I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the SFW Category




Ellie Goulding in a Swimsuit of the Day


Ellie Goulding is a UK popstar…who had one big hit song that was on the radio all the fucking time…over and over again…to the point where you’d want to choke her out…and after looking at her slutty pics for social media…you’d probably want to choke her out in a romantic way….in the bedroom…while banging her…because girls, all girls, except maybe the lesbian kind are really into violent sex. Usually they are under 25 and as someone who remembers when that would be something that would have been frowned upon back in the 90s…it’s always weird to participate in…but these girls who grow up on porn beg for this shit…they love this shit…and if you don’t punch them in the face while banging them…they get mad….whether it is daddy issues, social media insecurities, or just porn…it doesn’t matter, it weirds me out…but the whole world is a terribly fucked up place….and here’s Ellie Goulding hitting a tire with her anger…

Posted in:Ellie Goulding|SFW




Jackie Cruz MONSTER NIPPLES of the Day


Jackie Cruz is from Orange is the New Black…..I’ve never heard of her, but wikipedia has and apparently she’s 30…and her nipples are fucking massive….at least I think they are, because she’s on the beach in a bathing suit that seems to have a window, and I think I can see her massive fucking dinner plate sized nipples..and it’s pretty gross…but expected because her last name is CRUZ…if you know what I mean…and you know….

She’s born and raised in America and the Dominican Republic – she was homeless – she’s had brain surgery and she’s got HUGE DINNER PLATE SIZED NIPPLES…

I don’t know if this is erotic or not…but it’s DINNER PLATE SIZED NIPPLES…just missing some burgers on those fuckers…for me to eat off of..

Posted in:Jackie Cruz|SFW




Ashley Graham Tries to Had Her Fat, While Pretending to Own the Fat, While No One Likes being Fat of the Day

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Ashley Graham and some other underserving cunts got the cover of VOGUE, because VOGUE wants the “it” people involved who are not actual models but are actual models like Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner because they pretend they are…and the people pander to them, because they are rich and that’s how the world works…coddle the already coddled…and the good news is that it won’t fix them….and eventually they’ll crack, too bad they arey younger, it will probably happen later in life…when I’ll be dead.

Ashley Graham, the woman three times the size of all the other women, charging….at the cameraman because he’s holding a burger…now that shit’s crazy…The media loves fat people – to sell burgers, fries, and candy to…

They want us on pharmaceuticals for diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure….so celebrate fat girls…make fat acceptable…when everyone knows that it’s not acceptable, it’s disgusting…EVEN THEM…

They want us lazy as fuck….to consume their bullshit and be too lazy to overthrow the government…But unfortunately, the fat girls they use are the ones with the loudest voices are the fucking worst…as they promote being “healthy Fat”…even though that doesn’t exist…and we all know they wish they weren’t fat…but are milking their fat…cuz it gets them on the cover of Vogue…and if you can make money in a lazy way with a lazy attitude cuz you’re lazy – proven by your fatness….you keep that lie going….

Garbage…but the funny thing is she’s doing fat girl posing tactics, like hand on thigh, to look like she’s less offensively fat…because VOGUE doesn’t like fat people no matter how hard they pretend…

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Posted in:Ashley Graham|SFW




Hannah Ferguson Promoting Swimsuits of the Day


Hannah Ferguson is one of the Sports Illustrated models who doesn’t really matter, but who gets in a bikini, and we like bikinis…I hate these bikini shoots…

The problem with Hannah Ferguson is that her only skill set is getting into a bikini, and for some reason people hire her based on that alone, but the fact is there are so many girls willing to do this for free – and they do do this for free…so why use this one who has been picked up by an agency and a magazine no one cares about…there’s no benefit to using her than the like thousands of other girls on Instagram with millions of followers who don’t have the ego, day rate, etc…

If marketing people weren’t lazy and actually did their jobs, they would figure out that they could get 10 Hanna Ferguson’s for the price of Hannah Ferguson, they just won’t have a team behind them to make the contract insane…which is even better…

The world has figured out that that there is no need for “bikini” models chosen by some archaic agency and some out of touch magazine but the brands are just fucking clueless…

We got all kinds of girls in bikinis all day everyday…why is this one booking at least one job a year? It’s weird, but maybe SI makes their army of girls do free shoots for their advertisers…YOU never know…

Posted in:Hannah Ferguson|SFW




Natalie Portman’s Bare Ass in a Movie of the Day


I don’t know if this really qualifies as a pic of Nat Portman’s bare ass, but she looks like she’s naked on the beach in this move, so I guess it does count, I’m just desensitized from the media and need gaping asshole being inserted to tighten up her mom pussy pics – to actually care…while this is just weird to me…

