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Archive for the SFW Category




Elle Fanning’s Youthful Booty of the Day


Elle Fanning is the Ali Lohan to Lindsay Lohan, the Jamie Lynn Spears to Britney, the Ashlee Simpson to Jessica…or most excitingly…Haley Duff…but more the Julia Roberts to Eric Roberts…you know the celebrity riding the more famous siblings riding her sister’s coattails, because the older sibling paved the way for her to enter the scene…and the stage parents learned from their mistakes and bad deals from their first attempt at the industry…

You know the younger, cuter one replacing her the washed up egotistical one….and this Elle Fanning is talways in her fitness gear – rocking the sports bra – and tight pants because it’s subtle whoring…fitness whoring at luckily at 18 she knows she’s gotta maintain that body in order to maintain a career in Hollywood….unlike all these fat girls getting attention for being fat….and thank god for that…


Posted in:Elle Fanning|SFW




Lady Gaga’s Shorts of the Day


Lady Gaga’s confident, strong, amazing and her wearing shorts the length of a pair of underwear is proof that pants, or even regular length shorts are for the weak.

Or maybe, just maybe, she does anything she can to get noticed, which would make sense seeing as she’s just one giant money making scammy advertisement, but not as authentic as an informercial selling spray paint for bald spots, at least you know that shit is a scam just watching the testimonials…Lady Gaga is a subtle scam that people don’t know is a scam because they believe her self promotion that doesn’t come with a disclaimer that she’s a scam…

At least no one is sexualizing her, you know because she’s Lady Gaga and Terrifying looking.

This is when I say I sexually assaulted her ass in a TORONTO club before she was really famous…with my hand…while she wasn’t wearing pants then…it was 7 years ago…I’m such a predator…pervert and her ass was firm and round…so much of a pervert and predator that I assume she is thinking about me in all her songs about date rape…even though she didn’t feel my ass grabbing…because it’s safe to say at the time, she liked any attention she could get…and by looking at these shorts…it’s safe to say her ass hasn’t held up as well as it could have..


Posted in:Lady Gaga|SFW




Bella Thorne is Ready to Fuck of the Day


I have heard that redheads are extra horny, it’s like that line of DNA code that makes them have fluorescent pussy hair is for some reason connected to their clits…always making them ready and willing to fuck like machines. It could be because they are so insecure about their red fiery hair that they can’t help but fuck any dick they can get their hands on, or that is into fucking them…but I don’t know if that’s true…I’ve never had sex with a redhead..

What I do know is that Bella Thorne is clearly down to fuck, into a little “subtle” PDA knowing the paparazzi are watching, like a little exhibitionist pornstar, only she has a legit career and can’t ruin it by masturbating on cam all day, but she wants to, and possibly does with a mask on, these nympho’s are hard to really keep track of…the kind of girl who fucks you til your dick falls off and still wants to fuck more so she goes down to the kitchen and fucks any random dick-like object she can find, including but not limited to your roommate, best friend or father….

The Social Justice Rape Culture girls would say that just because she’s doing this, in this pose, with her ass out, hand on dude’s side like “thrust into me”…probably saying dirty things trying to get him hard and humiliate him…doesn’t mean she wants to fuck, this isn’t consent and it’s not “good enough”…but when it comes to pics…it is…because jerking off to her all horny as fuck in pics isn’t rape…they may think it is…since sexualizing a girl who’s ass is out as she presses up against the cock she fucks…is wrong…so wrong it’s right?!…No means yes?


Here she is in a lesbian kiss for some trailer with some girl co-star called Samara Weaving..


