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Sarah Hyland Jheri Curl of the Day

Sarah Hyland Jerry Curl

Sarah Hyland rockin’ a Jheri Curl, like some nubian princess….or 70s pornstar….heading to the disco to dance the night away on coke and booze now that her liver’s been replaced a few times..

Is this cultural appropriation? Is she pretending to be black, is she Jewish? Is it a perm for a role in on of her very important acting jobs? Why so many questions, she’s fucking weird looking and underdeveloped, but she’s showing cleavage and the people…love cleavage….the people being YOU!!!

Fucking Perverts


Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Rumer Willis Short Shorts of the day

Rumer Willis Short Shorts

Rumer Willis got some thighs going on….thick fucking thighs….rubbing together thighs….surprisingly juicy thighs…no thigh gap thighs….cellulite ridden……

I don’t know how some plastic surgery ridden daughter of a plastic surgeon ridden mom…can be so dumpy….but does it even matter…

Her dad is selling off his 33 million dollar Turks and Caicos….so bitch can be as thunderous thighs as possible….no one cares how busted she is….

Bruce Willis. That is what matters. His fans will fuck her to get close to him…that is her story but it allows her to live that lazy rich kid life.


Posted in:Rumer Willis|SFW




Julianne Hough Fat Pussy Print and Hard NIpples of the Day

Julianne Hough Hard Nipples Fat Pussy Print

I don’t know about you, but some of my favorite MEMES are Mormon Memes.

I have no idea why I got sucked into the Mormon Meme accounts on social media, because I have no affiliation with Mormons, other than knowing a few Julianne Hough type Mormons who leave the church either due to being sexually assaulted, or they leave because they tired of being oppressed and not the slut they want to be…you know after their first Mormon marriage to a Missionary turns sour..either way…the Mormons who leave Mormonism, like Julianne Hough are generally pretty slutty.

So in my Mormon Memes hobby – my number two favorite is “What is a Missionary’s Favorite Car”….a CONVERTIBLE…

My number one is….Modest is the Hottest…set to a pic of some Mormon bitch in her Mormon underwear. Brilliant…but clearly something that this Rumspringa Bad Mormon doesn’t believe in….maybe that’s what makes it so funny. Mormons.

Julianne Hough Hard Nipples Fat Pussy Print


Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Ariel Winter Skinny Pussy Print of the Day

Ariel Winter Skinny pussy Print

Ariel Winter who I guess has quit food, started speed, or the KETO diet. She is still young and rich and has the ability to get fit with a little effort. She has a team of people who make money off of her that rely on her to not be 40 lbs overweight and who chime in her ear about it everyday. Her multimillion dollar a year acting contract that countless other more qualified and hotter women want. You know that NETWORK show. Probably comes with some clauses regarding not being a fat pig. So she’s finally stepped it up, since no one likes being fat….

The good news is she’s still got some of her fat tits, that she’s already had chopped off at least once…..but the bad news is that she’s just as unattractive and troll like…she’s just a better version of herself..which I find pretty uninteresting, yet I will post it anyway. I have no hobbies or things to do with myself…so I just post this shit…over and over….


Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Barbara Palvin Sweaty Body of the Day

Barbara Palvin Sweaty Body Bikini

Barbara Palvin is Victoria’s Secret’s answer to plus sized models, because like me and probably most of you, being plus sized isn’t all that impressive…we are all fat, we’ve been with fat chicks and we have a grasp and how unimpressive being fat is. You sit on your ass, in lazy and unhealthiness, and you eat until you develop chronic disease and die…not really something I want to stare at when looking at bitches in lingerie. Not something anyone but a handful of you with a fat chick fetish should be into. So seeing it mainstream and accepted confuses me….celebrate health and fitness not freaks in bikinis cuz they are shameless and don’t mind humiliating themselves, in fact they call it empowering. Weird.

Barbara Palvin was a Victoria’s Secret model before she became plus sized and got fired by them….only to come back to her people to produce shit like that…that I assume is part of her being a VS angel..but that I could be wrong about since I don’t fucking care.


Posted in:Barbara Palvin|SFW




Top 9 Biggest Tits on Instagram of the Day

Clickbait…it comes in the form of TOP LISTS.

