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Archive for the SFW Category




Sara Jean Underwood Making Tea of the Day



I don’t know why Sara Jean Underwood has decided to make a comeback…but she’s doing it aggressively.

She disappeared for what must be 5 years, and the people who were jerking off to her when she was the 18 year old Playboy Playmate of the year, moved onto the hundreds of thousands of other girls who are just as hot if not hotter than her, but the nerds who fell in love with her when she was trying to go legit as a host of G4TV, the only show on TV that featured this site as a credible news source, proving they were doomed in terms of journalism from the start…just never gave up on her fake tits, that have been tainted by Ryan Seacrest, but likely purchased by Ryan Seacrest, when she spent those 5 months as one of his hookers…because in the event you don’t know Seacrest, motherfucker loves stupid clown tits…

Anyway, she’s not doing Playboy, but she’s doing shoots…that aren’t naked enough for someone who is an aging playboy playmate, I’m assuming 30 or older…you know that should be porn…but since these are just preview pics for whatever this is…they could be porn…fingers crossed…I only want the best for a girl who’s pussy I’ve already seen, I’m loyal like that..

People Love Sara Jean Underwood Naked – So CLICK HERE to see her nude…

Posted in:Sara Jean Underwood|SFW




Zoe Saldana On Donald Trump for Latina Magazine of the Day


Zoe Saldana is in the latest issue of Latina Magazine…because I guess she’s not a creature from Avatar after all, unless Domincan is where Avatar people are from…

Latina or alien or not, she will always be remembered as the creature from Avatar, because nerds are very loyal too the girls in their nerd movies, and commit to them for a long time….they probably still jerk off to that…and seeing her like this…is more “who is this non-blue bitch”….

Doesn’t matter..

What matters is she’s talking about people like Trump….because as a latina, the undocumented people are still fucking people, and as a Canadian, I’ll say US immigration is fucking bureaucrazy bullshit…and Donald Trump is just a marketer, who likes to sensationalize things, touch on real issues, but talk to the lowest common denominator with words they want to hear….because it’s only hope of getting the vote…not to mention those are the people watching TV…and who created the Kardashians…the masses..

Here’s her quote:

“This topic of immigration hurts because I don’t want to be angry anymore. I don’t believe that what anybody else is saying is true about me or my people. I’m kind of embarrassed when you see all of these people talking on national television, and it’s like, ‘Oh my God, if your grandfather were alive today, when he came here from Ireland, from Italy, escaped the f*cking war in Russia. You’re rotting his name to shame. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, or how many degrees from Ivy League schools. You’re such a bigot. You’re such a hick right now.’ People have to be open to the reality of what’s happening in our country.”

I am a firm believer that energy should be spent in educating the uneducated racist retards…to make America a great place, not because I’m Mexican, but because the same people who protest adult DVD stores, or strip clubs, or Starbucks for making their cup red…with a trailer full of babies, just need a little guidance to get it…but instead these people like trump perpetuate the morons…because he’s power hungry..

So dumb…but what’s really dumb is that this isn’t a nude shoot.

Posted in:SFW|Zoe Saldana




Selena Gomez is Disney’s Creepiest Animatronic of the Day

I don’t know what Selena Gomez was originally designed to be, I am assuming the live action Dora the Explorer, I mean it is an internationally huge fucking brand, and it’d be worth investing the 100 millions of dollars in creating the AI version, especially if you can put in out there in the meantime and make it make movies and produce songs…because when your AI makes money, you make the money…

What I am saying is, there’s no way that Selena Gomez is a real person..that face is all Muppet…her position in the world…so artifical…her paparazzi pics with her new boyfriend, some possibly gay, she’s into the possibly gay, swimwear sales men, who I’m sure is rich..because even AI bitches love rich dudes..

Hollywood is bullshit, but it is not all bad, but sometimes there are people who are everything wrong with the industry..and that person is Selena Gomez..but at least her dress is easy to clean up after you cum all over it, or piss on her, a feature the Disney engineers programmed into her, because why not make you’re AI a urinal if you can…Nerds love Secret features..

Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Miley Naked at the VMAs of the Day


I can’t get enough Miley Cyrus….mainly because she gets naked…and has a little hipster bush..and that’s all I really require in my life to survive..

Sure, her music sucks, her branding is annoying TUMBLR fake, her voice is terrifying..but I never turn down an inbred chick, rich or not, who get naked…as long as they get naked…because naked…is so contemporary…so now…so new…even though I’ve always known bitches who get naked…and i’ve always liked girls who get naked..



Licking the Pinannnnny


Posted in:Miley Cyrus|SFW




Chloe Bennet Wants You To Know Who She Is on All Fours of the Day


Chloe Bennet wants you to know who she is…so she had her boyfriend upload a picture of her on all fours…before she pretended to be mad at him and made him take it down…in a stop showing me off kind of way..

