I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Olivia Culpo’s Cameltoe of the Day

Olivia Culpo's Cameltoe

When you are a pageant girl from 100 years ago like Olivia Culpo, who I am sure very few people have ever heard of, but who has been invited to a handful of events, and has dated at least one Jonas brother…so that she’s managed to meet at least one paparazzi who she can call to schedule a meeting with…one where she walks out pretending not to notice cameras on her…that she called…because no one gives a fuck about her…proven by the no eye contact…she’s probably not even on a fucking call..

BUT she does have a cameltoe…marketing…you know how it is…gettin’ press for all the right reasons when you’re pretty much a nobody…



Posted in:Olivia Culpo|SFW




Selena Gomez’s New Face at Lupus Event of the Day

Selena Gomez Lupus Event

Selena Gomez has Lupus, she’s had organ failure like David Cassidy with her Lupus, she has had organ transplants from organs she harvasted from groupies who wanted to be famous, wanted to be near the source of all things Selena Gomez, willing to give up part of them for the doughy faced weirdo….

She was at a LUPUS event, because I guess she’s been convinced to use her voice to try to find a cure, probably out of guilt that she’s survived due to being rich and if she wasn’t rich she’d be dead…

But these vapid Disney assholes don’t feel guilt, they jus thing they deserve the world, coddled, but still hating themselves, it’s a weird dynamic…one you’d hope the terminal disease eliminates…but…I did some research and saw this fact:

In severe cases, organs damage and failure can occur. Over 90 percent of people with lupus are women between the ages of 15 and 45. Historically, lupus caused people to die young, primarily from kidney failure. Today, with careful treatment, 80 to 90 percent of people with lupus can expect to live a normal lifespan.

Meaning, we’re stuck with this little chipmunk, her nonsense, her unstable drug abuse, her emotionally distress and relationship with beiber, her implants and new face…is not going anywhere, so maybe you should jerk off to it.


Posted in:Selena Gomez|SFW




Camila Mendes Slutty for Men’s Health Magazine of the Day

Camila Mendes for Men's Health

Thanks to my stolen Netflix account, I have seen Riverdale, all of the first season really…I’ve always been into shitty teen mystery storylines – even when they are fucking terrible…

The entire time I was watching Riverdale I was trying to understand how it had anything to do with Archie Comics, besides name and setting, but more importantly, I questioned why they made Veronica a rich Mexican, I mean other than because of inclusion…but MORE importantly, I wondered why they used an ugly Mexican to play Veronica, all thick necked and weird jawed, so that every time she acted hot I’d screen at the TV “SHE IS NOT FUCKING HOT”….make her the fucking chambermaid at the Five Seasons…

But then again, so many ugly rich girls act like they are hot and get male attention like they are hot because they’ve marketed themselves as hot…even when they aren’t hot..I call the Hadid and Jenners and Baldwins as evidence…so I GUESS IT MAKES SENSE…even if nothing else about it does…

She’s in Men’s Health, because I guess a lot of 40 year old pervert dudes who read Men’s Health are following Riverdale…which is weird in and of itself…but not as weird as this photoshoot.

What I am trying to say is Cheryl Blossom all the fucking way

Posted in:Camila Mendes|SFW




Kendall Jenner Made 22 Million Dollars Last Year of the Day

Kendall Jenner made 22 million dollars last year…which is enough money to re-affirm her position as being an important player in the grand scheme of the world…rewarded like the rest of her family, despite being the fucking worst humans ever…the people other people can’t stand…yet girl’s still making 22 million dollars…it’s weird, it makes no sense on a cultural level, why would such garbage be celebrated so much, and she’s not even hot…but America is about consumption, girl has following, girl gets paid a commission, like an AVON lady, disguised as a model…but that doesn’t mean it’s not gross…

The good news is that it’s enough money for her to get the good face injections.

Here are some of her highlights of the year….the 22 million dollars of highlights..

Here she is in a see through..

