch could be the hottest piece of ass the world has ever seen, sent from God to make gay men straight again, since I hear God’s tired of all this homo shit, and she still would have nothin’ on Cocaine, so I guess the point of my post is that you should go to Columbia, because no only do the women show off their nipples but there is an endless supply of Yay.

Posted in:Marcela Mar|Nipple Slip




Paris Hilton and The Good Charlotte Sister are No More of the Day

So it turns out that Paris Hilton has finally come to her senses and dropped this whole lesbian theme that’s been going down the last couple months in Hollywood because it was overbearing and her career went to shit, by leaving her lesbian lover Benji Madden. The rumor is that she’s moved onto the CEO of Myspace named Chris DeWolfe, which is pretty appropriate considering that Myspace is dying as fast as Paris Hilton’s career and this is the kind of thing that a company in extreme desperation would try to stage to get back in the news……

Now I hate Paris Hilton as much as I hate Benji Madden and his suburban rockstar/popstar bullshit image with his fake tattoos, his sex with his twin brother that isn’t gay because it’s like they are masturbating since they are the same person, but I don’t hate either of them as much as I hate Myspace, because neither Paris or Good Charlotte fucked me over personally, I can just ignore their retarded behavior, but Myspace deleted my profile that I was trying to use to get famous like I was Tila Tequila and that shit’s not at all forgivable, kinda the same feeling Chris DeWolfe will feel when Paris Hilton moves onto new cock and he realizes that he threw away his marriage for this subpar broken down vaginaed slut in some act of desperation, mid-life crisis or just plane dirty ol’ man maneuvering.

Here is Paris Hilton celebrating the fact that she’s fucking an old man at the Playboy mansion with other whores who fuck an old man…..it’s nice to see like-minded people finally finding each other, it’s like when two socially awkward people who have no friends in their local towns, but find each other on the internet and end up marrying and living a happy life they otherwise wouldn’t live, but the lingerie, fake tit, blonde, get paid too much money to get naked and fuck on camera because we don’t consider ourselves everyday strippers/whores version…..

Posted in:Good Charlotte|MySpace|Paris Hilton|Playboy|Uncategorized