I'll Make You Famous…




Some Sophie Anderton Almost Upskirt of the Day

Her name is Sophie Anderton, she was a coke addicted prostitute who did some modeling and reality TV work on the side. She dated Footballers, and did 8 balls, while sucking their balls, and getting them to pay her so she could ball.

This is her at Liverpool Fashion week almost showing her money maker, because in a workin’ class town, the highest profile celebs you can get to your event is usually the kind of girl you can pay to fuck. Liverpool is just upscale like that since fucking for free is for peasants at least that’s what whores like to believe….because no one like to admit they are trash.

Posted in:Liverpool Fashion Week|Sophie Anderton|Upskirt




Jordan in Some Shorts Goes to the Tanning Salon of the Day

Jordan rocked a bunch of towels the other day at the beach. I thought that it had something to do with her body being sloppy, saggy and scarred up. Maybe it had to do with her being insecure about her tits since they aren’t as big as they once were, I mean who the fuck knows what the fuck goes through a woman like Jordan’s mind, other than the complex thought of how to use her tits to peddle more product and make more money because she wasn’t satsified getting 10 dollars a song like the other strippers out there and I think above all it reflects how fucked our society is and what we really put importance on.

That said, here she is at a tanning salon getting a tan, because I guess her shade of orange is fading and needs to be retouched and that’s probably the real reason for the Towel Bikini….

Posted in:Jordan|Shorts|Tan




Lil Kim in Some Leotard Shit for Biggie of the Day

Biggie died a bunch of years ago yesterday, people made a big deal out of it. Diddy went from 10,000 to 100,000 followers on Twitter yesterday alone, because he’s managed to milk Biggie for all his life and death is fucking worth and make a killing doin’ it, while Radio shows did tribute sets to Biggie and Lil Kim did Dancing With the Stars and didn’t dedicate her shit to Biggie, despite him being the only reason her whore pussy can call herself a star. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t really care about Biggie or his death and I am not really sure why other people do, maybe it’s because they like feeling part of something, but if he was still alive today, I doubt people would label him as the best rapper of all time.

Sure the whole thing is boring and bullshit and so are these pictures of Lil Kim in her spandex rockin’ some Cameltoe Biggie stuck his tongue, dick, fingers and friends inside that I figured I’d post to jump on that Biggie is Dead bandwagon one day too late, which happens to be less days than I am normally late….

Posted in:Biggie|Cameltoe|Lil Kim|Spandex




Girls Have a Pissing in Pants Competition of the Day

I saw this on Youtube the other day and didn’t think to post it because I was too busy trying to crop and upload pictures of some usesless celebrity vagina that people seem to care about, but shouldn’t, especially when this kind of fucking amazingness happens in everyday life.

I don’t know why we fixate ourselves on famous people, or why people are drawn to them, after doing this site they all seem pretty fucking boring, fabricated, vapid and useless. Everything they do is staged, they make too much fucking money and people give them way too much positive reinforcement that distorts their reality into thinking they matter while really they don’t do anything of substance with their money or celebrity for the world. They are pigs….

But not the kind of pigs that matter, because if they really mattered then they would hold celebrity pant pissing contests and documented that shit for the world to see, probably never, because of cocksucker PR people and bullshit images to maintain to make the church happy, but that is the reason why you all gotta seperate yourself from that bullshit media mindfuck and take shit back to the public bathroom, the dorm room and wherever else their are sluts trashy enough to piss themselves together for the sake of honest fucking entertianment.

Posted in:Girls|Pants|Peeing|Pissing




Some Older Bikini Pics of Miss Universe that I Slept On of the Day

I have no idea how I slept on these week old pictures of Miss Universe at Atlantis in the Bahamas rockin’ out in a bikini, but I did, so I’m trying to make up for lost time by putting them up today.

I have a problem of forgetting to check other sites or bother caring about much other than my own demise, that usually makes great things like this bitch in a bikini slip through my greasy fingers…and when I try to make up for it, it’s usually too late and either goes unnoticed, unappreciated, or just offends the person for trying after making it clear that I just don’t give a fuck..but since she’s has a solid body, shit’s timeless.

