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Archive for the SFW Category




Britney Spears wants a Hot Nerd with a Big Penis of the Day

Britney Spears is looking for a hot nerd, who is also a really hot guy, with a real big penis.

I figure that I’d put this out there, but I am sure it’s more like dealing with a woman with dementia at the old folks home, so medicated, confused and all kinds of crazy that she doesn’t realize what the fuck she’s saying.

I am just hoping her next episode involves her stripping down and sticking things in her vagina and ass screaming bloody murder….

You know, she’s had one small scale episode before – we need more, with more mom pussy lip in it…

I think this is a preview of what that could be, but her team of handlers would never allow the actual fun, pervert Britney out, they need that money she makes them…and that’s the saddest thing of all in her Britney Spears story.

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Kylie Jenner for Richard Kern in Wonderland of the Day


Kylie Jenner is one of the most famous creatures, and I use that word gently, I’ve seen her in person and she’s more of a horror movie monster, with pounds of fleshy stapled to her face in the form of BOTOX…at 18 and this one is the one I hope falls into serious drug addiction and fails terribly. She’s the Michael Jackson of the family, the Gary Coleman, the child star who has such a distorted sense of reality because she doesn’t remember when they were modest Los Angeles county living multi millionaires thanks to LIFE cereal and her mom fucking and getting knocked up by OJ Simpson…and his legal team.

Either way, this shoot for Wonderland magazine is a pretty big deal because the pictures are by Richard Kern, who may not be a Helmut Newton or any other really celebrated photographer, but he is one of the original nude hipster photographers, probably in his 50s or 60s, who has never been accused of being a Terry with the girls, but who is still an old creep that hangs out with young girls and shoots them naked for a bunch of things, like his own pervert “art” books and Vice Magazine, with a feature called “Shot By Kern” that had both hot and disgusting girls, before Vice became part of MTV or FOX or whoever the fuck bought VICE turning it into the mainstream packaged as ALTERNATIVE shit it is….

Doesn’t matter, because we haven’t seen the pics yet, she may not even be naked but for those of you who know creepy photographers, you know that when all they want is a girl naked, it’s not about the art – but rather about them jerking off to the outtakes, and of course they act like it’s not, they want you to come back for more and tell your friends how professional the motherfucker is so he get more and more outtakes of naked 18-20 year olds, shooting them all fucking day….

I’ll post the pics when they happen.

Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Hailey Clauson for Zoey Grossman of the Day


I feel like I’ve probably posted these Hailey Clauson pictures by Zoey Grossman because I follow Zoey Grossman on social media and I was on the front lines of my instagram feed – fighting the good fight – when Hailey Clauson the SI cover girl was making her comeback from doing something that should have blacklisted her…

Because she posed slutty at 16 with her dad on set, and Urban Outfitters published the slutty pics and created a whole controversy that I assume was staged, because if it wasn’t no one would ever work with the bitch again, and they do…..because she’s good in pics…I hear massive in person…

Either way, in that comeback she did LOVE and LEMONS and SHe shot with Terry and She showed Areola for Flaunt and She DID Agent Provocateur and GUESS? and she even did a photoshoot with YU TSAI from Sports Illustrated, I guess paving the way for her SI cover HERE …and TO SEE THE REST OF THE HER SPORTS ILLUSTRATED ISSUE CLICK HERE

Here are some more pics of HAILEY CLAUSON – because people like her…

Posted in:Hailey Clauson|SFW




Straight Women TOuching Straight Women Vag for the First Time of the Day

The internet is a crazy place filled with stupid social experiments that I guess aren’t always that bad – but still annoy me – because they are fucking dumb even if I like, no, love vaginas and everything to do with vaginas…..

So this is some pervert girl letting straight girls touch her nasty manhandled vagina – and I hope she made them hand sanitize….

So this mechanical, zero sexy video where girls made the weirdest references like that she feels like summer,or a baed good, and it is all kinds of really fucking awkward….

Even though everyone knows that girls are all fucking lesbian vagina lovers….and girls all want to suck each other’s pussies…and based on my experiences girls can very easily not be turned on by having their pussies touched…if you got turned on by the actress her name is Tara Barry and THEIR FACEBOOK and I want the outtakes because I need proof vaginas were touched, this is too easy to fake

Posted in:SFW|Videos




Hailee Steinfeld’s Possible Nipple of the Day




Hailiee Steinfeld was jailbait once, and now she’s showing nipple, nipple that not at all exciting, at least not to me…I find her big…boring…but I guess I feel that way about everyone so that’s not entirely fair to her.

It’s like if a motherfucker is a homo and hates all pussy, it doesn’t make the pussy all bad, not that I’m a homo, but every dude who comes to this site thinks I must be one, because why would anyone care about posting this bullshit who is straight, unless they are into these bitches, and why would any straight guy not think all nipples are wonderful…but the truth is, the nipple isn’t the issue, it’s the cunt it’s attached to, and not the cunt I’d obviously eat, but the cunt as a whole, the personal brand, the Hailiee Steinfeld…from the movies…with money and celebrity – but why…she’s not all great…

I guess what I’m saying is I have fucking standards in the smut being shoved down our throat and the people the kids of tomorrow are looking up to thanks to shitty Pitch Perfect movies…and her song about masturbating that she didn’t even write…

It’s like stop giving these talentless, overrated girls love…but I can’t cuz hating on them is how I make my dot com billions – internet money. Go fuck yourself…




Posted in:Hailiee Steinfeld|SFW




Bella Thorne Tits in a Bikini of the Day


Some dude who attacked me on Twitter, claiming to never read the site because I am apparently the whiniest bitch of the internet since I write my content for girls and not for bros, which means I say things like “Holy shit, this girl is a narcissistic cunt, every fucking day is an excuse to post a slutty pic that can be positioned as not being slutty, so that her dude fans who think she’s hot can get a little fucking cock tease, like she was a non-nude model from early internet…never showing nipple but charging 30 dollars a month to motherfuckers who though maybe one day she would”….