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Heidi Klum’s 100 Years Old Body Doing Bikini Shoots of the Day


Heidi Klum is a 100 year old freak of nature. I am going to assume that dude with the MAKITA power tool is either with an Air Compressor, or a Staple gun to keep her GUNT in place…

I mean that, or she’s a product of Nazi Germany, that wasn’t that long ago in the grand scheme of Humanity, and Heidi Klum’s life, and in being a product of Nazi Germany she’s both Genetically modified and ages great thanks to the good old genetic/human experiments designed in the BAYER labs when creating Asprin….and a sexual deviant who likes getting shit on or maybe she’s the one doing the shitty after being violated by Seal’s arm sized penis that made her a bunch of babies…

There’s video….on her instagram…

A video posted by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on

Here she is jumping into bed…

A video posted by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on

Here she is seducing you so over exposed you can’t tell she’s 100 years old….

A video posted by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on

Seriously…this is like some of those handjob tutorials you see in porn…

A video posted by Heidi Klum (@heidiklum) on

Posted in:Heidi Klum|SFW




Padma Lakshmi in Lingerie of the Day


“Don’t hate because I’m in lingerie. Moms do that sometimes.”

Padma Lakshmi is most famously known as being a sugar baby. The kind of girl who gets in her lingerie when it comes to seducing old billionaires. In such a dark and egotistical way that she pretends the baby she is carrying from one billionaire – belongs to another billionaire who was dying of cancer – only to ensure that baby – who wasn’t even that billionaire’s baby – get the fucking billion dollar inheritance…despite already having a billion dollar inheritance from the actual biological father…because she’s a fucking dirty, low level trick…who targets the high end john…

She’s in her 50s, in her lingerie, demostrating tits that tricked men into making the creature that crawled out of her cunt…worth more than God…

Terrible human being..but the tits are good…not worth billion dollar babies according to me..that she can prove otherwise with bank statements…but still good..for an old weathered cunt…

Posted in:Padma Lakshmi|SFW




Gisele Bundchen’s Tranny Back in a G-String of the Day


There have been rumors, that may not be actual rumors, but theories I’ve had about Gisele Bundchen, that I’ve started to believe as truth after doing hundreds of posts on her – over the last 12 years of this silly little site I call home…

Those rumors include that she is a tranny from brazil who for the most part of her career tucked her dick aggressively enough to not get caught – being an underwear model for the evil corporation all those years….because tranny’s don’t get their periods or pregnant and it’s a solid way to have men steal a woman’s job….without the women getting mad because if you get caught you pull the BRUCE JENNER card….

They continued with her being Tom Brady’s beard, since locker rooms are pretty fucking gay and athletes have an image to uphold, so finding the model with the most boyish hips – was a no-brainer…the world has believe her lie so long -they’ll continue to…

Then they faked the pregnancies and all that shit…and she got fired from the brand because her cover was going to be blown – and still makes millions in modeling, unlike most trans people who just do sex work…

Now, she’s still deemed a woman, one of the most well paid women…and all I see is the back of a man in a thong…but the rest of the world…sees what I guess they think is sexy…you gang of faggots.

Posted in:Gisele Bundchen|SFW




Taylor Swift’s Titty Show of the Day


She is the single most important personality in the fucking universe, at least that’s what she’d like you to think, or that’s what her earnings would lead one to believe, the kind of money no single person should be able to generate, especially not when they are some full of shit fucking lie, slut who we don’t care is a slut, so this isn’t slut shaming Social Justic Warriors, it’s just identifying what a bitch is, and what a bitch pretends she isn’t, because singing about cheating on boyfriends, or fucking any cock she can because it’s a great de-stresser in her stressful life, or maybe just because it validates her and makes her feel wanted and pretty in a more substantial way than just fans throwing their fucking money at her…but whatever the reason…Taylor Swift, the queen of heartbreak in song, despite having no fucking soul…is showing some cleavage…because along with her model friends…cleavage, even on a hike…makes her feel sexy, seductive, and it satisfies her insatiable sex drive knowing at least one pervert will jerk off to this…even though she’s not hot!