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Minka Kelly Stuffing her Face of the Day

Minka Kelly Stuffing her Face with Pineapple

Minka Kelly is one of these actresses who all the weird nerdy dudes get a hard on for, because I guess she’s just so fucking basic and accessible they feel like they’ve got a shot, without realizing that when you take a average looking girl, celebrate her, pay her well, give her work…she gets this ego and thinks she’s fucking hot and can’t fully process that they are average at best, sure there’s the typical woman insecurities, but ultimately, she’ll only fuck money, hang with money and do money thing, a consumer, her life filled with stuff…not down to earth at all but rather an ego who thinks she’s more important than people while pretending to be down to earth…it’s all nonsense…

But watching her and her 40 year old seducing us by eating in public erotica….is a fetish…a weird fetish but a fetish nevertheless.

Posted in:Minka Kelly|SFW




Vitamin Vape is Necessary of the Day

Vitamin Vape

VITAMIN VAPE is a great fucking concept…it’s allows you to take your vitamins while you’re vaping….and if you had a mother growing up…you’ll know just how important it is to take your vitamins..

As an unhealthy fuck, I realize the importance of bio-hacking, you know figuring out ways to medicate your body, to off set the bad things you do to your body – living on the grid in this radioactive, radio wave, technology filled, processed filled world…

It’s one of those take your fucking vitamins and do what you can to not fall into the arms of the evil pharma companies who want you sick, dying, to make them money…you are their bottom line…

So why not get a boost of Vitamin B while doing what you love…VAPING

So each vaporizer contains 14 times the amount of B12 you’d find in a shot.

Studies have shown that inhaling B12 can be 100’s of times more effectively absorbed than pills.

If you have symptoms of chronic fatigue, mood disorders like depression, and chronic stress or feeling run down – you may need some VITAMIN B12.

Vitamin B12 is also an essential vitamin for addressing adrenal fatigue, multiple metabolic functions — including enzyme production, DNA synthesis and hormonal balance

It helps maintain energy levels…it prevents memory loss and lowers risk of neurodegenerative disease…it boosts Mood and helps the Nervous System to Properly Function…
and it plays a role in maintaining heart health….

Sounds good to me…

Get yours if you just

Get yours if you just

Get yours if you just

Get yours if you just

Posted in:Featured Post|SFW




Ana Braga Ready for Thanksgiving of the Day

Ana Braga Pumpkin

Ana Braga is a magical creature….

She’s actually my go-to snapchat takeover girl, not that I update my snapchat, but I used to and Ana Braga was the answer….

It didn’t make my snapchat relevant, like none of her paparazzi efforts of bottom feeding made her famous or relevant…

But people still talk about her, and old Playboy model from another country…living out her AMerican dream..

She’s an interesting character..and here she is getting everyone into the Thanksgiving spirit, because she’s in AMerica…living the life of Freedom she wants…the shit she dreamt about in the 50s when she was growing up..

Goddess..really..chasing the paparazzi…really…legends.

Ana Braga Taking Selfies in a Bra


Posted in:Ana Braga|SFW




Olivia Wilde Still in a Swimsuit of the Day

Olivia Wilde Swimsuit

Olivia Cockburn is in her one piece bathing suit – because she’s doing us all a favor knowing she’s an old washed up – loose skinned mom – who has a stomach no one really needs to see – or that she doesn’t want anyone to see as she’s in the process of toning up to get back to that place of hype she once had before being a mom – as Olivia Wilde…because Cockburn isn’t as marketable even though it’s the tactic she likely used to get a career….even with her connections and money from her family..I don’t believe in hollywood celebrity on merit or buying a career alone…there was cock burning going on…like a survivalist in the wilderness trying to use friction to stay warm….just rubbing and rubbing until there was smoke and hope of a spark..you get what I’m saying here…and that’s that she’s a whole lot of hype…uninteresting..in her one piece…take it in dudes…take it in…some mom body…on vacation…eroticism…

Posted in:Olivia Wilde|SFW




Slutty Behind The Scenes at Victoria’s Secret of the Day

BTS Victoria's Secret

I hate participating in the Victoria’s Secret fashion show hype, because I find it fucking boring…I find it ridiculous…and ultimately, in a world filled with these very girls getting naked in photoshoots all the fucking time, it’s obsolete, out dated…

I hate knowing it’s an infomercial, for a mall brand, that tries to be over the top and exciting, in a televised fiasco of clickbait on paid timeslot from NBC or whoever they buy it from, because it makes serious fucking money for the brand…and we are all just fucking suckers..