Or what really upset him was that I call her a 40 year old pretending to be a recently turned 18 year old, because I know 18 year olds and they don’t have bodies like this, and I know 18 year olds who do have bodies and they never have to go to the fucking gym, and with modern botox you can pull off 18 at 40 with enough lying and no real reference point for us to catch that lie, so like I said yesterday, it’d be a great movie by the girl from Pitch Perfect starring Amy Schumer and Jennifer Aniston or Cameron Diaz because that’s what makes hit movies…

Elevator Pitch, Stage Mom with Hipster Kids who Don’t Want to be Mainstream successes, Decides to go to an Audition she set up at Disney for her kids, pretending to be her kid, only she gets the part and is now forced with building her celebrity as an 18 year old and not get caught…bitch needs to STAGE PARENT HER GODDAMN SELF.

Brilliant. Get me two fucking RAZZIES..


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




stepGIRLS Like their Drinking of the Day


I like to drink…and I like most people around me to like to drink. I once knew a guy who never drank, because he liked the idea of being under control, I guess because he was so fucking uptight he feared what he would do out of control, in what was a very uncomfortable time going out with him as his judgmental eyes stared at me creepily while I had all the fun…you know some American Psycho shit…all weird, awkward, freaky…even psychotic from never having a good time, or getting laid…since sex and booze are best friends, unless you’re a feminist leader in this RAPE CULTURE movement…where you’d tell a different story…rape is bad.

So unless you’ve been arrested for being drunk, or you’ve really ruined your life and almost died because of being drunk, you have no right to not get drunk…

Win hen I came across this RUM BLENDER concept of blending your own RUM…customized booze is far better than the swill I would drink when I couldn’t afford to drink anything but swill…Luxury…you mean there’s actual choice in alcohol beyond “anything cheap that won’t make me go blind…”…

Either way, I was so blown away that I had gift my friend in Australia with a bottle…Australia has hot girls…who like to drink…and I guess he gifted me with these pics of some back in the sand with the gift…yes I buy people gifts….when they bring me gifts via stepGIRLS in bathing suits looking good…

Girl, Booze, Beach, Bathing Suit, Tits, Body, Sand….just don’t drink and swim motherfuckers, drowning while drunk is a fail…


Posted in:SFW|stepGIRLS




Jessica Simpson Bikini Tits of the Day


I guess Jessica Simpson is feeling sexy, because she’s posing like some instagram whore who also works as a stripper since being a cam girl is too risky for her personal brand you know seeing as people can record webcam shows and all that…all rocking some daisy dukes shirts and a bikini bra for her big old mom tits, looking far less fat than she was at her fattest and far older than she was at her hottest, but still Jessica Simpson in a bikini top….

Posted in:Jessica Simpson|SFW




Charlotte McKinney Ass Flash of the Day


Charlotte McKinney known for her tits, and I use the word “known” pretty fucking lightly, since she’s a virtual nobody who got on TV like she was a somebody, because I guess she met the right guy with the right connections at some Florida club one night, who probably promised to get her on TV, hoping to get laid, and she called him out on it…forcing him to figure out a way to market her as more than tits that at the time were barely known on instagram..

She’s got the face of a Florida Hooters girl who has seen one too many bad sun burns, she’s got a good enough body, and tits in America still get you work, but like a comedic actress, without being a comedic actress, she wants you to see she’s got more diverse range than just her one trick tits…she’s also got an ass.


Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW




Jennifer Lawrence Tits Creates a Charity of the Day

Jennifer Lawrence is giving a gift of 2,000,000 tax deductible dollars to the Children’s Heart Foundation because despite being a puppet of the media with no soul, she’s into kids with no hearts….or with broken hearts…because she probably found some recipe or spell that needed Children’s hearts and this was the only way to get it!

I don’t care if the idea is vain, the amount of money that will actually get to the kids will be closer to 20,000 dollars…

I read the WYCLEF AMA on REDDIT yesterday…and saw how to master a fake charity through clever accouunting tactics…

I do care that she’s showing her tits, tits that brown dude AZIZ who is overrated pussy comedy but successful because immigrants like him..

I guess what I’m saying is that I prefer when celebs spend their money on cocaine and hookers, because I like when people acknowledge the vapid, self absorbed cunts they are…this “do good” because it is “good press” no matter what money is involved irritates me…but then again anything that she does that doesn’t involve self shot nudes annoys me too…

I mean – why the fuck is she so fucking famous and in everything – some deals with the devil were made -maybe that’s why she wants to buy all the Kentucky based baby hearts….because in a world filled with equally “talented” actors she just doesn’t make any fucking sense…I don’t trust her….

Posted in:Jennifer Lawrence|SFW