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JoJo’s Yoga Tits of the Day

JoJo Yoga Tits

We may not know why anyone would care about JOJO, and we may not understand why anyone cared about JOJO back when she was an underage popstar back before social media was a thing, because there was a time when JOJO was clickbait jailbait bait….before falling off and spending all her money…

But we do understand what it means to be slutty in a workout, you know while trying to do the healthy and positive thing to live her best life, tits out….especially when it’s part of her second attempt at something that probably shouldn’t have happened the first time around and was just a weird lottery win..

I guess fans / perverts are loyal…

Posted in:JoJo|Jojo Levesque|SFW




Peyton Roi List Bikini of the Day

Peyton Roi List posted up some bikini pics, for whatever reason, that I will just assume is her trying to perpetuate her fame, you know grow her celebrity, in a place where all the young people are, by being provocative, like all the young people are, because that’s the nature of the business…and old perverts like that…

Old perverts also like this Peyton Roi List, who I don’t really know as a celebrity, but who I have discovered through WIKIPEDIA, that she is 19, and that she has been on a series of Disney Channel shows, that you know Old Perverts watch either with their kids and think “I’d fuck that”…or on their own because there are men without kids who have subscribed to the Disney Channel from their cable providers due to perversions….

I know you’re more into girl born in Y2K….the Year 2000….but this 1998er will have to do…

Posted in:Peyton Roi List|SFW




Dakota Johnson Cameltoe of the Day

Dakota Johnson tight black leggings and a cameltoe

Here are some paparazzi pics of Dakota Johnson pointing at her vagina in leggings, like a little weird kid in a daycare who flashes all the girls and points at his genitals, because I guess she’s stunted from being a celebrity daughter, emotionally traumatized, PTSD, coddled by the hired nannies her mom Melanie Griffith and Don Johnson…..and stepfather Antonio Banderas provided…

They are pretty much the only reason she’s got a job in Hollywood…working on slutty 50 shades of bullshit movies that have given her a place in the world as fodder for old ladies to watch and masturbate to…not quite hot enough for me to masturbate to, I just don’t find her hot, but if there’s a cameltoe, there’s a me….staring at it…and trying to rebuild her vagina in my head from what I think it would look like based on the vagina definition…like my brain is a 3D printer…

Posted in:Dakota Johnson|SFW




Ariel Winter Still Fat in Leggings of the Day

Ariel Winter gunt in leggings

I am a firm believer that fitness doesn’t come in all shapes and sizes, there is fat and there is fit and there’s nothing much in between, so no matter how often Ariel Winter goes to the gym, it’s clearly not working for her, probably because she’s forced to, and really you can be distracted by her monster tits, monsters because they are large, but more monstrous because even after you gut them off to reshape them, they grow back in full force…like some kind of zombie you can’t kill…the tit version…which luckily for her still a tit…because we like tits…and her fan base of creeps who watched her “blossom” on TV after her parents robbed her of her childhood….really love her tit….but seeing that body from the side profile, is pretty fucking dumpy for someone not even 20 yet…and reminds us that she’s just fat chick tits…

Point being…here’s Ariel Winter…not hot.

Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




J.Lo Hard Nipples and Leggings of the Day

Jennifer Lopez hard nipples cleavage and tight leggings

J.Lo, like Kardashian, with what I assume the same amount of plastic surgery or “medi-spa” treatments, is pretending she’s not 100 fucking years old, and is sexualizing herself, there’s no way this “fitness casual” picture of herself isn’t her not sexualizing herself to generate some hype, to possibly masturbate to the feedback she gets, because this is what narcissistic, egotistical, garbage people who think they are wonderful, because everyone tells them they are, are into…

I will never admit that J.Lo…I’ll save that for all the middle age women who dream to look like this, all hard nippled on instagram like they were 18 year old sluts trying to make it….only old and rich and with no excuse to do this other than a “ho is a ho is a ho”…

Seriously, what is this celebrating beyond J.Lo celebrating herself….and it’s weird she’s still going, simmer the fuck down…you already made it, let someone else have a chance…..you greedy cunt…sucking in all it can.