Clickbait…It is the foundation of fake news, something I would have loved to have capitalized on when it was happening, because I have spent years making shit up on the internet….but it is also the Top Lists…because people, even if they know it is clickbait trying to trap them into clicking through the site for ad impressions…we’re onto you clickbait….but we are just too curious to not click it to see if we agree with the list…

Clickbait…coupled with Tits….cuz tits like clickbait gets hits….making this post a level of brilliance…a match made it heaven…a hot and heavy romance…

Top 9 Biggest Tits on Instagram we call this post: “Click…and….Bate….”










Posted in:Featured Post|SFW|stepLISTS




Chantel Jeffries Hard Nipples of the Day

Chantelle Jeffries Hard Nipples

Chantel Jeffries and her hard nipples sporting a “too busy” shirt, which in and of itself is obviously ironic, like when people used to wear “Getting Lucky in Kentucky” T-shirts in the early 2000s….when people thought t-shirts were the best way to express themselves and their sense of humor in public….it made for a lot of annoying people…..but the trend still exists and just last week I saw a dude wearing a shirt that said “Sorry Ladies, I’m already another like a brother to another girl”….or something equally silly…

That said, Chantel Jeffries is some instagram whore, which means she doesn’t work, doesn’t have a job, despite calling herself a DJ…and she has plenty of free time to just hang…and or turn her face into some plastic muppet looking thing…along with all the other LA girls working on their faces to be ready to fully transition into claymation figurines for Christmas….


Posted in:Chantel Jeffries|SFW




Elle Fanning Toilet Porn of the day

Elle Fanning Toilet Porn

I don’t what Elle Fanning is up to in this pic…but I do find it pretty great.

Nothing like a girl on the toilet – taking a piss – or maybe a shit – for the camera.

It’s a theme I’ve seen on social media, maybe all part of the stripping down of people in putting themselves fully out there…

The toilet pic, like the but selfie, is a thing in and of itself…

The Hand over pussy, too band….I prefer my toilet pics to have pussy exposed, not just panties exposed for all of you to imagine sniffing…..

The German scat fetishists are super keen on this…the golden shower freaks, which seem to be everyone – also hyped on tis…and I guess the Fanning fans who have watched the family manipulate the world all these years through stage parenting in hollywood…must be going nuts…

We love when these girls start falling apart and exposing themselves…I mean what’s not to love about it. Right. RIGht.


Posted in:Elle Fanning|SFW




Amber Heard Braless of the Day

Amber Heard Braless

Amber Heard is a garbage opportunist slut that we can all agree should be the figurehead or leader of the BELIEVE ALL WOMEN hashtag – to remind everyone that there are bad people out there – they come in both genders – and they can have no soul, can destroy people who get in their way, all while they try to climb over them or plow through them to get to where they want to go….psychopaths can be women….and delusions can happen to women…more so if they are on Birth Control…or on their period…

So when someone vowed to be loyal to her partner releases a recording of her partner being abusive after she framed him to be abusive…especially when her partner is the most famous actor she knows will be rattled or destroyed by the move…no matter how mad the person is…that level of vindictiveness is the kind that screams “SHITTY FUCKING PERSON”…

Amber Heard, who likes showing off her tits, like she used to like showing off that she is bisexual when Johnny Depp first met her, before she was famous, wile trying to be famous….is a Shitty fucking person.

Don’t believe all women, believe all women who aren’t lying cunts who are out for themselves.



Posted in:Amber Heard|SFW




Josephine Skriver Bikini Dreams of the Day

Josephine Skriver….

Who reminds us that you don’t need traditional sex to make babies….you can do it in a test tube and choose all of its features. From gender, to air color, to tit size…which is a lot of fun if you’re a deadbeat dad, because you can make some fucking ugly little troll of a human who is genetically predisposed to all kinds of diseases and obesity, who will only be 3.5 feet tall, with the biggest set of tits…and RED HAIR…you know if you have a sense of humor about things.

Skriver’s dad decided to go model route, where she has managed to see success with the mall brand I think funded him.

Skriver, who is on vacation being slutty with her boyfriend who I think stole her virginity…when she came to america to fulfill her duties to the team that made her…

What it comes down to is if you’re a pro lifer, you by default can’t acknowledge this created by sin creature…cuz she is the opposite of an abortion….a person who doesn’t want to have a kid eliminating her kid, is the same as a person who can’t have kids, injecting themselves with kids…like Skriver’s pervert homosexual dad….

Point being, she looks good half naked.

Posted in:Josepehine Skriver|SFW