But lucky for Natalie Portman, she’s Natalie Portman, the Hot Jewish icon to Jewish men everywhere, hoping they one day find their Natalie Portman….the beacon of hope that there are other hot Jewish girls out there…and there are…I’ve fucked a few of them…and they all had big tits…not that Natalie Portman, your favorite Star Wars star, RIP Carrie Fisher, and a mom of at least one…or maybe two kids….has big tits…but she’s still Jewish…and that’s ok…unless you’re a racist American who think her people control tech, entertainment, finance, the media, medicine, pharma.. because they do..but from your white sheet wearing trailer park party…where you wrestle lawn furniture…that there seems like a conspiracy…like calling this pic of her ass a pic of her ass…it’s clearly not ass enough

Posted in:Natalie Portman|SFW




Bella Hadid Nipple for Love Magazine of the Day


Bella Hadid is the bootleg Hadid that some think is the better Hadid…because she’s less popular, mainstream, and the less popular sister is always the naughty one who ends up killing herself, but in this case, she just rides that Hadid wave and cashes in on the family business that makes no sense to any reasonable person, but that makes sense in this internet fame whore world…

I like to think of her as more of the girl who got blasted by big black dick, because rich girls like to fill voids, through cock, especially when they are the least popular sister…but I figure this one is clever enough to realize she’s already fucking scamming hard enough and to be as important as Gigi doesn’t fucking matter, because she’s doing pretty fucking good just being in her fucking shadow…with her nipples out…in Love magazine…nipples…you can stare at like you were the Weeknd without actually needing to be the Weeknd, that tour schedule..so tough to keep up…

Posted in:Bella Hadid|SFW




Sarah Hyland’s Creepy Face is a Self Proclaimed Human Vibrator of the Day

Sarah Hyland creeps me the fuck out, but I know dudes love jerking off to her, because she’s on TV and has been on TV for a longtime, and even though she’s not jailbait anymore, she still looks like she’s 12, thanks to her parents doing what gymnast parents used to do, and that’s anything to stunt her growth so that she can keep the teen roles coming in…until she fall apart and she can’t get away with it!!

She’s the big sister of Ariel Winter, with the smaller tits, probably hating her and her tits for all the hype they are getting…

Anyway, she’s saying she’s a twitchy weird chick…full on telling the world she’s a vibrator…weird..

I have no idea why I am posting this…BUT I AM…fascinating..

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Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW




Rita Ora in a Diaper of the Day


I guess when you let all kinds of big dick black guys ram the fuck out of your ass to get you a career in music – despite no one ever hearing any of your songs – you have to deal with the consequences – by wearing a diaper the rest of your fucking life…

Unless this is just some fat chick shaping underwear, which it probably is, but I am going with diaper…or even abortion panties…you know reminiscent of the 1950s pre-maxi pad when women had to wear things like this to deal with her period…only with less period and more unwanted babies that are a terrible consequence of letting dudes cum up inside her..


Posted in:Rita Ora|SFW




Hailey Clauson Titty Grab of the Day


Big and Busty Hailey Clauson who is best known for her Sports Illustrated cover shoot dream …who is best known for suing the Urban Outfitters because they used pics of her humping a motorcycle when she was 16 in a campaign – even though her dad was on set participating in the whoring out of his 16 year old daughter Urban Outfitters – probably anticipating making more money on the back end after it was used….which is exactly what happened – cashed the fuck in or out – and this modeling is just for fun.

Hailey Clauson is some 21 year old model who is making some moves with her big, hormones in the food tits, who excites me because all girls under 25 are amazing and slutty thanks to being raised on hardcore internet porn, that has taken them to very dark and dangerous places sexually, that were once reserved for the dirtiest broken down girl with daddy issues and applies to everyone…YAY…thanks INTERNET…..

Here’s her tit grab for – what I assume is SI…

Posted in:Hailey Clauson|SFW




Rihanna LIVES and is in Harper’s Bazaar of the Day


Rihanna went full “aviator” because she fucking loves that movie…with Harper’s Bazaar and her team came up with this powerful quote to go along with the images because of…..Feminism…

“There’s something so special about a woman who dominates in a man’s world. It takes a certain grace, strength, intelligence, fearlessness, and the nerve to never take no for an answer. Amelia Earhart was such a dynamic force in her industry, setting multiple aviation records in her time. So it was a no-brainer for me to team up with Harper’s BAZAAR in honor of a woman who held her own with the big boys.”

Rihanna is some High School drop out who doesn’t know shit about anything like writing words or reading them. She probably knows nothing about avaition, Earhart, but she knows all about hard ons…like ears and hearts….only that she sucks…to have a career..that isn’t just handed out you know…

She’s an immigrant from Barbados who came to America to become the biggest star, a country where their black people feel oppressed just driving their Mercedes like my UBER driver…who hate that there’s a China Town and not a Black Town…yet Rihanna comes in, on some immigrant visa and becomes Rihanna….DICKS WERE SUCKED…SHE LIVED IN A FUCKING SHANTY….i want the real Hollywood story…not the

It takes a certain grace, strength, intelligence, fearlessness, and the nerve to never take no for an answer.

It would make me mad, but I’m staring at her tits.

The best pic in the series is her being a plane dancer, which was the job the husband pilot made the wife do to get paid…and hope she died…that said, Rihanna didn’t die in the making of this photoshop….

Posted in:Rihanna|SFW