Jennifer Lopez Hard Nipples in A White bra

Posted in:J.Lo|SFW




Demi Rose Hooker With an Ant Shaped Body of the Day

Demi Rose bends over in a bikini showing a wet ass

If you’ve spent a lot of time alone in the wilderness, or the park, hallucinating from your alcoholism or drug use…or if you live like a slob like me…and bugs are drawn to your living situation from the food and rotting wood… you’ll know that the shape of an ant, is that most of it is in the booty…

Thanks to modern science, ass injections, an instagram filter or app, this sex worker who is a known sex worker, has a very similar shape…unnatural to humans…but something men pay to fuck…and the more followers she gets, or press she gets in UK tabloids, the more they are willing to pay for her…

It’s weird…I don’t get it or find her hot…if anything she’s fucking vile and disgusting…but she’s getting people talking about her like she matters and I guess that’s all that matters in this vapid disgusting world…everyone’s just trying to be a kardashian…

These are not stills from A Bugs Life

Posted in:Demi Rose|SFW




Bella Thorne Titties Still Exist of the Day

Bella Thorne Titties

I know Bella Thorne is not that interesting or exciting….if anything she’s repetitive, played out, over exposed, her whoring dull, and her boyfriend and her living this weirdo life unfomfortable at best..

But she’s still got them FAKE tits and that counts for something….I’m not sure what that something is…but it works for all these other TITTY whores who don’t have a Disney Kid legacy, and don’t get work as an actor or weird RAVER DJ..so you’d think she’s winning at life…and I guess that’s the hope for when you get yourself some fake tits….

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Victoria Beckham’s Hard Nipples of the Day

Victoria Beckham hard nipples see through black shirt

Vitoria Beckham has the least effective bra for her old lady tits…by least effective I mean they are showccasing her hard nipples…which I guess for most perverts would mean that it is the most effective bra…probably an unnecessary bra…because her tits and really everything about her seems BOLT ON…I mean she’s a rich Spice Girl and Soccer Wife..who’s husband has publicly cheated on her…likely for safety reasons to not be sliced by her hard nipples…and despite being a mom of a dozen and old and fuck..I still don’t mind checkin’ out them hard nipple tits…She’s the Spice Girl has been preserved the best….and hard nipples, once a fetish when I was in High School and horny for everythng… still something you can jerk off to…if you’re old like me…and remember when it was the simple things in life like hard nipples that we could get off to…but we aren’t appreciate of of the little things…like nipples anymore…..but should be because they are special…and good to chew on..


Posted in:SFW|Victoria Beckham




Natalie Portman Hookin’ On Set of the Day

Natalie Portman Hookin' in thigh high boots

I don’t know what this is all about, but it’s from a movie called VOX LUX, and it features your girl Natalie Portman, who thanks to her affiliations with Star Wars has made her iconic…but more interestingly, her affiliations with Judaism made her the dream Jewish girl for Jewish guys looking for a Jewish girl to marry to keep the family tradition happy…you know cuz she’s hot.

I also know that whatever this is, Natalie Portman is getting paid so fucking much for what you see right her…her “art” that is ultimately irrelevant in the grand scheme of the progression of man…

Even if she’ll whine that she’s not getting paid as much as a dude…she’s getting paid too fucking much and it is disgusting..

The tits are good though.


Posted in:Natalie Portman|SFW




Hope Hicks May Have a Sex Tape of the Day

Hope Hicks May Have a Sex tape

In doing what I do, I hear A LOT of gossip from a lot of people I’ve come across along the way….unfortunately because I don’t care about this shit…

This is why I knew Ryan Seacrest and Weinstein were predators years ago…

This is why I knew that Miranda Kerr fucked Bieber while married to Orlando…

There have been so many thing I’ve called out over the years, that people ignore, that end up coming out as fact, that everyone jumps onto….because no one listens to me…

The latest gossip I’ve been told from a few people is that Hope Hicks has been offered, or is being offered a lump sum of money for a Sex Tape from VIVID….the people behind Kardashian and so many others…to help her turn over a new leaf in her career and pay for some medical bills..

Because everyone’s got a price..

I don’t follow American Politics, it’s the beauty of being Canadian….

I do know that Hope Hicks is the hot chick from the White House who you’d want to see in a sex tape….over Omarosa or whoever the fuck else is in the White House…more like the Wet House…am I right…oh I am right…

I like to reduce seemingly accomplished chicks to sex objects, and luckily for the most part…they do too….

As annoying as all things TRUMP is…I hope Ivanka’s big tits make a cameo on this sex tape…

Posted in:Hope Hicks|SFW