These impractical and uninteresting underwear creations on promo models who are all hot, no doubt, but so many people are hot…are not worth our time…

I guess other people are catching onto that as they make their way to China to sell bootleg shit produced in their sweatshops back to them…


Posted in:SFW|Victoria's Secret




Easily and Affordably Obtain a Medicinal Cannabis Card in California and New York

I find it ridiculous that weed is federally illegal, it’s obviously some kind of conspiracy, and even with the legalization of it in Canada, it’s all tactics for the government to have their hands in your pocket, to tax you and to control something that they’ve finally realized they can’t control.

It’s a fucking plant….A fucking plant…that you can grow, that will grow like a weed, but as a people we decided to let the Government decide it’s criminal for no fucking reason, now suddenly it’s not going to be illegal and the same cops will be smoking weed with you at a party like it’s a beer…just because someone decided it’s legal..

Now it’s not legal in the USA, but there are loopholes, so that’s why I posting this important article for you to figure out how to get your medical card in New York, because the fact it’s criminal blows my fucking mind…

California New York medical cannabis card

“Do I need a California medical cannabis card? A New York one?”

These and similar questions are all over the news and the blogosphere. States are passing laws giving people access to medical marijuana and, in some states, recreational cannabis. However, just because the states have relaxed the rules doesn’t mean you can march into your doctor’s office and ask him or her for a medical cannabis prescription.

Qualifying for a Medical Cannabis Card

Despite its overwhelming healing properties, medical marijuana still falls under the federal classification of a schedule 1 drug, which specifies that these substances have no medical benefits.

In most states that’ve given the thumbs up, you’ll need to find a licensed medical marijuana doctor commissioned by the state to get certified based on your condition(s).

Medical conditions vary by state and the list of qualifying conditions can be updated at any time. An occasional headache isn’t enough for a recommendation; you must have a debilitating or chronic condition such as Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer, AIDS & HIV to be considered.

In New York, chronic pain was recently added to the list, which has been on California’s since the beginning. This less specific condition gives doctors some leeway in their diagnosis.

Finding a Cannabis Doctor

Finding medical marijuana consultations can be challenging. It’s possible your primary physician may know some legit cannabis doctors, but this isn’t always the case. States won’t make it publicly known which doctors are permitted to recommend marijuana, for fear these docs would get inundated with people claiming phony conditions.

The laws in both New York and California mark major breakthroughs for sufferers of several serious, chronic conditions. Before instant online access was available, you had to spend time searching “medical cannabis certifications near me.” Plus you had to make an appointment, travel, wait, and pay a hefty fee to get certified–and if you weren’t, you might still have to pay for the visit.

Luckily in New York and California you can get direct access to these California and New York medical cannabis doctors online with NuggMD’s telemedicine service. Consult with a live doctor via phone or video chat then become approved in minutes. It doesn’t get much easier than this.

The NuggMD Process Slightly Differs in Each State

The process of obtaining medical marijuana is faster and cheaper in California than it is in New York. Plus, in both states, you’re only charged if approved!

California New York medicinal cannabis

While a visit to a NY state-licensed pot doctor would cost an average of $250, a NuggMD MMJ certification is just $199 and $99 for annual renewals. But before you New Yorkers ask, “Can I buy cannabis in California with my New York certification?,” know that it’s only valid in your home state.

In California, the recommendation costs much cheaper, only $39 and $59 for the rec and a picture ID card.

Acquiring Medical Cannabis Differs in Each State

Once you become a cannabis patient, the next step is to obtain your medication. Yet you can’t just go to a pharmacist and get vape oil cartridges ; you’ll need to use a state-approved marijuana dispensary.

Californians can order cannabis from several dispensaries immediately after your rec is issued using Nugg, the state’s biggest online delivery platform. You don’t have to register with the state. Golden State MMJ patients can also cultivate as many medical plants as necessary within 100 square feet.

Prior to searching “medical cannabis dispensaries near me,” New Yorkers must register with the Department of Health after being approved; once you do, you can only obtain medical weed from certain state-approved dispensaries. Another bummer: Empire State patients can’t grow any medicinal plants.

Attitudes about medical cannabis and marijuana itself are changing. This could eventually lead to relaxing federal laws allowing for more testing in the field. No matter what happens, rest assured that NuggMD is your go-to resource in helping you improve your life with medical marijuana.

There you go…

Posted in:Featured Post|SFW