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Candice Swanepoel is Pregnant – But this is her Not Pregnant of the Day

Candice Swanepoel booty in a black swimsuit

Candice Swanepoel is at some ready to drop for the second time in 24 months, making her pregnant the better part of the last 24 months, because I guess it was easier than having dude pull out, you know when family planning, you gotta take what the good lord gives you, assuming she’s a religious woman, as she must be being a white from South Africa…those prospector types with their farms and slaves always seem to be people of god…but then again she’s a half naked, exhibitionist who gets paid by an evil underwear brand to get half naked, even while pregnant because they are sick fucking people, all because she’s hot…so maybe that god thing doesn’t matter, and the babies, as many babies as an Orthodox Jewish family a the discount shop, or the weird mormons with 100 kids, or even a 1870s pre-birth control family in the old country…or in the midwest getting started on their AMERICAN dream that this SOUTH AFRICAN has successfully achieved…maybe it’s just narcissism…

What I am getting at is all this pregnancy is gross, all her breeding in this overpopulated world is presumptuous and obnoxious really, but luckily she knows better than to post more pics of her pregnancy to focus on her being not pregnant, because if we don’t need to see the pregnancy, it’s like it didn’t happen when she makes her comeback to the panty catalog….

Not fascinating enough, that’s for sure.

Posted in:Candice Swanepeol|SFW




Magdalena Frackowiak Got Them Titties Out of the Day

Her name is Magdalena Frackowiak. She is an interesting, but not that interesting story of a Polish woman with a dream – who did all she could to make it in America – who eventually booked Victoria’s Secret for something like 750k and was kept around a few years – making more money than her GYSPY mother back home ever imagined…only to be fired and forced to start a jewelery line but more interestingly post topless shameless pics while she still has an audience, before she gets too old, her tits out…at what must be 30…still going after the dream, not realizing she already lived in and is done.

Magdalena Frackowiak Tits out in a BRa

Posted in:Magdalena Frackowiak|SFW




Britney Spears in a Tight Dress of the Day

I think one of the best things on the internet is Britney Spears self produced video of her doing outfit changes, or fashion shows, or “what I’m wearing” segments for her social media because she looks bat-shit crazy, medicated, being given a taste of independence and creative experession in her multi million dollar prison facility they disguise as her home….

It’s bootleg, it’s low quality, her body looks awesome, and I’m a fan of this publically kidnapped dancing Monkey…she just keeps getting weirder and better…

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Heidi Klum Ass Out of the Day

Heidi Klum Ass in a Thong on Instagram

Heidi Klum and the fact that she’s a product of German Engineering that I think are called EUGENICS…posted up some sleazy half nude pics, because why the fuck not pul the instagram model – when you’re an actual model who has spend 30 or 40 years doing slutty poses, you know your angles and what the people want to see. GOOD JOB…

What I am most interested in seeing is her actual vagina, but I guess we should be thanking her for keeping it hidden..you know since Seal used his forearm sized cock to ravage her in ways only a German fetishist in a S&M Sex Club high on POPPERS could handle…NOT TO MENTION she’s also had dozens of kids from that German S&M sex….making her the leader of a Beige Army and I’d think it is safe to say, that 50 year old Twat is likely the casuality of it….

But the rest of her looks pretty good….

Here she is at the Grammy’s…

Topless for some Top Model shit


Posted in:Heidi Klum|SFW




Kendall Jenner Underboob vs Kim K’s Disgusting Nudes of the Day

Kendall Jenner shows her Underboob

Kendall Jenner has titties that she’d like you all to see the bottom of because Kendall Jenner is a Jenner and thus everything about her involves winning, performance enhancement, and mutilating her genitals due to mental disorders later in life…that everyone will pretend is a real condition and pander to it, even though it’s gender appropriation and a parody of another gender, rather than being that actual gender…offensive to anyone with a brain but these people are flip floppers in their causes to support or hate.

But I do believe if a man wants to live a life pretending to be a woman, who cares it doesn’t phase me…but I’m sure it would fuck up his kids, I knew kids when I was growing up in an era of pre gay everywhere, who had parents leave the family to be gay, and they were really mentally fucked about it, I like to think dad chopping off his dick is another level of that…at least I hope…this narcissist steps outside herself enough to actually hate herself, feel sorry for herself and maybe even remove herself from the internet she’s been using to shove herself down our throat to cash in….

It’s annoying but it’s got under tit.

Here’s her sister, mentor, leader who is just a gutter pile of shit – who still gets brand deals despite being an exhibitionist porn chick – something brands claim to hate – something instagram claims to delete – yet still pay her – and promote her porno account because they are all hypocrite idiots -.

