I'll Make You Famous…




Fun Married Couple of the Day

I don’t see what the big deal is, so dude convinced kids to have sex while he masturbated in the corner, sounds like a good time to me, I mean in this generation you can’t have a party with teenagers without the sex, he’s just trying to keep shit current and trendy, holding onto his youth and being the cool older guy who faciliates the fun, so I can only blame the Christian policies of the USA for ruining his fun….. like when I got in trouble for buying a 15 year old a bag of coke for a handjob, 14 is legal motherfuckers…fine that never happened…I just gave her crushed up lactose pills but she didn’t know the difference, fine…I never got it on with a 14 year old, not even when I was 14, but it coulda happened and it woulda been legal, cuz I am in Canada….I do know a creep guy who would jerk off to teens fucking when I see one and this dudes mustache should have given him away….

Posted in:Cool Couple|Party




Katie Price and her Tired Face, Stupid Tits and Puke Dress of the Day

Katie Price is getting old and her plastic surgery doesn’t seem like it is keeping up with the aging process no matter how hard she tries.

Sure, she still has her stupid tits that distract you from all else wrong with her, but her face looks pretty hacked up and tired, but I guess that’s what happens when your career is based on getting fucked up at parties and getting fucked in sex tapes before doing stupid photoshoot and marrying a gay dude who was under the impression you were a man because of the bulge you have in your pants….

So I guess her dress that looks like the puke covered snow outside my local bar, you know a wide variety of colors of puke you don’t really want to put in your mouth or eat, kinda the same feelings you’d have when faced with her pussy….

But we watched her come up, we might as well watch her fall and that concludes our review of short lived pathetic careers.

Pics via INF

Posted in:Haggard|Katie Price|old|Tired|Tits




Dina Lohan’s Stained Leggings of the Day

If there’s one thing I know about the Lohan’s it is that they are well versed with stains, whether those stains are the Lohans on the entertainment industry, or the stains all over their clothes in order to become and remain the stain on the entertainment industry, seriously a lot of dick sucking and cumshots were taken to get them where they are today, the only problem is they need a hell of a lot more than Tide with Bleach to get rid of them, seriously, 90 percent of the coke these bitches have been huffing has been cut with detergent and they are still fucking standing….so seeing Lohan momma with dirty leggings she’s wearing cuz she’s competitive and trying to be hotter than her 15 year old daughter by dressing like her and humiliating herself in the process, something the family seems good at…

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Dina Lohan|Leggings




J.Lo’s Unfortunate Comeback of the Day

I saw a preview of a new J.Lo movie the other day when my friend took me to a cheap night movie and I got pretty fucking mad about the shit, I thought she was done and forgotten but I was fucking wrong. I never liked her, I never found her hot, I didn’t care about her ass and the whole Latino bullshit never appealed to me, but for some reason she got a gig on hosting the George Lopez show, possibly cuz they are related, or maybe because she owns him, and here she is playing up her latino roots with this fake accent, forgetting that we all know J.Lo, we all know she doesn’t really have this accent, she is just lying to us and I am only posting this becuase I’d like her to go the fuck back where she was the last few years. Seriously.

Posted in:Garbage|J.Lo




Jessica Simpson Shows Off Her Big Bra of the Day

Here are some pictures of Jessica Simpson and her date…her bra…because it turns out her bra is the only support she has in her life. She has no fans cuz she has no career. Her family have all eyes on Ashlee who has this new bustling career, this seemingly happy marriage and this new baby who has proud much excitement and pride to the Simpson family, while Jessica has brough nothing to the family……She has no boyfriend cuz they all leave her, her husband is no her ex-husband and he is off with some immigrant leaving her with she has no one to pat her on the back, offer her a hand and help her back on her feet, no one to settle down and start a family with, no one to hug her when she feels sad and along, but she’s got her bra and that fucking thing looks like strong and like it will support her through everything….even a Haitian Earthquake….

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Bra|Jessica Simpson|See Thru




Kim Kardashian Sucking Candy Cuz She’s Fat of the Day

I never understood why people get off to sitting on a bench in the park and watching girls sucking popsicles, or standing outside an ice cream shop loving watching girls eating ice cream and having it drip down her chin, or even hanging out in candy shops trying to help girls chose the lollipop over Sour Kids…it’s actually fucking creepy….but not as creepy as girls who try to play things up for the camera to simulate dick sucking, but in Kim Kardashian’s defense, she’s just a fat bitch who needs her sugar fix and she’s trying to mask it by being as erotic as she can which in her case comes easy cuz she finds food erotic to begin with cuz that’s what fat does to you, kinda like whenever I buy day old pastries from the bakery and I shove shit in my pants cuz I’m embarrassed by my weakness to food, only to get hard and cum in the shit all while lookin’ like I have a substantial cock, if you know what I mean….