The interesting thing in all this is that she’s at the Atlantis Resort and the 2009 Miss Universe Pageant is set to take place that the Atlantis Resort and I have a feeling this shit’s some PR bullshit that Trump, who owns the Miss Universe Pageant’s got up his money grubbing sleave and I just fell for it and I guess I’m okay with that, but would be a lot better with it if I was given free rooms for the fucking free publicity I gave you, it’s fucking winter, I can’t afford heat and I’m cold man…

Posted in:Bikini|Miss Universe




Britney Spears Bikini by the Pool of the Day

I saw some ragged immigrant at a pharmacy late last night. I had nothing to do with my time and figured I’d swing by and pretend to pick up a few obscure objects to make the people around me nervous. You put someDuct Tape, Vaseline, a pair of scissors and some Diapers and tell a random woman in the cosmetic section how you’d love to take her out for coffee. The reaction is always funny. I will film it one day and if anyone out there rips off the concept I will have no choice but to reference this post and sue you…

Either way, she was buying maxi pads, which was weird to begin with, because everyone knows that nobody uses max pads, we’re a tampon generation filled with Toxic Shock, but as she went through the packages comparing prices, while her crying baby was in a carriage by her side and her 3 year old was pulling shit off the shelves at 3 in the fucking morning, I thought to myself that this would be Britney’s life if she was working the night shift at the dinner where she belongs, but thanks to some miracle that isn’t being all that talented, or all that hot, but more to do with being marketable or marketed, bitch is rockin’ out in a bikini by the pool. It’s almost a rags to riches story, but I have a feeling she hadn’t got her period when she first started out. Admit it you liked that play on words…

Bonus – Here’s Some Pictures of Her Shopping in Some Daisy Dukes…..

Posted in:Bikini|Britney Spears




Eva Herzigova is in a Bikini on Vacation of the Day

It is Eva Herzigova’s birthday today, she just turns 36, at least that’s what Wikipedia said when I checked it to find out who the fuck this bitch was. Sure, I’ve written about her before, but I just don’t have a memory for these kinds of things, I figure you see one famous chick in a bikini, you’ve seen them all, and that’s why I just refer to all the women in my life as Sally, because learning one name is a lot easier than learning multiple names, so here’s Sally in her bikini, I guess having a good by party/retirement party/ golden handshake for her sex appeal, because menopause is just around the fuckin’ corner and I can taste the dessert storm pussy from here….or maybe that’s just shit residue on my hand from not washing….

Posted in:Bikini|Eva Herzigova




How About Some Crazy Jamaican Dancehall Whores Acting Insane…of the Day

This is a video of some crazed Jamaican Dancehall dancers doing some pretty erotic dance moves in their bathing suits with no music on. I’ve never been to Jamaica but I have seen some friend’s resort video that was pretty much a compilation of the staff of the resort simulating hard animalistic sex with tourists, I’m talking girls pinned up to the fucking wall getting dry humped harder than Chris Brown hits Rihanna and this video is a step up from that. My favorite part of it is the Bike Tire to Pussy Move…

Posted in:Dancehall|Jamaican|Sluts




Steve Wozniak and Karina Smirnoff Rock Dancing With the Stars of the Day

I want to fuck Karina Smirnoff, sure she hasn’t got the hottest face of all time, but bitch looks like she fucks like a machine. She’s a trained dancer and wears sheer dresses and moves like a goddess. I have only fucked a trained dancer once and I remember it being pretty legendary because I could just sit back while she popped and locked and whatever other dance moves she had in her catalog on my cock, her body tight and her stamina better than mine.

The point is that I watched Dancing With The Stars last night at a friend’s house and saw this autistic computer engineer who founded Apple, and felt a little awkward watching his awkwardness, until realizing that he was the guy who was fucking Kathy Griffin and the idea of them licking each other’s asshole scares the fuck out of me, but not as much as Tom Bergeron’s constant Apple jokes, dude coulda gone on all fucking night.

Watch the video, shit’s pretty funny shit….and when you’re done with that watch Holly Madison bringing back her old stage dance back when she was a stripper…

Posted in:Dancing With the Stars|Karina Smirnoff|Steve Wozniak




Lady Gaga Forgets Her Pants on The View of the Day

Lady Gaga talks like a Drag Queen. There is no way that her raspy voice dick suckin’ voice does not have a penis. She is also into outrageous half naked outfits, ugly chinless faces, and this glam bullshit, and all that shit is way to gay….this is a stage show you’d find at the local drag bar and I’ve been to a few of them, I’ve always hung out with drag queens and she’s fully biting their style. I don’t believe she has a vagina because I don’t want to believe she has a vagina, but if she does, it is safe to say that all the showboating is just to distract us from the ugly she is.

Posted in:Lady Gaga|The View|Ugly