KIM K – The old washed up – fake body – reason they all exist:

And her pussy hole…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Hailey Baldwin Tits of the Day

Hailey Baldwin Big tit pops out

I have facial recognition blindness, so I have no idea if this is bottom feeder Hailey Baldwin, wearing a wig in a push up bra, but she did post it on her social media, any my pervision – seems to see nipple, because she doesn’t have quite enough tit to get the cleavage she’s going for – and that may be a 1/4 nipple – which I guess may not be a nipple at all..

I mean she’s a Christian girl raised in a Christian family by her ex womanizing drug addicted father who’s love for Christ seems like a bit of a farce, despite his passion for it, like her modling career….yes I know Stephen Baldwin well enough to say this, I saw him on of the apprentice once and it was enough…

I also know that Hailey Baldwin will end up succeeding, she’s positioned to succeed and people are too lazy to not let her succeed….but at least she’s got titty pics on her feed, the right approach to take if you ask me and really anyone looking at what this bootleg Kardashian is good for.

Posted in:Hailey Baldwin|SFW




Lily-Rose Depp Topless of the Day

Lily-Rose Depp Topless showing side tit on the water

Lily-Rose Depp posted a topless pic, because she’s young, rich and free and working as an actress or a model, or just as the daughter of Johnny Depp who can do no wrong, and who understands the power of toplessness thanks to having been raised partially in France, where topless at the ocean is considered clothed…a good lesson for all 19 year olds to have, that most 19 year olds have already learned, thanks to the whole instagram tits getting hits / likes / follows shit…

What I do like about her – is that out of all the entitled celebrity assholes out there, she’s the least annoying…she doesn’t seem to be out there trying that hard, and knows thanks to her dad she doesn’t need to try hard and that doesn’t mean she’s not annoying, spoiled or entitled, it just means its less annoying when she is based on the basics of being Johnny Depp’s daughter…it’s like “ok, we get it”…


Here’s some Lily Rose Depp’s Hard Nipples of the Day

Lily Rose Depp No Bra

Posted in:Lily Rose Depp|SFW




Madison Beer Cleavage of the Day

Madison Beer Big tits in a black dress

Madison Beer’s Got them Titties On…titties that her mom saw develop and thought the logical thing “Let’s Start a Youtube Even Though she’s 14″….

She’s no longer 14, but the damage of being exploited and sexualized and really reduced to a fuck toy, you can assume she thinks she’s hotter than she is, and that pushing out her tits makes her even hotter than she already thinks she is…..

And if you’ve ever fucked a hot chick, and you haven’t, whether it is a stripper, a model, an instagram model, or even a not that hot but think she’s hotter than you chick…and she probably is, she’ll 99 percent of the time they’ll be a terrible fuck…and leave you disappointed, maybe happy it happened for you, but overall disappointed wit the:

“I’m letting you in me and that’s enough work, so do your thing and if I cum I cum, and when I cum, I’ll make sure you cum by saying shit like “did you cum yet” or “are you going to cum yet”….because girls who think they are hot are the worst…and have better things to do with their time…

Not that Madison Beer will fuck you, but you can pretend she does when staring at her tits as you fuck the roast beef sandwich your mom made you for lunch.


Posted in:Madison Beer|SFW




Hailey Clauson for Ocean Drive of the Day

Hailey Clauson Close up Big lips and big tits

Hailey Clauson is out there doing it – because she’s resilient….that’s what models do – they overcome all odds and bring their best best face and body to the photoshoot where they are objectified by brands, photographers, marketing people, just wanting them to look their hottest, to make the most noise, and get the most attention, to sell as much product as possible…

Even after this hipster model, who sued a Hipster leader, for slutting her out when underage…WHILE HER DAD WAS ON SET….to cash the fuck in young, something you’d think would get her blacklisted for being a volatile fucker, the kind you hire who shit on you after you pay them, and who you end up in court with….so you just settle making her rich enough to not have to model…

She’s able to keep her vibe alive….doing magazines, Sports Illustrated, mattering…what a hero really…who has faced struggles and adversity…

IMPRESSIVE…in Ocean Drive.

Posted in:Hailey Clauson|SFW




Emmanuelle Chriqui Tits in a Bikini of the Day

Emmanuelle Chriqui in a yellow bikini with big tits

Emmanuelle Chriqui is old and tired…the star of “Entourage” or whatever low level shit she’s done in her career….because I don’t know or track Emmanuelle Chriqui….but I do know she’s old….

But that body is out of control, which is a good thing, because her face is looking it’s age…

You can never TRUST instagram with the whole filters and FACETUNE where you can basically recreate your entire body…but I figure if it looks good in pictures, and pictures are all I’m getting, because I don’t know this Canadian Moroccan woman, since we don’t go to the same SYNAGOGUE, because she went off to LA to be famous and I’m not Jewish….

But you can stare at the tits.

Posted in:Emmanuelle Chriqui|SFW