Pics via PacificCoastNews

Posted in:Candy|Kim Kardashian|Sucker




Britney Spears Lesbian Tits of the Day

Here are some pictures of Britney Spears’ tits doing something seriously unnatural, so unnatural it’s like two people of the same gender having sexual relationships with each other and requesting the government allows them to get married…Gross….

Seriously, these are some serious lesbian tits, it looks like Britney ripped them right off a fucking lesbian, like a really broad, construction boot wearing, real deal lesbian, not the lipstick college girl who had a bad relationship with her high school sweetheart so she lets her roommate fuck her with a vibrator before bed kind of lesbian, but more the kind of lesbian who changes transmissions for fun, who likes cutting down trees and who likes operating heavy equipment because demolition is the best part of rennovating lesbian…when not too busy banding together to challenge each other to hit the streets the person who comes back with the most severed dicks wins…

Needless to say…shit’s not hot…

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Britney Spears|Lesbian|Tits




Heidi Montag and Her Triple D Tits Final Cry for Attention of the DAy

I didn’t want to bother writing about Heidi Montag’s plastic surgery because I knew it was her final publicity stunt before pretty much fading away into obscurity thanks to The Hills being replaced by Jersey Shore. I wanted to ignore her cuz I’ve given her too much attention…

See a few weeks ago, I noticed that Heidi and Spencer added me to twitter, despite me not bothering following them, so I wanted to check in and see what the fuck the deal was, and it turned out they were following 1000s of people in a desperate attempt to get more people behind them, but no one even care, so I smiled knowing they were done and went with my useless day….

Then this story of 10 surgeries, one asshole husband I fucking hate, a failed self-produced pop album she spent all her money on in some ill-advised strategy, some labia reduction surgery, a few new DDD bras and an insecure, useless bitch and I figured bitch has a little more fight in her….and sure she looks a little better…giving horse-headed whores everywhere hope, but I know this is just the beginning of her becoming one of those vile plastic surgery freaks I see in porn, at strip clubs or in pictures in rich Jewish households, and the whole thing is fucking funny to me….but not as funny as watching her new face struggle to talk in this video People Magazine produced….if you haven’t already seen it…

Watch The Video

Posted in:Heidi Montag|Plastic Surgery|Triple D




Lily Allen Does the Lady Gaga of the Day

Lady Gaga, Lily Allen and Katy Perry were the trifecta of ugly popstars who came up at the same fucking time. It made me lose hope in society when something so bad could get so much positive attention. I personally like my ugly chicks on the sidelines crying and feeling like shit about themselves and not making millions, it just confuses me. But thats not really the point of this post, the point of this post is that Gaga is the one who came out on top and the two ugly bitches trailing her are doing all they can to appeal to the public, but they don’t realize that Lady Gaga isn’t famous because of her outfits or look, she’s not even famous because she caters to losers like Perez Hilton who write about her 10 times a day making other losers thing she’s amazing, she’s famous because she belongs to Akon and Akon owns HitLab and has scientific research behind each song they release knowing it will pollute our brains and make us buy shit she promotes and we can only hope they glitch one day and make the entire world want to murder her….cuz when the world turns on you…I hear chances of survival are limited….

Here’s Lily Allen making a fool of herself.

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Lady Gaga|Lily Allen|Pantsless




Cori Rist is Part of the Reason Tiger Woods is a Sex Addict of the Day

I am lazy today – something Tiger Woods’ penis can’t really relate to, but in its defense, he probably didn’t get any pussy growing up because he was playing golf, a sport that didn’t have the same appeal 20 years ago and that was reserved for people in their 40s or older and their friendless kids who they feel bad for….but now motherfucker is a billionaire and some of the pussy he is getting looks like this and really when you have pussy like this and a lot of down time on your hands thanks to Viagra, sex addiction comes with the territory, and I don’t really think there is such thing as sex addiction, it’s just something the Christians invented to ruin our fun…

Pics via Bauer

Posted in:Cori Rist|Hot|Tiger