Posted in:SFW|Taylor Swift




Sofia Richie See Through Titty Shirt of the Day


Sofia Richie is an 18 year old – actual daughter of Lionel Richie, unlike her entitled, spoiled and annoying cunt sister the world probably forgets, because she really didn’t matter much, she was more just a Paris Hilton groupie, Nicole Richie….is actually Lionel Richie’s kid….

But that doesn’t mean she’s not equally entitled, spoiled, and annoying…it’s not like Lionel Richie bothers too much with them…he’s a very busy singer of song…easier to throw money their way and after being put through the wringer with that Nicole adopted bitch…anything would be a blessing…especially if it was made from your DNA…

That said, she’s already been fucked by Beiber, a story that is confusing only because it was before she turned 18. Something Beiber has done a lot including but not limited to with Hailey Baldwin…because he likes them underage…yet he’s never been arrested as a sex offender….maybe because daughters of rich people don’t count as actual humans…I mean I don’t see them as actual humans…making it a free for all in their pussies…filling their void..their sadness…or whatever it is that motivates them to go to bars in LA in shirts that show off a lot of tit…knowing the paparazzi will be there…because it’s one of those bars…trying to get seen…because it will get her more instagram followers as that is what all these selfie taking whores with no substance crave….

So here’s another rich kid, famous dad, trust fund brat…trying to become a personality of her own…like a little Kylie but with actual black DNA in her…with them tits…

Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie




Lindsay Lohan’s Fingerless of the Day


There was a story that came out yesterday about Lindsay Lohan, who is some identity crisis you may remember from Mean Girls, because today is National Mean Girls Day, I only know that because I creeped her Instagram, I have never actually seen mean Girls…and this isn’t about Mean Girls…it’s about Lohan…

So she was apparently in TURKEY being ARAB, where she stuck her RING FINGER into some boat engine or something and Lost part of her RING FINGER in what I would assume was her being dramatic and trying to get back at her really rich Russian Fiance…because Lohan is just that kind of bitch..

I remember talking to someone who was at a party with her many years ago in LA, some rich person trendy person after party…and Lohan was sitting on the couch alone…playing with a kitchen knife…looking off into the abyss….because she’s fucked in the fucking head…and still is…

It stems from being whored out by her family, raped by the media, in an industry that fucked her head up hard….but at least she’s got a sense of humor…

I was trying to get my friend to write a top 10 things LOHAN can’t do without her fingers….they never wrote it and I don’t do top 10 lists of clickbait…I find them dumb, she only got “she can’t hold the coke straw anymore”….and I added “she’ll be able to fist Sam Ronson easier”…but ended with that…

It turns out the best LOHAN losing her finger joke was from LOHAN herself…in the caption on this picture of “ONE HANDED SELFIE”….what a joker…



Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|SFW




Karolina Kurkova’s Less Fat in Grazia of the Day


The hightlight of Karolina Kurkova’s career as far as I’m concerned was when she did the Victoria’s Secret fashion show and didn’t fit into any of the outfits that they had already sized her for – which as Trump would say – she blew up 60 lbs in a short period of time – and didn’t quite explode but was definitely a MISS PIGGY…


That said, she has since made a serious comeback, it’s been 8 fucking years, she’s had time to go back to her model roots and either do fitness or starve herself, when the work stopped coming in…she realized that not only TRUMP likes models skinny, every mother fucker out there, even HILLARY CLINTON supports like models skinny, 98 percent of gay men in the industry have called fat models more than just MISS PIGGY historically…so we can angle it as “FAT GIRLS ARE PEOPLE TOO”…which the media loves doing now…but for 100 fucking years…fat people were people too, they worked as bakers, clerks, even behind the scenes…and weren’t fucking models….or they were if they were rich enough…

Karolina Kurkova clearly knows what matters, all it took was some weightloss to be amazing, that logic applies to everyone…because fat lives matter as much as the fat person killing themselves think their lives matter….not very much.

Posted in:Karolina Kurkova|SFW