Considering that I don’t know who the fuck Chloe Bennet is, and I do this shit all day, and I’ve just googled her to see who she is…I guess it’s working…

She’s on a show called Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D…..which sounds terrible, one of those “Why the fuck does TV put money into this low budget shit shows”….because there is no creativity in the world…

There is an audience…virgin losers who need this shit…to have purpose…and connect with something…nerds with social issues…LOVE THESE shows…and the babes they cast on them…

What’s interesting in all this is that her name is actually Chloe Wang..

Posted in:Chloe Bennet|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Nude in Bed Snapchat of the Day


Bella Thorne who just turned 18, despite looking like she’s 40…something I like to attribute to her being 40…

I just assume she’s from some River Phoenix type weird cult hippie family, with a dozen kids, all of whom were thrown into acting in Hollywood…to finance the hippie family life…the other two made valiant efforts Dani and Kali, but the prized hen was this one….

Who has now gone to snapchat to show you a topless pic that isn’t topless enough, but it’s a start because she’s just turned “18”….has still be whoring forever thanks to parents with a dream of a good life…so she knows to ease into the nipple pics to maximize excitement, anticipation from her fans….that I call creepy dads forced to watch Nickelodeon…by their kids..

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Ireland Baldwin Ass Flash Beast Mode of the Day


Ireland Baldwin is a bit of a beast but at least she flashes her ass on instagram…not that I would know, she has blocked me on everything…what a little unappreciative jerk…or as her dad best described her…”A Rude Thoughtless Pig”..words that have put her into the broken girl status, much like refugee status, that has led to her being in rehab at least once…after being ready to marry to some surf dude, before going hardcore goth lesbian…with some molested black girl…

Weird…but now, she’s gone to showing her big thong ass on the internet…which is a natural step, when struggling with feeling inadequate as your cousin Hailey gets the life that you think you deserve because you’re the rich one…with more famous parents..who is actually model height..

Good ass though..

Posted in:Ireland Baldwin|SFW




Jessica Simpson’s See Through to Tit Shirt of the Day

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Apparently, you can see nipple in sweater thanks to flash bulbs and cheap Jessica Simpson fabrics used in her quick to market, K-Mart brand of clothing….that just can’t handle being stretched out over her notoriously huge tits, huge tits, that haven’t turned into pecs despite all the fitness she’s committed herself to, in order to fulfill her Weight Watchers contract and really to fulfill her obligations as a pop star, who may not do music anymore, but instead makes babies while her dad fucks boys, her sister makes half black babies, and her husband cashes in on being the dude who fucks the dumb blonde chick everyone wanted to fuck 15 years ago….

I guess what I’m saying, is that I think these pics are substantial, well deserved, a little late to the game with the nipples, but glad she tries, despite her billions of dollars..

I guess what I’m saying is that I love when married moms use their tits as the last thing they have going for them in terms of sex appeal to get attention..


Here is a beautifully shot video of her from the night..


Posted in:Jessica Simpson|SFW




Eiza Gonzalez is Good of the Day

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Eiza Gonzalez is some Mexican bitch who doesn’t look like any Mexican bitch I’ve ever seen…but I guess in my defence, I just assume all Mexican bitches look like the neckless chamber maids at hotels across Americas…at least when not working at the local Mexican restaurant making corn tortillas…

Apparently Eiza Gonzalez was famous in Mexico as a singer and actress, and in efforts to be like Sofia Vergara, decided that America in all their PC glory, wound need a Mexican to relate to their ever growing Mexican Audience…you know because they can’t just keep producing content for white people, it isn’t inclusive or what America about…despite what Trump is telling you…

As a self hating Mexican Canadian, when I see girls like this, who are Mexican…it gives me hope of our impending takover funded by billions of dollars in drug money just as soon as our army has infiltrated your borders..

Either Eiza Gonzalez … she’s really something….and can be found on TV because when you’re hot, rich and have something marketable, like that you’re Mexican…you can Eva Longoria yourself just fine….Hollywood is easy to crack.

Posted in:Eiza González|SFW




Demi Lovato’s Thick Leg in Fuck Me Boots of the Day


You know, the caption “THICK LEG IN FUCK ME BOOTS”…is a hot fucking visual, gives a hot fucking concept, even for someone who likes skinny girls, because a thick leg is so sturdy sounding and fuck me boots are so hot, because fucking a skinny bitch is ok, but requires work, but a thick leg to me means a strong leg, and capable of riding my lazy big belly for hours…thick leg is also good to wrap around my neck…

But Demi Lovato…ruins it…when it’s her thick leg in fuck me boots…makes the whole thing substantially too real…

I just find her totally unattractive, even disgusting to look at. I also think her whole “embrace your body”…marketing campaign is manipulative, but I guess as a Disney Kid, manipulative marketing is all she’s been trained in…


Here she is performing…


Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW